Revert "Remove legacy SkImage::MakeFromYUVATextures."

This reverts commit df29db4c41893ecdfb2735e8f5a935e4ce57be55.

Reason for revert: blocking the G3 roll

Original change's description:
> Remove legacy SkImage::MakeFromYUVATextures.
> Bug: skia:10632
> Change-Id: Iad8989e0ae5aa6921e8e2e27ba375221f2af0262
> Reviewed-on:
> Commit-Queue: Brian Salomon <>
> Commit-Queue: Robert Phillips <>
> Auto-Submit: Brian Salomon <>
> Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <>,,

Change-Id: Id77c1679a96ad9c1be93e6e29449cc4785a3983b
No-Presubmit: true
No-Tree-Checks: true
No-Try: true
Bug: skia:10632
Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <>
Commit-Queue: Robert Phillips <>
diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt
index 59e2db7..2ca69ad 100644
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
 Milestone 89
-  * Removed deperated version of MakeFromYUVATextures. Use the version
-    that takes GrYUVABackendTextures instead.
   * Add MTLBinaryArchive parameter to GrMtlBackendContext. This allows
     Skia to cache PipelineStates in the given archive for faster
     shader compiles on future runs. The client must handle loading and
diff --git a/include/core/SkImage.h b/include/core/SkImage.h
index 737e4c2..41a25a6 100644
--- a/include/core/SkImage.h
+++ b/include/core/SkImage.h
@@ -452,6 +452,38 @@
             TextureReleaseProc rgbaReleaseProc = nullptr,
             ReleaseContext rgbaReleaseContext = nullptr);
+    /**
+        Deprecated. Use version that takes GrYUVABackendTextures.
+        Creates an SkImage by storing the specified YUVA planes into an image, to be rendered
+        via multitexturing.
+        When all the provided backend textures can be released 'textureReleaseProc' will be called
+        with 'releaseContext'. It will be called even if this method fails.
+        @param context            GPU context
+        @param yuvColorSpace      How the YUV values are converted to RGB
+        @param yuvaTextures       array of (up to four) YUVA textures on GPU which contain the,
+                                  possibly interleaved, YUVA planes
+        @param yuvaIndices        array indicating which texture in yuvaTextures, and channel
+                                  in that texture, maps to each component of YUVA.
+        @param imageSize          size of the resulting image
+        @param textureOrigin      origin of the input textures.
+        @param imageColorSpace    range of colors of the resulting image; may be nullptr
+        @param textureReleaseProc called when the backend textures can be released
+        @param releaseContext     state passed to textureReleaseProc
+        @return                   created SkImage, or nullptr
+    */
+    static sk_sp<SkImage> MakeFromYUVATextures(GrRecordingContext* context,
+                                               SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace,
+                                               const GrBackendTexture yuvaTextures[],
+                                               const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
+                                               SkISize imageSize,
+                                               GrSurfaceOrigin textureOrigin,
+                                               sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace = nullptr,
+                                               TextureReleaseProc textureReleaseProc = nullptr,
+                                               ReleaseContext releaseContext = nullptr);
     /** Creates SkImage from SkYUVAPixmaps.
         The image will remain planar with each plane converted to a texture using the passed
diff --git a/src/image/SkImage_GpuYUVA.cpp b/src/image/SkImage_GpuYUVA.cpp
index 1764dad..ea9ccf5 100644
--- a/src/image/SkImage_GpuYUVA.cpp
+++ b/src/image/SkImage_GpuYUVA.cpp
@@ -273,6 +273,33 @@
+sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage::MakeFromYUVATextures(GrRecordingContext* ctx,
+                                             SkYUVColorSpace colorSpace,
+                                             const GrBackendTexture yuvaTextures[],
+                                             const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
+                                             SkISize imageSize,
+                                             GrSurfaceOrigin textureOrigin,
+                                             sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace,
+                                             TextureReleaseProc textureReleaseProc,
+                                             ReleaseContext releaseContext) {
+    auto releaseHelper = GrRefCntedCallback::Make(textureReleaseProc, releaseContext);
+    int numTextures;
+    if (!SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &numTextures)) {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    GrSurfaceProxyView tempViews[4];
+    if (!SkImage_GpuBase::MakeTempTextureProxies(ctx, yuvaTextures, numTextures, yuvaIndices,
+                                                 textureOrigin, tempViews,
+                                                 std::move(releaseHelper))) {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    return sk_make_sp<SkImage_GpuYUVA>(sk_ref_sp(ctx), imageSize, kNeedNewImageUniqueID, colorSpace,
+                                       tempViews, numTextures, yuvaIndices, imageColorSpace);
 sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage::MakeFromYUVAPixmaps(GrRecordingContext* context,
                                             const SkYUVAPixmaps& pixmaps,
                                             GrMipMapped buildMips,