blob: cecd117fa3c2b3fc3bb8180e57fb93d9ddc11da3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef ARCORE_C_API_H_
#define ARCORE_C_API_H_
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// @defgroup concepts Concepts
/// High-Level concepts of ARCore
/// @section ownership Object ownership
/// ARCore has two categories of objects: "value types" and "reference types".
/// - Value types are owned by application. They are created and destroyed using
/// the @c create / @c destroy methods, and are populated by ARCore using
/// methods with @c get in the method name.
/// - Reference types are owned by ARCore. A reference is acquired by one of the
/// @c acquire methods. For each call to the @c acquire method, the
/// application must call the matching @c release method. Note that even if
/// last reference is released, ARCore may continue to hold a reference to the
/// object at ARCore's discretion.
/// Reference types are further split into:
/// - Long-lived objects. These objects persist across frames, possibly for the
/// life span of the application or session. Acquire may fail if ARCore is in
/// an incorrect state, e.g. not tracking. Acquire from list always succeeds,
/// as the object already exists.
/// - Transient large data. These objects are usually acquired per-frame and are
/// a limited resource. The @c acquire call may fail if the resource is
/// exhausted (too many are currently held), deadline exceeded (the target of
/// the acquire was already released), or the resource is not yet available.
/// Note: Lists are value types (owned by application), but can hold references
/// to long-lived objects. This means that the references held by a list are not
/// released until either the list is destroyed, or is re-populated by another
/// api call.
/// For example, ::ArAnchorList, which is a value type, will hold references to
/// Anchors, which are long-lived objects.
/// @section spaces Poses and Coordinate Spaces
/// An @c ArPose describes an rigid transformation from one coordinate space to
/// another. As provided from all ARCore APIs, Poses always describe the
/// transformation from object's local coordinate space to the <b>world
/// coordinate space</b> (see below). That is, Poses from ARCore APIs can be
/// thought of as equivalent to OpenGL model matrices.
/// The transformation is defined using a quaternion rotation about the origin
/// followed by a translation.
/// The coordinate system is right-handed, like OpenGL conventions.
/// Translation units are meters.
/// @section worldcoordinates World Coordinate Space
/// As ARCore's understanding of the environment changes, it adjusts its model
/// of the world to keep things consistent. When this happens, the numerical
/// location (coordinates) of the camera and anchors can change significantly to
/// maintain appropriate relative positions of the physical locations they
/// represent.
/// These changes mean that every frame should be considered to be in a
/// completely unique world coordinate space. The numerical coordinates of
/// anchors and the camera should never be used outside the rendering frame
/// during which they were retrieved. If a position needs to be considered
/// beyond the scope of a single rendering frame, either an anchor should be
/// created or a position relative to a nearby existing anchor should be used.
/// @defgroup common Common Definitions
/// Shared types and constants
/// @defgroup anchor Anchor
/// Describes a fixed location and orientation in the real world.
/// @defgroup arcoreapk ArCoreApk
/// Management of the ARCore service APK
/// @defgroup augmented_image AugmentedImage
/// An image being detected and tracked by ARCore.
/// @defgroup augmented_image_database AugmentedImageDatabase
/// Database containing a list of images to be detected and tracked by ARCore.
/// @defgroup camera Camera
/// Provides information about the camera that is used to capture images.
/// @defgroup cloud Cloud Anchors
/// The cloud state and configuration of an Anchor and the AR Session.
/// @defgroup config Configuration
/// Session configuration.
/// @defgroup frame Frame
/// Per-frame state.
/// @defgroup hit HitResult
/// Defines an intersection between a ray and estimated real-world geometry.
/// @defgroup image ImageMetadata
/// Provides access to metadata from the camera image capture result.
/// @defgroup light LightEstimate
/// Holds information about the estimated lighting of the real scene.
/// @defgroup plane Plane
/// Describes the current best knowledge of a real-world planar surface.
/// @defgroup point Point
/// Represents a point in space that ARCore is tracking.
/// @defgroup pointcloud PointCloud
/// Contains a set of observed 3D points and confidence values.
/// @defgroup pose Pose
/// Represents an immutable rigid transformation from one coordinate
/// space to another.
/// @defgroup session Session
/// Session management.
/// @defgroup trackable Trackable
/// Something that can be tracked and that Anchors can be attached to.
/// @defgroup cpp_helpers C++ helper functions
/// @addtogroup config
/// @{
/// An opaque session configuration object (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Create with ArConfig_create()<br>
/// Release with ArConfig_destroy()
typedef struct ArConfig_ ArConfig;
/// @}
/// @addtogroup session
/// @{
/// The ArCore session (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Create with ArSession_create()<br>
/// Release with ArSession_destroy()
typedef struct ArSession_ ArSession;
/// @}
/// @addtogroup pose
/// @{
/// A structured rigid transformation (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArPose_create()<br>
/// Release with ArPose_destroy()
typedef struct ArPose_ ArPose;
/// @}
// Camera.
/// @addtogroup camera
/// @{
/// The virtual and physical camera
/// (@ref ownership "reference type, long-lived").
/// Acquire with ArFrame_acquireCamera()<br>
/// Release with ArCamera_release()
typedef struct ArCamera_ ArCamera;
/// @}
// Frame and frame objects.
/// @addtogroup frame
/// @{
/// The world state resulting from an update (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArFrame_create()<br>
/// Populate with ArSession_update()<br>
/// Release with ArFrame_destroy()
typedef struct ArFrame_ ArFrame;
/// @}
// LightEstimate.
/// @addtogroup light
/// @{
/// An estimate of the real-world lighting (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArLightEstimate_create()<br>
/// Populate with ArFrame_getLightEstimate()<br>
/// Release with ArLightEstimate_destroy()
typedef struct ArLightEstimate_ ArLightEstimate;
/// @}
// PointCloud.
/// @addtogroup pointcloud
/// @{
/// A cloud of tracked 3D visual feature points
/// (@ref ownership "reference type, large data").
/// Acquire with ArFrame_acquirePointCloud()<br>
/// Release with ArPointCloud_release()
typedef struct ArPointCloud_ ArPointCloud;
/// @}
// ImageMetadata.
/// @addtogroup image
/// @{
/// Camera capture metadata (@ref ownership "reference type, large data").
/// Acquire with ArFrame_acquireImageMetadata()<br>
/// Release with ArImageMetadata_release()
typedef struct ArImageMetadata_ ArImageMetadata;
/// Accessing CPU image from the tracking camera
/// (@ref ownership "reference type, large data").
/// Acquire with ArFrame_acquireCameraImage()<br>
/// Convert to NDK AImage with ArImage_getNdkImage()<br>
/// Release with ArImage_release().
typedef struct ArImage_ ArImage;
/// Forward declaring the AImage struct from Android NDK, which is used
/// in ArImage_getNdkImage().
typedef struct AImage AImage;
/// @}
// Trackables.
/// @addtogroup trackable
/// @{
/// Trackable base type (@ref ownership "reference type, long-lived").
typedef struct ArTrackable_ ArTrackable;
/// A list of ArTrackables (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArTrackableList_create()<br>
/// Release with ArTrackableList_destroy()
typedef struct ArTrackableList_ ArTrackableList;
/// @}
// Plane
/// @addtogroup plane
/// @{
/// A detected planar surface (@ref ownership "reference type, long-lived").
/// Trackable type: #AR_TRACKABLE_PLANE <br>
/// Release with: ArTrackable_release()
typedef struct ArPlane_ ArPlane;
/// @}
// Point
/// @addtogroup point
/// @{
/// An arbitrary point in space (@ref ownership "reference type, long-lived").
/// Trackable type: #AR_TRACKABLE_POINT <br>
/// Release with: ArTrackable_release()
typedef struct ArPoint_ ArPoint;
/// @}
// Augmented Image
/// @addtogroup augmented_image
/// @{
/// An image that has been detected and tracked (@ref ownership "reference type,
/// long-lived").
/// Trackable type: #AR_TRACKABLE_AUGMENTED_IMAGE <br>
/// Release with: ArTrackable_release()
typedef struct ArAugmentedImage_ ArAugmentedImage;
/// @}
// Augmented Image Database
/// @addtogroup augmented_image_database
/// @{
/// A database of images to be detected and tracked by ARCore (@ref ownership
/// "value type").
/// An image database supports up to 1000 images. A database can be generated by
/// the `arcoreimg` command-line database generation tool provided in the SDK,
/// or dynamically created at runtime by adding individual images.
/// Only one image database can be active in a session. Any images in the
/// currently active image database that have a TRACKING/PAUSED state will
/// immediately be set to the STOPPED state if a different or null image
/// database is made active in the current session Config.
/// Create with ArAugmentedImageDatabase_create() or
/// ArAugmentedImageDatabase_deserialize()<br>
/// Release with: ArAugmentedImageDatabase_destroy()
typedef struct ArAugmentedImageDatabase_ ArAugmentedImageDatabase;
/// @}
// Anchors.
