blob: 6a2754fe3346e1e01a12e97f2cd55503a0ffd293 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
// Intentionally NO #pragma once... included multiple times.
// This file is included from in a namespace with some pre-defines:
// - N: SIMD width of all vectors; 1, 4, 8 or 16 (preprocessor define)
// - V<T>: a template to create a vector of N T's.
using F = V<float>;
using I32 = V<int32_t>;
using U64 = V<uint64_t>;
using U32 = V<uint32_t>;
using U16 = V<uint16_t>;
using U8 = V<uint8_t>;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
// GCC is kind of weird, not allowing vector = scalar directly.
static constexpr F F0 = F() + 0.0f,
F1 = F() + 1.0f,
FInfBits = F() + 0x7f800000; // equals 2139095040, the bit pattern of +Inf
static constexpr F F0 = 0.0f,
F1 = 1.0f,
FInfBits = 0x7f800000; // equals 2139095040, the bit pattern of +Inf
// Instead of checking __AVX__ below, we'll check USING_AVX.
// This lets set USING_AVX to force us in even if the compiler's not set that way.
// Same deal for __F16C__ and __AVX2__ ~~~> USING_AVX_F16C, USING_AVX2.
#if !defined(USING_AVX) && N == 8 && defined(__AVX__)
#define USING_AVX
#if !defined(USING_AVX_F16C) && defined(USING_AVX) && defined(__F16C__)
#define USING_AVX_F16C
#if !defined(USING_AVX2) && defined(USING_AVX) && defined(__AVX2__)
#define USING_AVX2
#if !defined(USING_AVX512F) && N == 16 && defined(__AVX512F__) && defined(__AVX512DQ__)
#define USING_AVX512F
// Similar to the AVX+ features, we define USING_NEON and USING_NEON_F16C.
// This is more for organizational clarity... doesn't force these.
#if N > 1 && defined(__ARM_NEON)
#define USING_NEON
// We have to use two different mechanisms to enable the f16 conversion intrinsics:
#if defined(__clang__)
// Clang's arm_neon.h guards them with the FP hardware bit:
#if __ARM_FP & 2
#define USING_NEON_F16C
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
// GCC's arm_neon.h guards them with the FP16 format macros (IEEE and ALTERNATIVE).
// We don't actually want the alternative format - we're reading/writing IEEE f16 values.
#if defined(__ARM_FP16_FORMAT_IEEE)
#define USING_NEON_F16C
// These -Wvector-conversion warnings seem to trigger in very bogus situations,
// like vst3q_f32() expecting a 16x char rather than a 4x float vector. :/
#if defined(USING_NEON) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvector-conversion"
// GCC & Clang (but not clang-cl) warn returning U64 on x86 is larger than a register.
// You'd see warnings like, "using AVX even though AVX is not enabled".
// We stifle these warnings; our helpers that return U64 are always inlined.
#if defined(__SSE__) && defined(__GNUC__)
#if !defined(__has_warning)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpsabi"
#elif __has_warning("-Wpsabi")
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpsabi"
// We tag most helper functions as SI, to enforce good code generation
// but also work around what we think is a bug in GCC: when targeting 32-bit
// x86, GCC tends to pass U16 (4x uint16_t vector) function arguments in the
// MMX mm0 register, which seems to mess with unrelated code that later uses
// x87 FP instructions (MMX's mm0 is an alias for x87's st0 register).
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
#define SI static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#define SI static inline
template <typename T, typename P>
SI T load(const P* ptr) {
T val;
memcpy(&val, ptr, sizeof(val));
return val;
template <typename T, typename P>
SI void store(P* ptr, const T& val) {
memcpy(ptr, &val, sizeof(val));
// (T)v is a cast when N == 1 and a bit-pun when N>1,
// so we use cast<T>(v) to actually cast or bit_pun<T>(v) to bit-pun.
template <typename D, typename S>
SI D cast(const S& v) {
#if N == 1
return (D)v;
#elif defined(__clang__)
return __builtin_convertvector(v, D);
D d;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
d[i] = v[i];
return d;
template <typename D, typename S>
SI D bit_pun(const S& v) {
static_assert(sizeof(D) == sizeof(v), "");
return load<D>(&v);
// When we convert from float to fixed point, it's very common to want to round,
// and for some reason compilers generate better code when converting to int32_t.
// To serve both those ends, we use this function to_fixed() instead of direct cast().
SI U32 to_fixed(F f) { return (U32)cast<I32>(f + 0.5f); }
// Sometimes we do something crazy on one branch of a conditonal,
// like divide by zero or convert a huge float to an integer,
// but then harmlessly select the other side. That trips up N==1
// sanitizer builds, so we make if_then_else() a macro to avoid
// evaluating the unused side.
#if N == 1
#define if_then_else(cond, t, e) ((cond) ? (t) : (e))
template <typename C, typename T>
SI T if_then_else(C cond, T t, T e) {
return bit_pun<T>( ( cond & bit_pun<C>(t)) |
(~cond & bit_pun<C>(e)) );
SI F F_from_Half(U16 half) {
#if defined(USING_NEON_F16C)
return vcvt_f32_f16((float16x4_t)half);
#elif defined(USING_AVX512F)
return (F)_mm512_cvtph_ps((__m256i)half);
#elif defined(USING_AVX_F16C)
typedef int16_t __attribute__((vector_size(16))) I16;
return __builtin_ia32_vcvtph2ps256((I16)half);
U32 wide = cast<U32>(half);
// A half is 1-5-10 sign-exponent-mantissa, with 15 exponent bias.
U32 s = wide & 0x8000,
em = wide ^ s;
// Constructing the float is easy if the half is not denormalized.
F norm = bit_pun<F>( (s<<16) + (em<<13) + ((127-15)<<23) );
// Simply flush all denorm half floats to zero.
return if_then_else(em < 0x0400, F0, norm);
#if defined(__clang__)
// The -((127-15)<<10) underflows that side of the math when
// we pass a denorm half float. It's harmless... we'll take the 0 side anyway.
SI U16 Half_from_F(F f) {
#if defined(USING_NEON_F16C)
return (U16)vcvt_f16_f32(f);
#elif defined(USING_AVX512F)
return (U16)_mm512_cvtps_ph((__m512 )f, _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION );
#elif defined(USING_AVX_F16C)
return (U16)__builtin_ia32_vcvtps2ph256(f, 0x04/*_MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION*/);
// A float is 1-8-23 sign-exponent-mantissa, with 127 exponent bias.
