| load("//bazel:macros.bzl", "cc_library", "exports_files_legacy", "generated_cc_atom") |
| |
| licenses(["notice"]) |
| |
| exports_files_legacy() |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "gm", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_src", |
| # These are the deps of the GMs |
| "//modules/particles", |
| "//third_party:etc1", |
| "//tools/fonts:RandomScalerContext_src", |
| "//tools/gpu:gpu_tool_utils", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools:SkMetaData_src", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_src", |
| "//tools:random_parse_path_src", |
| "//src/utils:json_srcs", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| # In order for the registry to work, all the gms must be compiled as one large blob. |
| filegroup( |
| name = "gm_list", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = [ |
| "3d.cpp", |
| "BUILD.bazel", |
| "aaa.cpp", |
| "aaclip.cpp", |
| "aarecteffect.cpp", |
| "aarectmodes.cpp", |
| "aaxfermodes.cpp", |
| "addarc.cpp", |
| "all_bitmap_configs.cpp", |
| "alpha_image.cpp", |
| "alphagradients.cpp", |
| "analytic_gradients.cpp", |
| "androidblendmodes.cpp", |
| "animated_gif.cpp", |
| "animated_image_orientation.cpp", |
| "animatedimageblurs.cpp", |
| "anisotropic.cpp", |
| "annotated_text.cpp", |
| "arcofzorro.cpp", |
| "arcto.cpp", |
| "arithmode.cpp", |
| "asyncrescaleandread.cpp", |
| "attributes.cpp", |
| "b_119394958.cpp", |
| "backdrop.cpp", |
| "backdrop_imagefilter_croprect.cpp", |
| "badpaint.cpp", |
| "batchedconvexpaths.cpp", |
| "bc1_transparency.cpp", |
| "beziereffects.cpp", |
| "beziers.cpp", |
| "bicubic.cpp", |
| "bigblurs.cpp", |
| "bigmatrix.cpp", |
| "bigrect.cpp", |
| "bigrrectaaeffect.cpp", |
| "bigtext.cpp", |
| "bigtileimagefilter.cpp", |
| "bitmapcopy.cpp", |
| "bitmapfilters.cpp", |
| "bitmapimage.cpp", |
| "bitmappremul.cpp", |
| "bitmaprect.cpp", |
| "bitmaprecttest.cpp", |
| "bitmapshader.cpp", |
| "bitmaptiled.cpp", |
| "bleed.cpp", |
| "blend.cpp", |
| "blurcircles.cpp", |
| "blurcircles2.cpp", |
| "blurignorexform.cpp", |
| "blurimagevmask.cpp", |
| "blurpositioning.cpp", |
| "blurquickreject.cpp", |
| "blurrect.cpp", |
| "blurredclippedcircle.cpp", |
| "blurroundrect.cpp", |
| "blurs.cpp", |
| "blurtextsmallradii.cpp", |
| "bmpfilterqualityrepeat.cpp", |
| "bug12866.cpp", |
| "bug5252.cpp", |
| "bug530095.cpp", |
| "bug615686.cpp", |
| "bug6643.cpp", |
| "bug6783.cpp", |
| "bug9331.cpp", |
| "circle_sizes.cpp", |
| "circulararcs.cpp", |
| "circularclips.cpp", |
| "clear_swizzle.cpp", |
| "clip_error.cpp", |
| "clip_sierpinski_region.cpp", |
| "clip_strokerect.cpp", |
| "clipdrawdraw.cpp", |
| "clippedbitmapshaders.cpp", |
| "clockwise.cpp", |
| "collapsepaths.cpp", |
| "color4f.cpp", |
| "coloremoji.cpp", |
| "coloremoji_blendmodes.cpp", |
| "colorfilteralpha8.cpp", |
| "colorfilterimagefilter.cpp", |
| "colorfilters.cpp", |
| "colormatrix.cpp", |
| "colorspace.cpp", |
| "colorwheel.cpp", |
| "colrv1.cpp", |
| "complexclip.cpp", |
| "complexclip2.cpp", |
| "complexclip3.cpp", |
| "complexclip4.cpp", |
| "complexclip_blur_tiled.cpp", |
| "composecolorfilter.cpp", |
| "composeshader.cpp", |
| "compositor_quads.cpp", |
| "compressed_textures.cpp", |
| "concavepaths.cpp", |
| "conicpaths.cpp", |
| "constcolorprocessor.cpp", |
| "convex_all_line_paths.cpp", |
| "convexpaths.cpp", |
| "convexpolyclip.cpp", |
| "convexpolyeffect.cpp", |
| "copy_to_4444.cpp", |
| "crbug_1041204.cpp", |
| "crbug_1073670.cpp", |
| "crbug_1086705.cpp", |
| "crbug_1113794.cpp", |
| "crbug_1139750.cpp", |
| "crbug_1156804.cpp", |
| "crbug_1162942.cpp", |
| "crbug_1167277.cpp", |
| "crbug_1174186.cpp", |
| "crbug_1174354.cpp", |
| "crbug_1177833.cpp", |
| "crbug_1257515.cpp", |
| "crbug_224618.cpp", |
| "crbug_691386.cpp", |
| "crbug_788500.cpp", |
| "crbug_847759.cpp", |
| "crbug_884166.cpp", |
| "crbug_887103.cpp", |
| "crbug_892988.cpp", |
| "crbug_899512.cpp", |
| "crbug_905548.cpp", |
| "crbug_908646.cpp", |
| "crbug_913349.cpp", |
| "crbug_918512.cpp", |
| "crbug_938592.cpp", |
| "crbug_946965.cpp", |
| "crbug_947055.cpp", |
| "crbug_996140.cpp", |
| "crop_imagefilter.cpp", |
| "croppedrects.cpp", |
| "crosscontextimage.cpp", |
| "cubicpaths.cpp", |
| "custommesh.cpp", |
| "daa.cpp", |
| "dashcircle.cpp", |
| "dashcubics.cpp", |
| "dashing.cpp", |
| "degeneratesegments.cpp", |
| "destcolor.cpp", |
| "dftext.cpp", |
| "dftext_blob_persp.cpp", |
| "discard.cpp", |
| "displacement.cpp", |
| "distantclip.cpp", |
| "draw_bitmap_rect_skbug4374.cpp", |
| "drawable.cpp", |
| "drawatlas.cpp", |
| "drawatlascolor.cpp", |
| "drawbitmaprect.cpp", |
| "drawglyphs.cpp", |
| "drawimageset.cpp", |
| "drawlines_with_local_matrix.cpp", |
| "drawminibitmaprect.cpp", |
| "drawquadset.cpp", |
| "drawregion.cpp", |
| "drawregionmodes.cpp", |
| "dropshadowimagefilter.cpp", |
| "drrect.cpp", |
| "drrect_small_inner.cpp", |
| "dsl_processor_test.cpp", |
| "dstreadshuffle.cpp", |
| "ducky_yuv_blend.cpp", |
| "emboss.cpp", |
| "emptypath.cpp", |
| "encode.cpp", |
| "encode_alpha_jpeg.cpp", |
| "encode_color_types.cpp", |
| "encode_platform.cpp", |
| "encode_srgb.cpp", |
| "exoticformats.cpp", |
| "fadefilter.cpp", |
| "fatpathfill.cpp", |
| "fillrect_gradient.cpp", |
| "filltypes.cpp", |
| "filltypespersp.cpp", |
| "filterbug.cpp", |
| "filterfastbounds.cpp", |
| "filterindiabox.cpp", |
| "flippity.cpp", |
| "fontcache.cpp", |
| "fontmgr.cpp", |
| "fontregen.cpp", |
| "fontscaler.cpp", |
| "fontscalerdistortable.cpp", |
| "fp_sample_chaining.cpp", |
| "fpcoordinateoverride.cpp", |
| "fwidth_squircle.cpp", |
| "gammatext.cpp", |
| "getpostextpath.cpp", |
| "giantbitmap.cpp", |
| "glyph_pos.cpp", |
| "gm.cpp", |
| "gm.h", |
