blob: e2bb1a8b079863a66adbbb357641a859e437e916 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkVertices.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/private/SkTo.h"
#include "src/core/SkCanvasPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkSafeMath.h"
#include "src/core/SkSafeRange.h"
#include "src/core/SkVerticesPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <new>
static int32_t next_id() {
static std::atomic<int32_t> nextID{1};
int32_t id;
do {
id = nextID++;
} while (id == SK_InvalidGenID);
return id;
SkVertices::Attribute::Attribute(Type t, Usage u, const char* markerName)
: fType(t)
, fUsage(u)
, fMarkerName(markerName) {
fMarkerID = fMarkerName ? SkOpts::hash_fn(fMarkerName, strlen(fMarkerName), 0) : 0;
SkASSERT(!fMarkerName || fMarkerID != 0);
int SkVertices::Attribute::channelCount() const {
switch (fUsage) {
case Usage::kRaw: break;
case Usage::kColor: return 4;
case Usage::kVector: return 3;
case Usage::kNormalVector: return 3;
case Usage::kPosition: return 3;
switch (fType) {
case Type::kFloat: return 1;
case Type::kFloat2: return 2;
case Type::kFloat3: return 3;
case Type::kFloat4: return 4;
case Type::kByte4_unorm: return 4;
size_t SkVertices::Attribute::bytesPerVertex() const {
switch (fType) {
case Type::kFloat: return 1 * sizeof(float);
case Type::kFloat2: return 2 * sizeof(float);
case Type::kFloat3: return 3 * sizeof(float);
case Type::kFloat4: return 4 * sizeof(float);
case Type::kByte4_unorm: return 4 * sizeof(uint8_t);
bool SkVertices::Attribute::isValid() const {
if (fMarkerName && !SkCanvasPriv::ValidateMarker(fMarkerName)) {
return false;
switch (fUsage) {
case Usage::kRaw:
return fMarkerID == 0;
case Usage::kColor:
return fMarkerID == 0 && (fType == Type::kFloat3 || fType == Type::kFloat4 ||
fType == Type::kByte4_unorm);
case Usage::kVector:
case Usage::kNormalVector:
case Usage::kPosition:
return fType == Type::kFloat2 || fType == Type::kFloat3;
static size_t custom_data_size(const SkVertices::Attribute* attrs, int attrCount) {
size_t size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) {
size += attrs[i].bytesPerVertex();
return size;
struct SkVertices::Desc {
VertexMode fMode;
int fVertexCount,
bool fHasTexs,
const Attribute* fAttributes;
int fAttributeCount;
void validate() const {
SkASSERT(fAttributeCount == 0 || (!fHasTexs && !fHasColors));
struct SkVertices::Sizes {
Sizes(const Desc& desc) {
SkSafeMath safe;
fNameSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < desc.fAttributeCount; ++i) {
const Attribute& attr(desc.fAttributes[i]);
if (!attr.isValid()) {
if (attr.fMarkerName) {
fNameSize = safe.add(fNameSize, strlen(attr.fMarkerName));
fNameSize = SkAlign4(fNameSize);
fAttrSize = safe.mul(desc.fAttributeCount, sizeof(Attribute));
fVSize = safe.mul(desc.fVertexCount, sizeof(SkPoint));
fDSize = safe.mul(custom_data_size(desc.fAttributes, desc.fAttributeCount),
fTSize = desc.fHasTexs ? safe.mul(desc.fVertexCount, sizeof(SkPoint)) : 0;
fCSize = desc.fHasColors ? safe.mul(desc.fVertexCount, sizeof(SkColor)) : 0;
fBuilderTriFanISize = 0;
fISize = safe.mul(desc.fIndexCount, sizeof(uint16_t));
if (kTriangleFan_VertexMode == desc.fMode) {
int numFanTris = 0;
if (desc.fIndexCount) {
fBuilderTriFanISize = fISize;
numFanTris = desc.fIndexCount - 2;
} else {
numFanTris = desc.fVertexCount - 2;
// By forcing this to become indexed we are adding a constraint to the maximum
// number of vertices.
