blob: cd617b38e24f001bbbcf53876b0495c249649482 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDebug.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h"
class SkMatrix;
bool SkIRect::intersect(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b) {
SkIRect tmp = {
std::max(a.fLeft, b.fLeft),
std::max(a.fTop, b.fTop),
std::min(a.fRight, b.fRight),
std::min(a.fBottom, b.fBottom)
if (tmp.isEmpty()) {
return false;
*this = tmp;
return true;
void SkIRect::join(const SkIRect& r) {
// do nothing if the params are empty
if (r.fLeft >= r.fRight || r.fTop >= r.fBottom) {
// if we are empty, just assign
if (fLeft >= fRight || fTop >= fBottom) {
*this = r;
} else {
if (r.fLeft < fLeft) fLeft = r.fLeft;
if (r.fTop < fTop) fTop = r.fTop;
if (r.fRight > fRight) fRight = r.fRight;
if (r.fBottom > fBottom) fBottom = r.fBottom;
void SkRect::toQuad(SkPoint quad[4]) const {
quad[0].set(fLeft, fTop);
quad[1].set(fRight, fTop);
quad[2].set(fRight, fBottom);
quad[3].set(fLeft, fBottom);
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
bool SkRect::setBoundsCheck(const SkPoint pts[], int count) {
SkASSERT((pts && count > 0) || count == 0);
if (count <= 0) {
return true;
skvx::float4 min, max;
if (count & 1) {
min = max = skvx::float2::Load(pts).xyxy();
pts += 1;
count -= 1;
} else {
min = max = skvx::float4::Load(pts);
pts += 2;
count -= 2;
skvx::float4 accum = min * 0;
while (count) {
skvx::float4 xy = skvx::float4::Load(pts);
accum = accum * xy;
min = skvx::min(min, xy);
max = skvx::max(max, xy);
pts += 2;
count -= 2;
const bool all_finite = all(accum * 0 == 0);
if (all_finite) {
this->setLTRB(std::min(min[0], min[2]), std::min(min[1], min[3]),
std::max(max[0], max[2]), std::max(max[1], max[3]));
} else {
return all_finite;
void SkRect::setBoundsNoCheck(const SkPoint pts[], int count) {
if (!this->setBoundsCheck(pts, count)) {
this->setLTRB(SK_FloatNaN, SK_FloatNaN, SK_FloatNaN, SK_FloatNaN);
#define CHECK_INTERSECT(al, at, ar, ab, bl, bt, br, bb) \
float L = std::max(al, bl); \
float R = std::min(ar, br); \
float T = std::max(at, bt); \
float B = std::min(ab, bb); \
do { if (!(L < R && T < B)) return false; } while (0)
// do the !(opposite) check so we return false if either arg is NaN
bool SkRect::intersect(const SkRect& r) {
CHECK_INTERSECT(r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom, fLeft, fTop, fRight, fBottom);
this->setLTRB(L, T, R, B);
return true;
bool SkRect::intersect(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) {
CHECK_INTERSECT(a.fLeft, a.fTop, a.fRight, a.fBottom, b.fLeft, b.fTop, b.fRight, b.fBottom);
this->setLTRB(L, T, R, B);
return true;
void SkRect::join(const SkRect& r) {
if (r.isEmpty()) {
if (this->isEmpty()) {
*this = r;
} else {
fLeft = std::min(fLeft, r.fLeft);
fTop = std::min(fTop, r.fTop);
fRight = std::max(fRight, r.fRight);
fBottom = std::max(fBottom, r.fBottom);
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "src/core/SkStringUtils.h"
static const char* set_scalar(SkString* storage, float value, SkScalarAsStringType asType) {
SkAppendScalar(storage, value, asType);
return storage->c_str();
void SkRect::dump(bool asHex) const {
SkScalarAsStringType asType = asHex ? kHex_SkScalarAsStringType : kDec_SkScalarAsStringType;
SkString line;
if (asHex) {
SkString tmp;
line.printf( "SkRect::MakeLTRB(%s, /* %f */\n", set_scalar(&tmp, fLeft, asType), fLeft);
line.appendf(" %s, /* %f */\n", set_scalar(&tmp, fTop, asType), fTop);
line.appendf(" %s, /* %f */\n", set_scalar(&tmp, fRight, asType), fRight);
line.appendf(" %s /* %f */);", set_scalar(&tmp, fBottom, asType), fBottom);
} else {
SkString strL, strT, strR, strB;
SkAppendScalarDec(&strL, fLeft);
SkAppendScalarDec(&strT, fTop);
SkAppendScalarDec(&strR, fRight);
SkAppendScalarDec(&strB, fBottom);
line.printf("SkRect::MakeLTRB(%s, %s, %s, %s);",
strL.c_str(), strT.c_str(), strR.c_str(), strB.c_str());
SkDebugf("%s\n", line.c_str());
template<typename R>
static bool subtract(const R& a, const R& b, R* out) {
if (a.isEmpty() || b.isEmpty() || !R::Intersects(a, b)) {
// Either already empty, or subtracting the empty rect, or there's no intersection, so
// in all cases the answer is A.
