blob: a0ddcf0ea6b023407798f0bbc26fafb65c0d087c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkPixmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
#include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
#include "include/gpu/GpuTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/BackendTexture.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Context.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Image.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recorder.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recording.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Surface.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/TextureInfo.h"
#include "src/base/SkRectMemcpy.h"
#include "src/core/SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageInfoPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Caps.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecorderPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "tests/TestUtils.h"
#include "tools/ToolUtils.h"
#include "tools/gpu/BackendTextureImageFactory.h"
#include "tools/gpu/ManagedBackendTexture.h"
#include "tools/graphite/GraphiteTestContext.h"
using Mipmapped = skgpu::Mipmapped;
static constexpr int min_rgb_channel_bits(SkColorType ct) {
switch (ct) {
case kUnknown_SkColorType: return 0;
case kAlpha_8_SkColorType: return 0;
case kA16_unorm_SkColorType: return 0;
case kA16_float_SkColorType: return 0;
case kRGB_565_SkColorType: return 5;
case kARGB_4444_SkColorType: return 4;
case kR8G8_unorm_SkColorType: return 8;
case kR16G16_unorm_SkColorType: return 16;
case kR16G16_float_SkColorType: return 16;
case kRGBA_8888_SkColorType: return 8;
case kSRGBA_8888_SkColorType: return 8;
case kRGB_888x_SkColorType: return 8;
case kBGRA_8888_SkColorType: return 8;
case kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType: return 10;
case kRGB_101010x_SkColorType: return 10;
case kBGRA_1010102_SkColorType: return 10;
case kBGR_101010x_SkColorType: return 10;
case kBGR_101010x_XR_SkColorType: return 10;
case kRGBA_10x6_SkColorType: return 10;
case kBGRA_10101010_XR_SkColorType: return 10;
case kGray_8_SkColorType: return 8; // counting gray as "rgb"
case kRGBA_F16Norm_SkColorType: return 10; // just counting the mantissa
case kRGBA_F16_SkColorType: return 10; // just counting the mantissa
case kRGB_F16F16F16x_SkColorType: return 10;
case kRGBA_F32_SkColorType: return 23; // just counting the mantissa
case kR16G16B16A16_unorm_SkColorType: return 16;
case kR8_unorm_SkColorType: return 8;
static constexpr int alpha_channel_bits(SkColorType ct) {
switch (ct) {
case kUnknown_SkColorType: return 0;
case kAlpha_8_SkColorType: return 8;
case kA16_unorm_SkColorType: return 16;
case kA16_float_SkColorType: return 16;
case kRGB_565_SkColorType: return 0;
case kARGB_4444_SkColorType: return 4;
case kR8G8_unorm_SkColorType: return 0;
case kR16G16_unorm_SkColorType: return 0;
case kR16G16_float_SkColorType: return 0;
case kRGBA_8888_SkColorType: return 8;
case kSRGBA_8888_SkColorType: return 8;
case kRGB_888x_SkColorType: return 0;
case kBGRA_8888_SkColorType: return 8;
case kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType: return 2;
case kRGB_101010x_SkColorType: return 0;
case kBGRA_1010102_SkColorType: return 2;
case kBGR_101010x_SkColorType: return 0;
case kBGR_101010x_XR_SkColorType: return 0;
case kRGBA_10x6_SkColorType: return 10;
case kBGRA_10101010_XR_SkColorType: return 10;
case kGray_8_SkColorType: return 0;
case kRGBA_F16Norm_SkColorType: return 10; // just counting the mantissa
case kRGBA_F16_SkColorType: return 10; // just counting the mantissa
case kRGB_F16F16F16x_SkColorType: return 0;
case kRGBA_F32_SkColorType: return 23; // just counting the mantissa
case kR16G16B16A16_unorm_SkColorType: return 16;
case kR8_unorm_SkColorType: return 0;
namespace {
std::vector<SkIRect> make_long_rect_array(int w, int h) {
return {
// entire thing
SkIRect::MakeWH(w, h),
// larger on all sides
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, w + 10, h + 10),
// fully contained
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(w/4, h/4, 3*w/4, 3*h/4),
// outside top left
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, -1, -1),
// touching top left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, 0, 0),
// overlapping top left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, w/4, h/4),
// overlapping top left and top right corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, w + 10, h/4),
// touching entire top edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, w + 10, 0),
// overlapping top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3*w/4, -10, w + 10, h/4),
// contained in x, overlapping top edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(w/4, -10, 3*w/4, h/4),
// outside top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(w + 1, -10, w + 10, -1),
// touching top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(w, -10, w + 10, 0),
// overlapping top left and bottom left corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, w/4, h + 10),
// touching entire left edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, 0, h + 10),
// overlapping bottom left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, 3*h/4, w/4, h + 10),
// contained in y, overlapping left edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, h/4, w/4, 3*h/4),
// outside bottom left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, h + 1, -1, h + 10),
// touching bottom left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, h, 0, h + 10),
// overlapping bottom left and bottom right corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, 3*h/4, w + 10, h + 10),
// touching entire left edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, h, w, h + 10),
// overlapping bottom right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3*w/4, 3*h/4, w + 10, h + 10),
// overlapping top right and bottom right corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3*w/4, -10, w + 10, h + 10),
std::vector<SkIRect> make_short_rect_array(int w, int h) {
return {
// entire thing
SkIRect::MakeWH(w, h),
// fully contained
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(w/4, h/4, 3*w/4, 3*h/4),
// overlapping top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3*w/4, -10, w + 10, h/4),
struct GraphiteReadPixelTestRules {
// Test unpremul sources? We could omit this and detect that creating the source of the read
// failed but having it lets us skip generating reference color data.
