blob: b55b96a19d5f438a2ae8ee179149c03477097b9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkTaskGroup2D_DEFINED
#define SkTaskGroup2D_DEFINED
#include "SkTaskGroup.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
// A 2D grid (height rows x width columns) of tasks.
// The task on row i and column j is abstracted as Work2D(i, j). We guarantee that the task on the
// same row will be executed in order (i.e., Work2D(1, 1) is guaranteed to finish before calling
// Work2D(1, 2)). Tasks in different rows can happen in any order.
// The height (number of rows) is fixed. The width (number of columns) may be dynamically expanded.
// The tasks will eventually be executed on the executor with threadCnt number of hardware threads.
class SkTaskGroup2D {
using Work2D = std::function<void(int, int)>;
SkTaskGroup2D(Work2D&& work, int height, SkExecutor* executor, int threadCnt)
: fWork(work), fHeight(height), fThreadCnt(threadCnt), fIsFinishing(false), fWidth(0)
, fThreadsGroup(new SkTaskGroup(*executor)) {}
virtual ~SkTaskGroup2D() {}
virtual void addColumn(); // Add a new column of tasks.
void start(); // start threads to execute tasks
void finish(); // wait and finish all tasks (no more tasks can be added after calling this)
SK_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isFinishing() const {
return fIsFinishing.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
static constexpr int MAX_CACHE_LINE = 64;
// Finish all tasks on the threadId and then return.
virtual void work(int threadId) = 0;
Work2D fWork; // fWork(i, j) is the task to be done on row i and column j
const int fHeight;
const int fThreadCnt;
std::atomic<bool> fIsFinishing;
std::atomic<int> fWidth;
std::unique_ptr<SkTaskGroup> fThreadsGroup;
// A simple spinning task group that assumes height equals threadCnt.
class SkSpinningTaskGroup2D final : public SkTaskGroup2D {
SkSpinningTaskGroup2D(Work2D&& w, int h, SkExecutor* x, int t)
: SkTaskGroup2D(std::move(w), h, x, t), fRowData(h) {
SkASSERT(h == t); // height must be equal to threadCnt
void work(int threadId) override;
// alignas(MAX_CACHE_LINE) to avoid false sharing by cache lines
struct alignas(MAX_CACHE_LINE) RowData {
RowData() : fNextColumn(0) {}
int fNextColumn; // next column index to be executed
std::vector<RowData> fRowData;
class SkFlexibleTaskGroup2D final : public SkTaskGroup2D {
SkFlexibleTaskGroup2D(Work2D&&, int, SkExecutor*, int);
void work(int threadId) override;
// alignas(MAX_CACHE_LINE) to avoid false sharing by cache lines
struct alignas(MAX_CACHE_LINE) RowData {
RowData() : fNextColumn(0) {}
int fNextColumn; // next column index to be executed
std::mutex fMutex; // the mutex for the thread to acquire
struct alignas(MAX_CACHE_LINE) ThreadData {
ThreadData() : fRowIndex(0) {}
int fRowIndex; // the row that the current thread is working on
std::vector<RowData> fRowData;
std::vector<ThreadData> fThreadData;