blob: f3ce9cd2585914073dac964d53f5634838cba68e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
#include "modules/skparagraph/src/ParagraphImpl.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/src/TextWrapper.h"
namespace skia {
namespace textlayout {
namespace {
struct LineBreakerWithLittleRounding {
LineBreakerWithLittleRounding(SkScalar maxWidth, bool applyRoundingHack)
: fLower(maxWidth - 0.25f)
, fMaxWidth(maxWidth)
, fUpper(maxWidth + 0.25f)
, fApplyRoundingHack(applyRoundingHack) {}
bool breakLine(SkScalar width) const {
if (width < fLower) {
return false;
} else if (width > fUpper) {
return true;
auto val = std::fabs(width);
SkScalar roundedWidth;
if (fApplyRoundingHack) {
if (val < 10000) {
roundedWidth = SkScalarRoundToScalar(width * 100) * (1.0f/100);
} else if (val < 100000) {
roundedWidth = SkScalarRoundToScalar(width * 10) * (1.0f/10);
} else {
roundedWidth = SkScalarFloorToScalar(width);
} else {
if (val < 10000) {
roundedWidth = SkScalarFloorToScalar(width * 100) * (1.0f/100);
} else if (val < 100000) {
roundedWidth = SkScalarFloorToScalar(width * 10) * (1.0f/10);
} else {
roundedWidth = SkScalarFloorToScalar(width);
return roundedWidth > fMaxWidth;
const SkScalar fLower, fMaxWidth, fUpper;
const bool fApplyRoundingHack;
} // namespace
// Since we allow cluster clipping when they don't fit
// we have to work with stretches - parts of clusters
void TextWrapper::lookAhead(SkScalar maxWidth, Cluster* endOfClusters, bool applyRoundingHack) {
fWords.startFrom(fEndLine.startCluster(), fEndLine.startPos());
fClusters.startFrom(fEndLine.startCluster(), fEndLine.startPos());
fClip.startFrom(fEndLine.startCluster(), fEndLine.startPos());
LineBreakerWithLittleRounding breaker(maxWidth, applyRoundingHack);
Cluster* nextNonBreakingSpace = nullptr;
for (auto cluster = fEndLine.endCluster(); cluster < endOfClusters; ++cluster) {
if (cluster->isHardBreak()) {
} else if (
// TODO: Trying to deal with flutter rounding problem. Must be removed...
SkScalar width = fWords.width() + fClusters.width() + cluster->width();
breaker.breakLine(width)) {
if (cluster->isWhitespaceBreak()) {
// It's the end of the word
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, this->getClustersTrimmedWidth());
} else if (cluster->run().isPlaceholder()) {
if (!fClusters.empty()) {
// Placeholder ends the previous word
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, this->getClustersTrimmedWidth());
if (cluster->width() > maxWidth && fWords.empty()) {
// Placeholder is the only text and it's longer than the line;
// it does not count in fMinIntrinsicWidth
fTooLongCluster = true;
fTooLongWord = true;
} else {
// Placeholder does not fit the line; it will be considered again on the next line
// Walk further to see if there is a too long word, cluster or glyph
SkScalar nextWordLength = fClusters.width();
SkScalar nextShortWordLength = nextWordLength;
for (auto further = cluster; further != endOfClusters; ++further) {
if (further->isSoftBreak() || further->isHardBreak() || further->isWhitespaceBreak()) {
if (further->run().isPlaceholder()) {
// Placeholder ends the word
if (nextWordLength > 0 && nextWordLength <= maxWidth && further->isIntraWordBreak()) {
// The cluster is spaces but not the end of the word in a normal sense
nextNonBreakingSpace = further;
nextShortWordLength = nextWordLength;
if (maxWidth == 0) {
// This is a tricky flutter case: layout(width:0) places 1 cluster on each line
nextWordLength = std::max(nextWordLength, further->width());
} else {
nextWordLength += further->width();
if (nextWordLength > maxWidth) {
if (nextNonBreakingSpace != nullptr) {
// We only get here if the non-breaking space improves our situation
// (allows us to break the text to fit the word)
if (SkScalar shortLength = fWords.width() + nextShortWordLength;
!breaker.breakLine(shortLength)) {
// We can add the short word to the existing line
fClusters = TextStretch(fClusters.startCluster(), nextNonBreakingSpace, fClusters.metrics().getForceStrut());
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, nextShortWordLength);
} else {
// We can place the short word on the next line
// Either way we are not in "word is too long" situation anymore
// If the word is too long we can break it right now and hope it's enough
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, nextWordLength);
if (fClusters.endPos() - fClusters.startPos() > 1 ||
fWords.empty()) {
fTooLongWord = true;
} else {
// Even if the word is too long there is a very little space on this line.
