blob: 33752a27a52a0f56850db715e2400e9b3ba28118 [file] [log] [blame]
# *******************************************************************************
# * Copyright (C) 2002-2002, International Business Machines Corporation and *
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# *
# * $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/perf/,v $
# * $Date: 2002/12/18 03:56:40 $
# * $Revision: 1.2 $
# *
# *******************************************************************************
# */
#!/usr/local/bin/perluse strict;# Assume we are running within the icu4j root directoryuse lib 'src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/perf';use Dataset;#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Test classmy $TESTCLASS = '';# Methods to be tested. Each pair represents a test method and# a baseline method which is used for @METHODS = (['TestICU_NFC_NFC_Text', 'TestJDK_NFC_NFC_Text'], ['TestICU_NFC_NFD_Text', 'TestJDK_NFC_NFD_Text'], ['TestICU_NFC_Orig_Text', 'TestJKD_NFC_Orig_Text'], ['TestICU_NFD_NFC_Text', 'TestJDK_NFD_NFC_Text'], ['TestICU_NFD_NFD_Text', 'TestJDK_NFD_NFD_Text'], ['TestICU_NFD_Orig_Text', 'TestJDK_NFD_Orig_Text'], );# Patterns which define the set of characters used for $SOURCEDIR ="c:\\work\\DevICU\\icu\\source\\test\\perf\\normperf\\text\\";my @OPTIONS = (# src text src encoding mode [ "arabic.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "french.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "greek.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "hebrew.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "hindi.txt" , "UTF-8", "b"], [ "japanese.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "korean.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "s-chinese.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "french.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "greek.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "hebrew.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "hindi.txt" , "UTF-8", "b"], [ "japanese.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "korean.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "s-chinese.txt", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "arabic.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "czech.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "danish.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "english.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "esperanto.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "french.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "georgian.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "german.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "greek.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "hebrew.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "hindi.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "icelandic.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "interlingua.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "italian.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "japanese.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "korean.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "lithuanian.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "maltese.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "persian.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "polish.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "portuguese.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "romanian.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "russian.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "s-chinese.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "spanish.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "swedish.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "t-chinese.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "welsh.html", "UTF-8", "b"], [ "TestNames_Asian.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Chinese.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Japanese.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Japanese_h.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Japanese_k.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Korean.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Latin.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_SerbianSH.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_SerbianSR.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "TestNames_Thai.