blob: 26e83f9ed4509def5d6722bea31abba249479140 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/gpu/Swizzle.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParamsKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RendererProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ShaderCodeDictionary.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ShaderInfo.h"
using namespace skgpu::graphite;
namespace {
void add_block(PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder, int snippetID) {
PaintParamsKey create_key(const ShaderCodeDictionary* dict, int snippetID, SkArenaAlloc* arena) {
PaintParamsKeyBuilder builder{dict};
add_block(&builder, snippetID);
AutoLockBuilderAsKey keyView{&builder};
return keyView->clone(arena);
bool coeff_equal(SkBlendModeCoeff skCoeff, skgpu::BlendCoeff gpuCoeff) {
switch(skCoeff) {
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kOne: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kSC: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kSC == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kISC: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISC == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kDC: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kDC == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDC: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kIDC == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kSA: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kSA == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kISA: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISA == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kDA: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kDA == gpuCoeff;
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDA: return skgpu::BlendCoeff::kIDA == gpuCoeff;
default: return false;
} // anonymous namespace
// These are intended to be unit tests of the PaintParamsKeyBuilder and PaintParamsKey.
DEF_GRAPHITE_TEST_FOR_ALL_CONTEXTS(KeyWithInvalidCodeSnippetIDTest, reporter, context,
CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_V) {
SkArenaAlloc arena{256};
ShaderCodeDictionary* dict = context->priv().shaderCodeDictionary();
// A builder without any data is invalid. The Builder and the PaintParamKeys can include
// invalid IDs without themselves becoming invalid. Normally adding an invalid ID triggers an
// assert in debug builds, since the properly functioning key system should never encounter an
// invalid ID.
PaintParamsKeyBuilder builder(dict);
AutoLockBuilderAsKey keyView{&builder};
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !keyView->isValid());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !PaintParamsKey::Invalid().isValid());
// However, if the program gets in a malformed state on release builds, the key
// could contain an invalid ID. In that case the invalid snippet IDs are detected when
// reconstructing the key into an effect tree for SkSL generation. To test this, we manually
// construct an invalid span and test that it returns a null shader node tree when treated as
// a PaintParamsKey.
// NOTE: This is intentionally abusing memory to create a corrupt scenario and is dependent on
// the structure of PaintParamsKey (just SkSpan<const int32_t>).
int32_t invalidKeyData[3] = {(int32_t) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSolidColorShader,
SkKnownRuntimeEffects::kSkiaBuiltInReservedCnt - 1,
(int32_t) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Src};
SkSpan<const int32_t> invalidKeySpan{invalidKeyData, std::size(invalidKeyData)*sizeof(int32_t)};
const PaintParamsKey* fakeKey = reinterpret_cast<const PaintParamsKey*>(&invalidKeySpan);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, fakeKey->getRootNodes(dict, &arena).empty());
DEF_GRAPHITE_TEST_FOR_ALL_CONTEXTS(KeyEqualityChecksSnippetID, reporter, context,
CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_V) {
SkArenaAlloc arena{256};
ShaderCodeDictionary* dict = context->priv().shaderCodeDictionary();
PaintParamsKey keyA = create_key(dict, (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSolidColorShader, &arena);
PaintParamsKey keyB = create_key(dict, (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSolidColorShader, &arena);
PaintParamsKey keyC = create_key(dict, (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kRGBPaintColor, &arena);
// Verify that keyA matches keyB, and that it does not match keyC.
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, keyA == keyB);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, keyA != keyC);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !(keyA == keyC));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !(keyA != keyB));
DEF_GRAPHITE_TEST_FOR_ALL_CONTEXTS(ShaderInfoDetectsFixedFunctionBlend, reporter, context,
CtsEnforcement::kApiLevel_V) {
ShaderCodeDictionary* dict = context->priv().shaderCodeDictionary();
for (int bm = 0; bm <= (int) SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode; ++bm) {
PaintParamsKeyBuilder builder(dict);
// Use a solid color as the 1st root node; the 2nd root node represents the final blend.
add_block(&builder, (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSolidColorShader);
add_block(&builder, bm + kFixedBlendIDOffset);
UniquePaintParamsID paintID = dict->findOrCreate(&builder);
const RenderStep* renderStep = &context->priv().rendererProvider()->nonAABounds()->step(0);
std::unique_ptr<ShaderInfo> shaderInfo = ShaderInfo::Make(context->priv().caps(),
SkBlendMode expectedBM = static_cast<SkBlendMode>(bm);
if (expectedBM == SkBlendMode::kPlus) {
// The kPlus "coefficient" blend mode always triggers shader blending to add a clamping
// step that was originally elided in Porter-Duff due to automatic saturation to 8-bit
// color values. Shader-based blending always uses kSrc HW blending.
expectedBM = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
SkBlendModeCoeff expectedSrc, expectedDst;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, SkBlendMode_AsCoeff(expectedBM, &expectedSrc, &expectedDst));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, coeff_equal(expectedSrc, shaderInfo->blendInfo().fSrcBlend));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, coeff_equal(expectedDst, shaderInfo->blendInfo().fDstBlend));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, shaderInfo->blendInfo().fEquation == skgpu::BlendEquation::kAdd);
shaderInfo->blendInfo().fBlendConstant == SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT);
bool expectedWriteColor = BlendModifiesDst(skgpu::BlendEquation::kAdd,
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, shaderInfo->blendInfo().fWritesColor == expectedWriteColor);
// TODO: Add unit tests for converting a complex key to a ShaderInfo