blob: faa74c61ee450dcd3af9db268bd16be59d1cbee9 [file] [log] [blame]
var columnBits = 8; // 8
var columnCount = Math.pow(2,columnBits);
var columnMask = columnCount-1;
var columnShift = Math.floor(columnBits/4);
var columnGap = repeat('_', columnShift);
var columnPad = 4-columnShift;
var gotLast = true;
var current = 0;
var haveFirst = false;
function top(count) {
for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i) {
document.writeln("<th>", hex(i,2), "</th>");
function writeCell(cellclass, value) {
if (!gotLast) cellclass = 'd' + cellclass;
if (value) {
value = current <= 0xFFFF
? String.fromCharCode(current)
: String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (current >> 10), 0xDC00 + (current & 0x3FF));
} else {
value = '\u00A0'
if (cellclass!="") cellclass = " class='" + cellclass + "'";
document.writeln("<td", cellclass, ">", value, "</td>");
function writeCells(count,cellclass,value) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if ((current & columnMask) == 0) {
if (cellclass!='u' || count - i < columnCount) {
gotLast = true
} else {
gotLast = false;
var rem = (count - i) & ~columnMask;
current += rem;
i += rem;
if (i == count) break;
function newRow() {
if (haveFirst) document.write("</tr>");
else haveFirst = true;
var hclass = (gotLast) ? "" : " class='d'";
document.writeln("<tr><th", hclass, ">", hex(current>>(columnShift*4),columnPad), columnGap, "</th>");
// Utilities
function hex(value, pad) {
var result = value.toString(16).toUpperCase();
while (result.length < pad) result = '0' + result;
return result;
function repeat(str, count) {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) result += str;
return result;
// used in the body. single letters to save bytes.
function u(count) { // undefined, private use, or surrogates
function n(count) { // noncharacter
function i(count) { // ignorable
function w(count) { // whitespace
function v(count) { // normal visible graphic