blob: 3dbe19cb371f72a579647beae872748f6a3e1269 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2007. All Rights Reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
* of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
* special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
* IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
* will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
import java.util.Random;
public final class TestParagraphStyles extends TestFmwk {
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999 - All Rights Reserved";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new TestParagraphStyles().run(args);
private static final int RAND_SEED = 1234;
private static final int NUM_TESTS = 2500;
private static final boolean isParagraphBreak(char c) {
return c =='\u2029' || c == '\n';
private static final Object KEY = "KEY";
private static final AttributeMap PLAIN = AttributeMap.EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAP;
private static final AttributeMap A_STYLE = new AttributeMap(KEY, new Character('a'));
private static final StyleModifier A_MOD =
private static final AttributeMap B_STYLE = new AttributeMap(KEY, new Character('b'));
private static final StyleModifier B_MOD =
private static final AttributeMap C_STYLE = new AttributeMap(KEY, new Character('c'));
private static final StyleModifier C_MOD =
private static final AttributeMap D_STYLE = new AttributeMap(KEY, new Character('d'));
private static final StyleModifier D_MOD =
private static final AttributeMap E_STYLE = new AttributeMap(KEY, new Character('e'));
private static final StyleModifier E_MOD =
public void test() {
private void easyTests() {
MText text = new StyledText("a\nb\nc\nd\n", PLAIN);
text.modifyParagraphStyles(0, text.length(), A_MOD);
MText src = new StyledText("XXX\nYYY", PLAIN);
src.modifyParagraphStyles(0, src.length(), B_MOD);
MText temp = text.extractWritable(0, text.length());
for (int i=0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if (!temp.paragraphStyleAt(i).equals(text.paragraphStyleAt(i))) {
errln("Paragraph styles are wrong");
for (int i=0; i < src.length(); i++) {
if (!temp.paragraphStyleAt(i+text.length()).equals(src.paragraphStyleAt(i))) {
errln("Paragraph styles are wrong");
temp = text.extractWritable(0, text.length());
temp.replace(0, 1, src, 0, src.length());
if (temp.paragraphLimit(0) != 4) {
errln("Paragraph limit is wrong");
if (!temp.paragraphStyleAt(0).equals(B_STYLE)) {
errln("First style is wrong");
if (!temp.paragraphStyleAt(4).equals(A_STYLE)) {
errln("Style after insert is wrong");
// test append
MConstText newSrc = src.extract(4, 7);
MText initC = new StyledText("cccccc", PLAIN);
initC.modifyParagraphStyles(0, initC.length(), C_MOD);
// now initC should be one paragraph with style B
if (initC.paragraphLimit(0) != initC.length()) {
errln("Should only be one paragraph");
if (initC.paragraphStyleAt(0) != initC.paragraphStyleAt(initC.length())) {
errln("Two different paragraph styles");
if (!initC.paragraphStyleAt(initC.length()/2).equals(B_STYLE)) {
errln("Incorrect paragraph style");
text = new StyledText("aaa\n", PLAIN);
text.modifyParagraphStyles(0, text.length(), A_MOD);
text.modifyParagraphStyles(text.length(), text.length(), B_MOD);
if (text.paragraphStyleAt(text.length()) != B_STYLE) {
errln("0-length paragraph at end has incorrect style");
private static int randInt(Random rand, int limit) {
return randInt(rand, 0, limit);
private static int randInt(Random rand, int start, int limit) {
if (start > limit) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Range is 0-length.");
else if (start == limit) {
return start;
return start + (Math.abs(rand.nextInt())%(limit-start)) ;
private void randomTest() {
MText noParagraph = new StyledText("zzzz", PLAIN);
noParagraph.modifyParagraphStyles(0, noParagraph.length(), A_MOD);
MText twoParagraphs = new StyledText("aaa\nbbb", PLAIN);
twoParagraphs.modifyParagraphStyles(0, twoParagraphs.paragraphLimit(0), B_MOD);
MText threeParagraphs = new StyledText("cc\ndd\nee", PLAIN);
threeParagraphs.modifyParagraphStyles(0, 3, C_MOD);
threeParagraphs.modifyParagraphStyles(3, 6, D_MOD);
threeParagraphs.modifyParagraphStyles(6, 8, E_MOD);
MText trailingP1 = new StyledText("hhhh\n", PLAIN);
trailingP1.modifyParagraphStyles(0, trailingP1.paragraphLimit(0), C_MOD);
