blob: 685e29711bae74428cb032bed77318c281662bad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
public class ULocaleTest extends ICUTestCase {
private String sampleName;
private String longULocaleName;
private String longULocaleBasename;
private String nonNormalizedName;
private ULocale longULocale;
private Locale sampleLocale;
* @Override
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
sampleName = "ll_CC_VVVV";
longULocaleName = "ll_Ssss_CC_VVVV@collation=phonebook;key=value";
longULocaleBasename = longULocaleName.substring(0, longULocaleName.indexOf('@'));
nonNormalizedName = "LL_ssss_cc_VVVV@ Key = value ; Collation = phonebook ; ";
longULocale = new ULocale(longULocaleName);
sampleLocale = new ULocale(sampleName).toLocale();
* Test method for ''
public void testHashCode() {
ULocale obj = ULocale.GERMANY;
ULocale eq = new ULocale("de_DE");
ULocale neq = new ULocale("de_DE_FRENCH");
ICUTestCase.testEHCS(obj, eq, neq);
* Test method for ''
public void testForLocale() {
assertEquals(ULocale.GERMANY, ULocale.forLocale(Locale.GERMANY));
* Test method for ''
public void testULocaleString() {
assertEquals(ULocale.GERMAN, new ULocale("de"));
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testULocaleStringString() {
assertEquals(ULocale.GERMANY, new ULocale("de", "DE"));
* Test method for ', String, String)'
public void testULocaleStringStringString() {
assertEquals(sampleLocale, new ULocale("ll", "cc", "VVVV").toLocale());
* Test method for ''
public void testCreateCanonical() {
ULocale result = ULocale.createCanonical("de__PHONEBOOK");
assertEquals(new ULocale("de@collation=phonebook"), result);
* Test method for ''
public void testToLocale() {
assertEquals(sampleLocale, new ULocale("ll", "cc", "VVVV").toLocale());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDefault() {
assertEquals(Locale.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault().toLocale());
* Test method for ''
public void testSetDefault() {
Locale oldLocale = Locale.getDefault();
ULocale oldULocale = ULocale.getDefault();
try {
ICUTestCase.assertNotEqual(Locale.getDefault(), oldLocale);
ICUTestCase.assertNotEqual(ULocale.getDefault(), oldULocale);
assertEquals(longULocale, ULocale.getDefault());
assertEquals(sampleLocale, Locale.getDefault());
finally {
Locale.setDefault(oldLocale); // in case of some error
* Test method for ''
public void testClone() {
// see testHashcode
* Test method for ''
public void testEqualsObject() {
// see testHashcode
* Test method for ''
public void testGetAvailableLocales() {
ULocale[] ulocales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
for (int i = 0; i < ulocales.length; ++i) {
assertEquals(ulocales[i].toLocale(), locales[i]);
// else nothing to test except that the function returned.
* Test method for ''
public void testGetISOCountries() {
String[] ucountries = ULocale.getISOCountries();
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
// keep our own data for now
// our data doesn't match java's so this test would fail
// TODO: enable if we decide to use java's data
// String[] countries = Locale.getISOCountries();
// TestBoilerplate.assertArraysEqual(ucountries, countries);
// else nothing to test except that the function returned.
* Test method for ''
public void testGetISOLanguages() {
String[] ulanguages = ULocale.getISOLanguages();
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
// keep our own data for now
// our data doesn't match java's so this test would fail
// TODO: enable if we decide to use java's data
// String[] languages = Locale.getISOLanguages();
// TestBoilerplate.assertArraysEqual(ulanguages, languages);
// else nothing to test except that the function returned.