/// @addtogroup anchor
/// @{
/// A position in space attached to a trackable
/// (@ref ownership "reference type, long-lived").
/// Create with ArSession_acquireNewAnchor() or
/// ArHitResult_acquireNewAnchor()<br>
/// Release with ArAnchor_release()
typedef struct ArAnchor_ ArAnchor;
/// A list of anchors (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArAnchorList_create()<br>
/// Release with ArAnchorList_destroy()
typedef struct ArAnchorList_ ArAnchorList;
/// @}
// Hit result functionality.
/// @addtogroup hit
/// @{
/// A single trackable hit (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArHitResult_create()<br>
/// Populate with ArHitResultList_getItem()<br>
/// Release with ArHitResult_destroy()
typedef struct ArHitResult_ ArHitResult;
/// A list of hit test results (@ref ownership "value type").
/// Allocate with ArHitResultList_create()<br>
/// Release with ArHitResultList_destroy()<br>
typedef struct ArHitResultList_ ArHitResultList;
/// @}
// Forward declaring the ACameraMetadata struct from Android NDK, which is used
// in ArImageMetadata_getNdkCameraMetadata
typedef struct ACameraMetadata ACameraMetadata;
/// @endcond
/// @addtogroup cpp_helpers
/// @{
/// These methods expose allowable type conversions as C++ helper functions.
/// This avoids having to explicitly @c reinterpret_cast in most cases.
/// Note: These methods only change the type of a pointer - they do not change
/// the reference count of the referenced objects.
/// Note: There is no runtime checking that casts are correct. Call @ref
/// ArTrackable_getType() beforehand to figure out the correct cast.
#ifdef __cplusplus
/// Upcasts to ArTrackable
inline ArTrackable *ArAsTrackable(ArPlane *plane) {
return reinterpret_cast<ArTrackable *>(plane);
/// Upcasts to ArTrackable
inline ArTrackable *ArAsTrackable(ArPoint *point) {
return reinterpret_cast<ArTrackable *>(point);
/// Upcasts to ArTrackable
inline ArTrackable *ArAsTrackable(ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image) {
return reinterpret_cast<ArTrackable *>(augmented_image);
/// Downcasts to ArPlane.
inline ArPlane *ArAsPlane(ArTrackable *trackable) {
return reinterpret_cast<ArPlane *>(trackable);
/// Downcasts to ArPoint.
inline ArPoint *ArAsPoint(ArTrackable *trackable) {
return reinterpret_cast<ArPoint *>(trackable);
/// Downcasts to ArAugmentedImage.
inline ArAugmentedImage *ArAsAugmentedImage(ArTrackable *trackable) {
return reinterpret_cast<ArAugmentedImage *>(trackable);
/// @}
// If compiling for C++11, use the 'enum underlying type' feature to enforce
// size for ABI compatibility. In pre-C++11, use int32_t for fixed size.
#if __cplusplus >= 201100
#define AR_DEFINE_ENUM(_type) enum _type : int32_t
#define AR_DEFINE_ENUM(_type) \
typedef int32_t _type; \
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(AR_DEPRECATED_SUPPRESS)
#define AR_DEPRECATED(_deprecation_string) \
#define AR_DEPRECATED(_deprecation_string)
/// @ingroup trackable
/// Object types for heterogeneous query/update lists.
/// The base Trackable type. Can be passed to ArSession_getAllTrackables()
/// and ArFrame_getUpdatedTrackables() as the @c filter_type to get
/// all/updated Trackables of all types.
/// The ::ArPlane subtype of Trackable.
AR_TRACKABLE_PLANE = 0x41520101,
/// The ::ArPoint subtype of Trackable.
AR_TRACKABLE_POINT = 0x41520102,
/// The ::ArAugmentedImage subtype of Trackable.
/// An invalid Trackable type.
/// @ingroup common
/// Return code indicating success or failure of a method.
/// The operation was successful.
/// One of the arguments was invalid, either null or not appropriate for the
/// operation requested.
/// An internal error occurred that the application should not attempt to
/// recover from.
/// An operation was attempted that requires the session be running, but the
/// session was paused.
/// An operation was attempted that requires the session be paused, but the
/// session was running.
/// An operation was attempted that the session be in the TRACKING state,
/// but the session was not.
/// A texture name was not set by calling ArSession_setCameraTextureName()
/// before the first call to ArSession_update()
/// An operation required GL context but one was not available.
/// The configuration supplied to ArSession_configure() was unsupported.
/// To avoid this error, ensure that Session_checkSupported() returns true.
/// The android camera permission has not been granted prior to calling
/// ArSession_resume()
/// Acquire failed because the object being acquired is already released.
/// For example, this happens if the application holds an ::ArFrame beyond
/// the next call to ArSession_update(), and then tries to acquire its point
/// cloud.
/// There are no available resources to complete the operation. In cases of
/// @c acquire methods returning this error, This can be avoided by
/// releasing previously acquired objects before acquiring new ones.
/// Acquire failed because the data isn't available yet for the current
/// frame. For example, acquire the image metadata may fail with this error
/// because the camera hasn't fully started.
/// The android camera has been reallocated to a higher priority app or is
/// otherwise unavailable.
/// The host/resolve function call failed because the Session is not
/// configured for cloud anchors.
/// ArSession_configure() failed because the specified configuration
/// required the Android INTERNET permission, which the application did not
/// have.
/// HostCloudAnchor() failed because the anchor is not a type of anchor that
/// is currently supported for hosting.
/// An image with insufficient quality (e.g. too few features) was attempted
/// to be added to the image database.
/// The data passed in for this operation was not in a valid format.
/// The data passed in for this operation is not supported by this version
/// of the SDK.
/// The ARCore APK is not installed on this device.
/// The device is not currently compatible with ARCore.
/// The ARCore APK currently installed on device is too old and needs to be
/// updated.
/// The ARCore APK currently installed no longer supports the ARCore SDK
/// that the application was built with.
/// The user declined installation of the ARCore APK during this run of the
/// application and the current request was not marked as user-initiated.
/// @ingroup common
/// Describes the tracking state of a @c Trackable, an ::ArAnchor or the
/// ::ArCamera.
/// The object is currently tracked and its pose is current.
/// ARCore has paused tracking this object, but may resume tracking it in
/// the future. This can happen if device tracking is lost, if the user
/// enters a new space, or if the Session is currently paused. When in this
/// state, the positional properties of the object may be wildly inaccurate
/// and should not be used.
/// ARCore has stopped tracking this Trackable and will never resume
/// tracking it.
/// @ingroup cloud
/// Describes the current cloud state of an @c Anchor.
/// The anchor is purely local. It has never been hosted using
/// hostCloudAnchor, and has not been acquired using acquireCloudAnchor.
/// A hosting/resolving task for the anchor is in progress. Once the task
/// completes in the background, the anchor will get a new cloud state after
/// the next update() call.
/// A hosting/resolving task for this anchor completed successfully.
/// A hosting/resolving task for this anchor finished with an internal
/// error. The app should not attempt to recover from this error.
/// The app cannot communicate with the ARCore Cloud because of an invalid
/// or unauthorized API key in the manifest, or because there was no API key
/// present in the manifest.
/// The ARCore Cloud was unreachable. This can happen because of a number of
/// reasons. The request sent to the server could have timed out with no
/// response, there could be a bad network connection, DNS unavailability,
/// firewall issues, or anything that could affect the device's ability to
/// connect to the ARCore Cloud.
/// The application has exhausted the request quota allotted to the given
/// API key. The developer should request additional quota for the ARCore
/// Cloud for their API key from the Google Developers Console.
/// Hosting failed, because the server could not successfully process the
/// dataset for the given anchor. The developer should try again after the
/// device has gathered more data from the environment.
/// Resolving failed, because the ARCore Cloud could not find the provided
/// cloud anchor ID.
/// The server could not match the visual features provided by ARCore
/// against the localization dataset of the requested cloud anchor ID. This
/// means that the anchor pose being requested was likely not created in the
/// user's surroundings.
/// The anchor could not be resolved because the SDK used to host the anchor
/// was newer than and incompatible with the version being used to acquire
/// it.
/// The anchor could not be acquired because the SDK used to host the anchor
/// was older than and incompatible with the version being used to acquire
/// it.
/// @ingroup arcoreapk
/// Describes the current state of ARCore availability on the device.
/// An internal error occurred while determining ARCore availability.
/// ARCore is not installed, and a query has been issued to check if ARCore
/// is is supported.
/// ARCore is not installed, and the query to check if ARCore is supported
/// timed out. This may be due to the device being offline.
/// ARCore is not supported on this device.
/// The device and Android version are supported, but the ARCore APK is not
/// installed.
/// The device and Android version are supported, and a version of the
/// ARCore APK is installed, but that ARCore APK version is too old.
/// ARCore is supported, installed, and available to use.
