| ### Compilation failed: |
| |
| error: 4: value is out of range for type 'uint': -1 |
| uint uintMinMinusOne = -1; // error |
| ^^ |
| error: 6: integer is too large: 4294967296 |
| uint uintMaxPlusOne = 4294967296; // error |
| ^^^^^^^^^^ |
| error: 8: value is out of range for type 'ushort': -1 |
| ushort4 us4_neg = ushort4(2, 1, 0, -1); // error -1 |
| ^^ |
| error: 9: value is out of range for type 'ushort': 65536 |
| ushort4 us4_pos = ushort4(65536, 65535, 65534, 65533); // error 65536 |
| ^^^^^ |
| error: 11: value is out of range for type 'uint': 4294967296 |
| uint cast_int = uint(4294967296.); // error |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| error: 12: value is out of range for type 'ushort': 65536 |
| ushort cast_short = ushort(65536.); // error |
| ^^^^^^ |
| 6 errors |