blob: 291c33c315d2fc6059a2443eed9eba89399a7ebf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/effects/SkImageFilters.h"
#include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkFlattenable.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMalloc.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilterTypes.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilter_Base.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkSpecialImage.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
struct SkIPoint;
#if defined(SK_GANESH) || defined(SK_GRAPHITE)
#include "src/gpu/BlurUtils.h"
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#define SK_PREFETCH(ptr) _mm_prefetch(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr), _MM_HINT_T0)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define SK_PREFETCH(ptr) __builtin_prefetch(ptr)
#define SK_PREFETCH(ptr)
namespace {
class SkBlurImageFilter final : public SkImageFilter_Base {
SkBlurImageFilter(SkSize sigma, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input)
: SkImageFilter_Base(&input, 1)
, fSigma{sigma} {}
SkBlurImageFilter(SkSize sigma, SkTileMode legacyTileMode, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input)
: SkImageFilter_Base(&input, 1)
, fSigma(sigma)
, fLegacyTileMode(legacyTileMode) {}
SkRect computeFastBounds(const SkRect&) const override;
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override;
friend void ::SkRegisterBlurImageFilterFlattenable();
skif::FilterResult onFilterImage(const skif::Context& context) const override;
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> onGetInputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
const skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>& desiredOutput,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const override;
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> onGetOutputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const override;
skif::LayerSpace<SkSize> mapSigma(const skif::Mapping& mapping, bool gpuBacked) const;
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> kernelBounds(const skif::Mapping& mapping,
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> bounds,
bool gpuBacked) const {
skif::LayerSpace<SkSize> sigma = this->mapSigma(mapping, gpuBacked);
bounds.outset(skif::LayerSpace<SkSize>({3 * sigma.width(), 3 * sigma.height()}).ceil());
return bounds;
skif::ParameterSpace<SkSize> fSigma;
// kDecal means no legacy tiling, it will be handled by SkCropImageFilter instead. Legacy
// tiling occurs when there's no provided crop rect, and should be deleted once clients create
// their filters with defined tiling geometry.
SkTileMode fLegacyTileMode = SkTileMode::kDecal;
} // end namespace
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::Blur(
SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY, SkTileMode tileMode, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const CropRect& cropRect) {
if (!SkScalarsAreFinite(sigmaX, sigmaY) || sigmaX < 0.f || sigmaY < 0.f) {
// Non-finite or negative sigmas are error conditions. We allow 0 sigma for X and/or Y
// for 1D blurs; onFilterImage() will detect when no visible blurring would occur based on
// the Context mapping.
return nullptr;
// Temporarily allow tiling with no crop rect
if (tileMode != SkTileMode::kDecal && !cropRect) {
return sk_make_sp<SkBlurImageFilter>(SkSize{sigmaX, sigmaY}, tileMode, std::move(input));
// The 'tileMode' behavior is not well-defined if there is no crop. We only apply it if
// there is a provided 'cropRect'.
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> filter = std::move(input);
if (tileMode != SkTileMode::kDecal && cropRect) {
// Historically the input image was restricted to the cropRect when tiling was not
// kDecal, so that the kernel evaluated the tiled edge conditions, while a kDecal crop
// only affected the output.
filter = SkImageFilters::Crop(*cropRect, tileMode, std::move(filter));
filter = sk_make_sp<SkBlurImageFilter>(SkSize{sigmaX, sigmaY}, std::move(filter));
if (cropRect) {
// But regardless of the tileMode, the output is always decal cropped
filter = SkImageFilters::Crop(*cropRect, SkTileMode::kDecal, std::move(filter));
return filter;
void SkRegisterBlurImageFilterFlattenable() {
SkFlattenable::Register("SkBlurImageFilterImpl", SkBlurImageFilter::CreateProc);
sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkBlurImageFilter::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
SkScalar sigmaX = buffer.readScalar();
SkScalar sigmaY = buffer.readScalar();
SkTileMode tileMode = buffer.read32LE(SkTileMode::kLastTileMode);
// NOTE: For new SKPs, 'tileMode' holds the "legacy" tile mode; any originally specified tile
// mode with valid tiling geometry is handled in the SkCropImageFilters that wrap the blur.