/// @ingroup arcoreapk
/// Indicates the outcome of a call to ArCoreApk_requestInstall().
/// The requested resource is already installed.
/// Installation of the resource was requested. The current activity will be
/// paused.
/// @ingroup arcoreapk
/// Controls the behavior of the installation UI.
/// Hide the Cancel button during initial prompt and prevent user from
/// exiting via tap-outside.
/// Note: The BACK button or tapping outside of any marketplace-provided
/// install dialog will still decline the installation.
/// Include Cancel button in initial prompt and allow easily backing out
/// after installation has been initiated.
/// @ingroup arcoreapk
/// Controls the message displayed by the installation UI.
/// Display a localized message like "This application requires ARCore...".
/// Display a localized message like "This feature requires ARCore...".
/// Application has explained why ARCore is required prior to calling
/// ArCoreApk_requestInstall(), skip user education dialog.
/// @ingroup config
/// Select the behavior of the lighting estimation subsystem.
/// Lighting estimation is disabled.
/// Lighting estimation is enabled, generating a single-value intensity
/// estimate.
/// @ingroup config
/// Select the behavior of the plane detection subsystem.
/// Plane detection is disabled.
/// Detection of only horizontal planes is enabled.
/// Detection of only vertical planes is enabled.
/// Detection of horizontal and vertical planes is enabled.
/// @ingroup config
/// Selects the behavior of ArSession_update().
/// @c update() will wait until a new camera image is available, or until
/// the built-in timeout (currently 66ms) is reached. On most
/// devices the camera is configured to capture 30 frames per second.
/// If the camera image does not arrive by the built-in timeout, then
/// @c update() will return the most recent ::ArFrame object.
/// @c update() will return immediately without blocking. If no new camera
/// image is available, then @c update() will return the most recent
/// ::ArFrame object.
/// @ingroup plane
/// Simple summary of the normal vector of a plane, for filtering purposes.
/// A horizontal plane facing upward (for example a floor or tabletop).
/// A horizontal plane facing downward (for example a ceiling).
/// A vertical plane (for example a wall).
/// @ingroup light
/// Tracks the validity of a light estimate.
/// The light estimate is not valid this frame and should not be used for
/// rendering.
/// The light estimate is valid this frame.
/// @ingroup point
/// Indicates the orientation mode of the ::ArPoint.
/// The orientation of the ::ArPoint is initialized to identity but may
/// adjust slightly over time.
/// The orientation of the ::ArPoint will follow the behavior described in
/// ArHitResult_getHitPose().
/// @ingroup cloud
/// Indicates the cloud configuration of the ::ArSession.
/// Anchor Hosting is disabled. This is the value set in the default
/// ::ArConfig.
/// Anchor Hosting is enabled. Setting this value and calling @c configure()
/// will require that the application have the Android INTERNET permission.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Note: destroy methods do not take ArSession* to allow late destruction in
// finalizers of garbage-collected languages such as Java.
/// @addtogroup arcoreapk
/// @{
/// Determines if ARCore is supported on this device. This may initiate a query
/// with a remote service to determine if the device is compatible, in which
/// case it will return immediately with @c out_availability set to
/// For ARCore-required apps (as indicated by the <a
/// href="">manifest
/// meta-data</a>) this method will assume device compatibility and will always
/// immediately return one of #AR_AVAILABILITY_SUPPORTED_INSTALLED,
/// Note: A result #AR_AVAILABILITY_SUPPORTED_INSTALLED only indicates presence
/// of a suitably versioned ARCore APK. Session creation may still fail if the
/// ARCore APK has been sideloaded onto an incompatible device.
/// May be called prior to ArSession_create().
/// @param[in] env The application's @c JNIEnv object
/// @param[in] application_context A @c jobject referencing the application's
/// Android @c Context.
/// @param[out] out_availability A pointer to an ArAvailability to receive
/// the result.
void ArCoreApk_checkAvailability(void *env,
void *application_context,
ArAvailability *out_availability);
/// Initiates installation of ARCore if needed. When your apllication launches
/// or enters an AR mode, it should call this method with @c
/// user_requested_install = 1.
/// If ARCore is installed and compatible, this function will set @c
/// out_install_status to #AR_INSTALL_STATUS_INSTALLED.
/// If ARCore is not currently installed or the installed version not
/// compatible, the function will set @c out_install_status to
/// #AR_INSTALL_STATUS_INSTALL_REQUESTED and return immediately. Your current
/// activity will then pause while the user is informed about the requierment of
/// ARCore and offered the opportunity to install it.
/// When your activity resumes, you should call this method again, this time
/// with @c user_requested_install = 0. This will either set
/// @c out_install_status to #AR_INSTALL_STATUS_INSTALLED or return an error
/// code indicating the reason that installation could not be completed.
/// ARCore-optional applications must ensure that ArCoreApk_checkAvailability()
/// returns one of the <tt>AR_AVAILABILITY_SUPPORTED_...</tt> values before
/// calling this method.
/// See <A
/// href="">
/// our sample code</A> for an example of how an ARCore-required application
/// should use this function.
/// May be called prior to ArSession_create().
/// For more control over the message displayed and ease of exiting the process,
/// see ArCoreApk_requestInstallCustom().
/// <b>Caution:</b> The value of <tt>*out_install_status</tt> should only be
/// considered when #AR_SUCCESS is returned. Otherwise this value must be
/// ignored.
/// @param[in] env The application's @c JNIEnv object
/// @param[in] application_activity A @c jobject referencing the application's
/// current Android @c Activity.
/// @param[in] user_requested_install if set, override the previous installation
/// failure message and always show the installation interface.
/// @param[out] out_install_status A pointer to an ArInstallStatus to receive
/// the resulting install status, if successful. Note: this value is only
/// valid with the return value is #AR_SUCCESS.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS, or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_FATAL if an error occurs while checking for or requesting
/// installation
/// - #AR_UNAVAILABLE_DEVICE_NOT_COMPATIBLE if ARCore is not supported
/// on this device.
/// - #AR_UNAVAILABLE_USER_DECLINED_INSTALLATION if the user previously declined
/// installation.
ArStatus ArCoreApk_requestInstall(void *env,
void *application_activity,
bool user_requested_install,
ArInstallStatus *out_install_status);
/// Initiates installation of ARCore if required, with configurable behavior.
/// This is a more flexible version of ArCoreApk_requestInstall() allowing the
/// application control over the initial informational dialog and ease of
/// exiting or cancelling the installation.
/// See ArCoreApk_requestInstall() for details of use and behavior.
/// May be called prior to ArSession_create().
/// @param[in] env The application's @c JNIEnv object
/// @param[in] application_activity A @c jobject referencing the application's
/// current Android @c Activity.
/// @param[in] user_requested_install if set, override the previous installation
/// failure message and always show the installation interface.
/// @param[in] install_behavior controls the presence of the cancel button at
/// the user education screen and if tapping outside the education screen or
/// install-in-progress screen causes them to dismiss.
/// @param[in] message_type controls the text of the of message displayed
/// before showing the install prompt, or disables display of this message.
/// @param[out] out_install_status A pointer to an ArInstallStatus to receive
/// the resulting install status, if successful. Note: this value is only
/// valid with the return value is #AR_SUCCESS.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS, or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_FATAL if an error occurs while checking for or requesting
/// installation
/// - #AR_UNAVAILABLE_DEVICE_NOT_COMPATIBLE if ARCore is not supported
/// on this device.
/// - #AR_UNAVAILABLE_USER_DECLINED_INSTALLATION if the user previously declined
/// installation.
ArStatus ArCoreApk_requestInstallCustom(void *env,
void *application_activity,
int32_t user_requested_install,
ArInstallBehavior install_behavior,
ArInstallUserMessageType message_type,
ArInstallStatus *out_install_status);
/// @}
/// @addtogroup session
/// @{
/// Attempts to create a new ARCore session.
/// This is the entry point of ARCore. This function MUST be the first ARCore
/// call made by an application.
