blob: 83720fca1c1a0453d2f48d1f519036603ea2158d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/lex/DFA.h"
#include "src/sksl/lex/TransitionTable.h"
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace {
// The number of bits to use per entry in our compact transition table. This is customizable:
// - 1-bit: reasonable in theory. Doesn't actually pack many slices.
// - 2-bit: best fit for our data. Packs extremely well.
// - 4-bit: packs all but one slice, but doesn't save as much space overall.
// - 8-bit: way too large (an 8-bit LUT plus an 8-bit data table is as big as a 16-bit table)
// Other values don't divide cleanly into a byte and do not work.
constexpr int kNumBits = 2;
// These values are derived from kNumBits and shouldn't need to change.
constexpr int kNumValues = (1 << kNumBits) - 1;
constexpr int kDataPerByte = 8 / kNumBits;
enum IndexType {
kCompactEntry = 0,
struct IndexEntry {
IndexType type;
int pos;
struct CompactEntry {
std::array<int, kNumValues> v = {};
std::vector<int> data;
struct FullEntry {
std::vector<int> data;
using TransitionSet = std::unordered_set<int>;
static int add_compact_entry(const TransitionSet& transitionSet,
const std::vector<int>& data,
std::vector<CompactEntry>* entries) {
// Create a compact entry with the unique values from the transition set, padded out with zeros
// and sorted.
CompactEntry result{};
assert(transitionSet.size() <= result.v.size());
std::copy(transitionSet.begin(), transitionSet.end(), result.v.begin());
std::sort(result.v.rbegin(), result.v.rend());
// Create a mapping from real values to small values.
std::unordered_map<int, int> translationTable;
for (size_t index = 0; index < result.v.size(); ++index) {
translationTable[result.v[index]] = index;
translationTable[0] = result.v.size();
// Convert the real values into small values.
for (size_t index = 0; index < data.size(); ++index) {
int value = data[index];
assert(translationTable.find(value) != translationTable.end());[value]);
// Look for an existing entry that exactly matches this one.
for (size_t index = 0; index < entries->size(); ++index) {
if (entries->at(index).v == result.v && entries->at(index).data == {
return index;
// Add this as a new entry.
return (int)(entries->size() - 1);
static int add_full_entry(const TransitionSet& transitionMap,
const std::vector<int>& data,
std::vector<FullEntry>* entries) {
// Create a full entry with this data.
FullEntry result{}; = std::vector<int>(data.begin(), data.end());
// Look for an existing entry that exactly matches this one.
for (size_t index = 0; index < entries->size(); ++index) {
if (entries->at(index).data == {
return index;
// Add this as a new entry.
return (int)(entries->size() - 1);
} // namespace
void WriteTransitionTable(std::ofstream& out, const DFA& dfa, size_t states) {
int numTransitions = dfa.fTransitions.size();
// Assemble our compact and full data tables, and an index into them.
std::vector<CompactEntry> compactEntries;
std::vector<FullEntry> fullEntries;
std::vector<IndexEntry> indices;
for (size_t s = 0; s < states; ++s) {
// Copy all the transitions for this state into a flat array, and into a histogram (counting
// the number of unique state-transition values). Most states only transition to a few
// possible new states.
TransitionSet transitionSet;
std::vector<int> data(numTransitions);
for (int t = 0; t < numTransitions; ++t) {
if ((size_t) t < dfa.fTransitions.size() && s < dfa.fTransitions[t].size()) {
int value = dfa.fTransitions[t][s];
assert(value >= 0 && value < (int)states);
data[t] = value;
if (transitionSet.size() <= kNumValues) {
// This table only contained a small number of unique nonzero values.
// Use a compact representation that squishes each value down to a few bits.
int index = add_compact_entry(transitionSet, data, &compactEntries);
indices.push_back(IndexEntry{kCompactEntry, index});
} else {
// This table contained a large number of values. We can't compact it.
int index = add_full_entry(transitionSet, data, &fullEntries);
indices.push_back(IndexEntry{kFullEntry, index});
// Find the largest value for each compact-entry slot.
int maxValue = 0;
for (const CompactEntry& entry : compactEntries) {
for (int index=0; index < kNumValues; ++index) {
maxValue = std::max(maxValue, entry.v[index]);
// Figure out how many bits we need to store our max value.
int bitsPerValue = std::ceil(std::log2(maxValue));
maxValue = (1 << bitsPerValue) - 1;
// If we exceed 10 bits per value, three values would overflow 32 bits. If this happens, we'll
// need to pack our values another way.
assert(bitsPerValue <= 10);
// Emit all the structs our transition table will use.
out << "using IndexEntry = int16_t;\n"
<< "struct FullEntry {\n"
<< " State data[" << numTransitions << "];\n"
<< "};\n";
// Emit the compact-entry structure. We store all three values in `v`. If kNumBits were to
// change, we would need to adjust the packing algorithm.
static_assert(kNumBits == 2);
out << "struct CompactEntry {\n"
<< " uint32_t values;\n"
<< " uint8_t data[" << std::ceil(float(numTransitions) / float(kDataPerByte)) << "];\n"
<< "};\n";
// Emit the full-table data.
out << "static constexpr FullEntry kFull[] = {\n";
for (const FullEntry& entry : fullEntries) {
out << " {";
for (int value : {
out << value << ", ";
out << "},\n";
out << "};\n";
// Emit the compact-table data.
out << "static constexpr CompactEntry kCompact[] = {\n";
for (const CompactEntry& entry : compactEntries) {
out << " {";
// We pack all three values into `v`. If kNumBits were to change, we would need to adjust
// this packing algorithm.
static_assert(kNumBits == 2);
out << entry.v[0];
if (entry.v[1]) {
out << " | (" << entry.v[1] << " << " << bitsPerValue << ")";
if (entry.v[2]) {
out << " | (" << entry.v[2] << " << " << (2 * bitsPerValue) << ")";
out << ", {";
unsigned int shiftBits = 0, combinedBits = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < numTransitions; index++) {
combinedBits |=[index] << shiftBits;
shiftBits += kNumBits;
assert(shiftBits <= 8);
if (shiftBits == 8) {
out << combinedBits << ", ";
shiftBits = 0;
combinedBits = 0;
if (shiftBits > 0) {
// Flush any partial values.
out << combinedBits;
out << "}},\n";
out << "};\n"
<< "static constexpr IndexEntry kIndices[] = {\n";
for (const IndexEntry& entry : indices) {
if (entry.type == kFullEntry) {
// Bit-not is used so that full entries start at -1 and go down from there.
out << ~entry.pos << ", ";
} else {
// Compact entries start at 0 and go up from there.
out << entry.pos << ", ";
out << "};\n"
<< "State get_transition(int transition, int state) {\n"
<< " IndexEntry index = kIndices[state];\n"
<< " if (index < 0) { return kFull[~index].data[transition]; }\n"
<< " const CompactEntry& entry = kCompact[index];\n"
<< " int v =[transition >> " << std::log2(kDataPerByte) << "];\n"
<< " v >>= " << kNumBits << " * (transition & " << kDataPerByte - 1 << ");\n"
<< " v &= " << kNumValues << ";\n"
<< " v *= " << bitsPerValue << ";\n"
<< " return (entry.values >> v) & " << maxValue << ";\n"
<< "}\n";