blob: 6c7f326cb1363349f35d491e8b61c2ed80a7188d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* @author Eric Mader
* Notes:
* The property \p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical} will match all characters with a canonical
* decomposition.
* So "[[\\p{Latin}\\p{Greek}\\p{Cyrillic}] & [\\p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical}]]"
* will match all Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters with a canonical decomposition.
* Are these three scripts enough? Do we want to collect them all at once and distribute by script,
* or process them one script at a time. It's probably a good idea to build a single table for
* however many scripts there are.
* It might be better to collect all the characters that have a canonical decomposition and just
* sort them into however many scripts there are... unless we'll get characters in COMMON???
public class CanonGSUBBuilder
public static void buildLigatureTree(CanonicalCharacterData data, LigatureTree ligatureTree)
System.out.print("building composition ligature tree...");
for (int i = 0; i < data.countRecords(); i += 1) {
CanonicalCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(i);
String composed = UCharacter.toString(record.getComposedCharacter());
for (int e = 0; e < record.countEquivalents(); e += 1) {
String equivalent = record.getEquivalent(e);
ligatureTree.insert(equivalent + composed);
System.out.println(" Done.");
public static DecompTable[] buildDecompTables(CanonicalCharacterData data)
int maxDecompCount = data.getMaxEquivalents();
DecompTable[] decompTables = new DecompTable[maxDecompCount];
System.out.print("Building decompositon tables... max number of decompositions is " + maxDecompCount + "...");
for (int i = 0; i < maxDecompCount; i += 1) {
DecompTable table = new DecompTable();
for (int r = 0; r < data.countRecords(); r += 1) {
CanonicalCharacterData.Record record = data.getRecord(r);
if (record.countEquivalents() > i) {
table.add(record.getComposedCharacter(), record.getEquivalent(i));
decompTables[i] = table;
System.out.println(" Done.");
return decompTables;
public static void buildLatinTables(String fileName)
UnicodeSet latinSet = new UnicodeSet("[[\\p{Latin}] & [\\p{DecompositionType=Canonical}]]");
CanonicalCharacterData data = CanonicalCharacterData.factory(latinSet);
DecompTable[] decompTables = buildDecompTables(data);
LigatureTree compTree = new LigatureTree();
buildLigatureTree(data, compTree);
LigatureTreeWalker compWalker = new LigatureTreeWalker();
LookupList lookupList = new LookupList();
FeatureList featureList = new FeatureList();
ScriptList scriptList = new ScriptList();
Lookup compLookup, dcmpLookup;
int compLookupIndex, dcmpLookupIndex;
compLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Ligature, 0);
dcmpLookup = new Lookup(Lookup.GSST_Multiple, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < decompTables.length; i += 1) {
compLookupIndex = lookupList.addLookup(compLookup);
dcmpLookupIndex = lookupList.addLookup(dcmpLookup);
featureList.addLookup("ccmp", compLookupIndex);
featureList.addLookup("ccmp", dcmpLookupIndex);
scriptList.addFeature("latn", "(default)", featureList.getFeatureIndex("ccmp"));
GSUBWriter gsubWriter = new GSUBWriter("Canon", scriptList, featureList, lookupList);
String[] includeFiles = {"LETypes.h", "CanonShaping.h"};
LigatureModuleWriter writer = new LigatureModuleWriter();
writer.writeHeader(null, includeFiles);
public static void main(String[] args)