// In a new SKP, when 'tileMode' is not kDecal, common.cropRect() will be null and the blur
// will automatically emulate the legacy tiling.
// In old SKPs, the 'tileMode' and common.cropRect() may not be null. ::Blur() automatically
// detects when this is a legacy or valid tiling and constructs the DAG appropriately.
return SkImageFilters::Blur(
sigmaX, sigmaY, tileMode, common.getInput(0), common.cropRect());
void SkBlurImageFilter::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
namespace {
// TODO: Move these functions into a CPU, 8888-only blur engine implementation; ideally share logic
// with the similar techniques in SkMaskBlurFilter on 4x A8 data.
// TODO(b/294575803): Provide a more accurate CPU implementation at s<2, at which point the notion
// of an identity sigma can be consolidated between the different functions.
// This is defined by the SVG spec:
int calculate_window(double sigma) {
auto possibleWindow = static_cast<int>(floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * SK_DoublePI) / 4 + 0.5));
return std::max(1, possibleWindow);
// This rather arbitrary-looking value results in a maximum box blur kernel size
// of 1000 pixels on the raster path, which matches the WebKit and Firefox
// implementations. Since the GPU path does not compute a box blur, putting
// the limit on sigma ensures consistent behaviour between the GPU and
// raster paths.
static constexpr SkScalar kMaxSigma = 532.f;
class Pass {
explicit Pass(int border) : fBorder(border) {}
virtual ~Pass() = default;
void blur(int srcLeft, int srcRight, int dstRight,
const uint32_t* src, int srcStride,
uint32_t* dst, int dstStride) {
auto srcStart = srcLeft - fBorder,
srcEnd = srcRight - fBorder,
dstEnd = dstRight,
srcIdx = srcStart,
dstIdx = 0;
const uint32_t* srcCursor = src;
uint32_t* dstCursor = dst;
if (dstIdx < srcIdx) {
// The destination pixels are not effected by the src pixels,
// change to zero as per the spec.
int commonEnd = std::min(srcIdx, dstEnd);
while (dstIdx < commonEnd) {
*dstCursor = 0;
dstCursor += dstStride;
} else if (srcIdx < dstIdx) {
// The edge of the source is before the edge of the destination. Calculate the sums for
// the pixels before the start of the destination.
if (int commonEnd = std::min(dstIdx, srcEnd); srcIdx < commonEnd) {
// Preload the blur with values from src before dst is entered.
int n = commonEnd - srcIdx;
this->blurSegment(n, srcCursor, srcStride, nullptr, 0);
srcIdx += n;
srcCursor += n * srcStride;
if (srcIdx < dstIdx) {
// The weird case where src is out of pixels before dst is even started.
int n = dstIdx - srcIdx;
this->blurSegment(n, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0);
srcIdx += n;
if (int commonEnd = std::min(dstEnd, srcEnd); dstIdx < commonEnd) {
// Both srcIdx and dstIdx are in sync now, and can run in a 1:1 fashion. This is the
// normal mode of operation.
SkASSERT(srcIdx == dstIdx);
int n = commonEnd - dstIdx;
this->blurSegment(n, srcCursor, srcStride, dstCursor, dstStride);
srcCursor += n * srcStride;
dstCursor += n * dstStride;
dstIdx += n;
srcIdx += n;
// Drain the remaining blur values into dst assuming 0's for the leading edge.
if (dstIdx < dstEnd) {
int n = dstEnd - dstIdx;
this->blurSegment(n, nullptr, 0, dstCursor, dstStride);
virtual void startBlur() = 0;
virtual void blurSegment(
int n, const uint32_t* src, int srcStride, uint32_t* dst, int dstStride) = 0;
const int fBorder;
class PassMaker {
explicit PassMaker(int window) : fWindow{window} {}
virtual ~PassMaker() = default;
virtual Pass* makePass(void* buffer, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) const = 0;
virtual size_t bufferSizeBytes() const = 0;
int window() const {return fWindow;}
const int fWindow;
// Implement a scanline processor that uses a three-box filter to approximate a Gaussian blur.
// The GaussPass is limit to processing sigmas < 135.
class GaussPass final : public Pass {
// NB 136 is the largest sigma that will not cause a buffer full of 255 mask values to overflow
// using the Gauss filter. It also limits the size of buffers used hold intermediate values.