MText trailingP2 = new StyledText("iii\n", PLAIN);
trailingP2.modifyParagraphStyles(0, 0, D_MOD);
trailingP2.modifyParagraphStyles(trailingP2.length(), trailingP2.length(), B_MOD);
if (!trailingP2.paragraphStyleAt(trailingP2.length()-1).equals(D_STYLE)) {
errln("Style incorrect in trailingP2");
if (!trailingP2.paragraphStyleAt(trailingP2.length()).equals(B_STYLE)) {
errln("Ending style incorrect in trailingP2");
MConstText[] tests = { noParagraph, twoParagraphs,
threeParagraphs, trailingP1, trailingP2 };
Random random = new Random(RAND_SEED);
int stopAt = 465;
int i = 0;
try {
for (i=0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++) {
int srcIndex = randInt(random, tests.length);
int targetIndex = randInt(random, tests.length);
MText target = new StyledText(tests[targetIndex]);
MConstText src = tests[srcIndex];
int srcStart = randInt(random, src.length());
int srcLimit = randInt(random, srcStart, src.length());
int start = randInt(random, target.length());
int limit = randInt(random, start, target.length());
if (i == stopAt) {
stopAt = i;
insertAndCheck(src, srcStart, srcLimit, target, start, limit);
finally {
if (i < NUM_TESTS) {
logln("iteration=" + i);
private void insertAndCheck(MConstText src, int srcStart, int srcLimit,
MText target, int start, int limit) {
// p-style after insertion
AttributeMap after;
if (limit == target.length() && srcLimit > srcStart) {
after = src.paragraphStyleAt(srcLimit);
else {
after = target.paragraphStyleAt(limit);
AttributeMap before;
boolean srcHasPBreak = false;
for (int i=srcStart; i < srcLimit; i++) {
if (isParagraphBreak( {
srcHasPBreak = true;
if (start > 0 && isParagraphBreak( {
before = target.paragraphStyleAt(start-1);
else {
before = srcHasPBreak? src.paragraphStyleAt(srcStart) : after;
boolean stylePropogated = !before.equals(target.paragraphStyleAt(Math.max(0, start-1)));
target.replace(start, limit, src, srcStart, srcLimit);
final int damageLimit = (start==limit && srcStart==srcLimit)?
Integer.MIN_VALUE : start + (srcLimit-srcStart);
if (target.damagedRangeLimit() != damageLimit) {
logln("limit: " + damageLimit + "; target.limit: " +
errln("Damaged range limit is incorrect");
final int damageStart = (damageLimit==Integer.MIN_VALUE)? Integer.MAX_VALUE :
(stylePropogated? target.paragraphStart(Math.max(0, start-1)) : start);
if (target.damagedRangeStart() > damageStart) {
logln("start: " + damageStart + "; target.start: " +
errln("Damaged range start is incorrect");
// check endpoints
if (!before.equals(target.paragraphStyleAt(Math.max(start-1, 0)))) {
errln("Incorrect paragraph style before modified range");
int lengthDelta = (srcLimit-srcStart) - (limit-start);
int indexAfterInsert = Math.min(target.length(), limit + lengthDelta);
if (!after.equals(target.paragraphStyleAt(indexAfterInsert))) {
errln("Incorrect paragraph style after modified range");
if (srcHasPBreak) {
int startP = target.paragraphLimit(start);
int limitOfTest = target.paragraphStart(indexAfterInsert);
int offset = start - srcStart;
while (startP < limitOfTest) {
int limitP = target.paragraphLimit(startP);
if (src.paragraphLimit(startP-offset) + offset != limitP) {
errln("paragraph limits are not consistent");
if (!src.paragraphStyleAt(startP-offset)
.equals(target.paragraphStyleAt(startP))) {
errln("paragraph styles are not consistent");
startP = limitP;
else {
for (int i=start; i < start+(srcLimit-srcStart); i++) {
if (!after.equals(target.paragraphStyleAt(i))) {
errln("paragraph style changed unexpectedly");
private void verifyParagraphCount(MConstText text) {
int pCount = 0;
int textLength = text.length();
if (textLength == 0) {
pCount = 1;
else {
for (int s=0; s < textLength; s = text.paragraphLimit(s)) {
if (isParagraphBreak( {
int sepCount = 0;
for (int i=0; i < textLength; i++) {
if (isParagraphBreak( {
if (sepCount + 1 != pCount) {
logln("sepCount=" + sepCount + "; pCount=" + pCount);
errln("Paragraph count is not consistent with characters");
// private void checkEndpoint(MConstText text) {
// boolean emptyFinalParagraph;
// int length = text.length();
// if (length != 0) {
// char ch =;
// emptyFinalParagraph = isParagraphBreak(ch);
// }
// else {
// emptyFinalParagraph = true;
// }
// if ((text.paragraphStart(length) == length) != emptyFinalParagraph) {
// errln("Final paragraph length is incorrect");
// }
// }