blob: 6aa12b3d6e699a5478c1555e00e6153cd45b7696 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/render/CoverBoundsRenderStep.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawParams.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/render/CommonDepthStencilSettings.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
CoverBoundsRenderStep::CoverBoundsRenderStep(const char* tag, DepthStencilSettings dsSettings)
: RenderStep("CoverBoundsRenderStep",
/*vertexAttrs=*/ {},
/*instanceAttrs=*/{{"bounds", VertexAttribType::kFloat4, SkSLType::kFloat4},
{"depth", VertexAttribType::kFloat, SkSLType::kFloat},
{"ssboIndices", VertexAttribType::kUInt2, SkSLType::kUInt2},
{"mat0", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"mat1", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"mat2", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3}}) {}
CoverBoundsRenderStep::~CoverBoundsRenderStep() {}
std::string CoverBoundsRenderStep::vertexSkSL() const {
// Returns the body of a vertex function, which must define a float4 devPosition variable and
// must write to an already-defined float2 stepLocalCoords variable.
return "float4 devPosition = cover_bounds_vertex_fn("
"float2(sk_VertexID / 2, sk_VertexID % 2), "
"bounds, depth, float3x3(mat0, mat1, mat2), "
void CoverBoundsRenderStep::writeVertices(DrawWriter* writer,
const DrawParams& params,
skvx::uint2 ssboIndices) const {
// Each instance is 4 vertices, forming 2 triangles from a single triangle strip, so no indices
// are needed. sk_VertexID is used to place vertex positions, so no vertex buffer is needed.
DrawWriter::Instances instances{*writer, {}, {}, 4};
skvx::float4 bounds;
if (params.geometry().isShape() && params.geometry().shape().inverted()) {
// Normally all bounding boxes are sorted such that l<r and t<b. We upload an inverted
// rectangle [r,b,l,t] when it's an inverse fill to encode that the bounds are already in
// device space and then the VS will use the inverse of the transform to compute local
// coordinates.
bounds = skvx::shuffle</*R*/2, /*B*/3, /*L*/0, /*T*/1>(
} else {
bounds = params.geometry().bounds().ltrb();
// Since the local coords always have Z=0, we can discard the 3rd row and column of the matrix.
const SkM44& m = params.transform().matrix();
instances.append(1) << bounds << params.order().depthAsFloat() << ssboIndices
<< m.rc(0,0) << m.rc(1,0) << m.rc(3,0)
<< m.rc(0,1) << m.rc(1,1) << m.rc(3,1)
<< m.rc(0,3) << m.rc(1,3) << m.rc(3,3);
void CoverBoundsRenderStep::writeUniformsAndTextures(const DrawParams&,
PipelineDataGatherer*) const {
// All data is uploaded as instance attributes, so no uniforms are needed.
} // namespace skgpu::graphite