bool fAllowUnpremulSrc = true;
// Are reads that are overlapping but not contained by the src bounds expected to succeed?
bool fUncontainedRectSucceeds = true;
// Makes a src populated with the pixmap. The src should get its image info (or equivalent) from
// the pixmap.
template <typename T> using GraphiteSrcFactory = T(skgpu::graphite::Recorder*, SkPixmap&);
enum class Result {
// Does a read from the T into the pixmap.
template <typename T>
using GraphiteReadSrcFn = Result(const T&, const SkIPoint& offset, const SkPixmap&);
static SkAutoPixmapStorage make_ref_data(const SkImageInfo& info, bool forceOpaque) {
SkAutoPixmapStorage result;
if (info.alphaType() == kUnknown_SkAlphaType) {
} else {
auto surface = SkSurfaces::WrapPixels(result);
if (!surface) {
return result;
SkPoint pts1[] = {{0, 0}, {float(info.width()), float(info.height())}};
static constexpr SkColor kColors1[] = {SK_ColorGREEN, SK_ColorRED};
SkPaint paint;
paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts1, kColors1, nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp));
SkPoint pts2[] = {{float(info.width()), 0}, {0, float(info.height())}};
static constexpr SkColor kColors2[] = {SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorBLACK};
paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts2, kColors2, nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp));
// If not opaque add some fractional alpha.
if (info.alphaType() != kOpaque_SkAlphaType && !forceOpaque) {
static constexpr SkColor kColors3[] = {SK_ColorWHITE,
static constexpr SkScalar kPos3[] = {0.f, 0.15f, 0.5f, 0.85f, 1.f};
paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeRadial({info.width()/2.f, info.height()/2.f},
(info.width() + info.height())/10.f,
kColors3, kPos3, 5, SkTileMode::kMirror));
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
template <typename T>
static void graphite_read_pixels_test_driver(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
skgpu::graphite::Context* context,
const GraphiteReadPixelTestRules& rules,
const std::function<GraphiteSrcFactory<T>>& srcFactory,
const std::function<GraphiteReadSrcFn<T>>& read,
SkString label) {
if (!label.isEmpty()) {
// Add space for printing.
label.append(" ");
// Separate this out just to give it some line width to breathe. Note 'srcPixels' should have
// the same image info as src. We will do a converting readPixels() on it to get the data
// to compare with the results of 'read'.
auto runTest = [&](const T& src,
const SkPixmap& srcPixels,
const SkImageInfo& readInfo,
SkIPoint offset) {
const bool csConversion =
const auto readCT = readInfo.colorType();
const auto readAT = readInfo.alphaType();
const auto srcCT =;
const auto srcAT =;
const auto rect = SkIRect::MakeWH(readInfo.width(), readInfo.height()).makeOffset(offset);
const auto surfBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(srcPixels.width(), srcPixels.height());
const size_t readBpp = SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(readCT);
// Make the row bytes in the dst be loose for extra stress.
const size_t dstRB = readBpp * readInfo.width() + 10 * readBpp;
// This will make the last row tight.
const size_t dstSize = readInfo.computeByteSize(dstRB);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> dstData(new char[dstSize]);
SkPixmap dstPixels(readInfo, dstData.get(), dstRB);
// Initialize with an arbitrary value for each byte. Later we will check that only the
// correct part of the destination gets overwritten by 'read'.
static constexpr auto kInitialByte = static_cast<char>(0x1B);
const Result result = read(src, offset, dstPixels);
if (!SkIRect::Intersects(rect, surfBounds)) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result != Result::kSuccess);
} else if (readCT == kUnknown_SkColorType) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result != Result::kSuccess);
} else if (readAT == kUnknown_SkAlphaType) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result != Result::kSuccess);
} else if (!rules.fUncontainedRectSucceeds && !surfBounds.contains(rect)) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result != Result::kSuccess);
} else if (result == Result::kFail) {
// TODO: Support BGR 101010x, BGRA 1010102, on the GPU.