// Explanation of maximums:
// sum0 = window * 255
// sum1 = window * sum0 -> window * window * 255
// sum2 = window * sum1 -> window * window * window * 255 -> window^3 * 255
// The value window^3 * 255 must fit in a uint32_t. So,
// window^3 < 2^32. window = 255.
// window = floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * kPi) / 4 + 0.5)
// For window <= 255, the largest value for sigma is 136.
static PassMaker* MakeMaker(double sigma, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
SkASSERT(0 <= sigma);
int window = calculate_window(sigma);
if (255 <= window) {
return nullptr;
class Maker : public PassMaker {
explicit Maker(int window) : PassMaker{window} {}
Pass* makePass(void* buffer, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) const override {
return GaussPass::Make(this->window(), buffer, alloc);
size_t bufferSizeBytes() const override {
int window = this->window();
size_t onePassSize = window - 1;
// If the window is odd, then there is an obvious middle element. For even sizes
// 2 passes are shifted, and the last pass has an extra element. Like this:
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
size_t bufferCount = (window & 1) == 1 ? 3 * onePassSize : 3 * onePassSize + 1;
return bufferCount * sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>);
return alloc->make<Maker>(window);
static GaussPass* Make(int window, void* buffers, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
// We don't need to store the trailing edge pixel in the buffer;
int passSize = window - 1;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer0 = static_cast<skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>*>(buffers);
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer1 = buffer0 + passSize;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer2 = buffer1 + passSize;
// If the window is odd just one buffer is needed, but if it's even, then there is one
// more element on that pass.
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffersEnd = buffer2 + ((window & 1) ? passSize : passSize + 1);
// Calculating the border is tricky. The border is the distance in pixels between the first
// dst pixel and the first src pixel (or the last src pixel and the last dst pixel).
// I will go through the odd case which is simpler, and then through the even case. Given a
// stack of filters seven wide for the odd case of three passes.
// S
// aaaAaaa
// bbbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// The furthest changed pixel is when the filters are in the following configuration.
// S
// aaaAaaa
// bbbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// The A pixel is calculated using the value S, the B uses A, and the C uses B, and
// finally D is C. So, with a window size of seven the border is nine. In the odd case, the
// border is 3*((window - 1)/2).
// For even cases the filter stack is more complicated. The spec specifies two passes
// of even filters and a final pass of odd filters. A stack for a width of six looks like
// this.
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// The furthest pixel looks like this.
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// For a window of six, the border value is eight. In the even case the border is 3 *
// (window/2) - 1.
int border = (window & 1) == 1 ? 3 * ((window - 1) / 2) : 3 * (window / 2) - 1;
// If the window is odd then the divisor is just window ^ 3 otherwise,
// it is window * window * (window + 1) = window ^ 3 + window ^ 2;
int window2 = window * window;
int window3 = window2 * window;
int divisor = (window & 1) == 1 ? window3 : window3 + window2;
return alloc->make<GaussPass>(buffer0, buffer1, buffer2, buffersEnd, border, divisor);
GaussPass(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer0,
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer1,
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer2,
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffersEnd,
int border,
int divisor)
: Pass{border}
, fBuffer0{buffer0}
, fBuffer1{buffer1}
, fBuffer2{buffer2}
, fBuffersEnd{buffersEnd}
, fDivider(divisor) {}
void startBlur() override {
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> zero = {0u, 0u, 0u, 0u};;;
auto half = fDivider.half();
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>{half, half, half, half}.store(fSum2);
sk_bzero(fBuffer0, (fBuffersEnd - fBuffer0) * sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>));
fBuffer0Cursor = fBuffer0;
fBuffer1Cursor = fBuffer1;
fBuffer2Cursor = fBuffer2;
// GaussPass implements the common three pass box filter approximation of Gaussian blur,
// but combines all three passes into a single pass. This approach is facilitated by three
// circular buffers the width of the window which track values for trailing edges of each of
// the three passes. This allows the algorithm to use more precision in the calculation
// because the values are not rounded each pass. And this implementation also avoids a trap
// that's easy to fall into resulting in blending in too many zeroes near the edge.
// In general, a window sum has the form:
// sum_n+1 = sum_n + leading_edge - trailing_edge.