U32 sem = bit_pun<U32>(f),
s = sem & 0x80000000,
em = sem ^ s;
// For simplicity we flush denorm half floats (including all denorm floats) to zero.
return cast<U16>(if_then_else(em < 0x38800000, (U32)F0
, (s>>16) + (em>>13) - ((127-15)<<10)));
// Swap high and low bytes of 16-bit lanes, converting between big-endian and little-endian.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
SI U16 swap_endian_16(U16 v) {
return (U16)vrev16_u8((uint8x8_t) v);
SI U64 swap_endian_16x4(const U64& rgba) {
return (rgba & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) << 8
| (rgba & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00) >> 8;
#if defined(USING_NEON)
SI F min_(F x, F y) { return (F)vminq_f32((float32x4_t)x, (float32x4_t)y); }
SI F max_(F x, F y) { return (F)vmaxq_f32((float32x4_t)x, (float32x4_t)y); }
#elif defined(__loongarch_sx)
SI F min_(F x, F y) { return (F)__lsx_vfmin_s(x, y); }
SI F max_(F x, F y) { return (F)__lsx_vfmax_s(x, y); }
SI F min_(F x, F y) { return if_then_else(x > y, y, x); }
SI F max_(F x, F y) { return if_then_else(x < y, y, x); }
SI F floor_(F x) {
#if N == 1
return floorf_(x);
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
return vrndmq_f32(x);
#elif defined(USING_AVX512F)
// Clang's _mm512_floor_ps() passes its mask as -1, not (__mmask16)-1,
// and integer santizer catches that this implicit cast changes the
// value from -1 to 65535. We'll cast manually to work around it.
// Read this as `return _mm512_floor_ps(x)`.
return _mm512_mask_floor_ps(x, (__mmask16)-1, x);
#elif defined(USING_AVX)
return __builtin_ia32_roundps256(x, 0x01/*_MM_FROUND_FLOOR*/);
#elif defined(__SSE4_1__)
return _mm_floor_ps(x);
#elif defined(__loongarch_sx)
return __lsx_vfrintrm_s((__m128)x);
// Round trip through integers with a truncating cast.
F roundtrip = cast<F>(cast<I32>(x));
// If x is negative, truncating gives the ceiling instead of the floor.
return roundtrip - if_then_else(roundtrip > x, F1, F0);
// This implementation fails for values of x that are outside
// the range an integer can represent. We expect most x to be small.
SI F approx_log2(F x) {
// The first approximation of log2(x) is its exponent 'e', minus 127.
I32 bits = bit_pun<I32>(x);
F e = cast<F>(bits) * (1.0f / (1<<23));
// If we use the mantissa too we can refine the error signficantly.
F m = bit_pun<F>( (bits & 0x007fffff) | 0x3f000000 );
return e - 124.225514990f
- 1.498030302f*m
- 1.725879990f/(0.3520887068f + m);
SI F approx_log(F x) {
const float ln2 = 0.69314718f;
return ln2 * approx_log2(x);
SI F approx_exp2(F x) {
F fract = x - floor_(x);
F fbits = (1.0f * (1<<23)) * (x + 121.274057500f
- 1.490129070f*fract
+ 27.728023300f/(4.84252568f - fract));
I32 bits = cast<I32>(min_(max_(fbits, F0), FInfBits));
return bit_pun<F>(bits);
SI F approx_pow(F x, float y) {
return if_then_else((x == F0) | (x == F1), x
, approx_exp2(approx_log2(x) * y));
SI F approx_exp(F x) {
const float log2_e = 1.4426950408889634074f;
return approx_exp2(log2_e * x);
SI F strip_sign(F x, U32* sign) {
U32 bits = bit_pun<U32>(x);
*sign = bits & 0x80000000;
return bit_pun<F>(bits ^ *sign);
SI F apply_sign(F x, U32 sign) {
return bit_pun<F>(sign | bit_pun<U32>(x));
// Return tf(x).
SI F apply_tf(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, F x) {
// Peel off the sign bit and set x = |x|.
U32 sign;
x = strip_sign(x, &sign);
// The transfer function has a linear part up to d, exponential at d and after.
F v = if_then_else(x < tf->d, tf->c*x + tf->f
, approx_pow(tf->a*x + tf->b, tf->g) + tf->e);
// Tack the sign bit back on.
return apply_sign(v, sign);
// Return the gamma function (|x|^G with the original sign re-applied to x).
SI F apply_gamma(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, F x) {
U32 sign;
x = strip_sign(x, &sign);
return apply_sign(approx_pow(x, tf->g), sign);
SI F apply_pq(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, F x) {
U32 bits = bit_pun<U32>(x),
sign = bits & 0x80000000;
x = bit_pun<F>(bits ^ sign);
F v = approx_pow(max_(tf->a + tf->b * approx_pow(x, tf->c), F0)
/ (tf->d + tf->e * approx_pow(x, tf->c)),
return bit_pun<F>(sign | bit_pun<U32>(v));
SI F apply_hlg(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, F x) {
const float R = tf->a, G = tf->b,
a = tf->c, b = tf->d, c = tf->e,
K = tf->f + 1;
U32 bits = bit_pun<U32>(x),
sign = bits & 0x80000000;
x = bit_pun<F>(bits ^ sign);
F v = if_then_else(x*R <= 1, approx_pow(x*R, G)
, approx_exp((x-c)*a) + b);
return K*bit_pun<F>(sign | bit_pun<U32>(v));
SI F apply_hlginv(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, F x) {
const float R = tf->a, G = tf->b,
a = tf->c, b = tf->d, c = tf->e,
K = tf->f + 1;
U32 bits = bit_pun<U32>(x),
sign = bits & 0x80000000;
x = bit_pun<F>(bits ^ sign);
x /= K;
F v = if_then_else(x <= 1, R * approx_pow(x, G)
, a * approx_log(x - b) + c);
return bit_pun<F>(sign | bit_pun<U32>(v));
// Strided loads and stores of N values, starting from p.
