blob: 87236d8ff91283971856d5cdd8efebc4e5320365 [file] [log] [blame]
Size : 0x000007D4 : 2004
Data color space : 0x52474220 : 'RGB '
PCS : 0x58595A20 : 'XYZ '
Tag count : 0x00000009 : 9
Tag : Type : Size : Offset
------ : ------ : ------ : --------
'desc' : 'mluc' : 52 : 240
'rXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 292
'gXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 312
'bXYZ' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 332
'rTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 352
'gTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 876
'bTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 1400
'wtpt' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 1924
'cprt' : 'mluc' : 60 : 1944
rTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.231975, 1.004654, -0.00410899, 0.01206226, 0.03921569, -0.0001003884, 0 (Max error: 0.00578362) (D-gap: -2.70957e-07)
gTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.198176, 1.010284, -0.008952621, 0.009727627, 0.02352941, 0.0001335621, 0 (Max error: 0.00396806) (D-gap: -3.45608e-08)
bTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 2.261965, 1.004623, -0.004006829, 0.0077821, 0.01960785, 6.96676e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.00376099) (D-gap: -3.71074e-09)
Best : 2.231975, 1.004654, -0.00410899, 0.01206226, 0.03921569, -0.0001003884, 0 (D-gap: -2.70957e-07)
Inv : 0.4480337, 0.989666, 9.935095e-05, 82.90323, 0.0004730297, 0.004089955, -0 (D-gap: 0)
XYZ : | 0.449279785 0.382583618 0.132339478 |
| 0.224472046 0.722351074 0.053176880 |
| 0.001129150 0.053558350 0.770217896 |
252 random bytes transformed to linear XYZD50 bytes:
34572f a6d810 4c6710 180c31 1c0f4d 604904 4c8a1f
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a88ea1 4a6293 7d874b 415614 291359 8e7906 8c4aa5
78401d 0a043c d4f05d 813e98 8bbb22 200e80 497342
484b2c 372b3d 1e0e49 8b8f4f 8dcb69 844673 417809
748d87 394d14 572b02 55972c 060806 150c6d 242a53
1a0b84 282a02 466572 090a1a 233708 4e300f 8f6994
b7af52 a572bf 5e361c 3f6d2a 518838 180e0e 61b411
50811d 7b6606 201526 362e09 0b0735 05021c 3f2c1b
69606c 553663 386207 512760 2f1726 2a2f51 5c6690
294311 2f228a 0f0833 5a2e02 59990b 02010b 4d59ad
63ad10 44282b 384538 5d3b20 528e39 4e3016 4e6089