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* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/test/translit/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2001/03/30 22:56:47 $
* $Revision: 1.28 $
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
* @test
* @summary General test of Transliterator
public class TransliteratorTest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new TransliteratorTest().run(args);
public void TestInstantiation() {
long ms = System.currentTimeMillis();
String ID;
for (Enumeration e = Transliterator.getAvailableIDs(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
ID = (String) e.nextElement();
try {
Transliterator t = Transliterator.getInstance(ID);
// We should get a new instance if we try again
Transliterator t2 = Transliterator.getInstance(ID);
if (t != t2) {
logln(ID + ":" + t);
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + ID + " returned identical instances");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
errln("FAIL: " + ID);
throw ex;
// Now test the failure path
try {
ID = "<Not a valid Transliterator ID>";
Transliterator t = Transliterator.getInstance(ID);
errln("FAIL: " + ID + " returned " + t);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
logln("OK: Bogus ID handled properly");
ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms;
logln("Elapsed time: " + ms + " ms");
public void TestDisplayName() {
String ID;
for (Enumeration e = Transliterator.getAvailableIDs(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
ID = (String) e.nextElement();
logln(ID + " -> " + Transliterator.getDisplayName(ID));
public void TestSimpleRules() {
/* Example: rules 1. ab>x|y
* 2. yc>z
* []|eabcd start - no match, copy e to tranlated buffer
* [e]|abcd match rule 1 - copy output & adjust cursor
* [ex|y]cd match rule 2 - copy output & adjust cursor
* [exz]|d no match, copy d to transliterated buffer
* [exzd]| done
expect("ab>x|y;" +
"eabcd", "exzd");
/* Another set of rules:
* 1. ab>x|yzacw
* 2. za>q
* 3. qc>r
* 4. cw>n
* []|ab Rule 1
* [x|yzacw] No match
* [xy|zacw] Rule 2
* [xyq|cw] Rule 4
* [xyqn]| Done
expect("ab>x|yzacw;" +
"za>q;" +
"qc>r;" +
"ab", "xyqn");
/* Test categories
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>",
"$dummy=\uE100;" +
"$vowel=[aeiouAEIOU];" +
"$lu=[:Lu:];" +
"$vowel } $lu > '!';" +
"$vowel > '&';" +
"'!' { $lu > '^';" +
"$lu > '*';" +
expect(t, "abcdefgABCDEFGU", "&bcd&fg!^**!^*&");
* Test undefined variable.
public void TestUndefinedVariable() {
String rule = "$initial } a <> \u1161;";
try {
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", rule);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logln("OK: Got exception for " + rule + ", as expected: " +
errln("Fail: bogus rule " + rule + " compiled without error");
* Test empty context.
public void TestEmptyContext() {
expect(" { a } > b;", "xay a ", "xby b ");
* Test inline set syntax and set variable syntax.
public void TestInlineSet() {
expect("{ [:Ll:] } x > y; [:Ll:] > z;", "aAbxq", "zAyzz");
expect("a[0-9]b > qrs", "1a7b9", "1qrs9");
expect("$digit = [0-9];" +
"$alpha = [a-zA-Z];" +
"$alphanumeric = [$digit $alpha];" + // ***
"$special = [^$alphanumeric];" + // ***
"$alphanumeric > '-';" +
"$special > '*';",
"thx-1138", "---*----");
* Create some inverses and confirm that they work. We have to be
* careful how we do this, since the inverses will not be true
* inverses -- we can't throw any random string at the composition
* of the transliterators and expect the identity function. F x
* F' != I. However, if we are careful about the input, we will
* get the expected results.
public void TestRuleBasedInverse() {
String RULES =
"abc>zyx;" +
"ab>yz;" +
"bc>zx;" +
"ca>xy;" +
"a>x;" +
"b>y;" +
"c>z;" +
"abc<zyx;" +
"ab<yz;" +
"bc<zx;" +
"ca<xy;" +
"a<x;" +
"b<y;" +
"c<z;" +
String[] DATA = {
// Careful here -- random strings will not work. If we keep
// the left side to the domain and the right side to the range
// we will be okay though (left, abc; right xyz).
