| /* |
| * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef GrVkCaps_DEFINED |
| #define GrVkCaps_DEFINED |
| |
| #include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkTypes.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/GrCaps.h" |
| |
| class GrShaderCaps; |
| class GrVkExtensions; |
| struct GrVkInterface; |
| class GrVkRenderTarget; |
| |
| /** |
| * Stores some capabilities of a Vk backend. |
| */ |
| class GrVkCaps : public GrCaps { |
| public: |
| /** |
| * Creates a GrVkCaps that is set such that nothing is supported. The init function should |
| * be called to fill out the caps. |
| */ |
| GrVkCaps(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, |
| const GrVkInterface* vkInterface, |
| VkPhysicalDevice device, |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2& features, |
| uint32_t instanceVersion, |
| uint32_t physicalDeviceVersion, |
| const GrVkExtensions& extensions, |
| GrProtected isProtected = GrProtected::kNo); |
| |
| bool isFormatSRGB(const GrBackendFormat&) const override; |
| |
| bool isFormatTexturable(const GrBackendFormat&, GrTextureType) const override; |
| bool isVkFormatTexturable(VkFormat) const; |
| |
| bool isFormatCopyable(const GrBackendFormat&) const override { return true; } |
| |
| bool isFormatAsColorTypeRenderable(GrColorType ct, |
| const GrBackendFormat& format, |
| int sampleCount = 1) const override; |
| bool isFormatRenderable(const GrBackendFormat& format, int sampleCount) const override; |
| bool isFormatRenderable(VkFormat, int sampleCount) const; |
| |
| int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, const GrBackendFormat&) const override; |
| int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, VkFormat) const; |
| |
| int maxRenderTargetSampleCount(const GrBackendFormat&) const override; |
| int maxRenderTargetSampleCount(VkFormat format) const; |
| |
| SupportedWrite supportedWritePixelsColorType(GrColorType surfaceColorType, |
| const GrBackendFormat& surfaceFormat, |
| GrColorType srcColorType) const override; |
| |
| SurfaceReadPixelsSupport surfaceSupportsReadPixels(const GrSurface*) const override; |
| |
| bool isVkFormatTexturableLinearly(VkFormat format) const { |
| return SkToBool(FormatInfo::kTexturable_Flag & this->getFormatInfo(format).fLinearFlags); |
| } |
| |
| bool formatCanBeDstofBlit(VkFormat format, bool linearTiled) const { |
| const FormatInfo& info = this->getFormatInfo(format); |
| const uint16_t& flags = linearTiled ? info.fLinearFlags : info.fOptimalFlags; |
| return SkToBool(FormatInfo::kBlitDst_Flag & flags); |
| } |
| |
| bool formatCanBeSrcofBlit(VkFormat format, bool linearTiled) const { |
| const FormatInfo& info = this->getFormatInfo(format); |
| const uint16_t& flags = linearTiled ? info.fLinearFlags : info.fOptimalFlags; |
| return SkToBool(FormatInfo::kBlitSrc_Flag & flags); |
| } |
| |
| // Gets the GrColorType that should be used to transfer data in/out of a transfer buffer to |
| // write/read data when using a VkFormat with a specified color type. |
| GrColorType transferColorType(VkFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType) const; |
| |
| // On some GPUs (Windows Nvidia and Imagination) calls to QueueWaitIdle return before actually |
| // signalling the fences on the command buffers even though they have completed. This causes |
| // issues when then deleting the command buffers. Therefore we additionally will call |
| // vkWaitForFences on each outstanding command buffer to make sure the driver signals the fence. |
| bool mustSyncCommandBuffersWithQueue() const { return fMustSyncCommandBuffersWithQueue; } |
| |
| // Returns true if we should always make dedicated allocations for VkImages. |
| bool shouldAlwaysUseDedicatedImageMemory() const { |
| return fShouldAlwaysUseDedicatedImageMemory; |
| } |
| |
| // Always use a transfer buffer instead of vkCmdUpdateBuffer to upload data to a VkBuffer. |
| bool avoidUpdateBuffers() const { return fAvoidUpdateBuffers; } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns both a supported and most preferred stencil format to use in draws. |
| */ |
| VkFormat preferredStencilFormat() const { return fPreferredStencilFormat; } |
| |
| // Returns total number of bits used by stencil + depth + padding |
| static int GetStencilFormatTotalBitCount(VkFormat format) { |
| switch (format) { |
| case VK_FORMAT_S8_UINT: |
| return 8; |
| return 32; |
| // can optionally have 24 unused bits at the end so we assume the total bits is 64. |
| return 64; |
| default: |
