blob: 151b95056d7d7693b91cd2bf5fd1d7ce8ce72356 [file] [log] [blame]
Size : 0x00019178 : 102776
Data color space : 0x52474220 : 'RGB '
PCS : 0x58595A20 : 'XYZ '
Tag count : 0x00000018 : 24
Tag : Type : Size : Offset
------ : ------ : ------ : --------
'cprt' : 'text' : 72 : 420
'wtpt' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 492
'lumi' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 492
'view' : 'view' : 36 : 512
'K016' : 'desc' : 113 : 548
'K017' : 'ui32' : 12 : 664
'K031' : 'text' : 12 : 676
'K007' : 'desc' : 176 : 688
'dmnd' : 'desc' : 107 : 864
'dmdd' : 'desc' : 102 : 972
'desc' : 'desc' : 97 : 1076
'K021' : 'ui32' : 12 : 664
'K025' : 'ui32' : 12 : 1176
'K030' : 'ui32' : 12 : 1188
'rXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 1200
'gXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 1220
'bXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 1240
'rTRC' : 'curv' : 22 : 1260
'gTRC' : 'curv' : 22 : 1260
'bTRC' : 'curv' : 22 : 1260
'A2B0' : 'mft2' : 50740 : 1284
'K070' : 'ui08' : 10 : 52024
'B2A0' : 'mft2' : 50740 : 52036
'K071' : 'ui08' : 10 : 52024
rTRC : 16-bit table with 5 entries
~= : 2.201753, 0.9993706, 0.0006862282, 0.189456, 0.25, -9.918213e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.0248302) (D-gap: 7.38353e-06) (f(1) = 1.00002)
gTRC : 16-bit table with 5 entries
~= : 2.201753, 0.9993706, 0.0006862282, 0.189456, 0.25, -9.918213e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.0248302) (D-gap: 7.38353e-06) (f(1) = 1.00002)
bTRC : 16-bit table with 5 entries
~= : 2.201753, 0.9993706, 0.0006862282, 0.189456, 0.25, -9.918213e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.0248302) (D-gap: 7.38353e-06) (f(1) = 1.00002)
Best : 2.201753, 0.9993706, 0.0006862282, 0.189456, 0.25, -9.918213e-05, 0 (D-gap: 7.38353e-06) (f(1) = 1.00002)
Inv : 0.4541835, 1.001389, 9.931985e-05, 5.27827, 0.047364, -0.0006790161, -0 (D-gap: -1.71512e-05) (f(1) = 0.999985)
Best Error: | 0.0248302 0.0248302 0.0248302 |
XYZ : | 0.4651947 0.35595703 0.14302063 |
| 0.23188782 0.6815338 0.08656311 |
| 0.009918213 0.09286499 0.72210693 |
A2B : "A", CLUT, "B"
"A" : 3 inputs
A0 : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.199956, 1, -7.76723e-07, 0.005188067, 0.01176471, -3.051758e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.00392157) (D-gap: -3.46322e-05) (f(1) = 0.999985)
A1 : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.199956, 1, -7.76723e-07, 0.005188067, 0.01176471, -3.051758e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.00392157) (D-gap: -3.46322e-05) (f(1) = 0.999985)
A2 : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.199956, 1, -7.76723e-07, 0.005188067, 0.01176471, -3.051758e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.00392157) (D-gap: -3.46322e-05) (f(1) = 0.999985)
CLUT : 16 x 16 x 16 (16 bpp)
"B" : 3 outputs
B0 : 16-bit table with 4096 entries
~= : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (Max error: 0.000332177) (f(1) = 1) (~Identity)
B1 : 16-bit table with 4096 entries
~= : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (Max error: 0.000332177) (f(1) = 1) (~Identity)
B2 : 16-bit table with 4096 entries
~= : 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (Max error: 0.000332177) (f(1) = 1) (~Identity)
WTPT : | 0.96429443 1 0.82510376 |
252 random bytes transformed to linear XYZD50 bytes:
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3a4744 1c260c 2d1702 28481a 030403 0c0935 121629
0e093f 151502 23333a 05060d 111b06 291909 4a3748
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363237 2d1e31 1b2f07 2b172f 190d13 151928 2f3447
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2e510d 241616 1c231d 311f11 284520 29190c 273143
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7f000000 7f000060 7f0000c2 7f015b00 7f005a5e 7f0058c1 7f02b800 7f00b859 7f00b7bf
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