"a", "x",
"abcacab", "zyxxxyy",
"caccb", "xyzzy",
Transliterator fwd = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", RULES);
Transliterator rev = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", RULES,
RuleBasedTransliterator.REVERSE, null);
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
expect(fwd, DATA[i], DATA[i+1]);
expect(rev, DATA[i+1], DATA[i]);
* Basic test of keyboard.
public void TestKeyboard() {
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>",
String DATA[] = {
// insertion, buffer
"a", "A",
"p", "Ap",
"s", "Aps",
"c", "Apsc",
"a", "AycA",
"psch", "AycAY",
null, "AycAY", // null means finishKeyboardTransliteration
keyboardAux(t, DATA);
* Basic test of keyboard with cursor.
public void TestKeyboard2() {
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>",
String DATA[] = {
// insertion, buffer
"a", "A",
"p", "Ap",
"s", "Ay",
"c", "Ayc",
"a", "AycA",
"p", "AycAp",
"s", "AycAy",
"c", "AycAyc",
"h", "AycAY",
null, "AycAY", // null means finishKeyboardTransliteration
keyboardAux(t, DATA);
* Test keyboard transliteration with back-replacement.
public void TestKeyboard3() {
// We want th>z but t>y. Furthermore, during keyboard
// transliteration we want t>y then yh>z if t, then h are
// typed.
String RULES =
"t>|y;" +
"yh>z;" +
String[] DATA = {
// Column 1: characters to add to buffer (as if typed)
// Column 2: expected appearance of buffer after
// keyboard xliteration.
"a", "a",
"b", "ab",
"t", "aby",
"c", "abyc",
"t", "abycy",
"h", "abycz",
null, "abycz", // null means finishKeyboardTransliteration
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", RULES);
keyboardAux(t, DATA);
private void keyboardAux(Transliterator t, String[] DATA) {
Transliterator.Position index = new Transliterator.Position();
ReplaceableString s = new ReplaceableString();
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
StringBuffer log;
if (DATA[i] != null) {
log = new StringBuffer(s.toString() + " + "
+ DATA[i]
+ " -> ");
t.transliterate(s, index, DATA[i]);
} else {
log = new StringBuffer(s.toString() + " => ");
t.finishTransliteration(s, index);
String str = s.toString();
// Show the start index '{' and the cursor '|'
log.append(str.substring(0, index.contextStart)).
if (str.equals(DATA[i+1])) {
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + log.toString() + ", expected " + DATA[i+1]);
public void TestArabic() {
String DATA[] = {
"\u062a\u062a\u0645\u062a\u0639 "+
"\u0627\u0644\u0644\u063a\u0629 "+
"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u0628\u064a\u0629 "+
"\u0628\u0628\u0646\u0638\u0645 "+
"\u0643\u062a\u0627\u0628\u0628\u064a\u0629 "+
Transliterator t = Transliterator.getInstance("Latin-Arabic");
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
expect(t, DATA[i], DATA[i+1]);
* Compose the Kana transliterator forward and reverse and try
* some strings that should come out unchanged.
public void TestCompoundKana() {
Transliterator t = new CompoundTransliterator("Latin-Kana;Kana-Latin");
expect(t, "aaaaa", "aaaaa");
* Compose the hex transliterators forward and reverse.
public void TestCompoundHex() {
Transliterator a = Transliterator.getInstance("Unicode-Hex");
Transliterator b = Transliterator.getInstance("Hex-Unicode");
Transliterator[] trans = { a, b };
Transliterator ab = new CompoundTransliterator(trans);
// Do some basic tests of b
expect(b, "\\u0030\\u0031", "01");
String s = "abcde";
expect(ab, s, s);
trans = new Transliterator[] { b, a };
Transliterator ba = new CompoundTransliterator(trans);
ReplaceableString str = new ReplaceableString(s);
expect(ba, str.toString(), str.toString());
* Do some basic tests of filtering.
public void TestFiltering() {
Transliterator hex = Transliterator.getInstance("Unicode-Hex");
hex.setFilter(new UnicodeFilter() {
public boolean contains(char c) {
return c != 'c';
String s = "abcde";
String out = hex.transliterate(s);
String exp = "\\u0061\\u0062c\\u0064\\u0065";
if (out.equals(exp)) {
logln("Ok: \"" + exp + "\"");
} else {
logln("FAIL: \"" + out + "\", wanted \"" + exp + "\"");
* Test anchors
public void TestAnchors() {
expect("^ab > 01 ;" +
" ab > |8 ;" +
" b > k ;" +
" 8x$ > 45 ;" +
" 8x > 77 ;",
expect("$s = [z$] ;" +
"$s{ab > 01 ;" +
" ab > |8 ;" +
" b > k ;" +
" 8x}$s > 45 ;" +
" 8x > 77 ;",
* Test pattern quoting and escape mechanisms.
public void TestPatternQuoting() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = {
"\u4E01>'[male adult]'", "\u4E01", "[male adult]",
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
logln("Pattern: " + Utility.escape(DATA[i]));
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", DATA[i]);
expect(t, DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2]);
* Regression test for bugs found in Greek transliteration.