| SkASSERT(false); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Returns whether the device supports VK_KHR_Swapchain. Internally Skia never uses any of the |
| // swapchain functions, but we may need to transition to and from the |
| // VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR image layout, so we must know whether that layout is |
| // supported. |
| bool supportsSwapchain() const { return fSupportsSwapchain; } |
| |
| // Returns whether the device supports the ability to extend VkPhysicalDeviceProperties struct. |
| bool supportsPhysicalDeviceProperties2() const { return fSupportsPhysicalDeviceProperties2; } |
| // Returns whether the device supports the ability to extend VkMemoryRequirements struct. |
| bool supportsMemoryRequirements2() const { return fSupportsMemoryRequirements2; } |
| |
| // Returns whether the device supports the ability to extend the vkBindMemory call. |
| bool supportsBindMemory2() const { return fSupportsBindMemory2; } |
| |
| // Returns whether or not the device suports the various API maintenance fixes to Vulkan 1.0. In |
| // Vulkan 1.1 all these maintenance are part of the core spec. |
| bool supportsMaintenance1() const { return fSupportsMaintenance1; } |
| bool supportsMaintenance2() const { return fSupportsMaintenance2; } |
| bool supportsMaintenance3() const { return fSupportsMaintenance3; } |
| |
| // Returns true if the device supports passing in a flag to say we are using dedicated GPU when |
| // allocating memory. For some devices this allows them to return more optimized memory knowning |
| // they will never need to suballocate amonst multiple objects. |
| bool supportsDedicatedAllocation() const { return fSupportsDedicatedAllocation; } |
| |
| // Returns true if the device supports importing of external memory into Vulkan memory. |
| bool supportsExternalMemory() const { return fSupportsExternalMemory; } |
| // Returns true if the device supports importing Android hardware buffers into Vulkan memory. |
| bool supportsAndroidHWBExternalMemory() const { return fSupportsAndroidHWBExternalMemory; } |
| |
| // Returns true if it supports ycbcr conversion for samplers |
| bool supportsYcbcrConversion() const { return fSupportsYcbcrConversion; } |
| |
| // Returns the number of descriptor slots used by immutable ycbcr VkImages. |
| // |
| // TODO: We should update this to return a count for a specific format or external format. We |
| // can use vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 with a |
| // VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties to query this. However, right now that call |
| // does not support external android formats which is where the majority of ycbcr images are |
| // coming from. So for now we stay safe and always return 3 here which is the max value that the |
| // count could be for any format. |
| uint32_t ycbcrCombinedImageSamplerDescriptorCount() const { |
| return 3; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if the device supports protected memory. |
| bool supportsProtectedMemory() const { return fSupportsProtectedMemory; } |
| |
| // Returns whether we prefer to record draws directly into a primary command buffer. |
| bool preferPrimaryOverSecondaryCommandBuffers() const { |
| return fPreferPrimaryOverSecondaryCommandBuffers; |
| } |
| |
| int maxPerPoolCachedSecondaryCommandBuffers() const { |
| return fMaxPerPoolCachedSecondaryCommandBuffers; |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t maxInputAttachmentDescriptors() const { return fMaxInputAttachmentDescriptors; } |
| |
| bool mustInvalidatePrimaryCmdBufferStateAfterClearAttachments() const { |
| return fMustInvalidatePrimaryCmdBufferStateAfterClearAttachments; |
| } |
| |
| // For host visible allocations, this returns true if we require that they are coherent. This |
| // is used to work around bugs for devices that don't handle non-coherent memory correctly. |
| bool mustUseCoherentHostVisibleMemory() const { return fMustUseCoherentHostVisibleMemory; } |
| |
| // Returns whether a pure GPU accessible buffer is more performant to read than a buffer that is |
| // also host visible. If so then in some cases we may prefer the cost of doing a copy to the |
| // buffer. This typically would only be the case for buffers that are written once and read |
| // many times on the gpu. |
| bool gpuOnlyBuffersMorePerformant() const { return fGpuOnlyBuffersMorePerformant; } |
| |
| // For our CPU write and GPU read buffers (vertex, uniform, etc.), should we keep these buffers |
