blob: 2b84f9b98a714d6d4bd9b70f40b9efb7c54881e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkSLSymbol.h"
#include "include/private/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLIntrinsicList.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
namespace SkSL {
class Context;
class ExpressionArray;
class FunctionDefinition;
class Position;
class SymbolTable;
class Type;
class Variable;
struct Modifiers;
// This enum holds every intrinsic supported by SkSL.
#define SKSL_INTRINSIC(name) k_##name##_IntrinsicKind,
enum IntrinsicKind : int8_t {
kNotIntrinsic = -1,
* A function declaration (not a definition -- does not contain a body).
class FunctionDeclaration final : public Symbol {
inline static constexpr Kind kSymbolKind = Kind::kFunctionDeclaration;
FunctionDeclaration(Position pos,
const Modifiers* modifiers,
std::string_view name,
std::vector<const Variable*> parameters,
const Type* returnType,
bool builtin);
static const FunctionDeclaration* Convert(const Context& context,
SymbolTable& symbols,
Position pos,
Position modifiersPos,
const Modifiers* modifiers,
std::string_view name,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Variable>> parameters,
Position returnTypePos,
const Type* returnType);
const Modifiers& modifiers() const {
return *fModifiers;
const FunctionDefinition* definition() const {
return fDefinition;
void setDefinition(const FunctionDefinition* definition) const {
fDefinition = definition;
fIntrinsicKind = kNotIntrinsic;
const std::vector<const Variable*>& parameters() const {
return fParameters;
const Type& returnType() const {
return *fReturnType;
bool isBuiltin() const {
return fBuiltin;
bool isMain() const {
return fIsMain;
IntrinsicKind intrinsicKind() const {
return fIntrinsicKind;
bool isIntrinsic() const {
return this->intrinsicKind() != kNotIntrinsic;
std::string mangledName() const;
std::string description() const override;
bool matches(const FunctionDeclaration& f) const;
* Determine the effective types of this function's parameters and return value when called with
* the given arguments. This is relevant for functions with generic parameter types, where this
* will collapse the generic types down into specific concrete types.
* Returns true if it was able to select a concrete set of types for the generic function, false
* if there is no possible way this can match the argument types. Note that even a true return
* does not guarantee that the function can be successfully called with those arguments, merely
* indicates that an attempt should be made. If false is returned, the state of
* outParameterTypes and outReturnType are undefined.
* This always assumes narrowing conversions are *allowed*. The calling code needs to verify
* that each argument can actually be coerced to the final parameter type, respecting the
* narrowing-conversions flag. This is handled in callCost(), or in convertCall() (via coerce).
using ParamTypes = SkSTArray<8, const Type*>;
bool determineFinalTypes(const ExpressionArray& arguments,
ParamTypes* outParameterTypes,
const Type** outReturnType) const;
mutable const FunctionDefinition* fDefinition;
const Modifiers* fModifiers;
std::vector<const Variable*> fParameters;
const Type* fReturnType;
bool fBuiltin;
bool fIsMain;
mutable IntrinsicKind fIntrinsicKind = kNotIntrinsic;
using INHERITED = Symbol;
} // namespace SkSL