| "gpu_blur_utils.cpp", |
| "gradient_dirty_laundry.cpp", |
| "gradient_matrix.cpp", |
| "gradients.cpp", |
| "gradients_2pt_conical.cpp", |
| "gradients_degenerate.cpp", |
| "gradients_no_texture.cpp", |
| "gradtext.cpp", |
| "graphitestart.cpp", |
| "grayscalejpg.cpp", |
| "hairlines.cpp", |
| "hairmodes.cpp", |
| "hardstop_gradients.cpp", |
| "hardstop_gradients_many.cpp", |
| "highcontrastfilter.cpp", |
| "hittestpath.cpp", |
| "hsl.cpp", |
| "hugepath.cpp", |
| "image.cpp", |
| "image_pict.cpp", |
| "image_shader.cpp", |
| "imagealphathreshold.cpp", |
| "imageblur.cpp", |
| "imageblur2.cpp", |
| "imageblurclampmode.cpp", |
| "imageblurrepeatmode.cpp", |
| "imageblurtiled.cpp", |
| "imagefilters.cpp", |
| "imagefiltersbase.cpp", |
| "imagefiltersclipped.cpp", |
| "imagefilterscropexpand.cpp", |
| "imagefilterscropped.cpp", |
| "imagefiltersgraph.cpp", |
| "imagefiltersscaled.cpp", |
| "imagefiltersstroked.cpp", |
| "imagefilterstransformed.cpp", |
| "imagefromyuvtextures.cpp", |
| "imagemagnifier.cpp", |
| "imagemakewithfilter.cpp", |
| "imagemasksubset.cpp", |
| "imageresizetiled.cpp", |
| "imagescalealigned.cpp", |
| "imagesource.cpp", |
| "imagesource2.cpp", |
| "internal_links.cpp", |
| "inverseclip.cpp", |
| "inversepaths.cpp", |
| "jpg_color_cube.cpp", |
| "labyrinth.cpp", |
| "largeclippedpath.cpp", |
| "largeglyphblur.cpp", |
| "lattice.cpp", |
| "lazytiling.cpp", |
| "lcdblendmodes.cpp", |
| "lcdoverlap.cpp", |
| "lcdtext.cpp", |
| "lighting.cpp", |
| "linepaths.cpp", |
| "localmatriximagefilter.cpp", |
| "localmatriximageshader.cpp", |
| "localmatrixshader.cpp", |
| "lumafilter.cpp", |
| "mac_aa_explorer.cpp", |
| "make_raster_image.cpp", |
| "makecolorspace.cpp", |
| "mandoline.cpp", |
| "manypathatlases.cpp", |
| "manypaths.cpp", |
| "matrixconvolution.cpp", |
| "matriximagefilter.cpp", |
| "mipmap.cpp", |
| "mixedtextblobs.cpp", |
| "mixercolorfilter.cpp", |
| "modecolorfilters.cpp", |
| "morphology.cpp", |
| "nested.cpp", |
| "ninepatchstretch.cpp", |
| "nonclosedpaths.cpp", |
| "offsetimagefilter.cpp", |
| "orientation.cpp", |
| "ovals.cpp", |
| "overdrawcanvas.cpp", |
| "overdrawcolorfilter.cpp", |
| "overstroke.cpp", |
| "p3.cpp", |
| "particles.cpp", |
| "patch.cpp", |
| "path_stroke_with_zero_length.cpp", |
| "patharcto.cpp", |
| "pathcontourstart.cpp", |
| "patheffects.cpp", |
| "pathfill.cpp", |
| "pathinterior.cpp", |
| "pathmaskcache.cpp", |
| "pathmeasure.cpp", |
| "pathopsinverse.cpp", |
| "pathreverse.cpp", |
| "pdf_never_embed.cpp", |
| "perlinnoise.cpp", |
| "perspimages.cpp", |
| "perspshaders.cpp", |
| "picture.cpp", |
| "pictureimagefilter.cpp", |
| "pictureimagegenerator.cpp", |
| "pictureshader.cpp", |
| "pictureshadercache.cpp", |
| "pictureshadertile.cpp", |
| "pixelsnap.cpp", |
| "plus.cpp", |
| "points.cpp", |
| "poly2poly.cpp", |
| "polygonoffset.cpp", |
| "polygons.cpp", |
| "postercircle.cpp", |
| "preservefillrule.cpp", |
| "quadpaths.cpp", |
| "radial_gradient_precision.cpp", |
| "rasterhandleallocator.cpp", |
| "readpixels.cpp", |
| "recordopts.cpp", |
| "rectangletexture.cpp", |
| "repeated_bitmap.cpp", |
| "resizeimagefilter.cpp", |
| "roundrects.cpp", |
| "rrect.cpp", |
| "rrectclipdrawpaint.cpp", |
| "rrects.cpp", |
| "rsxtext.cpp", |
| "runtimecolorfilter.cpp", |
| "runtimefunctions.cpp", |
| "runtimeimagefilter.cpp", |
| "runtimeintrinsics.cpp", |
| "runtimeshader.cpp", |
| "samplerstress.cpp", |
| "savelayer.cpp", |
| "scaledemoji.cpp", |
| "scaledemoji_rendering.cpp", |
| "scaledstrokes.cpp", |
| "shadermaskfilter.cpp", |
| "shadertext3.cpp", |
| "shadowutils.cpp", |
| "shallowgradient.cpp", |
| "shapes.cpp", |
| "sharedcorners.cpp", |
| "showmiplevels.cpp", |
| "simple_magnification.cpp", |
| "simpleaaclip.cpp", |
| "simplerect.cpp", |
| "skbug1719.cpp", |
| "skbug_12212.cpp", |
| "skbug_257.cpp", |
| "skbug_4868.cpp", |
| "skbug_5321.cpp", |
| "skbug_8664.cpp", |
| "skbug_8955.cpp", |
| "skbug_9319.cpp", |
| "skbug_9819.cpp", |
| "slug.cpp", |
| "smallarc.cpp", |
| "smallpaths.cpp", |
| "spritebitmap.cpp", |
| "srcmode.cpp", |
| "srgb.cpp", |
| "stlouisarch.cpp", |
| "stringart.cpp", |
| "stroke_rect_shader.cpp", |
| "strokedlines.cpp", |
| "strokefill.cpp", |
| "strokerect.cpp", |
| "strokerect_anisotropic.cpp", |
| "strokerects.cpp", |
| "strokes.cpp", |
| "stroketext.cpp", |
| "subsetshader.cpp", |
| "surface.cpp", |
| "swizzle.cpp", |
| "tablecolorfilter.cpp", |
| "tallstretchedbitmaps.cpp", |
| "testgradient.cpp", |
| "texelsubset.cpp", |
| "text_scale_skew.cpp", |
| "textblob.cpp", |
| "textblobblockreordering.cpp", |
| "textblobcolortrans.cpp", |
| "textblobgeometrychange.cpp", |
| "textblobmixedsizes.cpp", |
| "textblobrandomfont.cpp", |
| "textblobshader.cpp", |
| "textblobtransforms.cpp", |
| "textblobuseaftergpufree.cpp", |
| "texteffects.cpp", |
| "thinconcavepaths.cpp", |
| "thinrects.cpp", |
| "thinstrokedrects.cpp", |
| "tiledscaledbitmap.cpp", |
| "tileimagefilter.cpp", |
| "tilemodes.cpp", |
| "tilemodes_alpha.cpp", |
| "tilemodes_scaled.cpp", |
| "tinybitmap.cpp", |
| "transparency.cpp", |
| "trickycubicstrokes.cpp", |
| "typeface.cpp", |
| "unpremul.cpp", |
| "userfont.cpp", |
| "variedtext.cpp", |
| "verifiers", |
| "vertices.cpp", |
| "verylargebitmap.cpp", |
| "wacky_yuv_formats.cpp", |
| "widebuttcaps.cpp", |
| "windowrectangles.cpp", |
| "xfermodeimagefilter.cpp", |
| "xfermodes.cpp", |
| "xfermodes2.cpp", |
| "xfermodes3.cpp", |
| "ycbcrimage.cpp", |
| "yuv420_odd_dim.cpp", |
| "yuvtorgbsubset.cpp", |
| # Skipped GMs below TODO(kjlubick) |
| #"cgm.c", |
| #"cgms.cpp", |
| #"video_decoder.cpp", |
| #"xform.cpp", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "3d_src", |