| // persistently mapped. In general the answer will be yes. The main case we don't do this is |
| // when using special memory that is DEVICE_LOCAL and HOST_VISIBLE on discrete GPUs. |
| bool shouldPersistentlyMapCpuToGpuBuffers() const { |
| return fShouldPersistentlyMapCpuToGpuBuffers; |
| } |
| |
| // The max draw count that can be passed into indirect draw calls. |
| uint32_t maxDrawIndirectDrawCount() const { return fMaxDrawIndirectDrawCount; } |
| |
| /** |
| * Helpers used by canCopySurface. In all cases if the SampleCnt parameter is zero that means |
| * the surface is not a render target, otherwise it is the number of samples in the render |
| * target. |
| */ |
| bool canCopyImage(VkFormat dstFormat, |
| int dstSampleCnt, |
| bool dstHasYcbcr, |
| VkFormat srcFormat, |
| int srcSamplecnt, |
| bool srcHasYcbcr) const; |
| |
| bool canCopyAsBlit(VkFormat dstConfig, |
| int dstSampleCnt, |
| bool dstIsLinear, |
| bool dstHasYcbcr, |
| VkFormat srcConfig, |
| int srcSampleCnt, |
| bool srcIsLinear, |
| bool srcHasYcbcr) const; |
| |
| bool canCopyAsResolve(VkFormat dstConfig, |
| int dstSampleCnt, |
| bool dstHasYcbcr, |
| VkFormat srcConfig, |
| int srcSamplecnt, |
| bool srcHasYcbcr) const; |
| |
| GrBackendFormat getBackendFormatFromCompressionType(SkImage::CompressionType) const override; |
| |
| VkFormat getFormatFromColorType(GrColorType colorType) const { |
| int idx = static_cast<int>(colorType); |
| return fColorTypeToFormatTable[idx]; |
| } |
| |
| GrSwizzle getWriteSwizzle(const GrBackendFormat&, GrColorType) const override; |
| |
| uint64_t computeFormatKey(const GrBackendFormat&) const override; |
| |
| int getFragmentUniformBinding() const; |
| int getFragmentUniformSet() const; |
| |
| void addExtraSamplerKey(GrProcessorKeyBuilder*, |
| GrSamplerState, |
| const GrBackendFormat&) const override; |
| |
| GrProgramDesc makeDesc(GrRenderTarget*, |
| const GrProgramInfo&, |
| ProgramDescOverrideFlags) const override; |
| |
| GrInternalSurfaceFlags getExtraSurfaceFlagsForDeferredRT() const override; |
| |
| VkShaderStageFlags getPushConstantStageFlags() const; |
| |
| // If true then when doing MSAA draws, we will prefer to discard the msaa attachment on load |
| // and stores. The use of this feature for specific draws depends on the render target having a |
| // resolve attachment, and if we need to load previous data the resolve attachment must be |
| // usable as an input attachment. Otherwise we will just write out and store the msaa attachment |
| // like normal. |
| // This flag is similar to enabling gl render to texture for msaa rendering. |
| bool preferDiscardableMSAAAttachment() const { return fPreferDiscardableMSAAAttachment; } |
| bool mustLoadFullImageWithDiscardableMSAA() const { |
| return fMustLoadFullImageWithDiscardableMSAA; |
| } |
| bool supportsDiscardableMSAAForDMSAA() const { return fSupportsDiscardableMSAAForDMSAA; } |
| bool renderTargetSupportsDiscardableMSAA(const GrVkRenderTarget*) const; |
| bool programInfoWillUseDiscardableMSAA(const GrProgramInfo&) const; |
| |
| bool dmsaaResolveCanBeUsedAsTextureInSameRenderPass() const override { return false; } |
| |
| std::vector<TestFormatColorTypeCombination> getTestingCombinations() const override; |
| #endif |
| |
| private: |
| enum VkVendor { |
| kAMD_VkVendor = 4098, |
| kARM_VkVendor = 5045, |
| kImagination_VkVendor = 4112, |
| kIntel_VkVendor = 32902, |
| kNvidia_VkVendor = 4318, |
| kQualcomm_VkVendor = 20803, |
| }; |
| |
| void init(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrVkInterface* vkInterface, |
| VkPhysicalDevice device, const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2&, |
| uint32_t physicalDeviceVersion, const GrVkExtensions&, GrProtected isProtected); |
| void initGrCaps(const GrVkInterface* vkInterface, |
| VkPhysicalDevice physDev, |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties&, |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties&, |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2&, |
| const GrVkExtensions&); |
| void initShaderCaps(const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties&, const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2&); |
| |
| void initFormatTable(const GrVkInterface*, VkPhysicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties&); |
| void initStencilFormat(const GrVkInterface* iface, VkPhysicalDevice physDev); |
| |
| void applyDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds(const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties&); |
| |
| bool onSurfaceSupportsWritePixels(const GrSurface*) const override; |