public void TestJ277() {
Transliterator gl = Transliterator.getInstance("Greek-Latin");
char sigma = (char)0x3C3;
char upsilon = (char)0x3C5;
char nu = (char)0x3BD;
char PHI = (char)0x3A6;
char alpha = (char)0x3B1;
char omega = (char)0x3C9;
char omicron = (char)0x3BF;
char epsilon = (char)0x3B5;
// sigma upsilon nu -> syn
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String syn = buf.toString();
expect(gl, syn, "syn");
// sigma alpha upsilon nu -> saun
String sayn = buf.toString();
expect(gl, sayn, "saun");
// Again, using a smaller rule set
String rules =
"$alpha = \u03B1;" +
"$nu = \u03BD;" +
"$sigma = \u03C3;" +
"$ypsilon = \u03C5;" +
"$vowel = [aeiouAEIOU$alpha$ypsilon];" +
"s <> $sigma;" +
"a <> $alpha;" +
"u <> $vowel { $ypsilon;" +
"y <> $ypsilon;" +
"n <> $nu;";
RuleBasedTransliterator mini = new RuleBasedTransliterator
("mini", rules, Transliterator.REVERSE, null);
expect(mini, syn, "syn");
expect(mini, sayn, "saun");
//| // Transliterate the Greek locale data
//| Locale el("el");
//| DateFormatSymbols syms(el, status);
//| if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("FAIL: Transliterator constructor failed"); return; }
//| int32_t i, count;
//| const UnicodeString* data = syms.getMonths(count);
//| for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
//| if (data[i].length() == 0) {
//| continue;
//| }
//| UnicodeString out(data[i]);
//| gl->transliterate(out);
//| bool_t ok = TRUE;
//| if (data[i].length() >= 2 && out.length() >= 2 &&
//| u_isupper(data[i].charAt(0)) && u_islower(data[i].charAt(1))) {
//| if (!(u_isupper(out.charAt(0)) && u_islower(out.charAt(1)))) {
//| ok = FALSE;
//| }
//| }
//| if (ok) {
//| logln(prettify(data[i] + " -> " + out));
//| } else {
//| errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + prettify(data[i] + " -> " + out));
//| }
//| }
* Prefix, suffix support in hex transliterators
public void TestJ243() {
// Test default Hex-Unicode, which should handle
// \\u, \\U, u+, and U+
HexToUnicodeTransliterator hex = new HexToUnicodeTransliterator();
expect(hex, "\\u0041+\\U0042,u+0043uu+0044z", "A+B,CuDz");
// Try a custom Hex-Unicode
// \\uXXXX and &#xXXXX;
HexToUnicodeTransliterator hex2 = new HexToUnicodeTransliterator("\\\\u###0;&\\#x###0\\;");
expect(hex2, "\\u61\\u062\\u0063\\u00645\\u66x&#x30;&#x031;&#x0032;&#x00033;",
// Try custom Unicode-Hex (default is tested elsewhere)
UnicodeToHexTransliterator hex3 = new UnicodeToHexTransliterator("&\\#x###0;");
expect(hex3, "012", "&#x30;&#x31;&#x32;");
* Test segments and segment references.
public void TestSegments() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = {
"([a-z]) '.' ([0-9]) > $2 '-' $1",
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
logln("Pattern: " + Utility.escape(DATA[i]));
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", DATA[i]);
expect(t, DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2]);
* Test cursor positioning outside of the key
public void TestCursorOffset() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = {
"pre {alpha} post > | @ ALPHA ;" +
"eALPHA > beta ;" +
"pre {beta} post > BETA @@ | ;" +
"post > xyz",
"prealphapost prebetapost",
"prbetaxyz preBETApost",
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
logln("Pattern: " + Utility.escape(DATA[i]));
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", DATA[i]);
expect(t, DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2]);
* Test zero length and > 1 char length variable values. Test
* use of variable refs in UnicodeSets.
public void TestArbitraryVariableValues() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = {
"$abe = ab;" +
"$pat = x[yY]z;" +
"$ll = 'a-z';" +
"$llZ = [$ll];" +
"$llY = [$ll$pat];" +
"$emp = ;" +
"$abe > ABE;" +
"$pat > END;" +
"$llZ > 1;" +
"$llY > 2;" +
"7$emp 8 > 9;" +
"ab xYzxyz stY78",
"ABE ENDEND 1129",
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
logln("Pattern: " + Utility.escape(DATA[i]));
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", DATA[i]);
expect(t, DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2]);
* Confirm that the contextStart, contextLimit, start, and limit
* behave correctly.