if (desc.fVertexCount > (SkTo<int>(UINT16_MAX) + 1)) {
sk_bzero(this, sizeof(*this));
if (numFanTris <= 0) {
sk_bzero(this, sizeof(*this));
fISize = safe.mul(numFanTris, 3 * sizeof(uint16_t));
fTotal = safe.add(sizeof(SkVertices),
if (safe.ok()) {
fArrays = fVSize + fDSize + fTSize + fCSize + fISize; // just the sum of the arrays
} else {
sk_bzero(this, sizeof(*this));
bool isValid() const { return fTotal != 0; }
size_t fTotal = 0; // size of entire SkVertices allocation (obj + arrays)
size_t fAttrSize; // size of attributes
size_t fNameSize; // size of attribute marker names
size_t fArrays; // size of all the data arrays (V + D + T + C + I)
size_t fVSize;
size_t fDSize; // size of all customData = [customDataSize * fVertexCount]
size_t fTSize;
size_t fCSize;
size_t fISize;
// For indexed tri-fans this is the number of amount of space fo indices needed in the builder
// before conversion to indexed triangles (or zero if not indexed or not a triangle fan).
size_t fBuilderTriFanISize;
SkVertices::Builder::Builder(VertexMode mode, int vertexCount, int indexCount,
uint32_t builderFlags) {
bool hasTexs = SkToBool(builderFlags & SkVertices::kHasTexCoords_BuilderFlag);
bool hasColors = SkToBool(builderFlags & SkVertices::kHasColors_BuilderFlag);
this->init({mode, vertexCount, indexCount, hasTexs, hasColors, nullptr, 0});
SkVertices::Builder::Builder(VertexMode mode,
int vertexCount,
int indexCount,
const SkVertices::Attribute* attrs,
int attrCount) {
if (attrCount <= 0 || attrCount > kMaxCustomAttributes || !attrs) {
this->init({mode, vertexCount, indexCount, false, false, attrs, attrCount});
SkVertices::Builder::Builder(const Desc& desc) {
void SkVertices::Builder::init(const Desc& desc) {
Sizes sizes(desc);
if (!sizes.isValid()) {
void* storage = ::operator new (sizes.fTotal);
if (sizes.fBuilderTriFanISize) {
fIntermediateFanIndices.reset(new uint8_t[sizes.fBuilderTriFanISize]);
fVertices.reset(new (storage) SkVertices);
// need to point past the object to store the arrays
char* ptr = (char*)storage + sizeof(SkVertices);
// return the original ptr (or null), but then advance it by size
auto advance = [&ptr](size_t size) {
char* new_ptr = size ? ptr : nullptr;
ptr += size;
return new_ptr;
fVertices->fAttributes = (Attribute*)advance(sizes.fAttrSize);
char* markerNames = advance(sizes.fNameSize);
// Copy the attributes into our block of memory (immediately after the SkVertices)
sk_careful_memcpy(fVertices->fAttributes, desc.fAttributes,
desc.fAttributeCount * sizeof(Attribute));
// Now copy the marker names, and fix up the pointers in our attributes
for (int i = 0; i < desc.fAttributeCount; ++i) {
Attribute& attr(fVertices->fAttributes[i]);
if (attr.fMarkerName) {
attr.fMarkerName = strcpy(markerNames, attr.fMarkerName);
markerNames += (strlen(markerNames) + 1);
fVertices->fPositions = (SkPoint*) advance(sizes.fVSize);
fVertices->fCustomData = (void*) advance(sizes.fDSize);
fVertices->fTexs = (SkPoint*) advance(sizes.fTSize);
fVertices->fColors = (SkColor*) advance(sizes.fCSize);
fVertices->fIndices = (uint16_t*)advance(sizes.fISize);
fVertices->fVertexCount = desc.fVertexCount;
fVertices->fIndexCount = desc.fIndexCount;
fVertices->fAttributeCount = desc.fAttributeCount;
fVertices->fMode = desc.fMode;
// We defer assigning fBounds and fUniqueID until detach() is called
sk_sp<SkVertices> SkVertices::Builder::detach() {
if (fVertices) {
fVertices->fBounds.setBounds(fVertices->fPositions, fVertices->fVertexCount);
if (fVertices->fMode == kTriangleFan_VertexMode) {
if (fIntermediateFanIndices.get()) {
auto tempIndices = this->indices();
for (int t = 0; t < fVertices->fIndexCount - 2; ++t) {
fVertices->fIndices[3 * t + 0] = tempIndices[0];
fVertices->fIndices[3 * t + 1] = tempIndices[t + 1];
fVertices->fIndices[3 * t + 2] = tempIndices[t + 2];