*out = a;
return true;
// 4 rectangles to consider. If the edge in A is contained in B, the resulting difference can
// be represented exactly as a rectangle. Otherwise the difference is the largest subrectangle
// that is disjoint from B:
// 1. Left part of A: (A.left,, B.left, A.bottom)
// 2. Right part of A: (B.right,, A.right, A.bottom)
// 3. Top part of A: (A.left,, A.right,
// 4. Bottom part of A: (A.left, B.bottom, A.right, A.bottom)
// Depending on how B intersects A, there will be 1 to 4 positive areas:
// - 4 occur when A contains B
// - 3 occur when B intersects a single edge
// - 2 occur when B intersects at a corner, or spans two opposing edges
// - 1 occurs when B spans two opposing edges and contains a 3rd, resulting in an exact rect
// - 0 occurs when B contains A, resulting in the empty rect
// Compute the relative areas of the 4 rects described above. Since each subrectangle shares
// either the width or height of A, we only have to divide by the other dimension, which avoids
// overflow on int32 types, and even if the float relative areas overflow to infinity, the
// comparisons work out correctly and (one of) the infinitely large subrects will be chosen.
float aHeight = (float) a.height();
float aWidth = (float) a.width();
float leftArea = 0.f, rightArea = 0.f, topArea = 0.f, bottomArea = 0.f;
int positiveCount = 0;
if (b.fLeft > a.fLeft) {
leftArea = (b.fLeft - a.fLeft) / aWidth;
if (a.fRight > b.fRight) {
rightArea = (a.fRight - b.fRight) / aWidth;
if (b.fTop > a.fTop) {
topArea = (b.fTop - a.fTop) / aHeight;
if (a.fBottom > b.fBottom) {
bottomArea = (a.fBottom - b.fBottom) / aHeight;
if (positiveCount == 0) {
*out = R::MakeEmpty();
return true;
*out = a;
if (leftArea > rightArea && leftArea > topArea && leftArea > bottomArea) {
// Left chunk of A, so the new right edge is B's left edge
out->fRight = b.fLeft;
} else if (rightArea > topArea && rightArea > bottomArea) {
// Right chunk of A, so the new left edge is B's right edge
out->fLeft = b.fRight;
} else if (topArea > bottomArea) {
// Top chunk of A, so the new bottom edge is B's top edge
out->fBottom = b.fTop;
} else {
// Bottom chunk of A, so the new top edge is B's bottom edge
SkASSERT(bottomArea > 0.f);
out->fTop = b.fBottom;
// If we have 1 valid area, the disjoint shape is representable as a rectangle.
