blob: a5c6ecede0521e303b968ddcd9e1982732bb4d51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPDFDevice_DEFINED
#define SkPDFDevice_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "src/core/SkClipStack.h"
#include "src/core/SkClipStackDevice.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/pdf/SkKeyedImage.h"
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFGraphicStackState.h"
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFTypes.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
class SkBitmap;
class SkBlender;
class SkData;
class SkDevice;
class SkImage;
class SkMesh;
class SkPDFDocument;
class SkPaint;
class SkPath;
class SkRRect;
class SkSpecialImage;
class SkSurface;
class SkSurfaceProps;
class SkVertices;
enum class SkBlendMode;
struct SkIRect;
struct SkISize;
struct SkImageInfo;
struct SkPoint;
struct SkRect;
namespace sktext {
class GlyphRun;
class GlyphRunList;
* \class SkPDFDevice
* An SkPDFDevice is the drawing context for a page or layer of PDF
* content.
class SkPDFDevice final : public SkClipStackDevice {
* @param pageSize Page size in point units.
* 1 point == 127/360 mm == 1/72 inch
* @param document A non-null pointer back to the
* PDFDocument object. The document is responsible for
* de-duplicating across pages (via the SkPDFDocument) and
* for early serializing of large immutable objects, such
* as images (via SkPDFDocument::serialize()).
* @param initialTransform Transform to be applied to the entire page.
SkPDFDevice(SkISize pageSize, SkPDFDocument* document,
const SkMatrix& initialTransform = SkMatrix::I());
sk_sp<SkPDFDevice> makeCongruentDevice() {
return sk_make_sp<SkPDFDevice>(this->size(), fDocument);
~SkPDFDevice() override;
* These are called inside the per-device-layer loop for each draw call.
* When these are called, we have already applied any saveLayer
* operations, and are handling any looping from the paint.
void drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) override;
void drawPoints(SkCanvas::PointMode mode,
size_t count, const SkPoint[],
const SkPaint& paint) override;
void drawRect(const SkRect& r, const SkPaint& paint) override;
void drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint) override;
void drawRRect(const SkRRect& rr, const SkPaint& paint) override;
void drawPath(const SkPath& origpath, const SkPaint& paint, bool pathIsMutable) override;
void drawImageRect(const SkImage*,
const SkRect* src,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkPaint&,
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint) override;
void drawVertices(const SkVertices*, sk_sp<SkBlender>, const SkPaint&, bool) override;
void drawMesh(const SkMesh&, sk_sp<SkBlender>, const SkPaint&) override;
void drawAnnotation(const SkRect&, const char key[], SkData* value) override;
void drawDevice(SkDevice*, const SkSamplingOptions&, const SkPaint&) override;
void drawSpecial(SkSpecialImage*, const SkMatrix&, const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkPaint&, SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint) override;
sk_sp<SkSurface> makeSurface(const SkImageInfo&, const SkSurfaceProps&) override;
sk_sp<SkDevice> createDevice(const CreateInfo&, const SkPaint*) override;
// PDF specific methods.
void drawSprite(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y,
const SkPaint& paint);
/** Create the resource dictionary for this device. Destructive. */
std::unique_ptr<SkPDFDict> makeResourceDict();
/** Returns a SkStream with the page contents.
std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> content();
const SkMatrix& initialTransform() const { return fInitialTransform; }
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> makeSpecial(const SkBitmap&) override;
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> makeSpecial(const SkImage*) override;
// TODO(vandebo): push most of SkPDFDevice's state into a core object in
// order to get the right access levels without using friend.
friend class ScopedContentEntry;
SkMatrix fInitialTransform;
skia_private::THashSet<SkPDFIndirectReference> fGraphicStateResources;
skia_private::THashSet<SkPDFIndirectReference> fXObjectResources;
skia_private::THashSet<SkPDFIndirectReference> fShaderResources;
skia_private::THashSet<SkPDFIndirectReference> fFontResources;
int fNodeId;
SkDynamicMemoryWStream fContent;
SkDynamicMemoryWStream fContentBuffer;
bool fNeedsExtraSave = false;
SkPDFGraphicStackState fActiveStackState;
SkPDFDocument* fDocument;
void onDrawGlyphRunList(SkCanvas*, const sktext::GlyphRunList&, const SkPaint& paint) override;
// Set alpha to true if making a transparency group form x-objects.
SkPDFIndirectReference makeFormXObjectFromDevice(bool alpha = false);
SkPDFIndirectReference makeFormXObjectFromDevice(SkIRect bbox, bool alpha = false);
void drawFormXObjectWithMask(SkPDFIndirectReference xObject,
SkPDFIndirectReference sMask,
bool invertClip);
// If the paint or clip is such that we shouldn't draw anything, this
// returns nullptr and does not create a content entry.
// setUpContentEntry and finishContentEntry can be used directly, but
// the preferred method is to use the ScopedContentEntry helper class.
SkDynamicMemoryWStream* setUpContentEntry(const SkClipStack* clipStack,
const SkMatrix& matrix,
const SkPaint& paint,
SkPDFIndirectReference* dst);
void finishContentEntry(const SkClipStack*, SkBlendMode, SkPDFIndirectReference, SkPath*);
bool isContentEmpty();
void internalDrawGlyphRun(
const sktext::GlyphRun& glyphRun, SkPoint offset, const SkPaint& runPaint);
void drawGlyphRunAsPath(
const sktext::GlyphRun& glyphRun, SkPoint offset, const SkPaint& runPaint);
void internalDrawImageRect(SkKeyedImage,
const SkRect* src,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkPaint&,
const SkMatrix& canvasTransformationMatrix);
void internalDrawPath(const SkClipStack&,
const SkMatrix&,
const SkPath&,
const SkPaint&,
bool pathIsMutable);
void internalDrawPathWithFilter(const SkClipStack& clipStack,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
const SkPath& origPath,
const SkPaint& paint);
bool handleInversePath(const SkPath& origPath, const SkPaint& paint, bool pathIsMutable);
void clearMaskOnGraphicState(SkDynamicMemoryWStream*);
void setGraphicState(SkPDFIndirectReference gs, SkDynamicMemoryWStream*);
void drawFormXObject(SkPDFIndirectReference xObject, SkDynamicMemoryWStream*, SkPath* shape);
bool hasEmptyClip() const { return this->cs().isEmpty(this->bounds()); }
void reset();