fVertices->fIndexCount = 3 * (fVertices->fIndexCount - 2);
} else {
for (int t = 0; t < fVertices->fVertexCount - 2; ++t) {
fVertices->fIndices[3 * t + 0] = 0;
fVertices->fIndices[3 * t + 1] = SkToU16(t + 1);
fVertices->fIndices[3 * t + 2] = SkToU16(t + 2);
fVertices->fIndexCount = 3 * (fVertices->fVertexCount - 2);
fVertices->fMode = kTriangles_VertexMode;
fVertices->fUniqueID = next_id();
return std::move(fVertices); // this will null fVertices after the return
return nullptr;
SkPoint* SkVertices::Builder::positions() {
return fVertices ? const_cast<SkPoint*>(fVertices->fPositions) : nullptr;
void* SkVertices::Builder::customData() {
return fVertices ? const_cast<void*>(fVertices->fCustomData) : nullptr;
SkPoint* SkVertices::Builder::texCoords() {
return fVertices ? const_cast<SkPoint*>(fVertices->fTexs) : nullptr;
SkColor* SkVertices::Builder::colors() {
return fVertices ? const_cast<SkColor*>(fVertices->fColors) : nullptr;
uint16_t* SkVertices::Builder::indices() {
if (!fVertices) {
return nullptr;
if (fIntermediateFanIndices) {
return reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(fIntermediateFanIndices.get());
return const_cast<uint16_t*>(fVertices->fIndices);
sk_sp<SkVertices> SkVertices::MakeCopy(VertexMode mode, int vertexCount,
const SkPoint pos[], const SkPoint texs[],
const SkColor colors[],
int indexCount, const uint16_t indices[]) {
auto desc = Desc{mode, vertexCount, indexCount, !!texs, !!colors, nullptr, 0};
Builder builder(desc);
if (!builder.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
Sizes sizes(desc);
sk_careful_memcpy(builder.positions(), pos, sizes.fVSize);
sk_careful_memcpy(builder.texCoords(), texs, sizes.fTSize);
sk_careful_memcpy(builder.colors(), colors, sizes.fCSize);
size_t isize = (mode == kTriangleFan_VertexMode) ? sizes.fBuilderTriFanISize : sizes.fISize;
sk_careful_memcpy(builder.indices(), indices, isize);
return builder.detach();
size_t SkVertices::approximateSize() const {
return this->getSizes().fTotal;
SkVertices::Sizes SkVertices::getSizes() const {
Sizes sizes(
{fMode, fVertexCount, fIndexCount, !!fTexs, !!fColors, fAttributes, fAttributeCount});
return sizes;
size_t SkVerticesPriv::customDataSize() const {
return custom_data_size(fVertices->fAttributes, fVertices->fAttributeCount);
bool SkVerticesPriv::hasUsage(SkVertices::Attribute::Usage u) const {
for (int i = 0; i < fVertices->fAttributeCount; ++i) {
if (fVertices->fAttributes[i].fUsage == u) {
return true;
return false;
// storage = packed | vertex_count | index_count | attr_count
// | pos[] | custom[] | texs[] | colors[] | indices[]
#define kMode_Mask 0x0FF
#define kHasTexs_Mask 0x100
#define kHasColors_Mask 0x200
void SkVerticesPriv::encode(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
// packed has room for additional flags in the future
uint32_t packed = static_cast<uint32_t>(fVertices->fMode);
SkASSERT((packed & ~kMode_Mask) == 0); // our mode fits in the mask bits
if (fVertices->fTexs) {
packed |= kHasTexs_Mask;
if (fVertices->fColors) {
packed |= kHasColors_Mask;
SkVertices::Sizes sizes = fVertices->getSizes();
// Header
// Attribute metadata
for (int i = 0; i < fVertices->fAttributeCount; ++i) {
// Data arrays
buffer.writeByteArray(fVertices->fPositions, sizes.fVSize);
buffer.writeByteArray(fVertices->fCustomData, sizes.fDSize);
buffer.writeByteArray(fVertices->fTexs, sizes.fTSize);
buffer.writeByteArray(fVertices->fColors, sizes.fCSize);
// if index-count is odd, we won't be 4-bytes aligned, so we call the pad version
buffer.writeByteArray(fVertices->fIndices, sizes.fISize);
sk_sp<SkVertices> SkVerticesPriv::Decode(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
if (buffer.isVersionLT(SkPicturePriv::kVerticesUseReadBuffer_Version)) {
// Old versions used an embedded blob that was serialized with SkWriter32/SkReader32.