SkASSERT(!R::Intersects(*out, b));
return positiveCount == 1;
bool SkRectPriv::Subtract(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b, SkRect* out) {
return subtract<SkRect>(a, b, out);
bool SkRectPriv::Subtract(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b, SkIRect* out) {
return subtract<SkIRect>(a, b, out);
bool SkRectPriv::QuadContainsRect(const SkMatrix& m,
const SkIRect& a,
const SkIRect& b,
float tol) {
return QuadContainsRect(SkM44(m), SkRect::Make(a), SkRect::Make(b), tol);
bool SkRectPriv::QuadContainsRect(const SkM44& m, const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b, float tol) {
return all(QuadContainsRectMask(m, a, b, tol));
skvx::int4 SkRectPriv::QuadContainsRectMask(const SkM44& m,
const SkRect& a,
const SkRect& b,
float tol) {
SkDEBUGCODE(SkM44 inverse;)
// With empty rectangles, the calculated edges could give surprising results. If 'a' were not
// sorted, its normals would point outside the sorted rectangle, so lots of potential rects
// would be seen as "contained". If 'a' is all 0s, its edge equations are also (0,0,0) so every
// point has a distance of 0, and would be interpreted as inside.
if (a.isEmpty()) {
return skvx::int4(0); // all "false"
// However, 'b' is only used to define its 4 corners to check against the transformed edges.
// This is valid regardless of b's emptiness or sortedness.
// Calculate the 4 homogenous coordinates of 'a' transformed by 'm' where Z=0 and W=1.
auto ax = skvx::float4{a.fLeft, a.fRight, a.fRight, a.fLeft};
auto ay = skvx::float4{a.fTop, a.fTop, a.fBottom, a.fBottom};
auto max = m.rc(0,0)*ax + m.rc(0,1)*ay + m.rc(0,3);
auto may = m.rc(1,0)*ax + m.rc(1,1)*ay + m.rc(1,3);
auto maw = m.rc(3,0)*ax + m.rc(3,1)*ay + m.rc(3,3);
if (all(maw < 0.f)) {
// If all points of A are mapped to w < 0, then the edge equations end up representing the
// convex hull of projected points when A should in fact be considered empty.
return skvx::int4(0); // all "false"
// Cross product of adjacent vertices provides homogenous lines for the 4 sides of the quad
auto lA = may*skvx::shuffle<1,2,3,0>(maw) - maw*skvx::shuffle<1,2,3,0>(may);
auto lB = maw*skvx::shuffle<1,2,3,0>(max) - max*skvx::shuffle<1,2,3,0>(maw);
auto lC = max*skvx::shuffle<1,2,3,0>(may) - may*skvx::shuffle<1,2,3,0>(max);
// Before transforming, the corners of 'a' were in CW order, but afterwards they may become CCW,
// so the sign corrects the direction of the edge normals to point inwards.
float sign = (lA[0]*lB[1] - lB[0]*lA[1]) < 0 ? -1.f : 1.f;
// Calculate distance from 'b' to each edge. Since 'b' has presumably been transformed by 'm'
// *and* projected, this assumes W = 1.
SkRect bInset = b.makeInset(tol, tol);
auto d0 = sign * (lA*bInset.fLeft + lB*bInset.fTop + lC);
auto d1 = sign * (lA*bInset.fRight + lB*bInset.fTop + lC);
auto d2 = sign * (lA*bInset.fRight + lB*bInset.fBottom + lC);
auto d3 = sign * (lA*bInset.fLeft + lB*bInset.fBottom + lC);
// 'b' is contained in the mapped rectangle if all distances are >= 0
return (d0 >= 0.f) & (d1 >= 0.f) & (d2 >= 0.f) & (d3 >= 0.f);
SkIRect SkRectPriv::ClosestDisjointEdge(const SkIRect& src, const SkIRect& dst) {
if (src.isEmpty() || dst.isEmpty()) {
return SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
int l = src.fLeft;
int r = src.fRight;
if (r <= dst.fLeft) {
// Select right column of pixels in crop
l = r - 1;
} else if (l >= dst.fRight) {
// Left column of 'crop'
r = l + 1;
} else {
// Regular intersection along X axis.
l = SkTPin(l, dst.fLeft, dst.fRight);
r = SkTPin(r, dst.fLeft, dst.fRight);
int t = src.fTop;
int b = src.fBottom;
if (b <= dst.fTop) {
// Select bottom row of pixels in crop
t = b - 1;
} else if (t >= dst.fBottom) {
// Top row of 'crop'
b = t + 1;
} else {
t = SkTPin(t, dst.fTop, dst.fBottom);
b = SkTPin(b, dst.fTop, dst.fBottom);
return SkIRect::MakeLTRB(l,t,r,b);