blob: e1acfe2928252d3d10e1b366253c6140ea56a247 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/text/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2001/03/23 19:51:38 $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* Internal reader class reading binary data from unames.dat created by ICU
* programs gennames.
* It arranges the header and index data apart into meaningful data before
* populating <a href=UCharacterNameDB.html>UCharacterNameDB</a>. UGenNameReader
* does not have or require the ability to decipher the rest of the data in
* unames.dat and hence stores it as a block of data in an array of char in
* <a href=UCharacterNameDB.html>UCharacterNameDB</a>. The ability to decipher
* the block of data lies in <a href=UCharacterName.html>UCharacterName</a>.
* For more information about the format of unames.dat refer to
* <a>
* ReadMe</a>.<br>
* unames.dat which is in big-endian format is jared together with this package.
* @author Syn Wee Quek
* @since oct1000
final class UGenNameReader extends UGenReader
// private variables ===========================================
* Size of the group information block in number of char
private static final int GROUP_INFO_SIZE_ = 3;
* Index of the offset information
private int m_tokenstringindex_;
private int m_groupindex_;
private int m_groupstringindex_;
private int m_algnamesindex_;
* Size of an algorithmic name information group
* start code point size + end code point size + type size + variant size +
* size of data size
private static final int ALG_INFO_SIZE_ = 12;
* File format version and id that this class understands.
* No guarantees are made if a older version is used
private static final byte DATA_FORMAT_VERSION_[] =
{(byte)0x1, (byte)0x0, (byte)0x0, (byte)0x0};
private static final byte DATA_FORMAT_ID_[] = {(byte)0x75, (byte)0x6E,
(byte)0x61, (byte)0x6D};
* Corrupted error string
private static final String CORRUPTED_DATA_ERROR_ =
"Data corrupted in character name data file";
// constructor ==================================================
* Constructor
protected UGenNameReader()
// protected methods ============================================
* Read and break up the stream of data passed in as arguments
* and fills up UCharacterNameDB.
* If unsuccessful false will be returned.
* @param input data input stream
* @param data instance of datablock
* @exception thrown when there's a data error.
protected void read(DataInputStream input, UCharacterNameDB data)
throws IOException
if (!(, data) && readIndex(input) &&
readToken(input, data) && readGroup(input, data) &&
readAlg(input, data))) {
throw new IOException(CORRUPTED_DATA_ERROR_);
* Checking the file for the correct format
* @param dataformatid
* @param dataformatversion
* @return true if the file format version is correct
protected boolean authenticate(byte dataformatid[],
byte dataformatversion[])
int size = DATA_FORMAT_ID_.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {
if (DATA_FORMAT_ID_[i] != dataformatid[i]) {
return false;
size = DATA_FORMAT_VERSION_.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {
if (DATA_FORMAT_VERSION_[i] != dataformatversion[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the size of the file id version
* @return size of file format version in bytes
protected int getFileFormatIDSize()
return DATA_FORMAT_ID_.length;
* Gets the size of the file format version
* @return size of file format version in bytes
protected int getFileFormatVersionSize()
return DATA_FORMAT_VERSION_.length;
// private methods =========================================
* Read the indexes
* @param input data stream
* @return true if successfully read
* @exception thrown when data reading fails
private boolean readIndex(DataInputStream input) throws IOException
m_tokenstringindex_ = input.readInt();
m_groupindex_ = input.readInt();
m_groupstringindex_ = input.readInt();
m_algnamesindex_ = input.readInt();
return true;
* Read the tokens
* @param input data stream
* @param data instance of UCharacterName to populate
* @return true if successfully read
* @exception thrown when data reading fails
private boolean readToken(DataInputStream input, UCharacterNameDB data)
throws IOException
char count = input.readChar();
char token[] = new char[count];
for (char i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
token[i] = input.readChar();
int size = m_groupindex_ - m_tokenstringindex_;
byte tokenstr[] = new byte[size];
return data.setToken(token, tokenstr);
* Read the groups
* @param input data stream
* @param data instance of UCharacterName to populate
* @return true if successfully read
* @exception thrown when data reading fails
private boolean readGroup(DataInputStream input, UCharacterNameDB data)
throws IOException
// reading the group information records
int count = input.readChar();
data.setGroupCountSize(count, GROUP_INFO_SIZE_);
count *= GROUP_INFO_SIZE_;
char group[] = new char[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
group[i] = input.readChar();
int size = m_algnamesindex_ - m_groupstringindex_;
byte groupstring[] = new byte[size];
return data.setGroup(group, groupstring);
* Read the algorithmic names
* @param input data stream
* @param data instance of UCharacterName to populate
* @return true if successfully read
* @exception thrown when data reading fails
private boolean readAlg(DataInputStream input, UCharacterNameDB data)
throws IOException
int count = input.readInt();
UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName alg[] =
new UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName an = readAlg(input);
if (an == null) {
return false;
alg[i] = an;
return true;
* Reads an individual record of AlgorithmNames
* @param input stream
* @return an instance of AlgorithNames if read is successful otherwise null
* @exception thrown when file read error occurs or data is corrupted
private UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName readAlg(DataInputStream input)
throws IOException
UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName result =
new UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName();
int rangestart = input.readInt();
int rangeend = input.readInt();
byte type = input.readByte();
byte variant = input.readByte();
if (!result.setInfo(rangestart, rangeend, type, variant)) {
return null;
int size = input.readChar();
if (type == UCharacterNameDB.AlgorithmName.TYPE_1_)
char factor[] = new char[variant];
for (int j = 0; j < variant; j ++) {
factor[j] = input.readChar();
size -= (variant << 1);
StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer();
char c = (char)(input.readByte() & 0x00FF);
while (c != 0)
c = (char)(input.readByte() & 0x00FF);
size -= (ALG_INFO_SIZE_ + prefix.length() + 1);
if (size > 0)
byte string[] = new byte[size];
return result;