blob: 421e756e065dd9e61f38bc4d8d826264e7957804 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLType.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
namespace SkSL {
struct SlotDebugInfo {
/** The full name of this variable (without component), e.g. `myArray[3].myStruct.myVector` */
std::string name;
/** The dimensions of this variable: 1x1 is a scalar, Nx1 is a vector, NxM is a matrix. */
uint8_t columns = 1, rows = 1;
/** Which component of the variable is this slot? (e.g. `vec4.z` is component 2) */
uint8_t componentIndex = 0;
/** Complex types (arrays/structs) can be tracked as a "group" of adjacent slots. */
int groupIndex = 0;
/** What kind of numbers belong in this slot? */
SkSL::Type::NumberKind numberKind = SkSL::Type::NumberKind::kNonnumeric;
/** Where is this variable located in the program? */
int line = 0;
Position pos = {};
/** If this slot holds a function's return value, contains 1; if not, -1. */
int fnReturnValue = -1;
struct FunctionDebugInfo {
/** Full function declaration: `float myFunction(half4 color)`) */
std::string name;
} // namespace SkSL