// If instead we do the subtraction at the end of the previous iteration, we can just
// calculate the sums instead of having to do the subtractions too.
// In previous iteration:
// sum_n+1 = sum_n - trailing_edge.
// In this iteration:
// sum_n+1 = sum_n + leading_edge.
// Now we can stack all three sums and do them at once. Sum0 gets its leading edge from the
// actual data. Sum1's leading edge is just Sum0, and Sum2's leading edge is Sum1. So, doing the
// three passes at the same time has the form:
// sum0_n+1 = sum0_n + leading edge
// sum1_n+1 = sum1_n + sum0_n+1
// sum2_n+1 = sum2_n + sum1_n+1
// sum2_n+1 / window^3 is the new value of the destination pixel.
// Reduce the sums by the trailing edges which were stored in the circular buffers for the
// next go around. This is the case for odd sized windows, even windows the the third
// circular buffer is one larger then the first two circular buffers.
// sum2_n+2 = sum2_n+1 - buffer2[i];
// buffer2[i] = sum1;
// sum1_n+2 = sum1_n+1 - buffer1[i];
// buffer1[i] = sum0;
// sum0_n+2 = sum0_n+1 - buffer0[i];
// buffer0[i] = leading edge
void blurSegment(
int n, const uint32_t* src, int srcStride, uint32_t* dst, int dstStride) override {
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer0Cursor = fBuffer0Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer1Cursor = fBuffer1Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer2Cursor = fBuffer2Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> sum0 = skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>::Load(fSum0);
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> sum1 = skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>::Load(fSum1);
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> sum2 = skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>::Load(fSum2);
// Given an expanded input pixel, move the window ahead using the leadingEdge value.
auto processValue = [&](const skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>& leadingEdge) {
sum0 += leadingEdge;
sum1 += sum0;
sum2 += sum1;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> blurred = fDivider.divide(sum2);
sum2 -= *buffer2Cursor;
*buffer2Cursor = sum1;
buffer2Cursor = (buffer2Cursor + 1) < fBuffersEnd ? buffer2Cursor + 1 : fBuffer2;
sum1 -= *buffer1Cursor;
*buffer1Cursor = sum0;
buffer1Cursor = (buffer1Cursor + 1) < fBuffer2 ? buffer1Cursor + 1 : fBuffer1;
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = leadingEdge;
buffer0Cursor = (buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer1 ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : fBuffer0;
return skvx::cast<uint8_t>(blurred);
auto loadEdge = [&](const uint32_t* srcCursor) {
return skvx::cast<uint32_t>(skvx::Vec<4, uint8_t>::Load(srcCursor));
if (!src && !dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
} else if (src && !dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
src += srcStride;
} else if (!src && dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
dst += dstStride;
} else if (src && dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
src += srcStride;
dst += dstStride;
// Store the state
fBuffer0Cursor = buffer0Cursor;
fBuffer1Cursor = buffer1Cursor;
fBuffer2Cursor = buffer2Cursor;;;;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffer0;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffer1;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffer2;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffersEnd;
const skvx::ScaledDividerU32 fDivider;
// blur state
char fSum0[sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>)];
char fSum1[sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>)];
char fSum2[sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>)];
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* fBuffer0Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* fBuffer1Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* fBuffer2Cursor;
// Implement a scanline processor that uses a two-box filter to approximate a Tent filter.
// The TentPass is limit to processing sigmas < 2183.
class TentPass final : public Pass {
// NB 2183 is the largest sigma that will not cause a buffer full of 255 mask values to overflow
// using the Tent filter. It also limits the size of buffers used hold intermediate values.
// Explanation of maximums:
// sum0 = window * 255
// sum1 = window * sum0 -> window * window * 255
// The value window^2 * 255 must fit in a uint32_t. So,
// window^2 < 2^32. window = 4104.
// window = floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * kPi) / 4 + 0.5)
// For window <= 4104, the largest value for sigma is 2183.
static PassMaker* MakeMaker(double sigma, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
SkASSERT(0 <= sigma);
int gaussianWindow = calculate_window(sigma);
// This is a naive method of using the window size for the Gaussian blur to calculate the
// window size for the Tent blur. This seems to work well in practice.