// let's deal with it on the next line.
if (cluster->width() > maxWidth) {
fTooLongCluster = true;
fTooLongWord = true;
if (cluster->run().isPlaceholder()) {
if (!fClusters.empty()) {
// Placeholder ends the previous word (placeholders are ignored in trimming)
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, getClustersTrimmedWidth());
// Placeholder is separate word and its width now is counted in minIntrinsicWidth
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, cluster->width());
} else {
// Keep adding clusters/words
if (fClusters.endOfWord()) {
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, getClustersTrimmedWidth());
if ((fHardLineBreak = cluster->isHardBreak())) {
// Stop at the hard line break
void TextWrapper::moveForward(bool hasEllipsis) {
// We normally break lines by words.
// The only way we may go to clusters is if the word is too long or
// it's the first word and it has an ellipsis attached to it.
// If nothing fits we show the clipping.
if (!fWords.empty()) {
if (!fTooLongWord || hasEllipsis) { // Ellipsis added to a word
if (!fTooLongWord && !hasEllipsis) { // Ellipsis added to a grapheme
if (!fClusters.empty()) {
if (!fTooLongCluster) {
if (!fClip.empty()) {
// Flutter: forget the clipped cluster but keep the metrics
// Special case for start/end cluster since they can be clipped
void TextWrapper::trimEndSpaces(TextAlign align) {
// Remember the breaking position
// Skip all space cluster at the end
for (auto cluster = fEndLine.endCluster();
cluster >= fEndLine.startCluster() && cluster->isWhitespaceBreak();
--cluster) {
SkScalar TextWrapper::getClustersTrimmedWidth() {
// Move the end of the line to the left
SkScalar width = 0;
bool trailingSpaces = true;
for (auto cluster = fClusters.endCluster(); cluster >= fClusters.startCluster(); --cluster) {
if (cluster->run().isPlaceholder()) {
if (trailingSpaces) {
if (!cluster->isWhitespaceBreak()) {
width += cluster->trimmedWidth(cluster->endPos());
trailingSpaces = false;
width += cluster->width();
return width;
// Trim the beginning spaces in case of soft line break
std::tuple<Cluster*, size_t, SkScalar> TextWrapper::trimStartSpaces(Cluster* endOfClusters) {
if (fHardLineBreak) {
// End of line is always end of cluster, but need to skip \n
auto width = fEndLine.width();
auto cluster = fEndLine.endCluster() + 1;
while (cluster < fEndLine.breakCluster() && cluster->isWhitespaceBreak()) {
width += cluster->width();
return std::make_tuple(fEndLine.breakCluster() + 1, 0, width);
// breakCluster points to the end of the line;
// It's a soft line break so we need to move lineStart forward skipping all the spaces
auto width = fEndLine.widthWithGhostSpaces();
auto cluster = fEndLine.breakCluster() + 1;
while (cluster < endOfClusters && cluster->isWhitespaceBreak()) {
width += cluster->width();
if (fEndLine.breakCluster()->isWhitespaceBreak() && fEndLine.breakCluster() < endOfClusters) {
// In case of a soft line break by the whitespace
// fBreak should point to the beginning of the next line
// (it only matters when there are trailing spaces)
return std::make_tuple(cluster, 0, width);
// TODO: refactor the code for line ending (with/without ellipsis)
void TextWrapper::breakTextIntoLines(ParagraphImpl* parent,
SkScalar maxWidth,
const AddLineToParagraph& addLine) {
fHeight = 0;
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::numeric_limits<SkScalar>::min();
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = std::numeric_limits<SkScalar>::min();
auto span = parent->clusters();
if (span.empty()) {
auto maxLines = parent->paragraphStyle().getMaxLines();
auto align = parent->paragraphStyle().effective_align();
