blob: aa86d55fb74d5e7ebadc6855af623077c2c9a4df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/text/,v $
* $Date: 2002/06/20 01:21:18 $
* $Revision: 1.11 $
import java.util.*;
* A transliterator that performs locale-sensitive toLower()
* case mapping.
class LowercaseTransliterator extends Transliterator{
* Package accessible ID.
static final String _ID = "Any-Lower";
// TODO: Add variants for tr, az, lt, default = default locale
* System registration hook.
static void register() {
Transliterator.registerFactory(_ID, new Transliterator.Factory() {
public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
return new LowercaseTransliterator(Locale.US);
Transliterator.registerSpecialInverse("Lower", "Upper", true);
private Locale loc;
* Constructs a transliterator.
public LowercaseTransliterator(Locale loc) {
super(_ID, null);
this.loc = loc;
* Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
Position offsets, boolean isIncremental) {
int textPos = offsets.start;
if (textPos >= offsets.limit) return;
// get string for context
// TODO: add convenience method to do this, since we do it all over
UnicodeCharacterIterator original = new UnicodeCharacterIterator(text);
// Walk through original string
// If there is a case change, modify corresponding position in replaceable
int limit = offsets.limit;
int cp;
int oldLen;
while (textPos < limit) {
cp = original.currentCodePoint();
oldLen = UTF16.getCharCount(cp);
int newLen = m_charppty_.toLowerCase(loc, cp, original, buffer);
if (newLen >= 0) {
text.replace(textPos, textPos + oldLen, buffer, 0, newLen);
if (newLen != oldLen) {
textPos += newLen;
offsets.limit += newLen - oldLen;
offsets.contextLimit += newLen - oldLen;
textPos += oldLen;
offsets.start = offsets.limit;
private char buffer[] = new char[UCharacterProperty.MAX_CASE_MAP_SIZE];
* Character properties data base
private static final UCharacterProperty m_charppty_ =