"Read failed. %sSrc CT: %s, Src AT: %s Read CT: %s, Read AT: %s, "
"Rect [%d, %d, %d, %d], CS conversion: %d\n",
ToolUtils::colortype_name(srcCT), ToolUtils::alphatype_name(srcAT),
ToolUtils::colortype_name(readCT), ToolUtils::alphatype_name(readAT),
rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, csConversion);
return result;
bool guardOk = true;
auto guardCheck = [](char x) { return x == kInitialByte; };
// Considering the rect we tried to read and the surface bounds figure out which pixels in
// both src and dst space should actually have been read and written.
SkIRect srcReadRect;
if (result == Result::kSuccess && srcReadRect.intersect(surfBounds, rect)) {
SkIRect dstWriteRect = srcReadRect.makeOffset(-rect.fLeft, -rect.fTop);
const bool lumConversion =
!(SkColorTypeChannelFlags(srcCT) & kGray_SkColorChannelFlag) &&
(SkColorTypeChannelFlags(readCT) & kGray_SkColorChannelFlag);
// A CS or luminance conversion allows a 3 value difference and otherwise a 2 value
// difference. Note that sometimes read back on GPU can be lossy even when there no
// conversion at all because GPU->CPU read may go to a lower bit depth format and then
// be promoted back to the original type. For example, GL ES cannot read to 1010102, so
// we go through 8888.
float numer = (lumConversion || csConversion) ? 3.f : 2.f;
// Allow some extra tolerance if unpremuling.
if (srcAT == kPremul_SkAlphaType && readAT == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
numer += 1;
int rgbBits = std::min({min_rgb_channel_bits(readCT), min_rgb_channel_bits(srcCT), 8});
float tol = numer / (1 << rgbBits);
float alphaTol = 0;
if (readAT != kOpaque_SkAlphaType && srcAT != kOpaque_SkAlphaType) {
// Alpha can also get squashed down to 8 bits going through an intermediate
// color format.
const int alphaBits = std::min({alpha_channel_bits(readCT),
alphaTol = 2.f / (1 << alphaBits);
const float tols[4] = {tol, tol, tol, alphaTol};
auto error = std::function<ComparePixmapsErrorReporter>([&](int x, int y,
const float diffs[4]) {
SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0);
"%sSrc CT: %s, Src AT: %s, Read CT: %s, Read AT: %s, Rect [%d, %d, %d, %d]"
", CS conversion: %d\n"
"Error at %d, %d. Diff in floats: (%f, %f, %f, %f)",
ToolUtils::colortype_name(srcCT), ToolUtils::alphatype_name(srcAT),
ToolUtils::colortype_name(readCT), ToolUtils::alphatype_name(readAT),
rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, csConversion, x, y,
diffs[0], diffs[1], diffs[2], diffs[3]);
SkAutoPixmapStorage ref;
SkImageInfo refInfo = readInfo.makeDimensions(dstWriteRect.size());
if (readAT == kUnknown_SkAlphaType) {
// Do a spoofed read where src and dst alpha type are both kUnpremul. This will
// allow SkPixmap readPixels to succeed and won't do any alpha type conversion.
SkPixmap unpremulRef(refInfo.makeAlphaType(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType),
SkPixmap unpremulSrc(,
unpremulSrc.readPixels(unpremulRef, srcReadRect.x(), srcReadRect.y());
} else {
srcPixels.readPixels(ref, srcReadRect.x(), srcReadRect.y());
// This is the part of dstPixels that should have been updated.