/// @param[in] env The application's @c JNIEnv object
/// @param[in] application_context A @c jobject referencing the application's
/// Android @c Context
/// @param[out] out_session_pointer A pointer to an @c ArSession* to receive
/// the address of the newly allocated session.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_create(void *env,
void *application_context,
ArSession **out_session_pointer);
/// @}
// === ArConfig methods ===
/// @addtogroup config
/// @{
/// Creates a new configuration object and initializes it to a sensible default
/// configuration. Plane detection and lighting estimation are enabled, and
/// blocking update is selected. This configuration is guaranteed to be
/// supported on all devices that support ARCore.
void ArConfig_create(const ArSession *session, ArConfig **out_config);
/// Releases memory used by the provided configuration object.
void ArConfig_destroy(ArConfig *config);
/// Stores the currently configured lighting estimation mode into
/// @c *light_estimation_mode.
void ArConfig_getLightEstimationMode(
const ArSession *session,
const ArConfig *config,
ArLightEstimationMode *light_estimation_mode);
/// Sets the lighting estimation mode that should be used. See
/// ::ArLightEstimationMode for available options.
void ArConfig_setLightEstimationMode(
const ArSession *session,
ArConfig *config,
ArLightEstimationMode light_estimation_mode);
/// Stores the currently configured plane finding mode into
/// @c *plane_finding_mode.
void ArConfig_getPlaneFindingMode(const ArSession *session,
const ArConfig *config,
ArPlaneFindingMode *plane_finding_mode);
/// Sets the plane finding mode that should be used. See
/// ::ArPlaneFindingMode for available options.
void ArConfig_setPlaneFindingMode(const ArSession *session,
ArConfig *config,
ArPlaneFindingMode plane_finding_mode);
/// Stores the currently configured behavior of @ref ArSession_update() into
/// @c *update_mode.
void ArConfig_getUpdateMode(const ArSession *session,
const ArConfig *config,
ArUpdateMode *update_mode);
/// Sets the behavior of @ref ArSession_update(). See
/// ::ArUpdateMode for available options.
void ArConfig_setUpdateMode(const ArSession *session,
ArConfig *config,
ArUpdateMode update_mode);
/// Gets the current cloud anchor mode from the ::ArConfig.
void ArConfig_getCloudAnchorMode(const ArSession *session,
const ArConfig *config,
ArCloudAnchorMode *out_cloud_anchor_mode);
/// Sets the cloud configuration that should be used. See ::ArCloudAnchorMode
/// for available options.
void ArConfig_setCloudAnchorMode(const ArSession *session,
ArConfig *config,
ArCloudAnchorMode cloud_anchor_mode);
/// Sets the image database in the session configuration.
/// Any images in the currently active image database that have a
/// TRACKING/PAUSED state will immediately be set to the STOPPED state if a
/// different or null image database is set.
/// This function makes a copy of the image database.
void ArConfig_setAugmentedImageDatabase(
const ArSession *session,
ArConfig *config,
const ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database);
/// Returns the image database from the session configuration.
/// This function returns a copy of the internally stored image database.
void ArConfig_getAugmentedImageDatabase(
const ArSession *session,
const ArConfig *config,
ArAugmentedImageDatabase *out_augmented_image_database);
/// @}
// === ArSession methods ===
/// @addtogroup session
/// @{
/// Releases resources used by an ARCore session.
void ArSession_destroy(ArSession *session);
/// Before release 1.2.0: Checks if the provided configuration is usable on the
/// this device. If this method returns #AR_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIGURATION,
/// calls to ArSession_configure(Config) with this configuration will fail.
/// This function now always returns true. See documentation for each
/// configuration entry to know which configuration options & combinations are
/// supported.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] config The configuration to test
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or:
/// - #AR_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if any of the arguments are null.
/// @deprecated in release 1.2.0. Please refer to the release notes
/// (<a
/// href="">release
/// notes 1.2.0</a>)
ArStatus ArSession_checkSupported(const ArSession *session,
const ArConfig *config)
"deprecated in release 1.2.0. Please see function documentation");
/// Configures the session with the given config.
/// Note: a session is always initially configured with the default config.
/// This should be called if a configuration different than default is needed.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_configure(ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config);
/// Starts or resumes the ARCore Session.
/// Typically this should be called from <a
/// href=""
/// ><tt>Activity.onResume()</tt></a>.
/// @returns #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_resume(ArSession *session);
/// Pause the current session. This method will stop the camera feed and release
/// resources. The session can be restarted again by calling ArSession_resume().
/// Typically this should be called from <a
/// href=""
/// ><tt>Activity.onPause()</tt></a>.
/// @returns #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_pause(ArSession *session);
/// Sets the OpenGL texture name (id) that will allow GPU access to the camera
/// image. The provided ID should have been created with @c glGenTextures(). The
/// resulting texture must be bound to the @c GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES target for
/// use. Shaders accessing this texture must use a @c samplerExternalOES
/// sampler. See sample code for an example.
void ArSession_setCameraTextureName(ArSession *session, uint32_t texture_id);
/// Sets the aspect ratio, coordinate scaling, and display rotation. This data
/// is used by UV conversion, projection matrix generation, and hit test logic.
/// Note: this function doesn't fail. If given invalid input, it logs a error
/// and doesn't apply the changes.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] rotation Display rotation specified by @c android.view.Surface
/// constants: @c ROTATION_0, @c ROTATION_90, @c ROTATION_180 and
/// @c ROTATION_270
/// @param[in] width Width of the view, in pixels
/// @param[in] height Height of the view, in pixels
void ArSession_setDisplayGeometry(ArSession *session,
int32_t rotation,
int32_t width,
int32_t height);
/// Updates the state of the ARCore system. This includes: receiving a new
/// camera frame, updating the location of the device, updating the location of
/// tracking anchors, updating detected planes, etc.
/// This call may cause off-screen OpenGL activity. Because of this, to avoid
/// unnecessary frame buffer flushes and reloads, this call should not be made
/// in the middle of rendering a frame or offscreen buffer.
/// This call may update the pose of all created anchors and detected planes.
/// The set of updated objects is accessible through
/// ArFrame_getUpdatedTrackables().
/// @c update() in blocking mode (see ::ArUpdateMode) will wait until a
/// new camera image is available, or until the built-in timeout
/// (currently 66ms) is reached.
/// If the camera image does not arrive by the built-in timeout, then
/// @c update() will return the most recent ::ArFrame object. For some
/// applications it may be important to know if a new frame was actually
/// obtained (for example, to avoid redrawing if the camera did not produce a
/// new frame). To do that, compare the current frame's timestamp, obtained via
/// @c ArFrame_getTimestamp, with the previously recorded frame timestamp. If
/// they are different, this is a new frame.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[inout] out_frame The Frame object to populate with the updated world
/// state. This frame must have been previously created using
/// ArFrame_create(). The same ArFrame instance may be used when calling
/// this repeatedly.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_CAMERA_NOT_AVAILABLE - camera was removed during runtime.
ArStatus ArSession_update(ArSession *session, ArFrame *out_frame);
/// Defines a tracked location in the physical world.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_acquireNewAnchor(ArSession *session,
const ArPose *pose,
ArAnchor **out_anchor);
/// Returns all known anchors, including those not currently tracked. Anchors
/// forgotten by ARCore due to a call to ArAnchor_detach() or entering the
/// #AR_TRACKING_STATE_STOPPED state will not be included.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[inout] out_anchor_list The list to fill. This list must have already
/// been allocated with ArAnchorList_create(). If previously used, the list
/// will first be cleared.
void ArSession_getAllAnchors(const ArSession *session,
ArAnchorList *out_anchor_list);
/// Returns the list of all known @ref trackable "trackables". This includes
/// ::ArPlane objects if plane detection is enabled, as well as ::ArPoint
/// objects created as a side effect of calls to ArSession_acquireNewAnchor() or
/// ArFrame_hitTest().
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] filter_type The type(s) of trackables to return. See
/// ::ArTrackableType for legal values.
/// @param[inout] out_trackable_list The list to fill. This list must have
/// already been allocated with ArTrackableList_create(). If previously
/// used, the list will first be cleared.
void ArSession_getAllTrackables(const ArSession *session,
ArTrackableType filter_type,
ArTrackableList *out_trackable_list);
/// This will create a new cloud anchor using pose and other metadata from
/// @c anchor.
/// If the function returns #AR_SUCCESS, the cloud state of @c out_cloud_anchor
/// will be set to #AR_CLOUD_ANCHOR_STATE_TASK_IN_PROGRESS and the initial pose
/// will be set to the pose of @c anchor. However, the new @c out_cloud_anchor
/// is completely independent of @c anchor, and the poses may diverge over time.
/// If the return value of this function is not #AR_SUCCESS, then
/// @c out_cloud_anchor will be set to null.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] anchor The anchor to be hosted
/// @param[inout] out_cloud_anchor The new cloud anchor
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_hostAndAcquireNewCloudAnchor(ArSession *session,
const ArAnchor *anchor,
ArAnchor **out_cloud_anchor);
/// This will create a new cloud anchor, and schedule a resolving task to
/// resolve the anchor's pose using the given cloud anchor ID.
/// If this function returns #AR_SUCCESS, the cloud state of @c out_cloud_anchor
/// will be #AR_CLOUD_STATE_TASK_IN_PROGRESS, and its tracking state will be
/// #AR_TRACKING_STATE_PAUSED. This anchor will never start tracking until its
/// pose has been successfully resolved. If the resolving task ends in an error,
/// the tracking state will be set to #AR_TRACKING_STATE_STOPPED. If the return
/// value is not #AR_SUCCESS, then @c out_cloud_anchor will be set to null.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] cloud_anchor_id The cloud ID of the anchor to be resolved
/// @param[inout] out_cloud_anchor The new cloud anchor
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
ArStatus ArSession_resolveAndAcquireNewCloudAnchor(ArSession *session,
const char *cloud_anchor_id,
ArAnchor **out_cloud_anchor);
/// @}
// === ArPose methods ===
/// @addtogroup pose
/// @{
/// Allocates and initializes a new pose object. @c pose_raw points to an array
/// of 7 floats, describing the rotation (quaternion) and translation of the
/// pose in the same order as the first 7 elements of the Android
/// @c Sensor.TYPE_POSE_6DOF values documented on <a
/// href=""
/// >@c SensorEvent.values() </a>
/// The order of the values is: qx, qy, qz, qw, tx, ty, tz.
