blob: 331e642a70162c8811a8e6a55c26288b8a39de55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/fiddle/examples.h"
// HASH=275356b65d18c8868f4434137350cddc
REG_FIDDLE(Image_RasterFromPixmap, 256, 256, true, 0) {
static void releaseProc(const void* pixels, SkImages::ReleaseContext context) {
int* countPtr = static_cast<int*>(context);
*countPtr += 1;
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
SkColor color = 0;
SkPixmap pixmap(SkImageInfo::MakeN32(1, 1, kPremul_SkAlphaType), &color, 4);
int releaseCount = 0;
sk_sp<SkImage> image(SkImages::RasterFromPixmap(pixmap, releaseProc, &releaseCount));
SkDebugf("before reset: %d\n", releaseCount);
SkDebugf("after reset: %d\n", releaseCount);