// We can use a single pixel to generate the effective blur area given a window size. For
// the Gaussian blur this is 3 * window size. For the Tent filter this is 2 * window size.
int tentWindow = 3 * gaussianWindow / 2;
if (tentWindow >= 4104) {
return nullptr;
class Maker : public PassMaker {
explicit Maker(int window) : PassMaker{window} {}
Pass* makePass(void* buffer, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) const override {
return TentPass::Make(this->window(), buffer, alloc);
size_t bufferSizeBytes() const override {
size_t onePassSize = this->window() - 1;
// If the window is odd, then there is an obvious middle element. For even sizes 2
// passes are shifted, and the last pass has an extra element. Like this:
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// D
size_t bufferCount = 2 * onePassSize;
return bufferCount * sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>);
return alloc->make<Maker>(tentWindow);
static TentPass* Make(int window, void* buffers, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
if (window > 4104) {
return nullptr;
// We don't need to store the trailing edge pixel in the buffer;
int passSize = window - 1;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer0 = static_cast<skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>*>(buffers);
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer1 = buffer0 + passSize;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffersEnd = buffer1 + passSize;
// Calculating the border is tricky. The border is the distance in pixels between the first
// dst pixel and the first src pixel (or the last src pixel and the last dst pixel).
// I will go through the odd case which is simpler, and then through the even case. Given a
// stack of filters seven wide for the odd case of three passes.
// S
// aaaAaaa
// bbbBbbb
// D
// The furthest changed pixel is when the filters are in the following configuration.
// S
// aaaAaaa
// bbbBbbb
// D
// The A pixel is calculated using the value S, the B uses A, and the D uses B.
// So, with a window size of seven the border is nine. In the odd case, the border is
// window - 1.
// For even cases the filter stack is more complicated. It uses two passes
// of even filters offset from each other. A stack for a width of six looks like
// this.
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// D
// The furthest pixel looks like this.
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// D
// For a window of six, the border value is 5. In the even case the border is
// window - 1.
int border = window - 1;
int divisor = window * window;
return alloc->make<TentPass>(buffer0, buffer1, buffersEnd, border, divisor);
TentPass(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer0,
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer1,
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffersEnd,
int border,
int divisor)
: Pass{border}
, fBuffer0{buffer0}
, fBuffer1{buffer1}
, fBuffersEnd{buffersEnd}
, fDivider(divisor) {}
void startBlur() override {
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>{0u, 0u, 0u, 0u}.store(fSum0);
auto half = fDivider.half();
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>{half, half, half, half}.store(fSum1);
sk_bzero(fBuffer0, (fBuffersEnd - fBuffer0) * sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>));
fBuffer0Cursor = fBuffer0;
fBuffer1Cursor = fBuffer1;
// TentPass implements the common two pass box filter approximation of Tent filter,
// but combines all both passes into a single pass. This approach is facilitated by two
// circular buffers the width of the window which track values for trailing edges of each of
// both passes. This allows the algorithm to use more precision in the calculation
// because the values are not rounded each pass. And this implementation also avoids a trap
// that's easy to fall into resulting in blending in too many zeroes near the edge.
// In general, a window sum has the form:
// sum_n+1 = sum_n + leading_edge - trailing_edge.
// If instead we do the subtraction at the end of the previous iteration, we can just
// calculate the sums instead of having to do the subtractions too.
// In previous iteration:
// sum_n+1 = sum_n - trailing_edge.
// In this iteration:
// sum_n+1 = sum_n + leading_edge.
// Now we can stack all three sums and do them at once. Sum0 gets its leading edge from the
// actual data. Sum1's leading edge is just Sum0, and Sum2's leading edge is Sum1. So, doing the
// three passes at the same time has the form:
// sum0_n+1 = sum0_n + leading edge
// sum1_n+1 = sum1_n + sum0_n+1
// sum1_n+1 / window^2 is the new value of the destination pixel.
// Reduce the sums by the trailing edges which were stored in the circular buffers for the
// next go around.
