blob: 6bb2964f681263357cc1a8e9115feb4d7d294c05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef sktext_gpu_GlyphVector_DEFINED
#define sktext_gpu_GlyphVector_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "src/core/SkGlyph.h"
#include "src/gpu/AtlasTypes.h"
#include "src/text/StrikeForGPU.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/StrikeCache.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
class SkReadBuffer;
class SkStrikeClient;
class SkWriteBuffer;
class GrMeshDrawTarget;
namespace skgpu::ganesh { class AtlasTextOp; }
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Device;
class Recorder;
namespace sktext::gpu {
class Glyph;
class SubRunAllocator;
// -- GlyphVector ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GlyphVector provides a way to delay the lookup of Glyphs until the code is running on the GPU
// in single threaded mode. The GlyphVector is created in a multi-threaded environment, but the
// StrikeCache is only single threaded (and must be single threaded because of the atlas).
class GlyphVector {
union Variant {
// Initially, filled with packed id, but changed to Glyph* in the onPrepare stage.
SkPackedGlyphID packedGlyphID;
Glyph* glyph;
// Add ctors to help SkArenaAlloc create arrays.
Variant() : glyph{nullptr} {}
Variant(SkPackedGlyphID id) : packedGlyphID{id} {}
GlyphVector(SkStrikePromise&& strikePromise, SkSpan<Variant> glyphs);
static GlyphVector Make(SkStrikePromise&& promise,
SkSpan<const SkPackedGlyphID> glyphs,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
SkSpan<const Glyph*> glyphs() const;
static std::optional<GlyphVector> MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
const SkStrikeClient* strikeClient,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const;
// This doesn't need to include sizeof(GlyphVector) because this is embedded in each of
// the sub runs.
int unflattenSize() const { return GlyphVectorSize(fGlyphs.size()); }
void packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache* cache);
static size_t GlyphVectorSize(size_t count) {
return sizeof(Variant) * count;
friend class GlyphVectorTestingPeer;
friend class ::skgpu::graphite::Device;
friend class ::skgpu::ganesh::AtlasTextOp;
// This function is implemented in ganesh/text/GrAtlasManager.cpp, and should only be called
// from AtlasTextOp or linking issues may occur.
std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlasForGanesh(
int begin, int end,
skgpu::MaskFormat maskFormat,
int srcPadding,
// This function is implemented in graphite/text/AtlasManager.cpp, and should only be called
// from graphite::Device or linking issues may occur.
std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlasForGraphite(
int begin, int end,
skgpu::MaskFormat maskFormat,
int srcPadding,
SkStrikePromise fStrikePromise;
SkSpan<Variant> fGlyphs;
sk_sp<TextStrike> fTextStrike{nullptr};
uint64_t fAtlasGeneration{skgpu::AtlasGenerationCounter::kInvalidGeneration};
skgpu::BulkUsePlotUpdater fBulkUseUpdater;
} // namespace sktext::gpu
#endif // sktext_gpu_GlyphVector_DEFINED