template <typename T, typename P>
SI T load_3(const P* p) {
#if N == 1
return (T)p[0];
#elif N == 4
return T{p[ 0],p[ 3],p[ 6],p[ 9]};
#elif N == 8
return T{p[ 0],p[ 3],p[ 6],p[ 9], p[12],p[15],p[18],p[21]};
#elif N == 16
return T{p[ 0],p[ 3],p[ 6],p[ 9], p[12],p[15],p[18],p[21],
p[24],p[27],p[30],p[33], p[36],p[39],p[42],p[45]};
template <typename T, typename P>
SI T load_4(const P* p) {
#if N == 1
return (T)p[0];
#elif N == 4
return T{p[ 0],p[ 4],p[ 8],p[12]};
#elif N == 8
return T{p[ 0],p[ 4],p[ 8],p[12], p[16],p[20],p[24],p[28]};
#elif N == 16
return T{p[ 0],p[ 4],p[ 8],p[12], p[16],p[20],p[24],p[28],
p[32],p[36],p[40],p[44], p[48],p[52],p[56],p[60]};
template <typename T, typename P>
SI void store_3(P* p, const T& v) {
#if N == 1
p[0] = v;
#elif N == 4
p[ 0] = v[ 0]; p[ 3] = v[ 1]; p[ 6] = v[ 2]; p[ 9] = v[ 3];
#elif N == 8
p[ 0] = v[ 0]; p[ 3] = v[ 1]; p[ 6] = v[ 2]; p[ 9] = v[ 3];
p[12] = v[ 4]; p[15] = v[ 5]; p[18] = v[ 6]; p[21] = v[ 7];
#elif N == 16
p[ 0] = v[ 0]; p[ 3] = v[ 1]; p[ 6] = v[ 2]; p[ 9] = v[ 3];
p[12] = v[ 4]; p[15] = v[ 5]; p[18] = v[ 6]; p[21] = v[ 7];
p[24] = v[ 8]; p[27] = v[ 9]; p[30] = v[10]; p[33] = v[11];
p[36] = v[12]; p[39] = v[13]; p[42] = v[14]; p[45] = v[15];
template <typename T, typename P>
SI void store_4(P* p, const T& v) {
#if N == 1
p[0] = v;
#elif N == 4
p[ 0] = v[ 0]; p[ 4] = v[ 1]; p[ 8] = v[ 2]; p[12] = v[ 3];
#elif N == 8
p[ 0] = v[ 0]; p[ 4] = v[ 1]; p[ 8] = v[ 2]; p[12] = v[ 3];
p[16] = v[ 4]; p[20] = v[ 5]; p[24] = v[ 6]; p[28] = v[ 7];
#elif N == 16
p[ 0] = v[ 0]; p[ 4] = v[ 1]; p[ 8] = v[ 2]; p[12] = v[ 3];
p[16] = v[ 4]; p[20] = v[ 5]; p[24] = v[ 6]; p[28] = v[ 7];
p[32] = v[ 8]; p[36] = v[ 9]; p[40] = v[10]; p[44] = v[11];
p[48] = v[12]; p[52] = v[13]; p[56] = v[14]; p[60] = v[15];
SI U8 gather_8(const uint8_t* p, I32 ix) {
#if N == 1
U8 v = p[ix];
#elif N == 4
U8 v = { p[ix[0]], p[ix[1]], p[ix[2]], p[ix[3]] };
#elif N == 8
U8 v = { p[ix[0]], p[ix[1]], p[ix[2]], p[ix[3]],
p[ix[4]], p[ix[5]], p[ix[6]], p[ix[7]] };
#elif N == 16
U8 v = { p[ix[ 0]], p[ix[ 1]], p[ix[ 2]], p[ix[ 3]],
p[ix[ 4]], p[ix[ 5]], p[ix[ 6]], p[ix[ 7]],
p[ix[ 8]], p[ix[ 9]], p[ix[10]], p[ix[11]],
p[ix[12]], p[ix[13]], p[ix[14]], p[ix[15]] };
return v;
SI U16 gather_16(const uint8_t* p, I32 ix) {
// Load the i'th 16-bit value from p.
auto load_16 = [p](int i) {
return load<uint16_t>(p + 2*i);
#if N == 1
U16 v = load_16(ix);
#elif N == 4
U16 v = { load_16(ix[0]), load_16(ix[1]), load_16(ix[2]), load_16(ix[3]) };
#elif N == 8
U16 v = { load_16(ix[0]), load_16(ix[1]), load_16(ix[2]), load_16(ix[3]),
load_16(ix[4]), load_16(ix[5]), load_16(ix[6]), load_16(ix[7]) };
#elif N == 16
U16 v = { load_16(ix[ 0]), load_16(ix[ 1]), load_16(ix[ 2]), load_16(ix[ 3]),
load_16(ix[ 4]), load_16(ix[ 5]), load_16(ix[ 6]), load_16(ix[ 7]),
load_16(ix[ 8]), load_16(ix[ 9]), load_16(ix[10]), load_16(ix[11]),
load_16(ix[12]), load_16(ix[13]), load_16(ix[14]), load_16(ix[15]) };
return v;
SI U32 gather_32(const uint8_t* p, I32 ix) {
// Load the i'th 32-bit value from p.
auto load_32 = [p](int i) {
return load<uint32_t>(p + 4*i);
#if N == 1
U32 v = load_32(ix);
#elif N == 4
U32 v = { load_32(ix[0]), load_32(ix[1]), load_32(ix[2]), load_32(ix[3]) };
#elif N == 8
U32 v = { load_32(ix[0]), load_32(ix[1]), load_32(ix[2]), load_32(ix[3]),
load_32(ix[4]), load_32(ix[5]), load_32(ix[6]), load_32(ix[7]) };
#elif N == 16
U32 v = { load_32(ix[ 0]), load_32(ix[ 1]), load_32(ix[ 2]), load_32(ix[ 3]),
load_32(ix[ 4]), load_32(ix[ 5]), load_32(ix[ 6]), load_32(ix[ 7]),
load_32(ix[ 8]), load_32(ix[ 9]), load_32(ix[10]), load_32(ix[11]),
load_32(ix[12]), load_32(ix[13]), load_32(ix[14]), load_32(ix[15]) };
// TODO: AVX2 and AVX-512 gathers (c.f. gather_24).
return v;
SI U32 gather_24(const uint8_t* p, I32 ix) {
// First, back up a byte. Any place we're gathering from has a safe junk byte to read
// in front of it, either a previous table value, or some tag metadata.
p -= 1;
// Load the i'th 24-bit value from p, and 1 extra byte.
auto load_24_32 = [p](int i) {
return load<uint32_t>(p + 3*i);
// Now load multiples of 4 bytes (a junk byte, then r,g,b).
#if N == 1
U32 v = load_24_32(ix);
#elif N == 4
U32 v = { load_24_32(ix[0]), load_24_32(ix[1]), load_24_32(ix[2]), load_24_32(ix[3]) };
#elif N == 8 && !defined(USING_AVX2)
U32 v = { load_24_32(ix[0]), load_24_32(ix[1]), load_24_32(ix[2]), load_24_32(ix[3]),
load_24_32(ix[4]), load_24_32(ix[5]), load_24_32(ix[6]), load_24_32(ix[7]) };
#elif N == 8
// The gather instruction here doesn't need any particular alignment,
// but the intrinsic takes a const int*.
const int* p4 = bit_pun<const int*>(p);
I32 zero = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
mask = {-1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1};
#if defined(__clang__)
U32 v = (U32)__builtin_ia32_gatherd_d256(zero, p4, 3*ix, mask, 1);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
U32 v = (U32)__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8si(zero, p4, 3*ix, mask, 1);
#elif N == 16
// The intrinsic is supposed to take const void* now, but it takes const int*, just like AVX2.