// sum1_n+2 = sum1_n+1 - buffer1[i];
// buffer1[i] = sum0;
// sum0_n+2 = sum0_n+1 - buffer0[i];
// buffer0[i] = leading edge
void blurSegment(
int n, const uint32_t* src, int srcStride, uint32_t* dst, int dstStride) override {
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer0Cursor = fBuffer0Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* buffer1Cursor = fBuffer1Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> sum0 = skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>::Load(fSum0);
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> sum1 = skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>::Load(fSum1);
// Given an expanded input pixel, move the window ahead using the leadingEdge value.
auto processValue = [&](const skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>& leadingEdge) {
sum0 += leadingEdge;
sum1 += sum0;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t> blurred = fDivider.divide(sum1);
sum1 -= *buffer1Cursor;
*buffer1Cursor = sum0;
buffer1Cursor = (buffer1Cursor + 1) < fBuffersEnd ? buffer1Cursor + 1 : fBuffer1;
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = leadingEdge;
buffer0Cursor = (buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer1 ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : fBuffer0;
return skvx::cast<uint8_t>(blurred);
auto loadEdge = [&](const uint32_t* srcCursor) {
return skvx::cast<uint32_t>(skvx::Vec<4, uint8_t>::Load(srcCursor));
if (!src && !dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
} else if (src && !dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
src += srcStride;
} else if (!src && dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
dst += dstStride;
} else if (src && dst) {
while (n --> 0) {
src += srcStride;
dst += dstStride;
// Store the state
fBuffer0Cursor = buffer0Cursor;
fBuffer1Cursor = buffer1Cursor;;;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffer0;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffer1;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* const fBuffersEnd;
const skvx::ScaledDividerU32 fDivider;
// blur state
char fSum0[sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>)];
char fSum1[sizeof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>)];
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* fBuffer0Cursor;
skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>* fBuffer1Cursor;
// TODO: Implement CPU backend for different fTileMode. This is still worth doing inline with the
// blur; at the moment the tiling is applied via the CropImageFilter and carried as metadata on
// the FilterResult. This is forcefully applied in onFilterImage() to get a simple SkSpecialImage to
// pass to cpu_blur or gpu_blur, which evaluates the tile mode into a kernel-outset buffer that is
// then processed by these functions. If the tilemode is the only thing being applied, it would be
// ideal to tile from the input image directly instead of inserting a new temporary image. For CPU
// blurs this temporary image now creates the appearance of correctness; for GPU blurs that could
// tile already it may create a regression.
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> cpu_blur(const skif::Context& ctx,
skif::LayerSpace<SkSize> sigma,
const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>& input,
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> srcBounds,
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> dstBounds) {
// map_sigma limits sigma to 532 to match 1000px box filter limit of WebKit and Firefox.
// Since this does not exceed the limits of the TentPass (2183), there won't be overflow when
// computing a kernel over a pixel window filled with 255.
static_assert(kMaxSigma <= 2183.0f);
// The input image should fill the srcBounds
SkASSERT(input->width() == srcBounds.width() && input->height() == srcBounds.height());
SkSTArenaAlloc<1024> alloc;
auto makeMaker = [&](double sigma) -> PassMaker* {
SkASSERT(0 <= sigma && sigma <= 2183); // should be guaranteed after map_sigma
if (PassMaker* maker = GaussPass::MakeMaker(sigma, &alloc)) {
return maker;
if (PassMaker* maker = TentPass::MakeMaker(sigma, &alloc)) {
return maker;
SK_ABORT("Sigma is out of range.");
PassMaker* makerX = makeMaker(sigma.width());
PassMaker* makerY = makeMaker(sigma.height());
// A no-op blur should have been caught earlier in onFilterImage().
SkASSERT(makerX->window() > 1 || makerY->window() > 1);
SkBitmap src;
if (!SkSpecialImages::AsBitmap(input.get(), &src)) {
return nullptr;
if (src.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
return nullptr;
auto originalDstBounds = dstBounds;
if (makerX->window() > 1) {
// Inflate the dst by the window required for the Y pass so that the X pass can prepare it.
