blob: 3ee1efaf061013187e1ac7285ed98c5cdbd967a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkColorSpaceXformSteps.h"
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "modules/skcms/skcms.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipeline.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipelineOpList.h"
#include <cstring>
// See (== site/user/
SkColorSpaceXformSteps::SkColorSpaceXformSteps(const SkColorSpace* src, SkAlphaType srcAT,
const SkColorSpace* dst, SkAlphaType dstAT) {
// Opaque outputs are treated as the same alpha type as the source input.
// TODO: we'd really like to have a good way of explaining why we think this is useful.
if (dstAT == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) {
dstAT = srcAT;
// We have some options about what to do with null src or dst here.
// This pair seems to be the most consistent with legacy expectations.
if (!src) { src = sk_srgb_singleton(); }
if (!dst) { dst = src; }
if (src->hash() == dst->hash() && srcAT == dstAT) {
this->flags.unpremul = srcAT == kPremul_SkAlphaType;
this->flags.linearize = !src->gammaIsLinear();
this->flags.gamut_transform = src->toXYZD50Hash() != dst->toXYZD50Hash();
this->flags.encode = !dst->gammaIsLinear();
this->flags.premul = srcAT != kOpaque_SkAlphaType && dstAT == kPremul_SkAlphaType;
if (this->flags.gamut_transform) {
skcms_Matrix3x3 src_to_dst; // TODO: switch src_to_dst_matrix to row-major
src->gamutTransformTo(dst, &src_to_dst);
this->src_to_dst_matrix[0] = src_to_dst.vals[0][0];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[1] = src_to_dst.vals[1][0];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[2] = src_to_dst.vals[2][0];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[3] = src_to_dst.vals[0][1];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[4] = src_to_dst.vals[1][1];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[5] = src_to_dst.vals[2][1];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[6] = src_to_dst.vals[0][2];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[7] = src_to_dst.vals[1][2];
this->src_to_dst_matrix[8] = src_to_dst.vals[2][2];
} else {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
skcms_Matrix3x3 srcM, dstM;
SkASSERT(0 == memcmp(&srcM, &dstM, 9*sizeof(float)) && "Hash collision");
// Fill out all the transfer functions we'll use.
src-> transferFn(&this->srcTF );
// If we linearize then immediately reencode with the same transfer function, skip both.
if ( this->flags.linearize &&
!this->flags.gamut_transform &&
this->flags.encode &&
src->transferFnHash() == dst->transferFnHash())
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
skcms_TransferFunction dstTF;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
SkASSERT( (&srcTF.g)[i] == (&dstTF.g)[i] && "Hash collision" );
this->flags.linearize = false;
this->flags.encode = false;
// Skip unpremul...premul if there are no non-linear operations between.
if ( this->flags.unpremul &&
!this->flags.linearize &&
!this->flags.encode &&
this->flags.unpremul = false;
this->flags.premul = false;
void SkColorSpaceXformSteps::apply(float* rgba) const {
if (flags.unpremul) {
// I don't know why isfinite(x) stopped working on the Chromecast bots...
auto is_finite = [](float x) { return x*0 == 0; };
float invA = sk_ieee_float_divide(1.0f, rgba[3]);
invA = is_finite(invA) ? invA : 0;
rgba[0] *= invA;
rgba[1] *= invA;
rgba[2] *= invA;
if (flags.linearize) {
rgba[0] = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&srcTF, rgba[0]);
rgba[1] = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&srcTF, rgba[1]);
rgba[2] = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&srcTF, rgba[2]);
if (flags.gamut_transform) {
float temp[3] = { rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2] };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
rgba[i] = src_to_dst_matrix[ i] * temp[0] +
src_to_dst_matrix[3 + i] * temp[1] +
src_to_dst_matrix[6 + i] * temp[2];
if (flags.encode) {
rgba[0] = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&dstTFInv, rgba[0]);
rgba[1] = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&dstTFInv, rgba[1]);
rgba[2] = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&dstTFInv, rgba[2]);
if (flags.premul) {
rgba[0] *= rgba[3];
rgba[1] *= rgba[3];
rgba[2] *= rgba[3];
void SkColorSpaceXformSteps::apply(SkRasterPipeline* p) const {
if (flags.unpremul) { p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::unpremul); }
if (flags.linearize) { p->appendTransferFunction(srcTF); }
if (flags.gamut_transform) { p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::matrix_3x3, &src_to_dst_matrix); }
if (flags.encode) { p->appendTransferFunction(dstTFInv); }
if (flags.premul) { p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::premul); }