blob: b30e0a33fa3cbdf59150caf2b1829a36dd67ac0d [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.text.ParseException;
* @test
* @summary Round trip test of Transliterator
public class ReplaceableTest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ReplaceableTest().run(args);
public void Test() throws IOException, ParseException {
check("Lower", "ABCD", "1234", "");
check("Upper", "abcd\u00DF", "123455", ""); // must map 00DF to SS
check("Title", "aBCD", "1234", "");
check("NFC", "A\u0300E\u0300", "1234", "13");
check("NFD", "\u00C0\u00C8", "12", "1122");
void check(String transliteratorName, String test, String styles, String shouldProduceStyles) {
if (shouldProduceStyles.length() == 0) shouldProduceStyles = styles;
TestReplaceable tr = new TestReplaceable(test, styles);
String original = tr.toString();
Transliterator t = Transliterator.getInstance(transliteratorName);
String newStyles = tr.getStyles();
if (!newStyles.equals(shouldProduceStyles)) {
errln("FAIL Styles: " + transliteratorName + "("
+ original + " => " + tr.toString() + "; should be {" + shouldProduceStyles + "}!");
} else {
logln("OK: " + transliteratorName + "(" + original + ") => " + tr.toString());
* This is a test class that simulates styled text.
* It associates a style number (0..65536) with each character,
* and maintains that style in the normal fashion:
* When setting text from raw string or characters,<br>
* Set the styles to the style of the first character replaced.<br>
* If no characters are replaced, use the style of the previous character.<br>
* If at start, use the following character<br>
* Otherwise use defaultStyle.
static class TestReplaceable implements Replaceable {
ReplaceableString chars;
ReplaceableString styles;
char defaultStyle = '_';
TestReplaceable (String text, String styles) {
chars = new ReplaceableString(text);
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
if (i < styles.length()) {
} else {
s.append((char) (i + 'A'));
this.styles = new ReplaceableString(s.toString());
public String getStyles() {
return styles.toString();
public String toString() {
return chars.toString() + "{" + styles.toString() + "}";
public String substring(int start, int limit) {
return chars.substring(start, limit);
public int length() {
return chars.length();
public char charAt(int offset) {
return chars.charAt(offset);
public void getChars(int srcStart, int srcLimit, char dst[], int dstStart) {
chars.getChars(srcStart, srcLimit, dst, dstStart);
public void replace(int start, int limit, String text) {
if (substring(start,limit).equals(text)) return; // NO ACTION!
chars.replace(start, limit, text);
fixStyles(start, limit, text.length());
public void replace(int start, int limit, char[] chars,
int charsStart, int charsLen) {
if (substring(start,limit).equals(new String(chars, charsStart, charsLen-charsStart))) return; // NO ACTION!
this.chars.replace(start, limit, chars, charsStart, charsLen);
fixStyles(start, limit, charsLen-charsStart);
void fixStyles(int start, int limit, int newLen) {
char newStyle = defaultStyle;
if (start != limit) {
newStyle = styles.charAt(start);
} else if (start > 0) {
newStyle = styles.charAt(start-1);
} else if (limit < styles.length() - 1) {
newStyle = styles.charAt(limit+1);
// dumb implementation for now.
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < newLen; ++i) {
styles.replace(start, limit, s.toString());
public void copy(int start, int limit, int dest) {
chars.copy(start, limit, dest);
styles.copy(start, limit, dest);