| srcs = ["3d.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPictureRecorder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPicture_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "aaa_src", |
| srcs = ["aaa.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkFloatBits_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkPathRef_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkPathPriv_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "aaclip_src", |
| srcs = ["aaclip.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/utils/mac:SkCGUtils_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "aarecteffect_src", |
| srcs = ["aarecteffect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/private/gpu/ganesh:GrTypesPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrFragmentProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrPaint_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/effects:GrPorterDuffXferProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:TestOps_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "aarectmodes_src", |
| srcs = ["aarectmodes.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorPriv_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "aaxfermodes_src", |
| srcs = ["aaxfermodes.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkTextUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "addarc_src", |
| srcs = ["addarc.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathMeasure_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkFloatingPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "all_bitmap_configs_src", |
| srcs = ["all_bitmap_configs.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontStyle_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPixmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "alpha_image_src", |
| srcs = ["alpha_image.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "alphagradients_src", |
| srcs = ["alphagradients.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "analytic_gradients_src", |
| srcs = ["analytic_gradients.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
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| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTemplates_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "androidblendmodes_src", |
| srcs = ["androidblendmodes.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkTextUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "animated_gif_src", |
| srcs = ["animated_gif.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
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| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/codec:SkCodec_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkStream_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkAnimCodecPlayer_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkOSFile_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools/flags:CommandLineFlags_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "animated_image_orientation_src", |
| srcs = ["animated_image_orientation.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/android:SkAnimatedImage_hdr", |
| "//include/codec:SkAndroidCodec_hdr", |
| "//include/codec:SkCodec_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPictureRecorder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPicture_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "animatedimageblurs_src", |
| srcs = ["animatedimageblurs.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTPin_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "anisotropic_src", |
| srcs = ["anisotropic.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "annotated_text_src", |
| srcs = ["annotated_text.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkAnnotation_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "arcofzorro_src", |
| srcs = ["arcofzorro.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "arcto_src", |
| srcs = ["arcto.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathMeasure_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkParsePath_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkOSFile_hdr", |
| "//tools:random_parse_path_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "arithmode_src", |
| srcs = ["arithmode.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkBlenders_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "asyncrescaleandread_src", |
| srcs = ["asyncrescaleandread.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkYUVAInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkYUVAPixmaps_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrDirectContext_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkAutoPixmapStorage_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkScopeExit_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:YUVUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "attributes_src", |
| srcs = ["attributes.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu:KeyBuilder_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrBuffer_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrGeometryProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrGpuBuffer_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrOpFlushState_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProcessorSet_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProgramInfo_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrResourceProvider_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrShaderVar_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/glsl:GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/glsl:GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrDrawOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:ProxyUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "b_119394958_src", |
