blob: 5bf8f245f7a1d93fff7712138108bc89163567d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Context.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recorder.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawAtlas.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecorderPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/TextureProxy.h"
#include "tests/CtsEnforcement.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
using namespace skgpu::graphite;
using MaskFormat = skgpu::MaskFormat;
namespace {
const int kNumPlots = 2;
const int kPlotSize = 32;
const int kAtlasSize = kNumPlots * kPlotSize;
uint32_t gEvictCount = 0;
class PlotEvictionCounter : public skgpu::PlotEvictionCallback {
void evict(skgpu::PlotLocator) override {
void check(skiatest::Reporter* r, DrawAtlas* atlas,
uint32_t expectedActive, uint32_t expectedEvictCount) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, atlas->numActivePages() == expectedActive);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, gEvictCount == expectedEvictCount);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, atlas->maxPages() == skgpu::PlotLocator::kMaxMultitexturePages);
bool fill_plot(DrawAtlas* atlas,
Recorder* recorder,
skgpu::AtlasLocator* atlasLocator,
int alpha) {
SkImageInfo ii = SkImageInfo::MakeA8(kPlotSize, kPlotSize);
SkBitmap data;
data.eraseARGB(alpha, 0, 0, 0);
DrawAtlas::ErrorCode code;
code = atlas->addToAtlas(recorder, kPlotSize, kPlotSize,
data.getAddr(0, 0), atlasLocator);
return DrawAtlas::ErrorCode::kSucceeded == code;
} // anonymous namespace
// This is a basic DrawOpAtlas test. It simply verifies that multitexture atlases correctly
// add and remove pages. Note that this is simulating flush-time behavior.
CtsEnforcement::kNextRelease) {
auto recorder = context->makeRecorder();
SkColorType atlasColorType = kAlpha_8_SkColorType;
PlotEvictionCounter evictor;
skgpu::AtlasGenerationCounter counter;
std::unique_ptr<DrawAtlas> atlas = DrawAtlas::Make(atlasColorType,
kAtlasSize, kAtlasSize,
kAtlasSize/kNumPlots, kAtlasSize/kNumPlots,
check(reporter, atlas.get(), 0, 0);
// Fill up the first page
skgpu::AtlasLocator atlasLocator;
skgpu::AtlasLocator testAtlasLocator;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPlots * kNumPlots; ++i) {
bool result = fill_plot(atlas.get(), recorder.get(), &atlasLocator, i * 32);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result);
// We will check drawing with the first plot.
if (i == 0) {
testAtlasLocator = atlasLocator;
check(reporter, atlas.get(), 1, 0);
// Force creation of a second page.
bool result = fill_plot(atlas.get(), recorder.get(), &atlasLocator, 4 * 32);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result);
check(reporter, atlas.get(), 2, 0);
// Simulate a lot of draws using only the first plot. The last texture should be compacted.
for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i) {
atlas->setLastUseToken(testAtlasLocator, recorder->priv().tokenTracker()->nextFlushToken());
atlas->compact(recorder->priv().tokenTracker()->nextFlushToken(), /*forceCompact=*/false);
check(reporter, atlas.get(), 1, 0);
// Simulate a lot of non-atlas draws. We should end up with no textures.
for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i) {
atlas->compact(recorder->priv().tokenTracker()->nextFlushToken(), /*forceCompact=*/false);
check(reporter, atlas.get(), 0, 1);
// Fill the atlas all the way up.
gEvictCount = 0;
for (int p = 1; p <= 4; ++p) {
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPlots * kNumPlots; ++i) {
result = fill_plot(atlas.get(), recorder.get(), &atlasLocator, p * i * 16);
atlas->setLastUseToken(atlasLocator, recorder->priv().tokenTracker()->nextFlushToken());
// We will check drawing with plot index 2 in the 3rd page
if (p == 3 && i == 2) {
testAtlasLocator = atlasLocator;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result);
check(reporter, atlas.get(), p, 0);
// Try one more, it should fail.
result = fill_plot(atlas.get(), recorder.get(), &atlasLocator, 0xff);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !result);
namespace {
void test_draw_atlas_config(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, int maxTextureSize, size_t maxBytes,
MaskFormat maskFormat, SkISize expectedDimensions,
SkISize expectedPlotDimensions) {
DrawAtlasConfig config(maxTextureSize, maxBytes);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, config.atlasDimensions(maskFormat) == expectedDimensions);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, config.plotDimensions(maskFormat) == expectedPlotDimensions);
} // anonymous namespace
DEF_GRAPHITE_TEST(DrawAtlasConfig_Basic, reporter, CtsEnforcement::kNextRelease) {
// 1/4 MB
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 256 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 256, 256 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 256 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 512, 512 }, { 256, 256 });
// 1/2 MB
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 512 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 512, 256 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 512 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 1024, 512 }, { 256, 256 });
// 1 MB
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 512, 512 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 1024, 1024 }, { 256, 256 });
// 2 MB
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 1024, 512 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 2048, 1024 }, { 512, 256 });
// 4 MB
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 4 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 1024, 1024 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 4 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 2048, 2048 }, { 512, 512 });
// 8 MB
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 8 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 2048, 1024 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 8 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 2048, 2048 }, { 512, 512 });
// 16 MB (should be same as 8 MB)
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 16 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 2048, 1024 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 16 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 2048, 2048 }, { 512, 512 });
// 4MB, restricted texture size
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 1024, 8 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 1024, 1024 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 1024, 8 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 1024, 1024 }, { 256, 256 });
// 3 MB (should be same as 2 MB)
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 3 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 1024, 512 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 3 * 1024 * 1024, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 2048, 1024 }, { 512, 256 });
// minimum size
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 0, MaskFormat::kARGB,
{ 256, 256 }, { 256, 256 });
test_draw_atlas_config(reporter, 65536, 0, MaskFormat::kA8,
{ 512, 512 }, { 256, 256 });