Various cleanup related to symbol tables

- Remove a spurious symbol table inserted by convertProgram. start()
  already pushes a symbol table, and this was pushing a second one,
  which didn't seem necessary. (The Parser can inject symbols for types
  it discovers, but I can't justify those needing to be in a different
  table than the rest of the program elements?)
- The convertProgram one had a comment indicating that it was popped by
  the Compiler. That wasn't true, so this gets us one step closer to
- The one in start() is meant to be balanced by a pop in finish(), but
  no one ever called finish(). Add that call in, and also rearrange
  things so that the base symbol table is a parameter to start(), rather
  than just setting it on the IR generator. (There's more of this
  pattern around, but I wanted to limit the scope of this CL).
- When dehydrating the include files, we had logic to work around the
  extra symbol table (absorbing the symbols) - that's not needed now.
- Simplify some other logic in processIncludeFile (no need to make so
  many string copies). Always just put the incoming include file strings
  into the root table, also. It's largely irrelevant where they go.

Change-Id: I18d897af3d5fa6506e11024beb9bb70e6cc5b538
Reviewed-by: John Stiles <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
4 files changed