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], [ "Testnames_Russian.txt", "UTF-8", "l"], );my $CALIBRATE = 2; # duration in seconds for initial calibrationmy $DURATION = 10; # duration in seconds for each passmy $NUMPASSES = 4; # number of passes. If > 1 then the first pass # is discarded as a JIT warm-up $TABLEATTR = 'BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="4" CELLSPACING="0"';my $PLUS_MINUS = "&plusmn;";if ($NUMPASSES < 3) { die "Need at least 3 passes. One is discarded (JIT warmup) and need two to have 1 degree of freedom (t distribution).";}my $OUT; # see out()main();#---------------------------------------------------------------------# ...sub main { my $date = localtime; my $title = "ICU4JNI Performance Test $date"; my $html = $date; $html =~ s/://g; # ':' illegal $html =~ s/\s*\d+$//; # delete year $html =~ s/^\w+\s*//; # delete dow $html = "perf $html.html"; open(HTML,">$html") or die "Can't write to $html: $!"; print HTML <<EOF;<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>$title</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>EOF print HTML "<H1>$title</H1>\n"; print HTML "<H2>$TESTCLASS</H2>\n"; my $raw = ""; for my $methodPair (@METHODS) { my $testMethod = $methodPair->[0]; my $baselineMethod = $methodPair->[1]; print HTML "<P><TABLE $TABLEATTR><TR><TD>\n"; print HTML "<P><B>$testMethod vs. $baselineMethod</B></P>\n"; print HTML "<P><TABLE $TABLEATTR BGCOLOR=\"#CCFFFF\">\n"; print HTML "<TR><TD>Options</TD><TD>$testMethod</TD>"; print HTML "<TD>$baselineMethod</TD><TD>Ratio</TD></TR>\n"; $OUT = ''; for my $pat (@OPTIONS) { print HTML "<TR><TD>@$pat[0], @$pat[2]</TD>\n"; out("<P><TABLE $TABLEATTR WIDTH=\"100%\">"); # measure the test method out("<TR><TD>"); print "\n$testMethod [@$pat]\n"; my $t = measure2($testMethod, $pat, -$DURATION); out("</TD></TR>"); print HTML "<TD>", formatSeconds(4, $t->getMean(), $t->getError); print HTML "/event</TD>\n"; # measure baseline method out("<TR><TD>"); print "\nBegin $baselineMethod [@$pat]\n"; my $b = measure2($baselineMethod, $pat, -$DURATION); out("</TD></TR>"); print HTML "<TD>", formatSeconds(4, $b->getMean(), $t->getError); print HTML "/event</TD>\n"; out("</TABLE></P>"); # output ratio my $r = $t->divide($b); print HTML "<TD><B>", formatPercent(3, $r->getMean(), $r->getError); print HTML "</B></TD></TR>\n"; } print HTML "</TABLE></P>\n"; print HTML "<P>Raw data:</P>\n"; print HTML $OUT; print HTML "</TABLE></P>\n"; } print HTML <<EOF; </BODY></HTML>EOF close(HTML) or die "Can't close $html: $!";}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Append text to the global variable $OUTsub out { $OUT .= join('', @_);}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Append text to the global variable $OUTsub outln { $OUT .= join('', @_) . "\n";}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Measure a given test method with a give test pattern using the# global run parameters.## @param the method to run# @param the pattern defining characters to test# @param if >0 then the number of iterations per pass. If <0 then# (negative of) the number of seconds per pass.## @return a Dataset object, scaled by iterations per pass and# events per iteration, to give time per event#sub measure2 { my @data = measure1(@_); my $iterPerPass = shift(@data); my $eventPerIter = shift(@data); shift(@data) if (@data > 1); # discard first run my $ds = Dataset->new(@data); $ds->setScale(1.0e-3 / ($iterPerPass * $eventPerIter)); $ds;}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Measure a given test method with a give test pattern using the# global run parameters.## @param the method to run# @param the pattern defining characters to test# @param if >0 then the number of iterations per pass. If <0 then# (negative of) the number of seconds per pass.## @return array of:# [0] iterations per pass# [1] events per iteration# [2..] ms reported for each pass, in order#sub measure1 { my $method = shift; my $pat = shift; my $iterCount = shift; # actually might be -seconds/pass out("<P>Measuring $method for input file @$pat[0] in @$pat[2] , "); if ($iterCount > 0) { out("$iterCount iterations/pass, $NUMPASSES passes</P>\n"); } else { out(-$iterCount, " seconds/pass, $NUMPASSES passes</P>\n"); } # is $iterCount actually -seconds? if ($iterCount < 0) { # calibrate: estimate ms/iteration print "Calibrating..."; my @t = callJava($method, $pat, -$CALIBRATE); print "done.\n"; my @data = split(/\s+/, $t[0]->[2]); my $timePerIter = 1.0e-3 * $data[0] / $data[2]; # determine iterations/pass $iterCount = int(-$iterCount / $timePerIter + 0.5); out("<P>Calibration pass ($CALIBRATE sec): "); out("$data[0] ms, "); out("$data[2] iterations = "); out(formatSeconds(4, $timePerIter), "/iteration<BR>\n"); } # run passes print "Measuring $iterCount iterations x $NUMPASSES passes..."; my @t = callJava($method, $pat, "$iterCount " x $NUMPASSES); print "done.\n"; my @ms = (); my @b; # scratch for my $a (@t) { # $a->[0]: method name, corresponds to $method # $a->[1]: 'begin' data, == $iterCount # $a->[2]: 'end' data, of the form <ms> <eventsPerIter> # $a->[3...]: gc messages from JVM during pass @b = split(/\s+/, $a->[2]); push(@ms, $b[0]); } my $eventsPerIter = $b[1]; out("Iterations per pass: $iterCount<BR>\n"); out("Events per iteration: $eventsPerIter<BR>\n"); my @ms_str = @ms; $ms_str[0] .= " (discarded)" if (@ms_str > 1); out("Raw times (ms/pass): ", join(", ", @ms_str), "<BR>\n"); ($iterCount, $eventsPerIter, @ms);}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Invoke java to run $TESTCLASS, passing it the given parameters.## @param the method to run# @param the number of iterations, or if negative, the duration# in seconds. If more than on pass is desired, pass in# a string, e.g., "100 100 100".