/// If @c pose_raw is null, initializes with the identity pose.
void ArPose_create(const ArSession *session,
const float *pose_raw,
ArPose **out_pose);
/// Releases memory used by a pose object.
void ArPose_destroy(ArPose *pose);
/// Extracts the quaternion rotation and translation from a pose object.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] pose The pose to extract
/// @param[out] out_pose_raw Pointer to an array of 7 floats, to be filled with
/// the quaternion rotation and translation as described in ArPose_create().
void ArPose_getPoseRaw(const ArSession *session,
const ArPose *pose,
float *out_pose_raw);
/// Converts a pose into a 4x4 transformation matrix.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] pose The pose to convert
/// @param[out] out_matrix_col_major_4x4 Pointer to an array of 16 floats, to be
/// filled with a column-major homogenous transformation matrix, as used by
/// OpenGL.
void ArPose_getMatrix(const ArSession *session,
const ArPose *pose,
float *out_matrix_col_major_4x4);
/// @}
// === ArCamera methods ===
/// @addtogroup camera
/// @{
/// Sets @c out_pose to the pose of the user's device in the world coordinate
/// space at the time of capture of the current camera texture. The position and
/// orientation of the pose follow the device's physical camera (they are not
/// affected by display orientation) and uses OpenGL camera conventions (+X
/// right, +Y up, -Z in the direction the camera is looking).
/// Note: This pose is only useful when ArCamera_getTrackingState() returns
/// #AR_TRACKING_STATE_TRACKING and otherwise should not be used.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] camera The session's camera (retrieved from any frame).
/// @param[inout] out_pose An already-allocated ArPose object into which the
/// pose will be stored.
void ArCamera_getPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArCamera *camera,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Sets @c out_pose to the pose of the user's device in the world coordinate
/// space at the time of capture of the current camera texture. The position of
/// the pose is located at the device's camera, while the orientation
/// approximately matches the orientation of the display (considering display
/// rotation), using OpenGL camera conventions (+X right, +Y up, -Z in the
/// direction the camera is looking).
/// Note: This pose is only useful when ArCamera_getTrackingState() returns
/// #AR_TRACKING_STATE_TRACKING and otherwise should not be used.
/// See also: ArCamera_getViewMatrix()
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] camera The session's camera (retrieved from any frame).
/// @param[inout] out_pose An already-allocated ArPose object into which the
/// pose will be stored.
void ArCamera_getDisplayOrientedPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArCamera *camera,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Returns the view matrix for the camera for this frame. This matrix performs
/// the inverse transfrom as the pose provided by
/// ArCamera_getDisplayOrientedPose().
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] camera The session's camera.
/// @param[inout] out_col_major_4x4 Pointer to an array of 16 floats, to be
/// filled with a column-major homogenous transformation matrix, as used by
/// OpenGL.
void ArCamera_getViewMatrix(const ArSession *session,
const ArCamera *camera,
float *out_col_major_4x4);
/// Gets the current state of the pose of this camera. If this state is anything
/// other than #AR_TRACKING_STATE_TRACKING the Camera's pose should not be
/// considered useful.
void ArCamera_getTrackingState(const ArSession *session,
const ArCamera *camera,
ArTrackingState *out_tracking_state);
/// Computes a projection matrix for rendering virtual content on top of the
/// camera image. Note that the projection matrix reflects the current display
/// geometry and display rotation.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] camera The session's camera.
/// @param[in] near Specifies the near clip plane, in meters
/// @param[in] far Specifies the far clip plane, in meters
/// @param[inout] dest_col_major_4x4 Pointer to an array of 16 floats, to
/// be filled with a column-major homogenous transformation matrix, as used
/// by OpenGL.
void ArCamera_getProjectionMatrix(const ArSession *session,
const ArCamera *camera,
float near,
float far,
float *dest_col_major_4x4);
/// Releases a reference to the camera. This must match a call to
/// ArFrame_acquireCamera().
/// This method may safely be called with @c nullptr - it will do nothing.
void ArCamera_release(ArCamera *camera);
/// @}
// === ArFrame methods ===
/// @addtogroup frame
/// @{
/// Allocates a new ArFrame object, storing the pointer into @c *out_frame.
/// Note: the same ArFrame can be used repeatedly when calling ArSession_update.
void ArFrame_create(const ArSession *session, ArFrame **out_frame);
/// Releases an ArFrame and any references it holds.
void ArFrame_destroy(ArFrame *frame);
/// Checks if the display rotation or viewport geometry changed since the
/// previous call to ArSession_update(). The application should re-query
/// ArCamera_getProjectionMatrix() and ArFrame_transformDisplayUvCoords()
/// whenever this emits non-zero.
void ArFrame_getDisplayGeometryChanged(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
int32_t *out_geometry_changed);
/// Returns the timestamp in nanoseconds when this image was captured. This can
/// be used to detect dropped frames or measure the camera frame rate. The time
/// base of this value is specifically <b>not</b> defined, but it is likely
/// similar to <tt>clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME)</tt>.
void ArFrame_getTimestamp(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
int64_t *out_timestamp_ns);
/// Transform the given texture coordinates to correctly show the background
/// image. This will account for the display rotation, and any additional
/// required adjustment. For performance, this function should be called only if
/// ArFrame_hasDisplayGeometryChanged() emits true.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] frame The current frame.
/// @param[in] num_elements The number of floats to transform. Must be
/// a multiple of 2. @c uvs_in and @c uvs_out must point to arrays of at
/// least this many floats.
/// @param[in] uvs_in Input UV coordinates in normalized screen space.
/// @param[inout] uvs_out Output UV coordinates in texture coordinates.
void ArFrame_transformDisplayUvCoords(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
int32_t num_elements,
const float *uvs_in,
float *uvs_out);
/// Performs a ray cast from the user's device in the direction of the given
/// location in the camera view. Intersections with detected scene geometry are
/// returned, sorted by distance from the device; the nearest intersection is
/// returned first.
/// Note: Significant geometric leeway is given when returning hit results. For
/// example, a plane hit may be generated if the ray came close, but did not
/// actually hit within the plane extents or plane bounds
/// (ArPlane_isPoseInExtents() and ArPlane_isPoseInPolygon() can be used to
/// determine these cases). A point (point cloud) hit is generated when a point
/// is roughly within one finger-width of the provided screen coordinates.
/// The resulting list is ordered by distance, with the nearest hit first
/// Note: If not tracking, the hit_result_list will be empty. <br>
/// Note: If called on an old frame (not the latest produced by
/// ArSession_update() the hit_result_list will be empty).
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] frame The current frame.
/// @param[in] pixel_x Logical X position within the view, as from an
/// Android UI event.
/// @param[in] pixel_y Logical X position within the view.
/// @param[inout] hit_result_list The list to fill. This list must have been
/// previously allocated using ArHitResultList_create(). If the list has
/// been previously used, it will first be cleared.
void ArFrame_hitTest(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
float pixel_x,
float pixel_y,
ArHitResultList *hit_result_list);
/// Gets the current ambient light estimate, if light estimation was enabled.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] frame The current frame.
/// @param[inout] out_light_estimate The light estimate to fill. This object
/// must have been previously created with ArLightEstimate_create().
void ArFrame_getLightEstimate(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
ArLightEstimate *out_light_estimate);
/// Acquires the current set of estimated 3d points attached to real-world
/// geometry. A matching call to PointCloud_release() must be made when the
/// application is done accessing the point cloud.
/// Note: This information is for visualization and debugging purposes only. Its
/// characteristics and format are subject to change in subsequent versions of
/// the API.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] frame The current frame.
/// @param[out] out_point_cloud Pointer to an @c ArPointCloud* receive the
/// address of the point cloud.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED if @c frame is not the latest frame from
/// by ArSession_update().
/// - #AR_ERROR_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED if too many point clouds are currently held.
ArStatus ArFrame_acquirePointCloud(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
ArPointCloud **out_point_cloud);
/// Returns the camera object for the session. Note that this Camera instance is
/// long-lived so the same instance is returned regardless of the frame object
/// this method was called on.
void ArFrame_acquireCamera(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
ArCamera **out_camera);
/// Gets the camera metadata for the current camera image.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED if @c frame is not the latest frame from
/// by ArSession_update().
/// - #AR_ERROR_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED if too many metadata objects are currently
/// held.