// The Y pass will be offset to only write to the original rows in dstBounds, but its window
// will access these extra rows calculated by the X pass. The SpecialImage factory will
// then subset the bitmap so it appears to match 'originalDstBounds' tightly. We make one
// slightly larger image to hold this extra data instead of two separate images sized
// exactly to each pass because the CPU blur can write in place.
const auto yPadding = skif::LayerSpace<SkSize>({0.f, 3 * sigma.height()}).ceil();
SkBitmap dst;
const skif::LayerSpace<SkIPoint> dstOrigin = dstBounds.topLeft();
if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(, dstBounds.height()))) {
return nullptr;
auto buffer = alloc.makeBytesAlignedTo(std::max(makerX->bufferSizeBytes(),
alignof(skvx::Vec<4, uint32_t>));
// Basic Plan: The three cases to handle
// * Horizontal and Vertical - blur horizontally while copying values from the source to
// the destination. Then, do an in-place vertical blur.
// * Horizontal only - blur horizontally copying values from the source to the destination.
// * Vertical only - blur vertically copying values from the source to the destination.
// Initialize these assuming the Y-only case
int loopStart = std::max(srcBounds.left(), dstBounds.left());
int loopEnd = std::min(srcBounds.right(), dstBounds.right());
int dstYOffset = 0;
if (makerX->window() > 1) {
// First an X-only blur from src into dst, including the extra rows that will become input
// for the second Y pass, which will then be performed in place.
loopStart = std::max(,;
loopEnd = std::min(srcBounds.bottom(), dstBounds.bottom());
auto srcAddr = src.getAddr32(0, loopStart -;
auto dstAddr = dst.getAddr32(0, loopStart -;
// Iterate over each row to calculate 1D blur along X.
Pass* pass = makerX->makePass(buffer, &alloc);
for (int y = loopStart; y < loopEnd; ++y) {
pass->blur(srcBounds.left() - dstBounds.left(),
srcBounds.right() - dstBounds.left(),
srcAddr, 1,
dstAddr, 1);
srcAddr += src.rowBytesAsPixels();
dstAddr += dst.rowBytesAsPixels();
// Set up the Y pass to blur from the full dst into the non-outset portion of dst
src = dst;
loopStart = originalDstBounds.left();
loopEnd = originalDstBounds.right();
// The new 'dst' is equal to dst.extractSubset(originalDstBounds.offset(-dstOrigin)), but
// by construction only the Y offset has an interesting value so this is a little more
// efficient.
dstYOffset = -;
srcBounds = dstBounds;
dstBounds = originalDstBounds;
// Iterate over each column to calculate 1D blur along Y. This is either blurring from src into
// dst for a 1D blur; or it's blurring from dst into dst for the second pass of a 2D blur.
if (makerY->window() > 1) {
auto srcAddr = src.getAddr32(loopStart - srcBounds.left(), 0);
auto dstAddr = dst.getAddr32(loopStart - dstBounds.left(), dstYOffset);
Pass* pass = makerY->makePass(buffer, &alloc);
for (int x = loopStart; x < loopEnd; ++x) {
pass->blur( -,
srcBounds.bottom() -,
srcAddr, src.rowBytesAsPixels(),
dstAddr, dst.rowBytesAsPixels());
srcAddr += 1;
dstAddr += 1;
originalDstBounds.offset(-dstOrigin); // Make relative to dst's pixels
return SkSpecialImages::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect(originalDstBounds),
} // namespace
skif::FilterResult SkBlurImageFilter::onFilterImage(const skif::Context& ctx) const {
const bool gpuBacked = SkToBool(ctx.backend()->getBlurEngine());
skif::Context inputCtx = ctx.withNewDesiredOutput(
this->kernelBounds(ctx.mapping(), ctx.desiredOutput(), gpuBacked));
skif::FilterResult childOutput = this->getChildOutput(0, inputCtx);
skif::LayerSpace<SkSize> sigma = this->mapSigma(ctx.mapping(), gpuBacked);
if (sigma.width() == 0.f && sigma.height() == 0.f) {
// No actual blur, so just return the input unmodified
return childOutput;
SkASSERT(sigma.width() >= 0.f && sigma.width() <= kMaxSigma &&
sigma.height() >= 0.f && sigma.height() <= kMaxSigma);
// TODO: This is equivalent to what Builder::blur() calculates under the hood, but is calculated
// *before* we apply any legacy tile mode since the legacy tiling did not actually cause the
// output to extend fully.