auto unlimitedLines = maxLines == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
auto endlessLine = !SkScalarIsFinite(maxWidth);
auto hasEllipsis = parent->paragraphStyle().ellipsized();
auto disableFirstAscent = parent->paragraphStyle().getTextHeightBehavior() & TextHeightBehavior::kDisableFirstAscent;
auto disableLastDescent = parent->paragraphStyle().getTextHeightBehavior() & TextHeightBehavior::kDisableLastDescent;
bool firstLine = true; // We only interested in fist line if we have to disable the first ascent
SkScalar softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
fEndLine = TextStretch(span.begin(), span.begin(), parent->strutForceHeight());
auto end = span.end() - 1;
auto start = span.begin();
InternalLineMetrics maxRunMetrics;
bool needEllipsis = false;
while (fEndLine.endCluster() != end) {
this->lookAhead(maxWidth, end, parent->getApplyRoundingHack());
auto lastLine = (hasEllipsis && unlimitedLines) || fLineNumber >= maxLines;
needEllipsis = hasEllipsis && !endlessLine && lastLine;
needEllipsis &= fEndLine.endCluster() < end - 1; // Only if we have some text to ellipsize
// Do not trim end spaces on the naturally last line of the left aligned text
// For soft line breaks add to the line all the spaces next to it
Cluster* startLine;
size_t pos;
SkScalar widthWithSpaces;
std::tie(startLine, pos, widthWithSpaces) = this->trimStartSpaces(end);
if (needEllipsis && !fHardLineBreak) {
// This is what we need to do to preserve a space before the ellipsis
widthWithSpaces = fEndLine.widthWithGhostSpaces();
// If the line is empty with the hard line break, let's take the paragraph font (flutter???)
if (fEndLine.metrics().isClean()) {
// Deal with placeholder clusters == runs[@size==1]
Run* lastRun = nullptr;
for (auto cluster = fEndLine.startCluster(); cluster <= fEndLine.endCluster(); ++cluster) {
auto r = cluster->runOrNull();
if (r == lastRun) {
lastRun = r;
if (lastRun->placeholderStyle() != nullptr) {
SkASSERT(lastRun->size() == 1);
// Update the placeholder metrics so we can get the placeholder positions later
// and the line metrics (to make sure the placeholder fits)
// Before we update the line metrics with struts,
// let's save it for GetRectsForRange(RectHeightStyle::kMax)
maxRunMetrics = fEndLine.metrics();
maxRunMetrics.fForceStrut = false;
// TODO: keep start/end/break info for text and runs but in a better way that below
TextRange textExcludingSpaces(fEndLine.startCluster()->textRange().start, fEndLine.endCluster()->textRange().end);
TextRange text(fEndLine.startCluster()->textRange().start, fEndLine.breakCluster()->textRange().start);
TextRange textIncludingNewlines(fEndLine.startCluster()->textRange().start, startLine->textRange().start);
if (startLine == end) {
textIncludingNewlines.end = parent->text().size();
text.end = parent->text().size();
ClusterRange clusters(fEndLine.startCluster() - start, fEndLine.endCluster() - start + 1);
ClusterRange clustersWithGhosts(fEndLine.startCluster() - start, startLine - start);
if (disableFirstAscent && firstLine) {
fEndLine.metrics().fAscent = fEndLine.metrics().fRawAscent;
if (disableLastDescent && (lastLine || (startLine == end && !fHardLineBreak ))) {
fEndLine.metrics().fDescent = fEndLine.metrics().fRawDescent;
if (parent->strutEnabled()) {
// Make sure font metrics are not less than the strut
SkScalar lineHeight = fEndLine.metrics().height();
firstLine = false;
if (fEndLine.empty()) {
// Correct text and clusters (make it empty for an empty line)
textExcludingSpaces.end = textExcludingSpaces.start;
clusters.end = clusters.start;
// In case of a force wrapping we don't have a break cluster and have to use the end cluster