// And AVX-512 swapped the order of arguments. :/
const int* p4 = bit_pun<const int*>(p);
U32 v = (U32)_mm512_i32gather_epi32((__m512i)(3*ix), p4, 1);
// Shift off the junk byte, leaving r,g,b in low 24 bits (and zero in the top 8).
return v >> 8;
#if !defined(__arm__)
SI void gather_48(const uint8_t* p, I32 ix, U64* v) {
// As in gather_24(), with everything doubled.
p -= 2;
// Load the i'th 48-bit value from p, and 2 extra bytes.
auto load_48_64 = [p](int i) {
return load<uint64_t>(p + 6*i);
#if N == 1
*v = load_48_64(ix);
#elif N == 4
*v = U64{
load_48_64(ix[0]), load_48_64(ix[1]), load_48_64(ix[2]), load_48_64(ix[3]),
#elif N == 8 && !defined(USING_AVX2)
*v = U64{
load_48_64(ix[0]), load_48_64(ix[1]), load_48_64(ix[2]), load_48_64(ix[3]),
load_48_64(ix[4]), load_48_64(ix[5]), load_48_64(ix[6]), load_48_64(ix[7]),
#elif N == 8
typedef int32_t __attribute__((vector_size(16))) Half_I32;
typedef long long __attribute__((vector_size(32))) Half_I64;
// The gather instruction here doesn't need any particular alignment,
// but the intrinsic takes a const long long*.
const long long int* p8 = bit_pun<const long long int*>(p);
Half_I64 zero = { 0, 0, 0, 0},
mask = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
ix *= 6;
Half_I32 ix_lo = { ix[0], ix[1], ix[2], ix[3] },
ix_hi = { ix[4], ix[5], ix[6], ix[7] };
#if defined(__clang__)
Half_I64 lo = (Half_I64)__builtin_ia32_gatherd_q256(zero, p8, ix_lo, mask, 1),
hi = (Half_I64)__builtin_ia32_gatherd_q256(zero, p8, ix_hi, mask, 1);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
Half_I64 lo = (Half_I64)__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4di(zero, p8, ix_lo, mask, 1),
hi = (Half_I64)__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4di(zero, p8, ix_hi, mask, 1);
store((char*)v + 0, lo);
store((char*)v + 32, hi);
#elif N == 16
const long long int* p8 = bit_pun<const long long int*>(p);
__m512i lo = _mm512_i32gather_epi64(_mm512_extracti32x8_epi32((__m512i)(6*ix), 0), p8, 1),
hi = _mm512_i32gather_epi64(_mm512_extracti32x8_epi32((__m512i)(6*ix), 1), p8, 1);
store((char*)v + 0, lo);
store((char*)v + 64, hi);
*v >>= 16;
SI F F_from_U8(U8 v) {
return cast<F>(v) * (1/255.0f);
SI F F_from_U16_BE(U16 v) {
// All 16-bit ICC values are big-endian, so we byte swap before converting to float.
// MSVC catches the "loss" of data here in the portable path, so we also make sure to mask.
U16 lo = (v >> 8),
hi = (v << 8) & 0xffff;
return cast<F>(lo|hi) * (1/65535.0f);
SI U16 U16_from_F(F v) {
// 65535 == inf in FP16, so promote to FP32 before converting.
return cast<U16>(cast<V<float>>(v) * 65535 + 0.5f);
SI F minus_1_ulp(F v) {
return bit_pun<F>( bit_pun<U32>(v) - 1 );
SI F table(const skcms_Curve* curve, F v) {
// Clamp the input to [0,1], then scale to a table index.
F ix = max_(F0, min_(v, F1)) * (float)(curve->table_entries - 1);
// We'll look up (equal or adjacent) entries at lo and hi, then lerp by t between the two.
I32 lo = cast<I32>( ix ),
hi = cast<I32>(minus_1_ulp(ix+1.0f));
F t = ix - cast<F>(lo); // i.e. the fractional part of ix.
// TODO: can we load l and h simultaneously? Each entry in 'h' is either
// the same as in 'l' or adjacent. We have a rough idea that's it'd always be safe
// to read adjacent entries and perhaps underflow the table by a byte or two
// (it'd be junk, but always safe to read). Not sure how to lerp yet.
F l,h;
if (curve->table_8) {
l = F_from_U8(gather_8(curve->table_8, lo));
h = F_from_U8(gather_8(curve->table_8, hi));
} else {
l = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(curve->table_16, lo));
h = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(curve->table_16, hi));
return l + (h-l)*t;
SI void sample_clut_8(const uint8_t* grid_8, I32 ix, F* r, F* g, F* b) {
U32 rgb = gather_24(grid_8, ix);
*r = cast<F>((rgb >> 0) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
*g = cast<F>((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
*b = cast<F>((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
SI void sample_clut_8(const uint8_t* grid_8, I32 ix, F* r, F* g, F* b, F* a) {
// TODO: don't forget to optimize gather_32().
U32 rgba = gather_32(grid_8, ix);
*r = cast<F>((rgba >> 0) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
*g = cast<F>((rgba >> 8) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
*b = cast<F>((rgba >> 16) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
*a = cast<F>((rgba >> 24) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
SI void sample_clut_16(const uint8_t* grid_16, I32 ix, F* r, F* g, F* b) {
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__loongarch_sx)
// This is up to 2x faster on 32-bit ARM than the #else-case fast path.
*r = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 3*ix+0));
*g = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 3*ix+1));
*b = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 3*ix+2));
// This strategy is much faster for 64-bit builds, and fine for 32-bit x86 too.
U64 rgb;
gather_48(grid_16, ix, &rgb);
rgb = swap_endian_16x4(rgb);
*r = cast<F>((rgb >> 0) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
*g = cast<F>((rgb >> 16) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
*b = cast<F>((rgb >> 32) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
SI void sample_clut_16(const uint8_t* grid_16, I32 ix, F* r, F* g, F* b, F* a) {
// TODO: gather_64()-based fast path?
*r = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 4*ix+0));
*g = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 4*ix+1));
*b = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 4*ix+2));
*a = F_from_U16_BE(gather_16(grid_16, 4*ix+3));
static void clut(uint32_t input_channels, uint32_t output_channels,
const uint8_t grid_points[4], const uint8_t* grid_8, const uint8_t* grid_16,
F* r, F* g, F* b, F* a) {
const int dim = (int)input_channels;
assert (0 < dim && dim <= 4);
assert (output_channels == 3 ||
output_channels == 4);
// For each of these arrays, think foo[2*dim], but we use foo[8] since we know dim <= 4.
I32 index [8]; // Index contribution by dimension, first low from 0, then high from 4.
F weight[8]; // Weight for each contribution, again first low, then high.
// O(dim) work first: calculate index,weight from r,g,b,a.
const F inputs[] = { *r,*g,*b,*a };
for (int i = dim-1, stride = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// x is where we logically want to sample the grid in the i-th dimension.
F x = inputs[i] * (float)(grid_points[i] - 1);
// But we can't index at floats. lo and hi are the two integer grid points surrounding x.
I32 lo = cast<I32>( x ), // i.e. trunc(x) == floor(x) here.
hi = cast<I32>(minus_1_ulp(x+1.0f));
// Notice how we fold in the accumulated stride across previous dimensions here.
index[i+0] = lo * stride;
index[i+4] = hi * stride;
stride *= grid_points[i];
// We'll interpolate between those two integer grid points by t.