# @param the pattern defining characters to test## @return an array of results. Each result is an array REF# describing one pass. The array REF contains:# ->[0]: The method name as reported# ->[1]: The params on the '= <meth> begin ...' line# ->[2]: The params on the '= <meth> end ...' line# ->[3..]: GC messages from the JVM, if any#sub callJava { my $method = shift; my $pat = shift; my $n = shift; my $fileName = $SOURCEDIR . @$pat[0] ; my $cmd = "c:\\j2sdk1.4.0\\bin\\java -classpath ;classes; $TESTCLASS $method $n -f $fileName -e @$pat[1] -@$pat[2]"; print "[$cmd]\n"; # for debugging open(PIPE, "$cmd|") or die "Can't run \"$cmd\""; my @out; while (<PIPE>) { push(@out, $_); } close(PIPE) or die "Java failed: \"$cmd\""; @out = grep(!/^\#/, @out); # filter out comments #print "[", join("\n", @out), "]\n"; my @results; my $method = ''; my $data = []; foreach (@out) { next unless (/\S/); if (/^=\s*(\w+)\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)/) { my ($m, $state, $d) = ($1, $2, $3); #print "$_ => [[$m $state $data]]\n"; if ($state eq 'begin') { die "$method was begun but not finished" if ($method); $method = $m; push(@$data, $d); push(@$data, ''); # placeholder for end data } elsif ($state eq 'end') { if ($m ne $method) { die "$method end does not match: $_"; } $data->[1] = $d; # insert end data at [1] #print "#$method:", join(";",@$data), "\n"; unshift(@$data, $method); # add method to start push(@results, $data); $method = ''; $data = []; } else { die "Can't parse: $_"; } } elsif (/^\[/) { if ($method) { push(@$data, $_); } else { # ignore extraneous GC notices } } else { die "Can't parse: $_"; } } die "$method was begun but not finished" if ($method); @results;}#|#---------------------------------------------------------------------#|# Format a confidence interval, as given by a Dataset. Output is as#|# as follows:#|# 241.23 - 241.98 => 241.5 +/- 0.3#|# 241.2 - 243.8 => 242 +/- 1#|# 211.0 - 241.0 => 226 +/- 15 or? 230 +/- 20#|# 220.3 - 234.3 => 227 +/- 7#|# 220.3 - 300.3 => 260 +/- 40#|# 220.3 - 1000 => 610 +/- 390 or? 600 +/- 400#|# 0.022 - 0.024 => 0.023 +/- 0.001#|# 0.022 - 0.032 => 0.027 +/- 0.005#|# 0.022 - 1.000 => 0.5 +/- 0.5#|# In other words, take one significant digit of the error value and#|# display the mean to the same precision.#|sub formatDataset {#| my $ds = shift;#| my $lower = $ds->getMean() - $ds->getError();#| my $upper = $ds->getMean() + $ds->getError();#| my $scale = 0;#| # Find how many initial digits are the same#| while ($lower < 1 ||#| int($lower) == int($upper)) {#| $lower *= 10;#| $upper *= 10;#| $scale++;#| }#| while ($lower >= 10 &&#| int($lower) == int($upper)) {#| $lower /= 10;#| $upper /= 10;#| $scale--;#| }#|}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Format a number, optionally with a +/- delta, to n significant# digits.## @param significant digit, a value >= 1# @param multiplier# @param time in seconds to be formatted# @optional delta in seconds## @return string of the form "23" or "23 +/- 10".#sub formatNumber { my $sigdig = shift; my $mult = shift; my $a = shift; my $delta = shift; # may be undef my $result = formatSigDig($sigdig, $a*$mult); if (defined($delta)) { my $d = formatSigDig($sigdig, $delta*$mult); # restrict PRECISION of delta to that of main number if ($result =~ /\.(\d+)/) { # TODO make this work for values with all significant # digits to the left of the decimal, e.g., 1234000. # TODO the other thing wrong with this is that it # isn't rounding the $delta properly. Have to put # this logic into formatSigDig(). my $x = length($1); $d =~ s/\.(\d{$x})\d+/.$1/; } $result .= " $PLUS_MINUS " . $d; } $result;}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Format a time, optionally with a +/- delta, to n significant# digits.## @param significant digit, a value >= 1# @param time in seconds to be formatted# @optional delta in seconds## @return string of the form "23 ms" or "23 +/- 10 ms".#sub formatSeconds { my $sigdig = shift; my $a = shift; my $delta = shift; # may be undef my @MULT = (1 , 1e3, 1e6, 1e9); my @SUFF = ('s' , 'ms', 'us', 'ns'); # Determine our scale my $i = 0; ++$i while ($a*$MULT[$i] < 1 && $i < @MULT); formatNumber($sigdig, $MULT[$i], $a, $delta) . ' ' . $SUFF[$i];}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Format a percentage, optionally with a +/- delta, to n significant# digits.## @param significant digit, a value >= 1# @param value to be formatted, as a fraction, e.g. 0.5 for 50%# @optional delta, as a fraction## @return string of the form "23 %" or "23 +/- 10 %".#sub formatPercent { my $sigdig = shift; my $a = shift; my $delta = shift; # may be undef formatNumber($sigdig, 100, $a, $delta) . ' %';}#---------------------------------------------------------------------# Format a number to n significant digits without using exponential# notation.## @param significant digit, a value >= 1# @param number to be formatted## @return string of the form "1234" "12.34" or "0.001234". If# number was negative, prefixed by '-'.#sub formatSigDig { my $n = shift() - 1; my $a = shift; local $_ = sprintf("%.${n}e", $a); my $sign = (s/^-//) ? '-' : ''; my $a_e; my $result; if (/^(\d)\.(\d+)e([-+]\d+)$/) { my ($d, $dn, $e) = ($1, $2, $3); $a_e = $e; $d .= $dn; $e++; $d .= '0' while ($e > length($d)); while ($e < 1) { $e++; $d = '0' . $d; } if ($e == length($d)) { $result = $sign . $d; } else { $result = $sign . substr($d, 0, $e) . '.' . substr($d, $e); } } else { die "Can't parse $_"; } $result;}#eof