text.end = std::max(text.end, textExcludingSpaces.end);
textIncludingNewlines, clusters, clustersWithGhosts, widthWithSpaces,
SkVector::Make(0, fHeight),
SkVector::Make(fEndLine.width(), lineHeight),
needEllipsis && !fHardLineBreak);
softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth += widthWithSpaces;
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMaxIntrinsicWidth, softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth);
if (fHardLineBreak) {
softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
// Start a new line
fHeight += lineHeight;
if (!fHardLineBreak || startLine != end) {
fEndLine.startFrom(startLine, pos);
parent->fMaxWidthWithTrailingSpaces = std::max(parent->fMaxWidthWithTrailingSpaces, widthWithSpaces);
if (hasEllipsis && unlimitedLines) {
// There is one case when we need an ellipsis on a separate line
// after a line break when width is infinite
if (!fHardLineBreak) {
} else if (lastLine) {
// There is nothing more to draw
fHardLineBreak = false;
// We finished formatting the text but we need to scan the rest for some numbers
// TODO: make it a case of a normal flow
if (fEndLine.endCluster() != nullptr) {
auto lastWordLength = 0.0f;
auto cluster = fEndLine.endCluster();
while (cluster != end || cluster->endPos() < end->endPos()) {
fExceededMaxLines = true;
if (cluster->isHardBreak()) {
// Hard line break ends the word and the line
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMaxIntrinsicWidth, softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth);
softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, lastWordLength);
lastWordLength = 0;
} else if (cluster->isWhitespaceBreak()) {
// Whitespaces end the word
softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth += cluster->width();
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, lastWordLength);
lastWordLength = 0;
} else if (cluster->run().isPlaceholder()) {
// Placeholder ends the previous word and creates a separate one
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, lastWordLength);
// Placeholder width now counts in fMinIntrinsicWidth
softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth += cluster->width();
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, cluster->width());
lastWordLength = 0;
} else {
// Nothing out of ordinary - just add this cluster to the word and to the line
softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth += cluster->width();
lastWordLength += cluster->width();
fMinIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMinIntrinsicWidth, lastWordLength);
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = std::max(fMaxIntrinsicWidth, softLineMaxIntrinsicWidth);
if (parent->lines().empty()) {
// In case we could not place even a single cluster on the line
if (disableFirstAscent) {
fEndLine.metrics().fAscent = fEndLine.metrics().fRawAscent;
if (disableLastDescent && !fHardLineBreak) {
fEndLine.metrics().fDescent = fEndLine.metrics().fRawDescent;
fHeight = std::max(fHeight, fEndLine.metrics().height());
if (fHardLineBreak) {
if (disableLastDescent) {
fEndLine.metrics().fDescent = fEndLine.metrics().fRawDescent;
// Last character is a line break
if (parent->strutEnabled()) {
// Make sure font metrics are not less than the strut
ClusterRange clusters(fEndLine.breakCluster() - start, fEndLine.endCluster() - start);
SkVector::Make(0, fHeight),
SkVector::Make(0, fEndLine.metrics().height()),
fHeight += fEndLine.metrics().height();
if (parent->lines().empty()) {
// Correct line metric styles for the first and for the last lines if needed
if (disableFirstAscent) {
if (disableLastDescent) {
} // namespace textlayout
} // namespace skia