F t = x - cast<F>(lo); // i.e. fract(x)
weight[i+0] = 1-t;
weight[i+4] = t;
*r = *g = *b = F0;
if (output_channels == 4) {
*a = F0;
// We'll sample 2^dim == 1<<dim table entries per pixel,
// in all combinations of low and high in each dimension.
for (int combo = 0; combo < (1<<dim); combo++) { // This loop can be done in any order.
// Each of these upcoming (combo&N)*K expressions here evaluates to 0 or 4,
// where 0 selects the low index contribution and its weight 1-t,
// or 4 the high index contribution and its weight t.
// Since 0<dim≤4, we can always just start off with the 0-th channel,
// then handle the others conditionally.
I32 ix = index [0 + (combo&1)*4];
F w = weight[0 + (combo&1)*4];
switch ((dim-1)&3) { // This lets the compiler know there are no other cases to handle.
case 3: ix += index [3 + (combo&8)/2];
w *= weight[3 + (combo&8)/2];
// fall through
case 2: ix += index [2 + (combo&4)*1];
w *= weight[2 + (combo&4)*1];
// fall through
case 1: ix += index [1 + (combo&2)*2];
w *= weight[1 + (combo&2)*2];
F R,G,B,A=F0;
if (output_channels == 3) {
if (grid_8) { sample_clut_8 (grid_8 ,ix, &R,&G,&B); }
else { sample_clut_16(grid_16,ix, &R,&G,&B); }
} else {
if (grid_8) { sample_clut_8 (grid_8 ,ix, &R,&G,&B,&A); }
else { sample_clut_16(grid_16,ix, &R,&G,&B,&A); }
*r += w*R;
*g += w*G;
*b += w*B;
*a += w*A;
static void clut(const skcms_A2B* a2b, F* r, F* g, F* b, F a) {
clut(a2b->input_channels, a2b->output_channels,
a2b->grid_points, a2b->grid_8, a2b->grid_16,
static void clut(const skcms_B2A* b2a, F* r, F* g, F* b, F* a) {
clut(b2a->input_channels, b2a->output_channels,
b2a->grid_points, b2a->grid_8, b2a->grid_16,
struct NoCtx {};
struct Ctx {
const void* fArg;
operator NoCtx() { return NoCtx{}; }
template <typename T> operator T*() { return (const T*)fArg; }
// Stages take a stage list, and each stage is responsible for tail-calling the next one.
// Unfortunately, we can't declare a StageFn as a function pointer which takes a pointer to
// another StageFn; declaring this leads to a circular dependency. To avoid this, StageFn is
// wrapped in a single-element `struct StageList` which we are able to forward-declare.
struct StageList;
using StageFn = void (*)(StageList stages, const void** ctx, STAGE_PARAMS());
struct StageList {
const StageFn* fn;
#define DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, CALL_NEXT) \
SI void Exec_##name##_k(arg, STAGE_PARAMS(&)); \
SI void Exec_##name(StageList list, const void** ctx, STAGE_PARAMS()) { \
Exec_##name##_k(Ctx{*ctx}, src, dst, r, g, b, a, i); \
++list.fn; ++ctx; \
} \
SI void Exec_##name##_k(arg, STAGE_PARAMS(&))
#define STAGE(name, arg) \
DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, [[clang::musttail]] return (*list.fn)(list, ctx, src, dst, \
r, g, b, a, i))
#define FINAL_STAGE(name, arg) \
DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, /* Stop executing stages and return to the caller. */)
#define DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg) \
SI void Exec_##name##_k(arg, STAGE_PARAMS(&)); \
SI void Exec_##name(const void* ctx, STAGE_PARAMS(&)) { \
Exec_##name##_k(Ctx{ctx}, src, dst, r, g, b, a, i); \
} \
SI void Exec_##name##_k(arg, STAGE_PARAMS(&))
#define STAGE(name, arg) DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg)
#define FINAL_STAGE(name, arg) DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg)
STAGE(load_a8, NoCtx) {
a = F_from_U8(load<U8>(src + 1*i));
STAGE(load_g8, NoCtx) {
r = g = b = F_from_U8(load<U8>(src + 1*i));
STAGE(load_ga88, NoCtx) {
U16 u16 = load<U16>(src + 2 * i);
r = g = b = cast<F>((u16 >> 0) & 0xff) * (1 / 255.0f);
a = cast<F>((u16 >> 8) & 0xff) * (1 / 255.0f);
STAGE(load_4444, NoCtx) {
U16 abgr = load<U16>(src + 2*i);
r = cast<F>((abgr >> 12) & 0xf) * (1/15.0f);
g = cast<F>((abgr >> 8) & 0xf) * (1/15.0f);
b = cast<F>((abgr >> 4) & 0xf) * (1/15.0f);
a = cast<F>((abgr >> 0) & 0xf) * (1/15.0f);
STAGE(load_565, NoCtx) {
U16 rgb = load<U16>(src + 2*i);
r = cast<F>(rgb & (uint16_t)(31<< 0)) * (1.0f / (31<< 0));
g = cast<F>(rgb & (uint16_t)(63<< 5)) * (1.0f / (63<< 5));
b = cast<F>(rgb & (uint16_t)(31<<11)) * (1.0f / (31<<11));
STAGE(load_888, NoCtx) {
const uint8_t* rgb = (const uint8_t*)(src + 3*i);
#if defined(USING_NEON)
// There's no uint8x4x3_t or vld3 load for it, so we'll load each rgb pixel one at
// a time. Since we're doing that, we might as well load them into 16-bit lanes.
// (We'd even load into 32-bit lanes, but that's not possible on ARMv7.)
uint8x8x3_t v = {{ vdup_n_u8(0), vdup_n_u8(0), vdup_n_u8(0) }};
v = vld3_lane_u8(rgb+0, v, 0);
v = vld3_lane_u8(rgb+3, v, 2);
v = vld3_lane_u8(rgb+6, v, 4);
v = vld3_lane_u8(rgb+9, v, 6);
// Now if we squint, those 3 uint8x8_t we constructed are really U16s, easy to
// convert to F. (Again, U32 would be even better here if drop ARMv7 or split
// ARMv7 and ARMv8 impls.)