| srcs = ["b_119394958.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "backdrop_imagefilter_croprect_src", |
| srcs = ["backdrop_imagefilter_croprect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "backdrop_src", |
| srcs = ["backdrop.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPictureRecorder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "badpaint_src", |
| srcs = ["badpaint.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTArray_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "batchedconvexpaths_src", |
| srcs = ["batchedconvexpaths.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrContextOptions_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bc1_transparency_src", |
| srcs = ["bc1_transparency.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrDirectContext_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCompressedDataUtils_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrCaps_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrImageContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/image:SkImage_Base_hdr", |
| "//src/image:SkImage_GpuBase_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:ProxyUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "beziereffects_src", |
| srcs = ["beziereffects.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint3_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkColorData_hdr", |
| "//include/private/gpu/ganesh:GrTypesPriv_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkGeometry_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkPointPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrCaps_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrDirectContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrGeometryProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrMemoryPool_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrOpFlushState_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrOpsRenderPass_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrPaint_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProcessorAnalysis_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProcessorSet_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProgramInfo_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrRecordingContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrUserStencilSettings_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/effects:GrBezierEffect_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/effects:GrPorterDuffXferProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/geometry:GrPathUtils_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrDrawOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrMeshDrawOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrSimpleMeshDrawOpHelper_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "beziers_src", |
| srcs = ["beziers.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bicubic_src", |
| srcs = ["bicubic.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bigblurs_src", |
| srcs = ["bigblurs.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bigmatrix_src", |
| srcs = ["bigmatrix.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorPriv_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bigrect_src", |
| srcs = ["bigrect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
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| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bigrrectaaeffect_src", |
| srcs = ["bigrrectaaeffect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/private/gpu/ganesh:GrTypesPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrCaps_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrFragmentProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrPaint_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/effects:GrPorterDuffXferProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/effects:GrRRectEffect_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:FillRectOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrDrawOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bigtext_src", |
| srcs = ["bigtext.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
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| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bigtileimagefilter_src", |
| srcs = ["bigtileimagefilter.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
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| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmapcopy_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmapcopy.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
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| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
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| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
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| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmapfilters_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmapfilters.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmapimage_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmapimage.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/codec:SkCodec_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkStream_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmappremul_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmappremul.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorPriv_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmaprect_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmaprect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmaprecttest_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmaprecttest.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmapshader_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmapshader.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrCaps_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrRecordingContextPriv_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bitmaptiled_src", |