SkPixmap actual;
SkAssertResult(dstPixels.extractSubset(&actual, dstWriteRect));
ComparePixels(ref, actual, tols, error);
const auto* v = dstData.get();
const auto* end = dstData.get() + dstSize;
guardOk = std::all_of(v, v + * dstPixels.rowBytes(), guardCheck);
v += * dstPixels.rowBytes();
for (int y =; y < dstWriteRect.bottom(); ++y) {
guardOk |= std::all_of(v, v + dstWriteRect.left() * readBpp, guardCheck);
auto pad = v + dstWriteRect.right() * readBpp;
auto rowEnd = std::min(end, v + dstPixels.rowBytes());
// min protects against reading past the end of the tight last row.
guardOk |= std::all_of(pad, rowEnd, guardCheck);
v = rowEnd;
guardOk |= std::all_of(v, end, guardCheck);
} else {
guardOk = std::all_of(dstData.get(), dstData.get() + dstSize, guardCheck);
if (!guardOk) {
"Result pixels modified result outside read rect [%d, %d, %d, %d]. "
"%sSrc CT: %s, Read CT: %s, CS conversion: %d",
rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, label.c_str(),
ToolUtils::colortype_name(srcCT), ToolUtils::colortype_name(readCT),
return result;
static constexpr int kW = 16;
static constexpr int kH = 16;
const std::vector<SkIRect> longRectArray = make_long_rect_array(kW, kH);
const std::vector<SkIRect> shortRectArray = make_short_rect_array(kW, kH);
// We ensure we use the long array once per src and read color type and otherwise use the
// short array to improve test run time.
// Also, some color types have no alpha values and thus Opaque Premul and Unpremul are
// equivalent. Just ensure each redundant AT is tested once with each CT (src and read).
// Similarly, alpha-only color types behave the same for all alpha types so just test premul
// after one iter.
// We consider a src or read CT thoroughly tested once it has run through the long rect array
// and full complement of alpha types with one successful read in the loop.
std::array<bool, kLastEnum_SkColorType + 1> srcCTTestedThoroughly = {},
readCTTestedThoroughly = {};
for (int sat = 0; sat <= kLastEnum_SkAlphaType; ++sat) {
const auto srcAT = static_cast<SkAlphaType>(sat);
if (srcAT == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType && !rules.fAllowUnpremulSrc) {
for (int sct = 0; sct <= kLastEnum_SkColorType; ++sct) {
const auto srcCT = static_cast<SkColorType>(sct);
// We always make our ref data as F32
auto refInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(kW, kH,
// 1010102 formats have an issue where it's easy to make a resulting
// color where r, g, or b is greater than a. CPU/GPU differ in whether the stored color
// channels are clipped to the alpha value. CPU clips but GPU does not.
// Note that we only currently use srcCT for the 1010102 workaround. If we remove this
// we can also put the ref data setup above the srcCT loop.
bool forceOpaque = srcAT == kPremul_SkAlphaType &&
(srcCT == kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType || srcCT == kBGRA_1010102_SkColorType);
SkAutoPixmapStorage refPixels = make_ref_data(refInfo, forceOpaque);
// Convert the ref data to our desired src color type.
const auto srcInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(kW, kH, srcCT, srcAT, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB());
SkAutoPixmapStorage srcPixels;
SkPixmap readPixmap = srcPixels;
// Spoof the alpha type to kUnpremul so the read will succeed without doing any
// conversion (because we made our surface also use kUnpremul).
if (srcAT == kUnknown_SkAlphaType) {
refPixels.readPixels(readPixmap, 0, 0);
std::unique_ptr<skgpu::graphite::Recorder> recorder = context->makeRecorder();
auto src = srcFactory(recorder.get(), srcPixels);
if (!src) {
if (SkColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque(srcCT) && srcCTTestedThoroughly[srcCT] &&
(kPremul_SkAlphaType == srcAT || kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == srcAT)) {
if (SkColorTypeIsAlphaOnly(srcCT) && srcCTTestedThoroughly[srcCT] &&
(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == srcAT ||
kOpaque_SkAlphaType == srcAT ||
kUnknown_SkAlphaType == srcAT)) {
for (int rct = 0; rct <= kLastEnum_SkColorType; ++rct) {
const auto readCT = static_cast<SkColorType>(rct);
// ComparePixels will end up converting these types to kUnknown
// because there's no corresponding GrColorType, and hence it will fail
if (readCT == kBGR_101010x_XR_SkColorType ||
readCT == kBGRA_10101010_XR_SkColorType ||
readCT == kBGR_101010x_SkColorType) {
for (const sk_sp<SkColorSpace>& readCS :
{SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear()}) {
for (int at = 0; at <= kLastEnum_SkAlphaType; ++at) {
const auto readAT = static_cast<SkAlphaType>(at);
if (srcAT != kOpaque_SkAlphaType && readAT == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) {
// This doesn't make sense.
