blob: a040d462d00a2cc7aaa9907e5538f5835b91c9ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_FactoryFunctionsPriv_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_FactoryFunctionsPriv_DEFINED
#include "src/base/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/FactoryFunctions.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class PrecompileShader;
enum class PrecompileImageShaderFlags {
kNone = 0b00,
kExcludeAlpha = 0b01,
kExcludeCubic = 0b10
namespace PrecompileShadersPriv {
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> Blur(sk_sp<PrecompileShader> wrapped);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> Displacement(sk_sp<PrecompileShader> displacement,
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> color);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> Lighting(sk_sp<PrecompileShader> wrapped);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> MatrixConvolution(sk_sp<PrecompileShader> wrapped);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> LinearMorphology(sk_sp<PrecompileShader> wrapped);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> SparseMorphology(sk_sp<PrecompileShader> wrapped);
// TODO: This, technically, doesn't need to take an SkSpan since it is only called from
// PaintOptions::setClipShaders with a single PrecompileShader. Leaving it be for now in case
// the usage is revised.
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> CTM(SkSpan<const sk_sp<PrecompileShader>> wrapped);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> Image(SkEnumBitMask<PrecompileImageShaderFlags>);
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> RawImage(SkEnumBitMask<PrecompileImageShaderFlags>);
// This factory variant should be used when the existence or non-existence of the local matrix
// is known. If 'withLM' is true only the LMShader-wrapped shader will be created while, when
// 'withLM' is false, no LMShader will wrap the base shader.
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> Picture(bool withLM);
// TODO: this factory function should go away (it is only used by the PrecompileShaders::Picture
// entry point now).
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> LocalMatrixBothVariants(SkSpan<const sk_sp<PrecompileShader>> wrapped);
} // namespace PrecompileShadersPriv
namespace PrecompileColorFiltersPriv {
// These three match those in src/core/SkColorFilterPriv
sk_sp<PrecompileColorFilter> Gaussian();
sk_sp<PrecompileColorFilter> ColorSpaceXform();
sk_sp<PrecompileColorFilter> WithWorkingFormat(
SkSpan<const sk_sp<PrecompileColorFilter>> childOptions);
} // namespace PrecompileColorFiltersPriv
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_FactoryFunctionsPriv_DEFINED