| srcs = ["bitmaptiled.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrDirectContext_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bleed_src", |
| srcs = ["bleed.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrContextOptions_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTDArray_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blend_src", |
| srcs = ["blend.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurcircles2_src", |
| srcs = ["blurcircles2.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurcircles_src", |
| srcs = ["blurcircles.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurignorexform_src", |
| srcs = ["blurignorexform.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurimagevmask_src", |
| srcs = ["blurimagevmask.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurpositioning_src", |
| srcs = ["blurpositioning.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurquickreject_src", |
| srcs = ["blurquickreject.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurrect_src", |
| srcs = ["blurrect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTo_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkMask_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrRecordingContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurredclippedcircle_src", |
| srcs = ["blurredclippedcircle.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurroundrect_src", |
| srcs = ["blurroundrect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurs_src", |
| srcs = ["blurs.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "blurtextsmallradii_src", |
| srcs = ["blurtextsmallradii.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bmpfilterqualityrepeat_src", |
| srcs = ["bmpfilterqualityrepeat.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug12866_src", |
| srcs = ["bug12866.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug5252_src", |
| srcs = ["bug5252.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug530095_src", |
| srcs = ["bug530095.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug615686_src", |
| srcs = ["bug615686.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug6643_src", |
| srcs = ["bug6643.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPictureRecorder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPicture_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug6783_src", |
| srcs = ["bug6783.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "bug9331_src", |
| srcs = ["bug9331.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "cgm_src", |
| srcs = ["cgm.c"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| "//include/c:sk_canvas_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_data_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_image_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_imageinfo_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_paint_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_shader_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_surface_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_types_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "cgms_src", |
| srcs = ["cgms.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/c:sk_types_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "circle_sizes_src", |
| srcs = ["circle_sizes.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "circulararcs_src", |
| srcs = ["circulararcs.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkStrokeAndFillPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkFloatBits_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTArray_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "circularclips_src", |
| srcs = ["circularclips.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkClipOp_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clear_swizzle_src", |
| srcs = ["clear_swizzle.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkColorData_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu:Swizzle_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrRecordingContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:SurfaceFillContext_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clip_error_src", |
| srcs = ["clip_error.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlurTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTextBlob_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkBlurMask_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clip_sierpinski_region_src", |
| srcs = ["clip_sierpinski_region.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRegion_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clip_strokerect_src", |
| srcs = ["clip_strokerect.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clipdrawdraw_src", |
| srcs = ["clipdrawdraw.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRegion_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clippedbitmapshaders_src", |
| srcs = ["clippedbitmapshaders.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "clockwise_src", |
| srcs = ["clockwise.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkColorData_hdr", |
