| /* |
| * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "GrCCPathProcessor.h" |
| |
| #include "GrOnFlushResourceProvider.h" |
| #include "GrTexture.h" |
| #include "glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h" |
| #include "glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h" |
| #include "glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h" |
| #include "glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h" |
| |
| // Slightly undershoot an AA bloat radius of 0.5 so vertices that fall on integer boundaries don't |
| // accidentally reach into neighboring path masks within the atlas. |
| constexpr float kAABloatRadius = 0.491111f; |
| |
| // Paths are drawn as octagons. Each point on the octagon is the intersection of two lines: one edge |
| // from the path's bounding box and one edge from its 45-degree bounding box. The below inputs |
| // define a vertex by the two edges that need to be intersected. Normals point out of the octagon, |
| // and the bounding boxes are sent in as instance attribs. |
| static constexpr float kOctoEdgeNorms[8 * 4] = { |
| // bbox // bbox45 |
| -1, 0, -1,+1, |
| -1, 0, -1,-1, |
| 0,-1, -1,-1, |
| 0,-1, +1,-1, |
| +1, 0, +1,-1, |
| +1, 0, +1,+1, |
| 0,+1, +1,+1, |
| 0,+1, -1,+1, |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sk_sp<const GrBuffer> GrCCPathProcessor::FindVertexBuffer(GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushRP) { |
| return onFlushRP->findOrMakeStaticBuffer(kVertex_GrBufferType, sizeof(kOctoEdgeNorms), |
| kOctoEdgeNorms, gVertexBufferKey); |
| } |
| |
| static constexpr uint16_t kRestartStrip = 0xffff; |
| |
| static constexpr uint16_t kOctoIndicesAsStrips[] = { |
| 1, 0, 2, 4, 3, kRestartStrip, // First half. |
| 5, 4, 6, 0, 7 // Second half. |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr uint16_t kOctoIndicesAsTris[] = { |
| // First half. |
| 1, 0, 2, |
| 0, 4, 2, |
| 2, 4, 3, |
| |
| // Second half. |
| 5, 4, 6, |
| 4, 0, 6, |
| 6, 0, 7, |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sk_sp<const GrBuffer> GrCCPathProcessor::FindIndexBuffer(GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushRP) { |
| if (onFlushRP->caps()->usePrimitiveRestart()) { |
| return onFlushRP->findOrMakeStaticBuffer(kIndex_GrBufferType, sizeof(kOctoIndicesAsStrips), |
| kOctoIndicesAsStrips, gIndexBufferKey); |
| } else { |
| return onFlushRP->findOrMakeStaticBuffer(kIndex_GrBufferType, sizeof(kOctoIndicesAsTris), |
| kOctoIndicesAsTris, gIndexBufferKey); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int GrCCPathProcessor::NumIndicesPerInstance(const GrCaps& caps) { |
| return caps.usePrimitiveRestart() ? SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kOctoIndicesAsStrips) |
| : SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kOctoIndicesAsTris); |
| } |
| |
| GrCCPathProcessor::GrCCPathProcessor(GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider, |
| sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> atlas, SkPath::FillType fillType) |
| : INHERITED(kGrCCPathProcessor_ClassID) |
| , fFillType(fillType) |
| , fAtlasAccess(std::move(atlas), GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest, |
| GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kClamp, kFragment_GrShaderFlag) { |
| this->addInstanceAttrib("devbounds", kFloat4_GrVertexAttribType); |
| this->addInstanceAttrib("devbounds45", kFloat4_GrVertexAttribType); |
| this->addInstanceAttrib("view_matrix", kFloat4_GrVertexAttribType); |
| this->addInstanceAttrib("view_translate", kFloat2_GrVertexAttribType); |
| this->addInstanceAttrib("atlas_offset", kShort2_GrVertexAttribType); |
| this->addInstanceAttrib("color", kUByte4_norm_GrVertexAttribType); |
| |
| SkASSERT(offsetof(Instance, fDevBounds) == |
| this->getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kDevBounds).fOffsetInRecord); |
| SkASSERT(offsetof(Instance, fDevBounds45) == |
| this->getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kDevBounds45).fOffsetInRecord); |
| SkASSERT(offsetof(Instance, fViewMatrix) == |
| this->getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kViewMatrix).fOffsetInRecord); |
| SkASSERT(offsetof(Instance, fViewTranslate) == |
| this->getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kViewTranslate).fOffsetInRecord); |
| SkASSERT(offsetof(Instance, fAtlasOffset) == |
| this->getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kAtlasOffset).fOffsetInRecord); |
| SkASSERT(offsetof(Instance, fColor) == |
| this->getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kColor).fOffsetInRecord); |
| SkASSERT(sizeof(Instance) == this->getInstanceStride()); |
| |
| GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == kNumInstanceAttribs); |
| |
| this->addVertexAttrib("edge_norms", kFloat4_GrVertexAttribType); |
| |
| fAtlasAccess.instantiate(resourceProvider); |
| this->addTextureSampler(&fAtlasAccess); |
| |
| if (resourceProvider->caps()->usePrimitiveRestart()) { |
| this->setWillUsePrimitiveRestart(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void GrCCPathProcessor::getGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const { |
| b->add32((fFillType << 16) | this->atlasProxy()->origin()); |
| } |
| |
| class GLSLPathProcessor : public GrGLSLGeometryProcessor { |
| public: |
| void onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) override; |
| |
| private: |