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> maxOutput =
this->kernelBounds(ctx.mapping(), childOutput.layerBounds(), gpuBacked);
if (!maxOutput.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
return {};
if (fLegacyTileMode != SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// Legacy tiling applied to the input image when there was no explicit crop rect. Use the
// child's output image's layer bounds as the crop rectangle to adjust the edge tile mode
// without restricting the image.
childOutput = childOutput.applyCrop(inputCtx,
// TODO(b/40039877): Once the CPU blur functions can handle tile modes and color types beyond
// N32, there won't be any need to branch on how to apply the blur to the filter result.
if (gpuBacked) {
// For non-legacy tiling, 'maxOutput' is equal to the desired output. For decal's it matches
// what Builder::blur() calculates internally. For legacy tiling, however, it's dependent on
// the original child output's bounds ignoring the tile mode's effect.
skif::Context croppedOutput = ctx.withNewDesiredOutput(maxOutput);
skif::FilterResult::Builder builder{croppedOutput};
return builder.blur(sigma);
// The CPU blur does not yet support tile modes so explicitly resolve it to a special image that
// has the tiling rendered into the pixels.
auto [resolvedChildOutput, origin] = childOutput.imageAndOffset(inputCtx);
if (!resolvedChildOutput) {
return {};
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> srcBounds{SkIRect::MakeXYWH(origin.x(),
return skif::FilterResult{cpu_blur(ctx, sigma, std::move(resolvedChildOutput),
srcBounds, maxOutput),
skif::LayerSpace<SkSize> SkBlurImageFilter::mapSigma(const skif::Mapping& mapping,
bool gpuBacked) const {
skif::LayerSpace<SkSize> sigma = mapping.paramToLayer(fSigma);
// Clamp to the maximum sigma
sigma = skif::LayerSpace<SkSize>({std::min(sigma.width(), kMaxSigma),
std::min(sigma.height(), kMaxSigma)});
// TODO(b/294575803) - The CPU and GPU implementations have different requirements for
// "identity", with the GPU able to handle smaller sigmas. calculate_window() returns <= 1 once
// sigma is below ~0.8. Ideally we should work out the sigma threshold such that the max
// contribution from adjacent pixels is less than 0.5/255 and use that for both backends.
// NOTE: For convenience with builds, and the flux that is about to occur with the blur utils,
// this GPU logic is just copied from GrBlurUtils
// Disable bluring on axes that are not finite, or that are small enough that the blur is
// effectively an identity.
if (!SkScalarIsFinite(sigma.width()) || (!gpuBacked && calculate_window(sigma.width()) <= 1)
#if defined(SK_GANESH) || defined(SK_GRAPHITE)
|| (gpuBacked && skgpu::BlurIsEffectivelyIdentity(sigma.width()))
) {
sigma = skif::LayerSpace<SkSize>({0.f, sigma.height()});
if (!SkScalarIsFinite(sigma.height()) || (!gpuBacked && calculate_window(sigma.height()) <= 1)
#if defined(SK_GANESH) || defined(SK_GRAPHITE)
|| (gpuBacked && skgpu::BlurIsEffectivelyIdentity(sigma.height()))
) {
sigma = skif::LayerSpace<SkSize>({sigma.width(), 0.f});
return sigma;
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> SkBlurImageFilter::onGetInputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
const skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>& desiredOutput,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const {
// Use gpuBacked=true since that has a more sensitive kernel, ensuring any layer input bounds
// will be sufficient for both GPU and CPU evaluations.
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> requiredInput =
this->kernelBounds(mapping, desiredOutput, /*gpuBacked=*/true);
return this->getChildInputLayerBounds(0, mapping, requiredInput, contentBounds);
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> SkBlurImageFilter::onGetOutputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const {
auto childOutput = this->getChildOutputLayerBounds(0, mapping, contentBounds);
if (childOutput) {
// Use gpuBacked=true since it will ensure output bounds are conservative; CPU-based blurs
// may produce 1px inset from this for very small sigmas.
return this->kernelBounds(mapping, *childOutput, /*gpuBacked=*/true);
} else {
return skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>::Unbounded();
SkRect SkBlurImageFilter::computeFastBounds(const SkRect& src) const {
SkRect bounds = this->getInput(0) ? this->getInput(0)->computeFastBounds(src) : src;
bounds.outset(SkSize(fSigma).width() * 3, SkSize(fSigma).height() * 3);
return bounds;