blob: d4e2241d96e38efdc11f58e43dfad399067c18ee [file] [log] [blame]
Size : 0x00024B60 : 150368
Data color space : 0x52474220 : 'RGB '
PCS : 0x4C616220 : 'Lab '
Tag count : 0x0000000E : 14
Tag : Type : Size : Offset
------ : ------ : ------ : --------
'A2B0' : 'mft2' : 29236 : 300
'B2A0' : 'mft2' : 119914 : 29536
'cprt' : 'text' : 71 : 149452
'dmnd' : 'desc' : 110 : 149524
'dmdd' : 'desc' : 107 : 149636
'lumi' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 149744
'wtpt' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 149764
'desc' : 'desc' : 107 : 149636
'rXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 149784
'gXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 149804
'bXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 149824
'rTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 149844
'gTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 149844
'bTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 149844
rTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.429111, 0.937191, 0.06168338, 1.070039, 0.003921569, 0.003055573, 0 (Max error: 0.00426031) (D-gap: 0.000184181) (f(1) = 1.00032)
gTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.429111, 0.937191, 0.06168338, 1.070039, 0.003921569, 0.003055573, 0 (Max error: 0.00426031) (D-gap: 0.000184181) (f(1) = 1.00032)
bTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.429111, 0.937191, 0.06168338, 1.070039, 0.003921569, 0.003055573, 0 (Max error: 0.00426031) (D-gap: 0.000184181) (f(1) = 1.00032)
Best : 2.429111, 0.937191, 0.06168338, 1.070039, 0.003921569, 0.003055573, 0 (D-gap: 0.000184181) (f(1) = 1.00032)
Inv : 0.4116732, 1.170876, -0.003577695, 0.9345455, 0.004196231, -0.06580353, -0 (D-gap: -0.00415665) (f(1) = 0.99987)
Best Error: | 0.00426031 0.00426031 0.00426031 |
XYZ : | 0.43763732 0.38841247 0.14241027 |
| 0.21495056 0.7129058 0.072128295 |
| 0.011260986 0.080718994 0.72587585 |
A2B : "A", CLUT, "B"
"A" : 3 inputs
A0 : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 0.726038, 1.435478, 0.4168581, 0.7458658, 0.0627451, -0.5636597, 0 (Max error: 0.00278986) (D-gap: 0.000144243) (f(1) = 1.00072)
A1 : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 0.726038, 1.435478, 0.4168581, 0.7458658, 0.0627451, -0.5636597, 0 (Max error: 0.00278986) (D-gap: 0.000144243) (f(1) = 1.00072)
A2 : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 0.726038, 1.435478, 0.4168581, 0.7458658, 0.0627451, -0.5636597, 0 (Max error: 0.00278986) (D-gap: 0.000144243) (f(1) = 1.00072)
CLUT : 8 x 8 x 8 (16 bpp)
"B" : 3 outputs
B0 : 16-bit table with 4096 entries
~= : 4.998877, 1, 2.980232e-07, 0.9980438, 0.9982907, 0.00484848, 0 (Max error: 0.00196159) (D-gap: -3.0458e-05) (f(1) = 1.00486)
B1 : 16-bit table with 4096 entries
~= : 4.998877, 1, 2.980232e-07, 0.9980438, 0.9982907, 0.00484848, 0 (Max error: 0.00196159) (D-gap: -3.0458e-05) (f(1) = 1.00486)
B2 : 16-bit table with 4096 entries
~= : 4.998877, 1, 2.980232e-07, 0.9980438, 0.9982907, 0.00484848, 0 (Max error: 0.00196159) (D-gap: -3.0458e-05) (f(1) = 1.00486)
WTPT : | 0.8594055 0.8912963 0.7357025 |
252 random bytes transformed to linear XYZD50 bytes:
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