// We don't support loading those, but skip over the vertices to keep the buffer valid.
auto data = buffer.readByteArrayAsData();
return nullptr;
auto decode = [](SkReadBuffer& buffer) -> sk_sp<SkVertices> {
SkSafeRange safe;
const uint32_t packed = buffer.readUInt();
const int vertexCount = safe.checkGE(buffer.readInt(), 0);
const int indexCount = safe.checkGE(buffer.readInt(), 0);
const int attrCount = safe.checkGE(buffer.readInt(), 0);
const SkVertices::VertexMode mode = safe.checkLE<SkVertices::VertexMode>(
packed & kMode_Mask, SkVertices::kLast_VertexMode);
const bool hasTexs = SkToBool(packed & kHasTexs_Mask);
const bool hasColors = SkToBool(packed & kHasColors_Mask);
if (!safe // Invalid header fields
|| attrCount > SkVertices::kMaxCustomAttributes // Too many custom attributes?
|| (attrCount > 0 && (hasTexs || hasColors))) { // Overspecified (incompatible features)
return nullptr;
SkVertices::Attribute attrs[SkVertices::kMaxCustomAttributes];
SkString attrNames[SkVertices::kMaxCustomAttributes];
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) {
auto type = buffer.checkRange(SkVertices::Attribute::Type::kFloat,
auto usage = buffer.checkRange(SkVertices::Attribute::Usage::kRaw,
const char* markerName = attrNames[i].isEmpty() ? nullptr : attrNames[i].c_str();
if (markerName && !SkCanvasPriv::ValidateMarker(markerName)) {
return nullptr;
attrs[i] = SkVertices::Attribute(type, usage, markerName);
// Ensure that all of the attribute metadata was valid before proceeding
if (!buffer.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
const SkVertices::Desc desc{mode, vertexCount, indexCount, hasTexs, hasColors,
attrCount ? attrs : nullptr, attrCount};
SkVertices::Sizes sizes(desc);
if (!sizes.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
SkVertices::Builder builder(desc);
if (!builder.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
buffer.readByteArray(builder.positions(), sizes.fVSize);
buffer.readByteArray(builder.customData(), sizes.fDSize);
buffer.readByteArray(builder.texCoords(), sizes.fTSize);
buffer.readByteArray(builder.colors(), sizes.fCSize);
size_t isize = (mode == SkVertices::kTriangleFan_VertexMode) ? sizes.fBuilderTriFanISize
: sizes.fISize;
buffer.readByteArray(builder.indices(), isize);
if (!buffer.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
if (indexCount > 0) {
// validate that the indices are in range
const uint16_t* indices = builder.indices();
for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i) {
if (indices[i] >= (unsigned)vertexCount) {
return nullptr;
return builder.detach();
if (auto verts = decode(buffer)) {
return verts;
return nullptr;
void SkVertices::operator delete(void* p) {
::operator delete(p);