| bool onCanCopySurface(const GrSurfaceProxy* dst, const GrSurfaceProxy* src, |
| const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint) const override; |
| GrBackendFormat onGetDefaultBackendFormat(GrColorType) const override; |
| |
| bool onAreColorTypeAndFormatCompatible(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&) const override; |
| |
| SupportedRead onSupportedReadPixelsColorType(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&, |
| GrColorType) const override; |
| |
| GrSwizzle onGetReadSwizzle(const GrBackendFormat&, GrColorType) const override; |
| |
| GrDstSampleFlags onGetDstSampleFlagsForProxy(const GrRenderTargetProxy*) const override; |
| |
| bool onSupportsDynamicMSAA(const GrRenderTargetProxy*) const override; |
| |
| // ColorTypeInfo for a specific format |
| struct ColorTypeInfo { |
| GrColorType fColorType = GrColorType::kUnknown; |
| GrColorType fTransferColorType = GrColorType::kUnknown; |
| enum { |
| kUploadData_Flag = 0x1, |
| // Does Ganesh itself support rendering to this colorType & format pair. Renderability |
| // still additionally depends on if the format itself is renderable. |
| kRenderable_Flag = 0x2, |
| // Indicates that this colorType is supported only if we are wrapping a texture with |
| // the given format and colorType. We do not allow creation with this pair. |
| kWrappedOnly_Flag = 0x4, |
| }; |
| uint32_t fFlags = 0; |
| |
| GrSwizzle fReadSwizzle; |
| GrSwizzle fWriteSwizzle; |
| }; |
| |
| struct FormatInfo { |
| uint32_t colorTypeFlags(GrColorType colorType) const { |
| for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) { |
| if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == colorType) { |
| return fColorTypeInfos[i].fFlags; |
| } |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void init(const GrVkInterface*, VkPhysicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties&, |
| VkFormat); |
| static void InitFormatFlags(VkFormatFeatureFlags, uint16_t* flags); |
| void initSampleCounts(const GrVkInterface*, VkPhysicalDevice, |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties&, VkFormat); |
| |
| enum { |
| kTexturable_Flag = 0x1, |
| kRenderable_Flag = 0x2, |
| kBlitSrc_Flag = 0x4, |
| kBlitDst_Flag = 0x8, |
| }; |
| |
| uint16_t fOptimalFlags = 0; |
| uint16_t fLinearFlags = 0; |
| |
| SkTDArray<int> fColorSampleCounts; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<ColorTypeInfo[]> fColorTypeInfos; |
| int fColorTypeInfoCount = 0; |
| }; |
| static const size_t kNumVkFormats = 22; |
| FormatInfo fFormatTable[kNumVkFormats]; |
| |
| FormatInfo& getFormatInfo(VkFormat); |
| const FormatInfo& getFormatInfo(VkFormat) const; |
| |
| VkFormat fColorTypeToFormatTable[kGrColorTypeCnt]; |
| void setColorType(GrColorType, std::initializer_list<VkFormat> formats); |
| |
| VkFormat fPreferredStencilFormat; |
| |
| SkSTArray<1, GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo> fYcbcrInfos; |
| |
| bool fMustSyncCommandBuffersWithQueue = false; |
| bool fShouldAlwaysUseDedicatedImageMemory = false; |
| |
| bool fAvoidUpdateBuffers = false; |
| |
| bool fSupportsSwapchain = false; |
| |
| bool fSupportsPhysicalDeviceProperties2 = false; |
| bool fSupportsMemoryRequirements2 = false; |
| bool fSupportsBindMemory2 = false; |
| bool fSupportsMaintenance1 = false; |
| bool fSupportsMaintenance2 = false; |
| bool fSupportsMaintenance3 = false; |
| |
| bool fSupportsDedicatedAllocation = false; |
| bool fSupportsExternalMemory = false; |
| bool fSupportsAndroidHWBExternalMemory = false; |
| |
| bool fSupportsYcbcrConversion = false; |
| |
| bool fSupportsProtectedMemory = false; |
| |
| bool fPreferPrimaryOverSecondaryCommandBuffers = true; |
| bool fMustInvalidatePrimaryCmdBufferStateAfterClearAttachments = false; |
| |
| bool fMustUseCoherentHostVisibleMemory = false; |
| bool fGpuOnlyBuffersMorePerformant = false; |
| bool fShouldPersistentlyMapCpuToGpuBuffers = true; |
| |
| // We default this to 100 since we already cap the max render tasks at 100 before doing a |
| // submission in the GrDrawingManager, so we shouldn't be going over 100 secondary command |
| // buffers per primary anyways. |
| int fMaxPerPoolCachedSecondaryCommandBuffers = 100; |
| |
| uint32_t fMaxInputAttachmentDescriptors = 0; |
| |
| bool fPreferDiscardableMSAAAttachment = false; |
| bool fMustLoadFullImageWithDiscardableMSAA = false; |
| bool fSupportsDiscardableMSAAForDMSAA = true; |
| |
| uint32_t fMaxDrawIndirectDrawCount = 0; |
| |
| using INHERITED = GrCaps; |
| }; |
| |
| #endif |