* Test method for ''
public void testGetLanguage() {
assertEquals("ll", longULocale.getLanguage());
assertEquals("ll", longULocale.toLocale().getLanguage());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetLanguageString() {
assertEquals("ll", ULocale.getLanguage(longULocale.getName()));
* Test method for ''
public void testGetScript() {
assertEquals("Ssss", longULocale.getScript());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetScriptString() {
assertEquals("Ssss", ULocale.getScript(longULocale.getName()));
* Test method for ''
public void testGetCountry() {
assertEquals("CC", longULocale.getCountry());
assertEquals("CC", longULocale.toLocale().getCountry());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetCountryString() {
assertEquals("CC", ULocale.getCountry(longULocale.getName()));
* Test method for ''
public void testGetVariant() {
assertEquals("VVVV", longULocale.getVariant());
assertEquals("VVVV", longULocale.toLocale().getVariant());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetVariantString() {
assertEquals("VVVV", ULocale.getVariant(longULocale.getName()));
* Test method for ''
public void testGetFallbackString() {
assertEquals(ULocale.GERMAN, ULocale.getFallback(ULocale.GERMANY.getName()));
* Test method for ''
public void testGetFallback() {
assertEquals(ULocale.GERMAN, ULocale.GERMANY.getFallback());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetBaseName() {
assertEquals(longULocaleBasename, longULocale.getBaseName());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetBaseNameString() {
assertEquals(longULocaleBasename, longULocale.getBaseName());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetName() {
assertEquals(longULocaleName, longULocale.getName());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetNameString() {
assertEquals(longULocaleName, ULocale.getName(nonNormalizedName));
* Test method for ''
public void testToString() {
assertEquals(longULocaleName, longULocale.toString());
* Test method for ''
public void testGetKeywords() {
Iterator iter = longULocale.getKeywords();
assertEquals(, "collation");
assertEquals(, "key");
* Test method for ''
public void testGetKeywordsString() {
Iterator iter = ULocale.getKeywords(nonNormalizedName);
assertEquals(, "collation");
assertEquals(, "key");
* Test method for ''
public void testGetKeywordValueString() {
assertEquals("value", longULocale.getKeywordValue("key"));
assertEquals("phonebook", longULocale.getKeywordValue("collation"));
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetKeywordValueStringString() {
assertEquals("value", ULocale.getKeywordValue(longULocaleName, "key"));
assertEquals("phonebook", ULocale.getKeywordValue(longULocaleName, "collation"));
assertNull(ULocale.getKeywordValue(longULocaleName, "zzyzx"));
* Test method for ''
public void testCanonicalize() {
assertEquals("de@collation=phonebook", ULocale.canonicalize("de__PHONEBOOK"));
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testSetKeywordValueStringString() {
ULocale munged = longULocale.setKeywordValue("key", "C#");
assertEquals("C#", munged.getKeywordValue("key"));
munged = munged.setKeywordValue("zzyzx", "grue");
assertEquals("grue", munged.getKeywordValue("zzyzx"));
* Test method for ', String, String)'
public void testSetKeywordValueStringStringString() {
String munged = ULocale.setKeywordValue(longULocaleName, "key", "C#");
assertEquals("C#", ULocale.getKeywordValue(munged, "key"));
munged = ULocale.setKeywordValue(munged, "zzyzx", "grue");
assertEquals("grue", ULocale.getKeywordValue(munged, "zzyzx"));
* Test method for ''
public void testGetISO3Language() {
String il = ULocale.GERMANY.getISO3Language();
String jl = Locale.GERMANY.getISO3Language();
assertEquals(il, jl);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetISO3LanguageString() {
String il = ULocale.getISO3Language(ULocale.GERMANY.getName());
String jl = Locale.GERMANY.getISO3Language();
assertEquals(il, jl);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetISO3Country() {
String ic = ULocale.GERMANY.getISO3Country();
String jc = Locale.GERMANY.getISO3Country();
assertEquals(ic, jc);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetISO3CountryString() {
String ic = ULocale.getISO3Country(ULocale.GERMANY.getName());
String jc = Locale.GERMANY.getISO3Country();
assertEquals(ic, jc);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayLanguage() {
String idl = ULocale.GERMANY.getDisplayLanguage();
String jdl = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayLanguage();
assertEquals(idl, jdl);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayLanguageULocale() {
String idl = ULocale.GERMANY.getDisplayLanguage(ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdl = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idl, jdl);
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetDisplayLanguageStringString() {
String idl = ULocale.getDisplayLanguage(ULocale.GERMANY.getName(), "de_DE");
String jdl = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idl, jdl);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayLanguageStringULocale() {
String idl = ULocale.getDisplayLanguage(ULocale.GERMANY.getName(), ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdl = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idl, jdl);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayScript() {
String is = ULocale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE.getDisplayScript();
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("Hant", is);
} else {
assertEquals("Traditional Chinese", is);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayScriptULocale() {
String is = ULocale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE.getDisplayScript(ULocale.GERMANY);
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("Hant", is);
} else {
// TODO: look up expected value
assertEquals("Hant", is);
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetDisplayScriptStringString() {
String is = ULocale.getDisplayScript("zh_Hant", "de_DE");
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("Hant", is);
} else {
// TODO: look up expected value
assertEquals("Hant", is);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayScriptStringULocale() {
String is = ULocale.getDisplayScript("zh_Hant", ULocale.GERMANY);
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("Hant", is);
} else {
// TODO: look up expected value
assertEquals("Hant", is);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayCountry() {
String idc = ULocale.GERMANY.getDisplayCountry();
String jdc = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayCountry();
assertEquals(idc, jdc);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayCountryULocale() {
String idc = ULocale.GERMANY.getDisplayCountry(ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdc = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayCountry(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idc, jdc);