| void setData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& pdman, const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc, |
| FPCoordTransformIter&& transformIter) override { |
| const GrCCPathProcessor& proc = primProc.cast<GrCCPathProcessor>(); |
| pdman.set2f(fAtlasAdjustUniform, 1.0f / proc.atlas()->width(), |
| 1.0f / proc.atlas()->height()); |
| this->setTransformDataHelper(SkMatrix::I(), pdman, &transformIter); |
| } |
| |
| GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle fAtlasAdjustUniform; |
| |
| typedef GrGLSLGeometryProcessor INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* GrCCPathProcessor::createGLSLInstance(const GrShaderCaps&) const { |
| return new GLSLPathProcessor(); |
| } |
| |
| void GLSLPathProcessor::onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) { |
| using InstanceAttribs = GrCCPathProcessor::InstanceAttribs; |
| using Interpolation = GrGLSLVaryingHandler::Interpolation; |
| |
| const GrCCPathProcessor& proc = args.fGP.cast<GrCCPathProcessor>(); |
| GrGLSLUniformHandler* uniHandler = args.fUniformHandler; |
| GrGLSLVaryingHandler* varyingHandler = args.fVaryingHandler; |
| |
| const char* atlasAdjust; |
| fAtlasAdjustUniform = uniHandler->addUniform( |
| kVertex_GrShaderFlag, |
| kFloat2_GrSLType, "atlas_adjust", &atlasAdjust); |
| |
| varyingHandler->emitAttributes(proc); |
| |
| GrGLSLVarying texcoord(kFloat2_GrSLType); |
| GrGLSLVarying color(kHalf4_GrSLType); |
| varyingHandler->addVarying("texcoord", &texcoord); |
| varyingHandler->addPassThroughAttribute(&proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kColor), |
| args.fOutputColor, Interpolation::kCanBeFlat); |
| |
| // The vertex shader bloats and intersects the devBounds and devBounds45 rectangles, in order to |
| // find an octagon that circumscribes the (bloated) path. |
| GrGLSLVertexBuilder* v = args.fVertBuilder; |
| |
| // Each vertex is the intersection of one edge from devBounds and one from devBounds45. |
| // 'N' holds the normals to these edges as column vectors. |
| // |
| // NOTE: "float2x2(float4)" is valid and equivalent to "float2x2(float4.xy, float4.zw)", |
| // however Intel compilers crash when we use the former syntax in this shader. |
| v->codeAppendf("float2x2 N = float2x2(%s.xy, %s.zw);", |
| proc.getEdgeNormsAttrib().fName, proc.getEdgeNormsAttrib().fName); |
| |
| // N[0] is the normal for the edge we are intersecting from the regular bounding box, pointing |
| // out of the octagon. |
| v->codeAppendf("float2 refpt = float2[2](%s.xy, %s.zw)[sk_VertexID >> 2];", |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kDevBounds).fName, |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kDevBounds).fName); |
| v->codeAppendf("refpt += N[0] * %f;", kAABloatRadius); // bloat for AA. |
| |
| // N[1] is the normal for the edge we are intersecting from the 45-degree bounding box, pointing |
| // out of the octagon. |
| v->codeAppendf("float2 refpt45 = float2[2](%s.xy, %s.zw)[((sk_VertexID + 1) >> 2) & 1];", |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kDevBounds45).fName, |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kDevBounds45).fName); |
| v->codeAppendf("refpt45 *= float2x2(.5,.5,-.5,.5);"); // transform back to device space. |
| v->codeAppendf("refpt45 += N[1] * %f;", kAABloatRadius); // bloat for AA. |
| |
| v->codeAppend ("float2 K = float2(dot(N[0], refpt), dot(N[1], refpt45));"); |
| v->codeAppendf("float2 octocoord = K * inverse(N);"); |
| |
| gpArgs->fPositionVar.set(kFloat2_GrSLType, "octocoord"); |
| |
| // Convert to atlas coordinates in order to do our texture lookup. |
| v->codeAppendf("float2 atlascoord = octocoord + float2(%s);", |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kAtlasOffset).fName); |
| if (kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == proc.atlasProxy()->origin()) { |
| v->codeAppendf("%s = atlascoord * %s;", texcoord.vsOut(), atlasAdjust); |
| } else { |
| SkASSERT(kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == proc.atlasProxy()->origin()); |
| v->codeAppendf("%s = float2(atlascoord.x * %s.x, 1 - atlascoord.y * %s.y);", |
| texcoord.vsOut(), atlasAdjust, atlasAdjust); |
| } |
| |
| // Convert to path/local cordinates. |
| v->codeAppendf("float2x2 viewmatrix = float2x2(%s.xy, %s.zw);", // float2x2(float4) busts Intel. |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kViewMatrix).fName, |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kViewMatrix).fName); |
| v->codeAppendf("float2 pathcoord = inverse(viewmatrix) * (octocoord - %s);", |
| proc.getInstanceAttrib(InstanceAttribs::kViewTranslate).fName); |
| |
| this->emitTransforms(v, varyingHandler, uniHandler, GrShaderVar("pathcoord", kFloat2_GrSLType), |
| args.fFPCoordTransformHandler); |
| |
| // Fragment shader. |
| GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder* f = args.fFragBuilder; |
| |
| f->codeAppend ("half coverage_count = "); |
| f->appendTextureLookup(args.fTexSamplers[0], texcoord.fsIn(), kFloat2_GrSLType); |
| f->codeAppend (".a;"); |
| |
| if (SkPath::kWinding_FillType == proc.fillType()) { |
| f->codeAppendf("%s = half4(min(abs(coverage_count), 1));", args.fOutputCoverage); |
| } else { |
| SkASSERT(SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType == proc.fillType()); |
| f->codeAppend ("half t = mod(abs(coverage_count), 2);"); |
| f->codeAppendf("%s = half4(1 - abs(t - 1));", args.fOutputCoverage); |
| } |
| } |