Allow GrD3DTextureResourceInfo to include declared D3D12 types.

Changes the GrD3DTextureResourceInfo member in GrD3DBackendSurfaceInfo
to be a unique_ptr<> so we can use forward refs.

This will allow us to use a shared_ptr variant to manage the
ID3D12Resource on GrD3DResourceResourceInfo, without polluting
client files with Windows definitions. Clients can use GrD3DTypes.h
to get the full declarations, GrD3DTypesMinimal.h for only the forward

Bug: skia:9935
Change-Id: I075a3fc608bf6767dae202efd8cbf06cdd4a9457
Commit-Queue: Jim Van Verth <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
6 files changed