| "//include/private/gpu/ganesh:GrTypesPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu:KeyBuilder_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrBuffer_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrCaps_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrColorSpaceXform_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrDirectContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrGeometryProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrGpuBuffer_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrMemoryPool_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrOpFlushState_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrOpsRenderPass_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrPipeline_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProcessorSet_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrProgramInfo_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrRecordingContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrResourceProvider_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrSamplerState_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrShaderCaps_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrShaderVar_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrSurfaceProxy_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrTextureProxy_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/glsl:GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/glsl:GrGLSLVarying_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrDrawOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/ops:GrOp_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:ProxyUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "collapsepaths_src", |
| srcs = ["collapsepaths.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "color4f_src", |
| srcs = ["color4f.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkColorMatrix_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "coloremoji_blendmodes_src", |
| srcs = ["coloremoji_blendmodes.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontStyle_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkTextUtils_hdr", |
| "//src/utils:SkUTF_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "coloremoji_src", |
| srcs = ["coloremoji.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontMetrics_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkColorMatrixFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colorfilteralpha8_src", |
| srcs = ["colorfilteralpha8.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colorfilterimagefilter_src", |
| srcs = ["colorfilterimagefilter.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkColorMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTArray_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTDArray_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colorfilters_src", |
| srcs = ["colorfilters.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkColorMatrixFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colormatrix_src", |
| srcs = ["colormatrix.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkColorMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colorspace_src", |
| srcs = ["colorspace.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colorwheel_src", |
| srcs = ["colorwheel.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontStyle_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "colrv1_src", |
| srcs = ["colrv1.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontMetrics_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "complexclip2_src", |
| srcs = ["complexclip2.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkClipOp_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "complexclip3_src", |
| srcs = ["complexclip3.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkClipOp_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "complexclip4_src", |
| srcs = ["complexclip4.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "complexclip_blur_tiled_src", |
| srcs = ["complexclip_blur_tiled.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "complexclip_src", |
| srcs = ["complexclip.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
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| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkClipOp_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "composecolorfilter_src", |
| srcs = ["composecolorfilter.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkLumaColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkRuntimeEffect_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkRuntimeEffectPriv_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "composeshader_src", |
| srcs = ["composeshader.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorPriv_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTDArray_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkTLazy_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "compositor_quads_src", |
| srcs = ["compositor_quads.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlendMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTileMode_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkColorMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkShaderMaskFilter_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTArray_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkLineClipper_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:YUVUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "compressed_textures_src", |
| srcs = ["compressed_textures.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