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetDisplayCountryStringString() {
String idc = ULocale.getDisplayCountry("de_DE", "de_DE");
String jdc = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayCountry(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idc, jdc);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayCountryStringULocale() {
String idc = ULocale.getDisplayCountry("de_DE", ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdc = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayCountry(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idc, jdc);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayVariant() {
String idv = new ULocale("de_DE_PHONEBOOK").getDisplayVariant();
String jdv = new Locale("de", "DE", "PHONEBOOK").getDisplayVariant();
assertEquals(jdv, idv);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayVariantULocale() {
String idv = new ULocale("de_DE_PHONEBOOK").getDisplayVariant(ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdv = new Locale("de", "DE", "PHONEBOOK").getDisplayVariant(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(jdv, idv);
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetDisplayVariantStringString() {
String idv = ULocale.getDisplayVariant("de_DE_PHONEBOOK", "de_DE");
String jdv = new Locale("de", "DE", "PHONEBOOK").getDisplayVariant(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(jdv, idv);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayVariantStringULocale() {
String idv = ULocale.getDisplayVariant("de_DE_PHONEBOOK", ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdv = new Locale("de", "DE", "PHONEBOOK").getDisplayVariant(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(jdv, idv);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayKeywordString() {
String idk = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword("collation");
assertEquals("collation", idk);
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetDisplayKeywordStringString() {
String idk = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword("collation", "de_DE");
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("collation", idk);
} else {
// TODO: find real value
assertEquals("collation", idk);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayKeywordStringULocale() {
String idk = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword("collation", ULocale.GERMANY);
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("collation", idk);
} else {
// TODO: find real value
assertEquals("collation", idk);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayKeywordValueString() {
ULocale ul = new ULocale("de_DE@collation=phonebook");
String idk = ul.getDisplayKeywordValue("collation");
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
} else {
// TODO: find real value
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayKeywordValueStringULocale() {
ULocale ul = new ULocale("de_DE@collation=phonebook");
String idk = ul.getDisplayKeywordValue("collation", ULocale.GERMANY);
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
} else {
// TODO: find real value
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
* Test method for ', String, String)'
public void testGetDisplayKeywordValueStringStringString() {
String idk = ULocale.getDisplayKeywordValue("de_DE@collation=phonebook", "collation", "de_DE");
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
} else {
// TODO: find real value
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
* Test method for ', String, ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayKeywordValueStringStringULocale() {
String idk = ULocale.getDisplayKeywordValue("de_DE@collation=phonebook", "collation", ULocale.GERMANY);
if (ICUTestCase.testingWrapper) {
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
} else {
// TODO: find real value
assertEquals("phonebook", idk);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayName() {
String idn = ULocale.GERMANY.getDisplayName();
String jdn = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayName();
assertEquals(idn, jdn);
* Test method for ''
public void testGetDisplayNameULocale() {
String idn = ULocale.GERMANY.getDisplayName(ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdn = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayName(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idn, jdn);
* Test method for ', String)'
public void testGetDisplayNameStringString() {
String idn = ULocale.getDisplayName("de_DE", "de_DE");
String jdn = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayName(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idn, jdn);
* Test method for ', ULocale)'
public void testGetDisplayNameStringULocale() {
String idn = ULocale.getDisplayName("de_DE", ULocale.GERMANY);
String jdn = Locale.GERMANY.getDisplayName(Locale.GERMANY);
assertEquals(idn, jdn);
* Test method for ', ULocale[], boolean[])'
public void testAcceptLanguageStringULocaleArrayBooleanArray() {
boolean[] fallback = new boolean[1];
ULocale[] locales = {
new ULocale("en_CA"),
new ULocale("es_US"),
ULocale result = ULocale.acceptLanguage("en-US, en-GB, en-CA, es-US", locales, fallback);
assertEquals(new ULocale("en_CA"), result);
result = ULocale.acceptLanguage("en-US, en-GB, es-US-NEWMEXICO", locales, fallback);
assertEquals(new ULocale("es_US"), result);
* Test method for '[], ULocale[], boolean[])'
public void testAcceptLanguageULocaleArrayULocaleArrayBooleanArray() {
boolean[] fallback = new boolean[1];
ULocale[] locales = {
new ULocale("en_CA"),
new ULocale("es_US"),
ULocale[] accept_locales = {
new ULocale("en_US"),
new ULocale("en_GB"),
new ULocale("en_CA"),
new ULocale("es_US"),
ULocale[] accept_locales2 = {
new ULocale("en_US"),
new ULocale("en_GB"),
new ULocale("es_US_NEWMEXICO"),
ULocale result = ULocale.acceptLanguage(accept_locales, locales, fallback);
assertEquals(new ULocale("en_CA"), result);
result = ULocale.acceptLanguage(accept_locales2, locales, fallback);
assertEquals(new ULocale("es_US"), result);
* Test method for ', boolean[])'
public void testAcceptLanguageStringBooleanArray() {
boolean[] fallback = new boolean[1];
ULocale result = ULocale.acceptLanguage("en-CA, en-GB, es-US", fallback);
assertEquals(new ULocale("en_CA"), result);
result = ULocale.acceptLanguage("es-US-NEWMEXICO", fallback);
assertNotNull(result); // actual result depends on jdk
* Test method for '[], boolean[])'
public void testAcceptLanguageULocaleArrayBooleanArray() {
boolean[] fallback = new boolean[1];
ULocale[] accept_locales = {
new ULocale("en_CA"),
new ULocale("en_GB"),
new ULocale("es_US"),
ULocale[] accept_locales2 = {
new ULocale("es_US_NEWMEXICO"),
ULocale result = ULocale.acceptLanguage(accept_locales, fallback);
assertEquals(new ULocale("en_CA"), result);
result = ULocale.acceptLanguage(accept_locales2, fallback);
assertNotNull(result); // actual result depends on jdk