/// - #AR_ERROR_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE if the camera failed to produce metadata for
/// the given frame. Note: this will commonly happen for few frames right
/// after @c ArSession_resume() due to the camera stack bringup.
ArStatus ArFrame_acquireImageMetadata(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
ArImageMetadata **out_metadata);
/// Gets the set of anchors that were changed by the ArSession_update() that
/// produced this Frame.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] frame The current frame.
/// @param[inout] out_anchor_list The list to fill. This list must have
/// already been allocated with ArAnchorList_create(). If previously
/// used, the list will first be cleared.
void ArFrame_getUpdatedAnchors(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
ArAnchorList *out_anchor_list);
/// Gets the set of trackables of a particular type that were changed by the
/// ArSession_update() call that produced this Frame.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] frame The current frame.
/// @param[in] filter_type The type(s) of trackables to return. See
/// ::ArTrackableType for legal values.
/// @param[inout] out_trackable_list The list to fill. This list must have
/// already been allocated with ArTrackableList_create(). If previously
/// used, the list will first be cleared.
void ArFrame_getUpdatedTrackables(const ArSession *session,
const ArFrame *frame,
ArTrackableType filter_type,
ArTrackableList *out_trackable_list);
/// @}
// === ArPointCloud methods ===
/// @addtogroup pointcloud
/// @{
/// Retrieves the number of points in the point cloud.
void ArPointCloud_getNumberOfPoints(const ArSession *session,
const ArPointCloud *point_cloud,
int32_t *out_number_of_points);
/// Retrieves a pointer to the point cloud data.
/// Each point is represented by four consecutive values in the array; first the
/// X, Y, Z position coordinates, followed by a confidence value. This is the
/// same format as described in <a
/// href=""
/// The pointer returned by this function is valid until ArPointCloud_release()
/// is called. The application must copy the data if they wish to retain it for
/// longer. The points are in world coordinates consistent with the frame it was
/// obtained from. If the number of points is zero, then the value of
/// @c *out_point_cloud_data should is undefined.
void ArPointCloud_getData(const ArSession *session,
const ArPointCloud *point_cloud,
const float **out_point_cloud_data);
/// Returns the timestamp in nanoseconds when this point cloud was observed.
/// This timestamp uses the same time base as ArFrame_getTimestamp().
void ArPointCloud_getTimestamp(const ArSession *session,
const ArPointCloud *point_cloud,
int64_t *out_timestamp_ns);
/// Releases a reference to the point cloud. This must match a call to
/// ArFrame_acquirePointCloud().
/// This method may safely be called with @c nullptr - it will do nothing.
void ArPointCloud_release(ArPointCloud *point_cloud);
/// @}
// === Image Metadata methods ===
/// @addtogroup image
/// @{
/// Retrieves the capture metadata for the current camera image.
/// @c ACameraMetadata is a struct in Android NDK. Include NdkCameraMetadata.h
/// to use this type.
/// Note: that the ACameraMetadata returned from this function will be invalid
/// after its ArImageMetadata object is released.
void ArImageMetadata_getNdkCameraMetadata(
const ArSession *session,
const ArImageMetadata *image_metadata,
const ACameraMetadata **out_ndk_metadata);
/// Releases a reference to the metadata. This must match a call to
/// ArFrame_acquireImageMetadata().
/// This method may safely be called with @c nullptr - it will do nothing.
void ArImageMetadata_release(ArImageMetadata *metadata);
// === CPU Image Access types and methods ===
/// Gets the image of the tracking camera relative to the input session and
/// frame.
/// Return values:
/// @returns #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - one more input arguments are invalid.
/// - #AR_ERROR_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED - the input frame is not the current frame.
/// - #AR_ERROR_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - the caller app has exceeded maximum number
/// of images that it can hold without releasing.
/// - #AR_ERROR_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE - image with the timestamp of the input frame
/// was not found within a bounded amount of time, or the camera failed to
/// produce the image
ArStatus ArFrame_acquireCameraImage(ArSession *session,
ArFrame *frame,
ArImage **out_image);
/// Converts an ArImage object to an Android NDK AImage object.
void ArImage_getNdkImage(const ArImage *image, const AImage **out_ndk_image);
/// Releases an instance of ArImage returned by ArFrame_acquireCameraImage().
void ArImage_release(ArImage *image);
/// @}
// === ArLightEstimate methods ===
/// @addtogroup light
/// @{
/// Allocates a light estimate object.
void ArLightEstimate_create(const ArSession *session,
ArLightEstimate **out_light_estimate);
/// Releases the provided light estimate object.
void ArLightEstimate_destroy(ArLightEstimate *light_estimate);
/// Retrieves the validity state of a light estimate. If the resulting value of
/// @c *out_light_estimate_state is not #AR_LIGHT_ESTIMATE_STATE_VALID, the
/// estimate should not be used for rendering.
void ArLightEstimate_getState(const ArSession *session,
const ArLightEstimate *light_estimate,
ArLightEstimateState *out_light_estimate_state);
/// Retrieves the pixel intensity, in gamma space, of the current camera view.
/// Values are in the range (0.0, 1.0), with zero being black and one being
/// white.
/// If rendering in gamma space, divide this value by 0.466, which is middle
/// gray in gamma space, and multiply against the final calculated color after
/// rendering.
/// If rendering in linear space, first convert this value to linear space by
/// rising to the power 2.2. Normalize the result by dividing it by 0.18 which
/// is middle gray in linear space. Then multiply by the final calculated color
/// after rendering.
void ArLightEstimate_getPixelIntensity(const ArSession *session,
const ArLightEstimate *light_estimate,
float *out_pixel_intensity);
/// Gets the color correction values that are uploaded to the fragment shader.
/// Use the RGB scale factors (components 0-2) to match the color of the light
/// in the scene. Use the pixel intensity (component 3) to match the intensity
/// of the light in the scene.
/// `out_color_correction_4` components are:
/// - `[0]` Red channel scale factor.
/// - `[1]` Green channel scale factor.
/// - `[2]` Blue channel scale factor.
/// - `[3]` Pixel intensity. This is the same value as the one return from
/// ArLightEstimate_getPixelIntensity().
/// The RGB scale factors can be used independently from the pixel intensity
/// value. They are put together for the convenience of only having to upload
/// one float4 to the fragment shader.
/// The RGB scale factors are not intended to brighten nor dim the scene. They
/// are only to shift the color of the virtual object towards the color of the
/// light; not intensity of the light. The pixel intensity is used to match the
/// intensity of the light in the scene.
/// Color correction values are reported in gamma space.
/// If rendering in gamma space, component-wise multiply them against the final
/// calculated color after rendering.
/// If rendering in linear space, first convert the values to linear space by
/// rising to the power 2.2. Then component-wise multiply against the final
/// calculated color after rendering.
void ArLightEstimate_getColorCorrection(const ArSession *session,
const ArLightEstimate *light_estimate,
float *out_color_correction_4);
/// @}
// === ArAnchorList methods ===
/// @addtogroup anchor
/// @{
/// Creates an anchor list object.
void ArAnchorList_create(const ArSession *session,
ArAnchorList **out_anchor_list);
/// Releases the memory used by an anchor list object, along with all the anchor
/// references it holds.
void ArAnchorList_destroy(ArAnchorList *anchor_list);
/// Retrieves the number of anchors in this list.
void ArAnchorList_getSize(const ArSession *session,
const ArAnchorList *anchor_list,
int32_t *out_size);
/// Acquires a reference to an indexed entry in the list. This call must
/// eventually be matched with a call to ArAnchor_release().
void ArAnchorList_acquireItem(const ArSession *session,
const ArAnchorList *anchor_list,
int32_t index,
ArAnchor **out_anchor);
// === ArAnchor methods ===
/// Retrieves the pose of the anchor in the world coordinate space. This pose
/// produced by this call may change each time ArSession_update() is called.
/// This pose should only be used for rendering if ArAnchor_getTrackingState()
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] anchor The anchor to retrieve the pose of.
/// @param[inout] out_pose An already-allocated ArPose object into which the
/// pose will be stored.
void ArAnchor_getPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArAnchor *anchor,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Retrieves the current state of the pose of this anchor.
void ArAnchor_getTrackingState(const ArSession *session,
const ArAnchor *anchor,
ArTrackingState *out_tracking_state);
/// Tells ARCore to stop tracking and forget this anchor. This call does not
/// release the reference to the anchor - that must be done separately using
/// ArAnchor_release().
void ArAnchor_detach(ArSession *session, ArAnchor *anchor);
/// Releases a reference to an anchor. This does not mean that the anchor will
/// stop tracking, as it will be obtainable from e.g. ArSession_getAllAnchors()
/// if any other references exist.
/// This method may safely be called with @c nullptr - it will do nothing.
void ArAnchor_release(ArAnchor *anchor);
/// Acquires the cloud anchor ID of the anchor. The ID acquired is an ASCII
/// null-terminated string. The acquired ID must be released after use by the
/// @c ArString_release function. For anchors with cloud state
/// will always be an empty string.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] anchor The anchor to retrieve the cloud ID of.