if (SkColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque(readCT) && readCTTestedThoroughly[readCT] &&
(kPremul_SkAlphaType == readAT || kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == readAT)) {
if (SkColorTypeIsAlphaOnly(readCT) && readCTTestedThoroughly[readCT] &&
(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == readAT ||
kOpaque_SkAlphaType == readAT ||
kUnknown_SkAlphaType == readAT)) {
const auto& rects =
srcCTTestedThoroughly[sct] && readCTTestedThoroughly[rct]
? shortRectArray
: longRectArray;
for (const auto& rect : rects) {
const auto readInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(rect.width(), rect.height(),
readCT, readAT, readCS);
const SkIPoint offset = rect.topLeft();
Result r = runTest(src, srcPixels, readInfo, offset);
if (r == Result::kSuccess) {
srcCTTestedThoroughly[sct] = true;
readCTTestedThoroughly[rct] = true;
namespace {
struct AsyncContext {
bool fCalled = false;
std::unique_ptr<const SkImage::AsyncReadResult> fResult;
} // anonymous namespace
// Making this a lambda in the test functions caused:
// "error: cannot compile this forwarded non-trivially copyable parameter yet"
// on x86/Win/Clang bot, referring to 'result'.
static void async_callback(void* c, std::unique_ptr<const SkImage::AsyncReadResult> result) {
auto context = static_cast<AsyncContext*>(c);
context->fResult = std::move(result);
context->fCalled = true;
CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_V) {
using Image = sk_sp<SkImage>;
using Renderable = skgpu::Renderable;
using TextureInfo = skgpu::graphite::TextureInfo;
auto reader = std::function<GraphiteReadSrcFn<Image>>([context, testContext](
const Image& image,
const SkIPoint& offset,
const SkPixmap& pixels) {
AsyncContext asyncContext;
auto rect = SkIRect::MakeSize(pixels.dimensions()).makeOffset(offset);
// The GPU implementation is based on rendering and will fail for non-renderable color
// types.
TextureInfo texInfo = context->priv().caps()->getDefaultSampledTextureInfo(
if (!context->priv().caps()->isRenderable(texInfo)) {
return Result::kExcusedFailure;
if (!asyncContext.fCalled) {
while (!asyncContext.fCalled) {
if (!asyncContext.fResult) {
return Result::kFail;
SkRectMemcpy(pixels.writable_addr(), pixels.rowBytes(), asyncContext.fResult->data(0),
return Result::kSuccess;
GraphiteReadPixelTestRules rules;
rules.fAllowUnpremulSrc = true;
rules.fUncontainedRectSucceeds = false;
for (auto renderable : {Renderable::kNo, Renderable::kYes}) {
auto factory = std::function<GraphiteSrcFactory<Image>>([&](
skgpu::graphite::Recorder* recorder,
const SkPixmap& src) {
Image image = sk_gpu_test::MakeBackendTextureImage(recorder,
std::unique_ptr<skgpu::graphite::Recording> recording = recorder->snap();
skgpu::graphite::InsertRecordingInfo recordingInfo;
recordingInfo.fRecording = recording.get();
return image;
auto label = SkStringPrintf("Renderable: %d", (int)renderable);
graphite_read_pixels_test_driver(reporter, context, rules, factory, reader, label);
// It's possible that we've created an Image using the factory, but then don't try to do
// readPixels on it, leaving a hanging command buffer. So we submit here to clean up.
CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_V) {
using Surface = sk_sp<SkSurface>;
auto reader = std::function<GraphiteReadSrcFn<Surface>>([context, testContext](
const Surface& surface,
const SkIPoint& offset,
const SkPixmap& pixels) {
AsyncContext asyncContext;
auto rect = SkIRect::MakeSize(pixels.dimensions()).makeOffset(offset);
if (!asyncContext.fCalled) {
while (!asyncContext.fCalled) {
if (!asyncContext.fResult) {
return Result::kFail;
SkRectMemcpy(pixels.writable_addr(), pixels.rowBytes(), asyncContext.fResult->data(0),
return Result::kSuccess;
GraphiteReadPixelTestRules rules;
rules.fAllowUnpremulSrc = true;
rules.fUncontainedRectSucceeds = false;
auto factory = std::function<GraphiteSrcFactory<Surface>>(
[&](skgpu::graphite::Recorder* recorder, const SkPixmap& src) {
Surface surface = SkSurfaces::RenderTarget(recorder,,
if (surface) {
surface->writePixels(src, 0, 0);
std::unique_ptr<skgpu::graphite::Recording> recording = recorder->snap();
skgpu::graphite::InsertRecordingInfo recordingInfo;
recordingInfo.fRecording = recording.get();
return surface;
graphite_read_pixels_test_driver(reporter, context, rules, factory, reader, {});
// It's possible that we've created an Image using the factory, but then don't try to do
// readPixels on it, leaving a hanging command buffer. So we submit here to clean up.