public void TestPositionHandling() {
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is <rules>, <input>, <expected output>
String[] DATA = {
"a{t} > SS ; {t}b > UU ; {t} > TT ;",
"xtat txtb", // pos 0,9,0,9
"xTTaSS TTxUUb",
"a{t} > SS ; {t}b > UU ; {t} > TT ;",
"xtat txtb", // pos 2,9,3,8
"xtaSS TTxUUb",
"a{t} > SS ; {t}b > UU ; {t} > TT ;",
"xtat txtb", // pos 3,8,3,8
"xtaTT TTxTTb",
// Array of 4n positions -- these go with the DATA array
// They are: contextStart, contextLimit, start, limit
int[] POS = {
0, 9, 0, 9,
2, 9, 3, 8,
3, 8, 3, 8,
int n = DATA.length/3;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Transliterator t = new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", DATA[3*i]);
Transliterator.Position pos = new Transliterator.Position(
POS[4*i], POS[4*i+1], POS[4*i+2], POS[4*i+3]);
ReplaceableString rsource = new ReplaceableString(DATA[3*i+1]);
t.transliterate(rsource, pos);
t.finishTransliteration(rsource, pos);
String result = rsource.toString();
String exp = DATA[3*i+2];
DATA[3*i+1] + " -> " + result,
* Test the Hiragana-Katakana transliterator.
public void TestHiraganaKatakana() {
Transliterator hk = Transliterator.getInstance("Hiragana-Katakana");
Transliterator kh = Transliterator.getInstance("Katakana-Hiragana");
// Array of 3n items
// Each item is "hk"|"kh"|"both", <Hiragana>, <Katakana>
String[] DATA = {
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
switch (DATA[i].charAt(0)) {
case 'h': // Hiragana-Katakana
expect(hk, DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2]);
case 'k': // Katakana-Hiragana
expect(kh, DATA[i+2], DATA[i+1]);
case 'b': // both
expect(hk, DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2]);
expect(kh, DATA[i+2], DATA[i+1]);
* Test inter-Indic transliterators. These are composed.
public void TestInterIndic() {
String ID = "Devanagari-Gujarati";
Transliterator dg = Transliterator.getInstance(ID);
if (dg == null) {
errln("FAIL: getInstance(" + ID + ") returned null");
String id = dg.getID();
if (!id.equals(ID)) {
errln("FAIL: getInstance(" + ID + ").getID() => " + id);
String dev = "\u0901\u090B\u0925";
String guj = "\u0A81\u0A8B\u0AA5";
expect(dg, dev, guj);
* Test filter syntax in IDs.
public void TestFilterIDs() {
String ID = "Unicode-Hex[aeiou]";
expect(Transliterator.getInstance(ID), "quizzical",
ID = "Unicode-Hex[aeiou];Hex-Unicode[^5]";
expect(Transliterator.getInstance(ID), "quizzical",
// Support methods
void expect(String rules, String source, String expectedResult) {
expect(new RuleBasedTransliterator("<ID>", rules), source, expectedResult);
void expect(Transliterator t, String source, String expectedResult,
Transliterator reverseTransliterator) {
expect(t, source, expectedResult);
if (reverseTransliterator != null) {
expect(reverseTransliterator, expectedResult, source);
void expect(Transliterator t, String source, String expectedResult) {
String result = t.transliterate(source);
expectAux(t.getID() + ":String", source, result, expectedResult);
ReplaceableString rsource = new ReplaceableString(source);
result = rsource.toString();
expectAux(t.getID() + ":Replaceable", source, result, expectedResult);
// Test keyboard (incremental) transliteration -- this result
// must be the same after we finalize (see below).
rsource.replace(0, rsource.length(), "");
Transliterator.Position index = new Transliterator.Position();
StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<source.length(); ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
log.append(" + ");
log.append(source.charAt(i)).append(" -> ");
t.transliterate(rsource, index,
// Append the string buffer with a vertical bar '|' where
// the committed index is.
String s = rsource.toString();
log.append(s.substring(0, index.start)).
// As a final step in keyboard transliteration, we must call
// transliterate to finish off any pending partial matches that
// were waiting for more input.
t.finishTransliteration(rsource, index);
result = rsource.toString();
log.append(" => ").append(rsource.toString());
expectAux(t.getID() + ":Keyboard", log.toString(),
void expectAux(String tag, String source,
String result, String expectedResult) {
expectAux(tag, source + " -> " + result,
void expectAux(String tag, String summary, boolean pass,
String expectedResult) {
if (pass) {
logln("("+tag+") " + Utility.escape(summary));
} else {
errln("FAIL: ("+tag+") "
+ Utility.escape(summary)
+ ", expected " + Utility.escape(expectedResult));