/// @param[inout] out_cloud_anchor_id A pointer to the acquired ID string.
void ArAnchor_acquireCloudAnchorId(ArSession *session,
ArAnchor *anchor,
char **out_cloud_anchor_id);
/// Gets the current cloud anchor state of the anchor. This state is guaranteed
/// not to change until update() is called.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] anchor The anchor to retrieve the cloud state of.
/// @param[inout] out_state The current cloud state of the anchor.
void ArAnchor_getCloudAnchorState(const ArSession *session,
const ArAnchor *anchor,
ArCloudAnchorState *out_state);
/// @}
// === ArTrackableList methods ===
/// @addtogroup trackable
/// @{
/// Creates a trackable list object.
void ArTrackableList_create(const ArSession *session,
ArTrackableList **out_trackable_list);
/// Releases the memory used by a trackable list object, along with all the
/// anchor references it holds.
void ArTrackableList_destroy(ArTrackableList *trackable_list);
/// Retrieves the number of trackables in this list.
void ArTrackableList_getSize(const ArSession *session,
const ArTrackableList *trackable_list,
int32_t *out_size);
/// Acquires a reference to an indexed entry in the list. This call must
/// eventually be matched with a call to ArTrackable_release().
void ArTrackableList_acquireItem(const ArSession *session,
const ArTrackableList *trackable_list,
int32_t index,
ArTrackable **out_trackable);
// === ArTrackable methods ===
/// Releases a reference to a trackable. This does not mean that the trackable
/// will necessarily stop tracking. The same trackable may still be included in
/// from other calls, for example ArSession_getAllTrackables().
/// This method may safely be called with @c nullptr - it will do nothing.
void ArTrackable_release(ArTrackable *trackable);
/// Retrieves the type of the trackable. See ::ArTrackableType for valid types.
void ArTrackable_getType(const ArSession *session,
const ArTrackable *trackable,
ArTrackableType *out_trackable_type);
/// Retrieves the current state of ARCore's knowledge of the pose of this
/// trackable.
void ArTrackable_getTrackingState(const ArSession *session,
const ArTrackable *trackable,
ArTrackingState *out_tracking_state);
/// Creates an Anchor at the given pose in the world coordinate space, attached
/// to this Trackable, and acquires a reference to it. The type of Trackable
/// will determine the semantics of attachment and how the Anchor's pose will be
/// updated to maintain this relationship. Note that the relative offset between
/// the pose of multiple Anchors attached to a Trackable may adjust slightly
/// over time as ARCore updates its model of the world.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_NOT_TRACKING if the trackable's tracking state was not
/// - #AR_ERROR_SESSION_PAUSED if the session was paused
/// - #AR_ERROR_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED if too many anchors exist
ArStatus ArTrackable_acquireNewAnchor(ArSession *session,
ArTrackable *trackable,
ArPose *pose,
ArAnchor **out_anchor);
/// Gets the set of anchors attached to this trackable.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session
/// @param[in] trackable The trackable to query the anchors of.
/// @param[inout] out_anchor_list The list to fill. This list must have
/// already been allocated with ArAnchorList_create(). If previously
/// used, the list will first be cleared.
void ArTrackable_getAnchors(const ArSession *session,
const ArTrackable *trackable,
ArAnchorList *out_anchor_list);
/// @}
// === ArPlane methods ===
/// @addtogroup plane
/// @{
/// Acquires a reference to the plane subsuming this plane.
/// Two or more planes may be automatically merged into a single parent plane,
/// resulting in this method acquiring the parent plane when called with each
/// child plane. A subsumed plane becomes identical to the parent plane, and
/// will continue behaving as if it were independently tracked, for example
/// being included in the output of ArFrame_getUpdatedTrackables().
/// In cases where a subsuming plane is itself subsumed, this function
/// will always return the topmost non-subsumed plane.
/// Note: this function will set @c *out_subsumed_by to NULL if the plane is not
/// subsumed.
void ArPlane_acquireSubsumedBy(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
ArPlane **out_subsumed_by);
/// Retrieves the type (orientation) of the plane. See ::ArPlaneType.
void ArPlane_getType(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
ArPlaneType *out_plane_type);
/// Returns the pose of the center of the detected plane. The pose's transformed
/// +Y axis will be point normal out of the plane, with the +X and +Z axes
/// orienting the extents of the bounding rectangle.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] plane The plane for which to retrieve center pose.
/// @param[inout] out_pose An already-allocated ArPose object into which the
/// pose will be stored.
void ArPlane_getCenterPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Retrieves the length of this plane's bounding rectangle measured along the
/// local X-axis of the coordinate space defined by the output of
/// ArPlane_getCenterPose().
void ArPlane_getExtentX(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
float *out_extent_x);
/// Retrieves the length of this plane's bounding rectangle measured along the
/// local Z-axis of the coordinate space defined by the output of
/// ArPlane_getCenterPose().
void ArPlane_getExtentZ(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
float *out_extent_z);
/// Retrieves the number of elements (not vertices) in the boundary polygon.
/// The number of vertices is 1/2 this size.
void ArPlane_getPolygonSize(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
int32_t *out_polygon_size);
/// Returns the 2D vertices of a convex polygon approximating the detected
/// plane, in the form <tt>[x1, z1, x2, z2, ...]</tt>. These X-Z values are in
/// the plane's local x-z plane (y=0) and must be transformed by the pose
/// (ArPlane_getCenterPose()) to get the boundary in world coordinates.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] plane The plane to retrieve the polygon from.
/// @param[inout] out_polygon_xz A pointer to an array of floats. The length of
/// this array must be at least that reported by ArPlane_getPolygonSize().
void ArPlane_getPolygon(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
float *out_polygon_xz);
/// Sets @c *out_pose_in_extents to non-zero if the given pose (usually obtained
/// from a HitResult) is in the plane's rectangular extents.
void ArPlane_isPoseInExtents(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
const ArPose *pose,
int32_t *out_pose_in_extents);
/// Sets @c *out_pose_in_extents to non-zero if the given pose (usually obtained
/// from a HitResult) is in the plane's polygon.
void ArPlane_isPoseInPolygon(const ArSession *session,
const ArPlane *plane,
const ArPose *pose,
int32_t *out_pose_in_polygon);
/// @}
// === ArPoint methods ===
/// @addtogroup point
/// @{
/// Returns the pose of the point.
/// If ArPoint_getOrientationMode() returns ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL, the
/// orientation will follow the behavior described in ArHitResult_getHitPose().
/// If ArPoint_getOrientationMode() returns INITIALIZED_TO_IDENTITY, then
/// returns an orientation that is identity or close to identity.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] point The point to retrieve the pose of.
/// @param[inout] out_pose An already-allocated ArPose object into which the
/// pose will be stored.
void ArPoint_getPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArPoint *point,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Returns the OrientationMode of the point. For @c Point objects created by
/// ArFrame_hitTest().
/// If OrientationMode is ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL, then normal of the surface
/// centered around the ArPoint was estimated succesfully.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] point The point to retrieve the pose of.
/// @param[inout] out_orientation_mode OrientationMode output result for the
/// the point.
void ArPoint_getOrientationMode(const ArSession *session,
const ArPoint *point,
ArPointOrientationMode *out_orientation_mode);
/// @}
// === ArAugmentedImage methods ===
/// @addtogroup augmented_image
/// @{
/// Returns the pose of the center of the detected image. The pose's
/// transformed +Y axis will be point normal out of the image.
/// If the tracking state is PAUSED/STOPPED, this returns the pose when the
/// image state was last TRACKING, or the identity pose if the image state has
/// never been TRACKING.
void ArAugmentedImage_getCenterPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Retrieves the estimated width, in metres, of the corresponding physical
/// image, as measured along the local X-axis of the coordinate space with
/// origin and axes as defined by ArAugmentedImage_getCenterPose().
/// ARCore will attempt to estimate the physical image's width and continuously
/// update this estimate based on its understanding of the world. If the
/// optional physical size is specified in the image database, this estimation
/// process will happen more quickly. However, the estimated size may be
/// different from the originally specified size.
/// If the tracking state is PAUSED/STOPPED, this returns the estimated width
/// when the image state was last TRACKING. If the image state has never been
/// TRACKING, this returns 0, even the image has a specified physical size in
/// the image database.
void ArAugmentedImage_getExtentX(const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image,
float *out_extent_x);
/// Retrieves the estimated height, in metres, of the corresponding physical
/// image, as measured along the local Z-axis of the coordinate space with
/// origin and axes as defined by ArAugmentedImage_getCenterPose().
/// ARCore will attempt to estimate the physical image's height and continuously
/// update this estimate based on its understanding of the world. If an optional
/// physical size is specified in the image database, this estimation process
/// will happen more quickly. However, the estimated size may be different from
/// the originally specified size.