r = cast<F>((U16)v.val[0]) * (1/255.0f);
g = cast<F>((U16)v.val[1]) * (1/255.0f);
b = cast<F>((U16)v.val[2]) * (1/255.0f);
r = cast<F>(load_3<U32>(rgb+0) ) * (1/255.0f);
g = cast<F>(load_3<U32>(rgb+1) ) * (1/255.0f);
b = cast<F>(load_3<U32>(rgb+2) ) * (1/255.0f);
STAGE(load_8888, NoCtx) {
U32 rgba = load<U32>(src + 4*i);
r = cast<F>((rgba >> 0) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
g = cast<F>((rgba >> 8) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
b = cast<F>((rgba >> 16) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
a = cast<F>((rgba >> 24) & 0xff) * (1/255.0f);
STAGE(load_1010102, NoCtx) {
U32 rgba = load<U32>(src + 4*i);
r = cast<F>((rgba >> 0) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f);
g = cast<F>((rgba >> 10) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f);
b = cast<F>((rgba >> 20) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f);
a = cast<F>((rgba >> 30) & 0x3 ) * (1/ 3.0f);
STAGE(load_101010x_XR, NoCtx) {
static constexpr float min = -0.752941f;
static constexpr float max = 1.25098f;
static constexpr float range = max - min;
U32 rgba = load<U32>(src + 4*i);
r = cast<F>((rgba >> 0) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
g = cast<F>((rgba >> 10) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
b = cast<F>((rgba >> 20) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
STAGE(load_10101010_XR, NoCtx) {
static constexpr float min = -0.752941f;
static constexpr float max = 1.25098f;
static constexpr float range = max - min;
U64 rgba = load<U64>(src + 8 * i);
r = cast<F>((rgba >> (0+6)) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
g = cast<F>((rgba >> (16+6)) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
b = cast<F>((rgba >> (32+6)) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
a = cast<F>((rgba >> (48+6)) & 0x3ff) * (1/1023.0f) * range + min;
STAGE(load_161616LE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 6*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // src must be 2-byte aligned for this
const uint16_t* rgb = (const uint16_t*)ptr; // cast to const uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x3_t v = vld3_u16(rgb);
r = cast<F>((U16)v.val[0]) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>((U16)v.val[1]) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>((U16)v.val[2]) * (1/65535.0f);
r = cast<F>(load_3<U32>(rgb+0)) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>(load_3<U32>(rgb+1)) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>(load_3<U32>(rgb+2)) * (1/65535.0f);
STAGE(load_16161616LE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 8*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // src must be 2-byte aligned for this
const uint16_t* rgba = (const uint16_t*)ptr; // cast to const uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x4_t v = vld4_u16(rgba);
r = cast<F>((U16)v.val[0]) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>((U16)v.val[1]) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>((U16)v.val[2]) * (1/65535.0f);
a = cast<F>((U16)v.val[3]) * (1/65535.0f);
U64 px = load<U64>(rgba);
r = cast<F>((px >> 0) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>((px >> 16) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>((px >> 32) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
a = cast<F>((px >> 48) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
STAGE(load_161616BE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 6*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // src must be 2-byte aligned for this
const uint16_t* rgb = (const uint16_t*)ptr; // cast to const uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x3_t v = vld3_u16(rgb);
r = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[0])) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[1])) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[2])) * (1/65535.0f);
U32 R = load_3<U32>(rgb+0),
G = load_3<U32>(rgb+1),
B = load_3<U32>(rgb+2);
// R,G,B are big-endian 16-bit, so byte swap them before converting to float.
r = cast<F>((R & 0x00ff)<<8 | (R & 0xff00)>>8) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>((G & 0x00ff)<<8 | (G & 0xff00)>>8) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>((B & 0x00ff)<<8 | (B & 0xff00)>>8) * (1/65535.0f);
STAGE(load_16161616BE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 8*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // src must be 2-byte aligned for this
const uint16_t* rgba = (const uint16_t*)ptr; // cast to const uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x4_t v = vld4_u16(rgba);
r = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[0])) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[1])) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[2])) * (1/65535.0f);
a = cast<F>(swap_endian_16((U16)v.val[3])) * (1/65535.0f);
U64 px = swap_endian_16x4(load<U64>(rgba));
r = cast<F>((px >> 0) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
g = cast<F>((px >> 16) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
b = cast<F>((px >> 32) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
a = cast<F>((px >> 48) & 0xffff) * (1/65535.0f);
STAGE(load_hhh, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 6*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // src must be 2-byte aligned for this
const uint16_t* rgb = (const uint16_t*)ptr; // cast to const uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x3_t v = vld3_u16(rgb);
U16 R = (U16)v.val[0],
G = (U16)v.val[1],
B = (U16)v.val[2];
U16 R = load_3<U16>(rgb+0),
G = load_3<U16>(rgb+1),
B = load_3<U16>(rgb+2);
r = F_from_Half(R);
g = F_from_Half(G);
b = F_from_Half(B);
STAGE(load_hhhh, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 8*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // src must be 2-byte aligned for this
const uint16_t* rgba = (const uint16_t*)ptr; // cast to const uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x4_t v = vld4_u16(rgba);
U16 R = (U16)v.val[0],
G = (U16)v.val[1],
B = (U16)v.val[2],
A = (U16)v.val[3];
U64 px = load<U64>(rgba);
U16 R = cast<U16>((px >> 0) & 0xffff),
G = cast<U16>((px >> 16) & 0xffff),
B = cast<U16>((px >> 32) & 0xffff),
A = cast<U16>((px >> 48) & 0xffff);
r = F_from_Half(R);
g = F_from_Half(G);
b = F_from_Half(B);
a = F_from_Half(A);
STAGE(load_fff, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 12*i);
assert( (ptr & 3) == 0 ); // src must be 4-byte aligned for this
const float* rgb = (const float*)ptr; // cast to const float* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
float32x4x3_t v = vld3q_f32(rgb);
r = (F)v.val[0];
g = (F)v.val[1];
b = (F)v.val[2];
r = load_3<F>(rgb+0);
g = load_3<F>(rgb+1);
b = load_3<F>(rgb+2);
STAGE(load_ffff, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(src + 16*i);
assert( (ptr & 3) == 0 ); // src must be 4-byte aligned for this
const float* rgba = (const float*)ptr; // cast to const float* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
float32x4x4_t v = vld4q_f32(rgba);
r = (F)v.val[0];
g = (F)v.val[1];
b = (F)v.val[2];
a = (F)v.val[3];
r = load_4<F>(rgba+0);
g = load_4<F>(rgba+1);
b = load_4<F>(rgba+2);
a = load_4<F>(rgba+3);
STAGE(swap_rb, NoCtx) {
F t = r;
r = b;
b = t;
STAGE(clamp, NoCtx) {
r = max_(F0, min_(r, F1));
g = max_(F0, min_(g, F1));
b = max_(F0, min_(b, F1));
a = max_(F0, min_(a, F1));
STAGE(invert, NoCtx) {
r = F1 - r;
g = F1 - g;
b = F1 - b;
a = F1 - a;
STAGE(force_opaque, NoCtx) {
a = F1;
STAGE(premul, NoCtx) {
r *= a;
g *= a;
b *= a;
STAGE(unpremul, NoCtx) {
F scale = if_then_else(F1 / a < INFINITY_, F1 / a, F0);
r *= scale;
g *= scale;
b *= scale;
STAGE(matrix_3x3, const skcms_Matrix3x3* matrix) {
const float* m = &matrix->vals[0][0];
F R = m[0]*r + m[1]*g + m[2]*b,
G = m[3]*r + m[4]*g + m[5]*b,
B = m[6]*r + m[7]*g + m[8]*b;
r = R;
g = G;
b = B;
STAGE(matrix_3x4, const skcms_Matrix3x4* matrix) {
const float* m = &matrix->vals[0][0];
F R = m[0]*r + m[1]*g + m[ 2]*b + m[ 3],
G = m[4]*r + m[5]*g + m[ 6]*b + m[ 7],
B = m[8]*r + m[9]*g + m[10]*b + m[11];
r = R;
g = G;
b = B;
STAGE(lab_to_xyz, NoCtx) {
// The L*a*b values are in r,g,b, but normalized to [0,1]. Reconstruct them:
F L = r * 100.0f,
A = g * 255.0f - 128.0f,
B = b * 255.0f - 128.0f;
// Convert to CIE XYZ.
