blob: 0c246787c2400f39a9e6d19ee8e95bd100acdef3 [file] [log] [blame]
### Compilation failed:
error: 4: function 'testOut' never assigns a value to out parameter 'b'
void testOut(out float2 a, out float2 b, out float2 c) { a = float2(1); }
error: 4: function 'testOut' never assigns a value to out parameter 'c'
void testOut(out float2 a, out float2 b, out float2 c) { a = float2(1); }
error: 8: function 'testSOut' never assigns a value to out parameter 'b'
void testSOut(out S a, out S b, out S c) { a.value = float2(1); }
error: 8: function 'testSOut' never assigns a value to out parameter 'c'
void testSOut(out S a, out S b, out S c) { a.value = float2(1); }
4 errors