/// If the tracking state is PAUSED/STOPPED, this returns the estimated height
/// when the image state was last TRACKING. If the image state has never been
/// TRACKING, this returns 0, even the image has a specified physical size in
/// the image database.
void ArAugmentedImage_getExtentZ(const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image,
float *out_extent_z);
/// Returns the zero-based positional index of this image from its originating
/// image database.
/// This index serves as the unique identifier for the image in the database.
void ArAugmentedImage_getIndex(const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image,
int32_t *out_index);
/// Returns the name of this image.
/// The image name is not guaranteed to be unique.
/// This function will allocate memory for the name string, and set
/// *out_augmented_image_name to point to that string. The caller must release
/// the string using ArString_release when the string is no longer needed.
void ArAugmentedImage_acquireName(const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image,
char **out_augmented_image_name);
/// @}
// === ArAugmentedImageDatabase methods ===
/// @addtogroup augmented_image_database
/// @{
/// Creates a new empty image database.
void ArAugmentedImageDatabase_create(
const ArSession *session,
ArAugmentedImageDatabase **out_augmented_image_database);
/// Creates a new image database from a byte array. The contents of the byte
/// array must have been generated by the command-line database generation tool
/// provided in the SDK, or at runtime from ArAugmentedImageDatabase_serialize.
/// Note: this function takes about 10-20ms for a 5MB byte array. Run this in a
/// background thread if this affects your application.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_DATA_INVALID_FORMAT - the bytes are in an invalid format.
/// - #AR_ERROR_DATA_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION - the database is not supported by
/// this version of the SDK.
ArStatus ArAugmentedImageDatabase_deserialize(
const ArSession *session,
const uint8_t *database_raw_bytes,
int64_t database_raw_bytes_size,
ArAugmentedImageDatabase **out_augmented_image_database);
/// Serializes an image database to a byte array.
/// This function will allocate memory for the serialized raw byte array, and
/// set *out_image_database_raw_bytes to point to that byte array. The caller is
/// expected to release the byte array using ArByteArray_release when the byte
/// array is no longer needed.
void ArAugmentedImageDatabase_serialize(
const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database,
uint8_t **out_image_database_raw_bytes,
int64_t *out_image_database_raw_bytes_size);
/// Adds a single named image of unknown physical size to an image database,
/// from an array of grayscale pixel values. Returns the zero-based positional
/// index of the image within the image database.
/// If the physical size of the image is known, use
/// ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImageWithPhysicalSize instead, to improve image
/// detection time.
/// For images added via ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImage, ARCore estimates the
/// physical image's size and pose at runtime when the physical image is visible
/// and is being tracked. This extra estimation step will require the user to
/// move their device to view the physical image from different viewpoints
/// before the size and pose of the physical image can be estimated.
/// This function takes time to perform non-trivial image processing (20ms -
/// 30ms), and should be run on a background thread.
/// The image name is expected to be a null-terminated string in UTF-8 format.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_IMAGE_INSUFFICIENT_QUALITY - image quality is insufficient, e.g.
/// because of lack of features in the image.
ArStatus ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImage(
const ArSession *session,
ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database,
const char *image_name,
const uint8_t *image_grayscale_pixels,
int32_t image_width_in_pixels,
int32_t image_height_in_pixels,
int32_t image_stride_in_pixels,
int32_t *out_index);
/// Adds a single named image to an image database, from an array of grayscale
/// pixel values, along with a positive physical width in meters for this image.
/// Returns the zero-based positional index of the image within the image
/// database.
/// If the physical size of the image is not known, use
/// ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImage instead, at the expense of an increased
/// image detection time.
/// For images added via ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImageWithPhysicalSize,
/// ARCore can estimate the pose of the physical image at runtime as soon as
/// ARCore detects the physical image, without requiring the user to move the
/// device to view the physical image from different viewpoints. Note that
/// ARCore will refine the estimated size and pose of the physical image as it
/// is viewed from different viewpoints.
/// This function takes time to perform non-trivial image processing (20ms -
/// 30ms), and should be run on a background thread.
/// The image name is expected to be a null-terminated string in UTF-8 format.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_IMAGE_INSUFFICIENT_QUALITY - image quality is insufficient, e.g.
/// because of lack of features in the image.
/// - #AR_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - image_width_in_meters is <= 0.
ArStatus ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImageWithPhysicalSize(
const ArSession *session,
ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database,
const char *image_name,
const uint8_t *image_grayscale_pixels,
int32_t image_width_in_pixels,
int32_t image_height_in_pixels,
int32_t image_stride_in_pixels,
float image_width_in_meters,
int32_t *out_index);
/// Returns the number of images in the image database.
void ArAugmentedImageDatabase_getNumImages(
const ArSession *session,
const ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database,
int32_t *out_num_images);
/// Releases memory used by an image database.
void ArAugmentedImageDatabase_destroy(
ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database);
/// @}
// === ArHitResultList methods ===
/// @addtogroup hit
/// @{
/// Creates a hit result list object.
void ArHitResultList_create(const ArSession *session,
ArHitResultList **out_hit_result_list);
/// Releases the memory used by a hit result list object, along with all the
/// trackable references it holds.
void ArHitResultList_destroy(ArHitResultList *hit_result_list);
/// Retrieves the number of hit results in this list.
void ArHitResultList_getSize(const ArSession *session,
const ArHitResultList *hit_result_list,
int32_t *out_size);
/// Copies an indexed entry in the list. This acquires a reference to any
/// trackable referenced by the item, and releases any reference currently held
/// by the provided result object.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] hit_result_list The list from which to copy an item.
/// @param[in] index Index of the entry to copy.
/// @param[inout] out_hit_result An already-allocated ArHitResult object into
/// which the result will be copied.
void ArHitResultList_getItem(const ArSession *session,
const ArHitResultList *hit_result_list,
int32_t index,
ArHitResult *out_hit_result);
// === ArHitResult methods ===
/// Allocates an empty hit result object.
void ArHitResult_create(const ArSession *session, ArHitResult **out_hit_result);
/// Releases the memory used by a hit result object, along with any
/// trackable reference it holds.
void ArHitResult_destroy(ArHitResult *hit_result);
/// Returns the distance from the camera to the hit location, in meters.
void ArHitResult_getDistance(const ArSession *session,
const ArHitResult *hit_result,
float *out_distance);
/// Returns the pose of the intersection between a ray and detected real-world
/// geometry. The position is the location in space where the ray intersected
/// the geometry. The orientation is a best effort to face the user's device,
/// and its exact definition differs depending on the Trackable that was hit.
/// ::ArPlane : X+ is perpendicular to the cast ray and parallel to the plane,
/// Y+ points along the plane normal (up, for #AR_PLANE_HORIZONTAL_UPWARD_FACING
/// planes), and Z+ is parallel to the plane, pointing roughly toward the
/// user's device.
/// ::ArPoint :
/// Attempt to estimate the normal of the surface centered around the hit test.
/// Surface normal estimation is most likely to succeed on textured surfaces
/// and with camera motion.
/// If ArPoint_getOrientationMode() returns ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL,
/// then X+ is perpendicular to the cast ray and parallel to the physical
/// surface centered around the hit test, Y+ points along the estimated surface
/// normal, and Z+ points roughly toward the user's device. If
/// ArPoint_getOrientationMode() returns INITIALIZED_TO_IDENTITY, then X+ is
/// perpendicular to the cast ray and points right from the perspective of the
/// user's device, Y+ points up, and Z+ points roughly toward the user's device.
/// If you wish to retain the location of this pose beyond the duration of a
/// single frame, create an anchor using ArHitResult_acquireNewAnchor() to save
/// the pose in a physically consistent way.
/// @param[in] session The ARCore session.
/// @param[in] hit_result The hit result to retrieve the pose of.
/// @param[inout] out_pose An already-allocated ArPose object into which the
/// pose will be stored.
void ArHitResult_getHitPose(const ArSession *session,
const ArHitResult *hit_result,
ArPose *out_pose);
/// Acquires reference to the hit trackable. This call must be paired with a
/// call to ArTrackable_release().
void ArHitResult_acquireTrackable(const ArSession *session,
const ArHitResult *hit_result,
ArTrackable **out_trackable);
/// Creates a new anchor at the hit location. See ArHitResult_getHitPose() for
/// details. This is equivalent to creating an anchor on the hit trackable at
/// the hit pose.
/// @return #AR_SUCCESS or any of:
/// - #AR_ERROR_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED - hit result must be used before the next call
/// to update().
ArStatus ArHitResult_acquireNewAnchor(ArSession *session,
ArHitResult *hit_result,
ArAnchor **out_anchor);
/// @}
// Utility methods for releasing data.
/// Releases a string acquired using an ARCore API function.
/// @param[in] str The string to be released.
void ArString_release(char *str);
/// Releases a byte array created using an ARCore API function.
void ArByteArray_release(uint8_t *byte_array);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // ARCORE_C_API_H_