blob: ee93fd34c9e2480fb4180c1e8ca186baf247a94a [file] [log] [blame]
Size : 0x00004288 : 17032
Data color space : 0x52474220 : 'RGB '
PCS : 0x4C616220 : 'Lab '
Tag count : 0x00000006 : 6
Tag : Type : Size : Offset
------ : ------ : ------ : --------
'cprt' : 'text' : 77 : 204
'dmnd' : 'desc' : 116 : 284
'dmdd' : 'desc' : 131 : 400
'desc' : 'desc' : 155 : 532
'wtpt' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 688
'A2B0' : 'mft1' : 16323 : 708
A2B : "A", CLUT, "B"
"A" : 3 inputs
A0 : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (~Identity)
A1 : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (~Identity)
A2 : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (~Identity)
CLUT : 17 x 17 x 17 (8 bpp)
"B" : 3 outputs
B0 : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (~Identity)
B1 : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (~Identity)
B2 : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (~Identity)
252 random bytes transformed to linear XYZD50 bytes:
6fa094 d8f243 a7d043 825cbe 8365c0 a39f15 5c8161
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a166b5 4236bc effcbc b88dc4 e3f77a 6659b1 9dc9af
898f6a 917bb7 8563c0 edf9b5 e5f6d3 bf9ac6 73bf25
e0f4d2 8cad4d 733c2e 618371 282e29 4e54c0 6168af
5350ae 6b790f 8fbdce 353366 7ab533 7d6244 ddd4cd
eefbb7 e7e6d1 926a79 608470 95c2a2 603f77 8ccb4f
97c267 bac41a 7c5daa 767528 4a40bd 2f1ca0 796760
cfc8cc ac90bc 8ecc2e 9d6eb0 8852a9 7175b1 c2dad0
81b95a 8a86c5 5644a3 774525 a6d92b 180c68 9bbbcd
9fcf42 9a6fb3 7d8a7c 90726d 8fbeab 7f6259 9cb4cb
81 edge-case pixels transformed to sRGB 8888 (unpremul):
00000000 000206a2 00243cff 0035d000 000bcabc 0002cffe 0063ff1e 005cf3cd 003dffff
00ff674a 00ff68df 00f55ffd 00f6fc00 00b5b5b5 00d4c7fd 00d1d464 00e1ffe5 00d9fffe
00ff9f3e 00ffa4d1 00ffa4fd 00fff300 00ffddb7 00ffedfe 00fff240 00fff5aa 00ffffff
7f000000 7f0206a2 7f243cff 7f35d000 7f0bcabc 7f02cffe 7f63ff1e 7f5cf3cd 7f3dffff
7fff674a 7fff68df 7ff55ffd 7ff6fc00 7fb5b5b5 7fd4c7fd 7fd1d464 7fe1ffe5 7fd9fffe
7fff9f3e 7fffa4d1 7fffa4fd 7ffff300 7fffddb7 7fffedfe 7ffff240 7ffff5aa 7fffffff
ff000000 ff0206a2 ff243cff ff35d000 ff0bcabc ff02cffe ff63ff1e ff5cf3cd ff3dffff
ffff674a ffff68df fff55ffd fff6fc00 ffb5b5b5 ffd4c7fd ffd1d464 ffe1ffe5 ffd9fffe
ffff9f3e ffffa4d1 ffffa4fd fffff300 ffffddb7 ffffedfe fffff240 fffff5aa ffffffff