F Y = (L + 16.0f) * (1/116.0f),
X = Y + A*(1/500.0f),
Z = Y - B*(1/200.0f);
X = if_then_else(X*X*X > 0.008856f, X*X*X, (X - (16/116.0f)) * (1/7.787f));
Y = if_then_else(Y*Y*Y > 0.008856f, Y*Y*Y, (Y - (16/116.0f)) * (1/7.787f));
Z = if_then_else(Z*Z*Z > 0.008856f, Z*Z*Z, (Z - (16/116.0f)) * (1/7.787f));
// Adjust to XYZD50 illuminant, and stuff back into r,g,b for the next op.
r = X * 0.9642f;
g = Y ;
b = Z * 0.8249f;
// As above, in reverse.
STAGE(xyz_to_lab, NoCtx) {
F X = r * (1/0.9642f),
Y = g,
Z = b * (1/0.8249f);
X = if_then_else(X > 0.008856f, approx_pow(X, 1/3.0f), X*7.787f + (16/116.0f));
Y = if_then_else(Y > 0.008856f, approx_pow(Y, 1/3.0f), Y*7.787f + (16/116.0f));
Z = if_then_else(Z > 0.008856f, approx_pow(Z, 1/3.0f), Z*7.787f + (16/116.0f));
F L = Y*116.0f - 16.0f,
A = (X-Y)*500.0f,
B = (Y-Z)*200.0f;
r = L * (1/100.f);
g = (A + 128.0f) * (1/255.0f);
b = (B + 128.0f) * (1/255.0f);
STAGE(gamma_r, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { r = apply_gamma(tf, r); }
STAGE(gamma_g, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { g = apply_gamma(tf, g); }
STAGE(gamma_b, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { b = apply_gamma(tf, b); }
STAGE(gamma_a, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { a = apply_gamma(tf, a); }
STAGE(gamma_rgb, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
r = apply_gamma(tf, r);
g = apply_gamma(tf, g);
b = apply_gamma(tf, b);
STAGE(tf_r, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { r = apply_tf(tf, r); }
STAGE(tf_g, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { g = apply_tf(tf, g); }
STAGE(tf_b, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { b = apply_tf(tf, b); }
STAGE(tf_a, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { a = apply_tf(tf, a); }
STAGE(tf_rgb, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
r = apply_tf(tf, r);
g = apply_tf(tf, g);
b = apply_tf(tf, b);
STAGE(pq_r, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { r = apply_pq(tf, r); }
STAGE(pq_g, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { g = apply_pq(tf, g); }
STAGE(pq_b, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { b = apply_pq(tf, b); }
STAGE(pq_a, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { a = apply_pq(tf, a); }
STAGE(pq_rgb, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
r = apply_pq(tf, r);
g = apply_pq(tf, g);
b = apply_pq(tf, b);
STAGE(hlg_r, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { r = apply_hlg(tf, r); }
STAGE(hlg_g, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { g = apply_hlg(tf, g); }
STAGE(hlg_b, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { b = apply_hlg(tf, b); }
STAGE(hlg_a, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { a = apply_hlg(tf, a); }
STAGE(hlg_rgb, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
r = apply_hlg(tf, r);
g = apply_hlg(tf, g);
b = apply_hlg(tf, b);
STAGE(hlginv_r, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { r = apply_hlginv(tf, r); }
STAGE(hlginv_g, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { g = apply_hlginv(tf, g); }
STAGE(hlginv_b, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { b = apply_hlginv(tf, b); }
STAGE(hlginv_a, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) { a = apply_hlginv(tf, a); }
STAGE(hlginv_rgb, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
r = apply_hlginv(tf, r);
g = apply_hlginv(tf, g);
b = apply_hlginv(tf, b);
STAGE(table_r, const skcms_Curve* curve) { r = table(curve, r); }
STAGE(table_g, const skcms_Curve* curve) { g = table(curve, g); }
STAGE(table_b, const skcms_Curve* curve) { b = table(curve, b); }
STAGE(table_a, const skcms_Curve* curve) { a = table(curve, a); }
STAGE(clut_A2B, const skcms_A2B* a2b) {
clut(a2b, &r,&g,&b,a);
if (a2b->input_channels == 4) {
// CMYK is opaque.
a = F1;
STAGE(clut_B2A, const skcms_B2A* b2a) {
clut(b2a, &r,&g,&b,&a);
// From here on down, the store_ ops are all "final stages," terminating processing of this group.
FINAL_STAGE(store_a8, NoCtx) {
store(dst + 1*i, cast<U8>(to_fixed(a * 255)));
FINAL_STAGE(store_g8, NoCtx) {
// g should be holding luminance (Y) (r,g,b ~~~> X,Y,Z)
store(dst + 1*i, cast<U8>(to_fixed(g * 255)));
FINAL_STAGE(store_ga88, NoCtx) {
// g should be holding luminance (Y) (r,g,b ~~~> X,Y,Z)
store<U16>(dst + 2*i, cast<U16>(to_fixed(g * 255) << 0 )
| cast<U16>(to_fixed(a * 255) << 8 ));
FINAL_STAGE(store_4444, NoCtx) {
store<U16>(dst + 2*i, cast<U16>(to_fixed(r * 15) << 12)
| cast<U16>(to_fixed(g * 15) << 8)
| cast<U16>(to_fixed(b * 15) << 4)
| cast<U16>(to_fixed(a * 15) << 0));
FINAL_STAGE(store_565, NoCtx) {
store<U16>(dst + 2*i, cast<U16>(to_fixed(r * 31) << 0 )
| cast<U16>(to_fixed(g * 63) << 5 )
| cast<U16>(to_fixed(b * 31) << 11 ));
FINAL_STAGE(store_888, NoCtx) {
uint8_t* rgb = (uint8_t*)dst + 3*i;
#if defined(USING_NEON)
// Same deal as load_888 but in reverse... we'll store using uint8x8x3_t, but
// get there via U16 to save some instructions converting to float. And just
// like load_888, we'd prefer to go via U32 but for ARMv7 support.