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| "//include/core:SkBitmap_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImage_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
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| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
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| "//src/image:SkImage_GpuBase_hdr", |
| "//third_party:etc1", |
| "//tools/gpu:ProxyUtils_hdr", |
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| "//src/gpu/ganesh/effects:GrPorterDuffXferProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| "//tools/gpu:TestOps_hdr", |
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| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
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| generated_cc_atom( |
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| ], |
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| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
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| ], |
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| generated_cc_atom( |
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| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
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| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| ], |
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| generated_cc_atom( |
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| ], |
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| ], |
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| "//include/effects:SkLumaColorFilter_hdr", |
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| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "custommesh_src", |
| srcs = ["custommesh.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkBlender_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCustomMesh_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkData_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkGradientShader_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "daa_src", |
| srcs = ["daa.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "dashcircle_src", |
| srcs = ["dashcircle.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "dashcubics_src", |
| srcs = ["dashcubics.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPath_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkTrimPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTArray_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkParsePath_hdr", |
| "//tools/timer:TimeUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "dashing_src", |
| srcs = ["dashing.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkDashPathEffect_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "degeneratesegments_src", |
| srcs = ["degeneratesegments.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPathBuilder_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "destcolor_src", |
| srcs = ["destcolor.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/effects:SkImageFilters_hdr", |
| "//src/core:SkCanvasPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrDirectContextPriv_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrFragmentProcessor_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:GrStyle_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh:SkGr_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/glsl:GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder_hdr", |
| "//src/gpu/ganesh/v1:SurfaceDrawContext_v1_hdr", |
| "//tools:Resources_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "dftext_blob_persp_src", |
| srcs = ["dftext_blob_persp.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurfaceProps_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTextBlob_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTArray_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "dftext_src", |
| srcs = ["dftext.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColorSpace_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontStyle_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFontTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkFont_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkMatrix_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPoint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRect_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkScalar_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurfaceProps_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTextBlob_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypeface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTemplates_hdr", |
| "//include/private:SkTo_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| generated_cc_atom( |
| name = "discard_src", |
| srcs = ["discard.cpp"], |
| visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":gm_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkCanvas_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkColor_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkImageInfo_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkPaint_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkRefCnt_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkShader_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSize_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkString_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkSurface_hdr", |
| "//include/core:SkTypes_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrDirectContext_hdr", |
| "//include/gpu:GrRecordingContext_hdr", |
| "//include/utils:SkRandom_hdr", |
| "//tools:ToolUtils_hdr", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |