blob: 37a285c18d38dbd11400ee6f1ffdde07ecf1b478 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
in fragmentProcessor inputFP;
in fragmentProcessor maskFP;
in uniform half innerThreshold;
in uniform half outerThreshold;
@optimizationFlags {
(inputFP ? ProcessorOptimizationFlags(inputFP.get()) : kAll_OptimizationFlags) &
((outerThreshold >= 1.0) ? kPreservesOpaqueInput_OptimizationFlag : kNone_OptimizationFlags)
half4 main() {
half4 color = sample(inputFP);
half4 mask_color = sample(maskFP);
if (mask_color.a < 0.5) {
if (color.a > outerThreshold) {
half scale = outerThreshold / color.a;
color.rgb *= scale;
color.a = outerThreshold;
} else if (color.a < innerThreshold) {
half scale = innerThreshold / max(0.001, color.a);
color.rgb *= scale;
color.a = innerThreshold;
return color;
@test(testData) {
// Make the inner and outer thresholds be in [0, 1].
float outerThresh = testData->fRandom->nextUScalar1();
float innerThresh = testData->fRandom->nextUScalar1();
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> inputChild, maskChild;
if (testData->fRandom->nextBool()) {
inputChild = GrProcessorUnitTest::MakeChildFP(testData);
maskChild = GrProcessorUnitTest::MakeChildFP(testData);
return GrAlphaThresholdFragmentProcessor::Make(std::move(inputChild), std::move(maskChild),
innerThresh, outerThresh);