U16 R = cast<U16>(to_fixed(r * 255)),
G = cast<U16>(to_fixed(g * 255)),
B = cast<U16>(to_fixed(b * 255));
uint8x8x3_t v = {{ (uint8x8_t)R, (uint8x8_t)G, (uint8x8_t)B }};
vst3_lane_u8(rgb+0, v, 0);
vst3_lane_u8(rgb+3, v, 2);
vst3_lane_u8(rgb+6, v, 4);
vst3_lane_u8(rgb+9, v, 6);
store_3(rgb+0, cast<U8>(to_fixed(r * 255)) );
store_3(rgb+1, cast<U8>(to_fixed(g * 255)) );
store_3(rgb+2, cast<U8>(to_fixed(b * 255)) );
FINAL_STAGE(store_8888, NoCtx) {
store(dst + 4*i, cast<U32>(to_fixed(r * 255)) << 0
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(g * 255)) << 8
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(b * 255)) << 16
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(a * 255)) << 24);
FINAL_STAGE(store_101010x_XR, NoCtx) {
static constexpr float min = -0.752941f;
static constexpr float max = 1.25098f;
static constexpr float range = max - min;
store(dst + 4*i, cast<U32>(to_fixed(((r - min) / range) * 1023)) << 0
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(((g - min) / range) * 1023)) << 10
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(((b - min) / range) * 1023)) << 20);
FINAL_STAGE(store_1010102, NoCtx) {
store(dst + 4*i, cast<U32>(to_fixed(r * 1023)) << 0
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(g * 1023)) << 10
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(b * 1023)) << 20
| cast<U32>(to_fixed(a * 3)) << 30);
FINAL_STAGE(store_161616LE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 6*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 2-byte aligned
uint16_t* rgb = (uint16_t*)ptr; // for this cast to uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x3_t v = {{
vst3_u16(rgb, v);
store_3(rgb+0, U16_from_F(r));
store_3(rgb+1, U16_from_F(g));
store_3(rgb+2, U16_from_F(b));
FINAL_STAGE(store_16161616LE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 8*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 2-byte aligned
uint16_t* rgba = (uint16_t*)ptr; // for this cast to uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x4_t v = {{
vst4_u16(rgba, v);
U64 px = cast<U64>(to_fixed(r * 65535)) << 0
| cast<U64>(to_fixed(g * 65535)) << 16
| cast<U64>(to_fixed(b * 65535)) << 32
| cast<U64>(to_fixed(a * 65535)) << 48;
store(rgba, px);
FINAL_STAGE(store_161616BE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 6*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 2-byte aligned
uint16_t* rgb = (uint16_t*)ptr; // for this cast to uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x3_t v = {{
vst3_u16(rgb, v);
U32 R = to_fixed(r * 65535),
G = to_fixed(g * 65535),
B = to_fixed(b * 65535);
store_3(rgb+0, cast<U16>((R & 0x00ff) << 8 | (R & 0xff00) >> 8) );
store_3(rgb+1, cast<U16>((G & 0x00ff) << 8 | (G & 0xff00) >> 8) );
store_3(rgb+2, cast<U16>((B & 0x00ff) << 8 | (B & 0xff00) >> 8) );
FINAL_STAGE(store_16161616BE, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 8*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 2-byte aligned
uint16_t* rgba = (uint16_t*)ptr; // for this cast to uint16_t* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x4_t v = {{
vst4_u16(rgba, v);
U64 px = cast<U64>(to_fixed(r * 65535)) << 0
| cast<U64>(to_fixed(g * 65535)) << 16
| cast<U64>(to_fixed(b * 65535)) << 32
| cast<U64>(to_fixed(a * 65535)) << 48;
store(rgba, swap_endian_16x4(px));
FINAL_STAGE(store_hhh, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 6*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 2-byte aligned
uint16_t* rgb = (uint16_t*)ptr; // for this cast to uint16_t* to be safe.
U16 R = Half_from_F(r),
G = Half_from_F(g),
B = Half_from_F(b);
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x3_t v = {{
vst3_u16(rgb, v);
store_3(rgb+0, R);
store_3(rgb+1, G);
store_3(rgb+2, B);
FINAL_STAGE(store_hhhh, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 8*i);
assert( (ptr & 1) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 2-byte aligned
uint16_t* rgba = (uint16_t*)ptr; // for this cast to uint16_t* to be safe.
U16 R = Half_from_F(r),
G = Half_from_F(g),
B = Half_from_F(b),
A = Half_from_F(a);
#if defined(USING_NEON)
uint16x4x4_t v = {{
vst4_u16(rgba, v);
store(rgba, cast<U64>(R) << 0
| cast<U64>(G) << 16
| cast<U64>(B) << 32
| cast<U64>(A) << 48);
FINAL_STAGE(store_fff, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 12*i);
assert( (ptr & 3) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 4-byte aligned
float* rgb = (float*)ptr; // for this cast to float* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
float32x4x3_t v = {{
vst3q_f32(rgb, v);
store_3(rgb+0, r);
store_3(rgb+1, g);
store_3(rgb+2, b);
FINAL_STAGE(store_ffff, NoCtx) {
uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)(dst + 16*i);
assert( (ptr & 3) == 0 ); // The dst pointer must be 4-byte aligned
float* rgba = (float*)ptr; // for this cast to float* to be safe.
#if defined(USING_NEON)
float32x4x4_t v = {{
vst4q_f32(rgba, v);
store_4(rgba+0, r);
store_4(rgba+1, g);
store_4(rgba+2, b);
store_4(rgba+3, a);
SI void exec_stages(StageFn* stages, const void** contexts, const char* src, char* dst, int i) {
(*stages)({stages}, contexts, src, dst, F0, F0, F0, F1, i);
static void exec_stages(const Op* ops, const void** contexts,
const char* src, char* dst, int i) {
F r = F0, g = F0, b = F0, a = F1;
while (true) {
switch (*ops++) {
#define M(name) case Op::name: Exec_##name(*contexts++, src, dst, r, g, b, a, i); break;
#undef M
#define M(name) case Op::name: Exec_##name(*contexts++, src, dst, r, g, b, a, i); return;
#undef M
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-definitions-in-headers)
void run_program(const Op* program, const void** contexts, SKCMS_MAYBE_UNUSED ptrdiff_t programSize,
const char* src, char* dst, int n,
size_t src_bpp, size_t dst_bpp) {
// Convert the program into an array of tailcall stages.
StageFn stages[32];
assert(programSize <= ARRAY_COUNT(stages));
static constexpr StageFn kStageFns[] = {
#define M(name) &Exec_##name,
#undef M
for (ptrdiff_t index = 0; index < programSize; ++index) {
stages[index] = kStageFns[(int)program[index]];
// Use the op array as-is.
const Op* stages = program;
int i = 0;
while (n >= N) {
exec_stages(stages, contexts, src, dst, i);
i += N;
n -= N;
if (n > 0) {
char tmp[4*4*N] = {0};
memcpy(tmp, (const char*)src + (size_t)i*src_bpp, (size_t)n*src_bpp);
exec_stages(stages, contexts, tmp, tmp, 0);
memcpy((char*)dst + (size_t)i*dst_bpp, tmp, (size_t)n*dst_bpp);