blob: 7e18f03806225b0d440c3b5f1d0399bb8f13d7a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @(#)$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2000/04/20 17:45:10 $
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
* of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
* special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
* IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
* will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
* This class maintains intervals within a piece of text. Interval boundaries
* are stored in the fRunStart array. Interval boundaries may have a
* positive or negative representation. A positive boundary is given as an offset
* from 0. A negative boundary is given as a negative offset from the ned of the text.
* The RunArray stores positive boundaries in the entries [0, fPosEnd], and negative
* boundaries in the entries [fNegStart, fLength). New boundaries may be inserted into
* the undefined middle of the RunArray. If fPosEnd < 0, there are no positive entries.
* If fNegStart >= fRunArray.length, there are no negative netries. It's possible to have
* a runarray with neither positive or negative entries.
* As an example of how the RunArray works, consider a piece of text with 5 intervals,
* where each interval is 3 characters in length. The RunArray for this text could
* look like:
* fCurTextLength = 15, fPosEnd = 5, fNegStart = 10,
* fRunStart = { 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, U, U, U, U, U };
* where U is an undefined array element.
* An equivalent representation would be:
* fCurTextLength = 15, fPosEnd = 3, fNegStart = 8,
* fRunStart = { 0, 3, 6, U, U, U, U, U, -6, -3 };
* The RunArray class is used in the StyleBuffer and the ParagraphBuffer. In the StyleBuffer,
* the entries in fRunStart give the offsets where style runs begin. In the
* ParagraphBuffer, the fRunStart entries store offsets of paragraph breaks.
* This class provides methods for shifting the run table to a particular position, expanding the
* run table, and returning the index of the run containing a particular offset in the text. All
* other functionality is implemented in the RunArray clients.
* RunArray uses FastIntBinarySearch for searches. The searches are constructed on demand in
* the findRunContaining method. The searches are invalidated when the run array is shifted;
* however, the RunArray can be modified by other classes. Thus, if another class modifies
* the entries in fRunArray, or modifies fPosEnd or fNegStart, it is responsible for
* calling runStartsChanged.
final class RunArray implements Externalizable {
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999 - All Rights Reserved";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 22356934;
int[] fRunStart;
private int fCurTextLength;
int fPosEnd, fNegStart;
transient private FastIntBinarySearch fPosSearch;
transient private boolean fPosSearchValid;
transient private FastIntBinarySearch fNegSearch;
transient private boolean fNegSearchValid;
private static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 1;
RunArray(int initialSize, int curTextLength) {
fRunStart = new int[initialSize];
fCurTextLength = curTextLength;
fPosEnd = -1;
fNegStart = initialSize;
fPosSearch = new FastIntBinarySearch(fRunStart, 0, 1);
fNegSearch = new FastIntBinarySearch(fRunStart, 0, 1);
fPosSearchValid = fNegSearchValid = false;
* Note: this constructor is ONLY for use by the Serialization
* mechanism. It does not leave this object in a valid state!
public RunArray() {
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
if (in.readInt() != CURRENT_VERSION) {
throw new IOException("Invalid version of RunArray");
fRunStart = (int[]) in.readObject();
fCurTextLength = in.readInt();
fPosEnd = in.readInt();
fNegStart = in.readInt();
fPosSearch = new FastIntBinarySearch(fRunStart, 0, 1);
fNegSearch = new FastIntBinarySearch(fRunStart, 0, 1);
fPosSearchValid = fNegSearchValid = false;
public int getCurTextLength() {
return fCurTextLength;
public void setCurTextLength(int curTextLength) {
fCurTextLength = curTextLength;
public void addToCurTextLength(int delta) {
fCurTextLength += delta;
public void runStartsChanged() {
fPosSearchValid = fNegSearchValid = false;
* Returns the index of the last valid run.
int lastRun() {
return (fNegStart == fRunStart.length)? fPosEnd : fRunStart.length-1;
* Returns the length of the run array. Replaces old fLength member.
int getArrayLength() {
return fRunStart.length;
* Shifts style table such that the last positive run
* starts before pos.
void shiftTableTo(int pos) {
int oldPosEnd = fPosEnd;
while (fPosEnd >= 0 && fRunStart[fPosEnd] >= pos) {
fRunStart[fNegStart] = fRunStart[fPosEnd] - fCurTextLength;
pos -= fCurTextLength;
while (fNegStart<fRunStart.length && fRunStart[fNegStart] < pos) {
fRunStart[fPosEnd] = fRunStart[fNegStart] + fCurTextLength;
if (oldPosEnd != fPosEnd) {
fPosSearchValid = fNegSearchValid = false;
* Returns index of style run containing pos. If first style run starts before
* pos, -1 is returned. If pos is greater than text length, lastrun is returned.
int findRunContaining(int pos) {
FastIntBinarySearch search;
final int length = fRunStart.length;
if (fNegStart < length && (pos-fCurTextLength >= fRunStart[fNegStart])) {
pos -= fCurTextLength;
if (!fNegSearchValid) {
fNegSearch.setData(fRunStart, fNegStart, length-fNegStart);
search = fNegSearch;
else if (fPosEnd >= 0) {
if (!fPosSearchValid) {
fPosSearch.setData(fRunStart, 0, fPosEnd+1);
search = fPosSearch;
return -1;
int run = search.findIndex(pos);
return run;
int getLogicalRunStart(int run) {
if (run == -1) {
return 0;
else if (run == fRunStart.length) {
return fCurTextLength;
else {
if (run <= fPosEnd) {
return fRunStart[run];
else if (run >= fNegStart) {
return fRunStart[run] + fCurTextLength;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal run");
* Increases size of run table. Current implementation doubles the run table's size.
void expandRunTable() {
resizeRunTable(fRunStart.length * 2);
* Return the minimum number of elements possible in fRunStart.
private int getMinSize() {
return Math.max(fPosEnd + (fRunStart.length-fNegStart) + 1, 1);
void compress() {
int minSize = getMinSize();
if (fRunStart.length > minSize) {
private void resizeRunTable(int newSize) {
if (newSize < getMinSize()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to make RunArray too small.");
final int oldLength = fRunStart.length;
int newRunStart[] = new int[newSize];
System.arraycopy(fRunStart, 0, newRunStart, 0, fPosEnd+1);
int newNegStart = newRunStart.length - (oldLength-fNegStart);
System.arraycopy(fRunStart, fNegStart, newRunStart, newNegStart, (oldLength-fNegStart));
fNegStart = newNegStart;
fRunStart = newRunStart;
fPosSearchValid = fNegSearchValid = false;