blob: fc4da41c371f39b23a8d87448f3f39007448403f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class ResourceBundlePerf extends PerfTest {
private UResourceBundle icuRes = null;
private ResourceBundle javaRes = null;
public static void main(String[] org_args) throws Exception {
new ResourceBundlePerf().run(org_args);
protected void setup(String[] args) {
icuRes = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata", "testtypes");
javaRes = ICULocaleData.getResourceBundle("","TestDataElements","testtypes");
PerfTest.Function TestResourceBundleConstructionJava() {
return new PerfTest.Function() {
public void call() {
PerfTest.Function TestResourceBundleConstructionICU() {
return new PerfTest.Function() {
public void call() {
UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata", "testtypes");
PerfTest.Function TestEmptyArrayJava() {
return new PerfTest.Function(){
public void call(){
String[] s = javaRes.getStringArray("emptyarray");
if (s.length != 0) throw new Error ("not zero");
PerfTest.Function TestEmptyArrayICU() {
return new PerfTest.Function(){
public void call(){
String[] s = icuRes.getStringArray("emptyarray");
if (s.length != 0) throw new Error ("not zero");
class GetStringJava extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
String expected;
GetStringJava(String key, String expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
String s = javaRes.getString(key);
if (!s.equals(expected)) throw new Error("not equal");
class GetStringIcu extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
String expected;
GetStringIcu(String key, String expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
String s = icuRes.getString(key);
if (!s.equals(expected)) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestZeroTestJava(){
return new GetStringJava("zerotest", "abc\u0000def");
PerfTest.Function TestZeroTestICU(){
return new GetStringIcu("zerotest", "abc\u0000def");
PerfTest.Function TestEmptyExplicitStringJava(){
return new GetStringJava("emptyexplicitstring", "");
PerfTest.Function TestEmptyExplicitStringICU(){
return new GetStringIcu("emptyexplicitstring", "");
PerfTest.Function TestEmptyStringJava(){
return new GetStringJava("emptystring", "");
PerfTest.Function TestEmptyStringICU(){
return new GetStringIcu("emptystring", "");
class GetIntJava extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
int expected;
GetIntJava(String key, int expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
Integer t = (Integer) javaRes.getObject(key);
if (t.intValue() != expected) throw new Error("not equal");
class GetIntIcu extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
int expected;
GetIntIcu(String key, int expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
UResourceBundle temp = icuRes.get(key);
int t = temp.getInt();
if (t != expected) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestGet123Java(){
return new GetIntJava("onehundredtwentythree", 123);
PerfTest.Function TestGet123ICU(){
return new GetIntIcu("onehundredtwentythree", 123);
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyIntJava(){
return new GetIntJava("emptyint", 0);
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyIntICU(){
return new GetIntIcu("emptyint", 0);
PerfTest.Function TestGetOneJava(){
return new GetIntJava("one", 1);
PerfTest.Function TestGetOneICU(){
return new GetIntIcu("one", 1);
PerfTest.Function TestGetMinusOneJava(){
return new GetIntJava("minusone", -1);
PerfTest.Function TestGetMinusOneICU(){
return new GetIntIcu("minusone", -1);
PerfTest.Function TestGetPlusOneJava(){
return new GetIntJava("plusone", 1);
PerfTest.Function TestGetPlusOneICU(){
return new GetIntIcu("plusone", 1);
PerfTest.Function TestGetMinusOneUintJava(){ // TODO: no equivalence?
return new PerfTest.Function(){
public void call(){
Integer t = (Integer) javaRes.getObject("minusone");
if (t.intValue() != -1 ) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestGetMinusOneUintICU(){
return new PerfTest.Function(){
public void call(){
UResourceBundle sub = icuRes.get("minusone");
int t = sub.getUInt();
if (t != 0xFFFFFFF) throw new Error("not equal");
class GetIvJava extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
int[] expected;
GetIvJava(String key, int[] expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
Integer[] iv = (Integer[]) javaRes.getObject(key);
for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++){
if (expected[i] != iv[i].intValue()) throw new Error("not equal");
class GetIvIcu extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
int[] expected;
GetIvIcu(String key, int[] expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
UResourceBundle temp = icuRes.get(key);
int[] iv = temp.getIntVector();
for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++){
if (expected[i] != iv[i]) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestGetIntegerArrayJava(){
return new GetIvJava("integerarray", new int[]{1,2,3,-3,4,5,6,7});
PerfTest.Function TestGetIntegerArrayICU(){
return new GetIvIcu("integerarray", new int[]{1,2,3,-3,4,5,6,7});
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyIntegerArrayJava(){
return new GetIvJava("emptyintv", new int[0]);
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyIntegerArrayICU(){
return new GetIvIcu("emptyintv", new int[0]);
class GetBinaryIcu extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
int expected_len;
GetBinaryIcu(String key, int expected_len) {
this.key = key;
this.expected_len = expected_len;
public void call() {
UResourceBundle temp = icuRes.get(key);
ByteBuffer got = temp.getBinary();
if(got.remaining() != expected_len) throw new Error("not the expected len");
for(int i=0; i< got.remaining(); i++){
byte b = got.get();
if (i != b) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestGetBinaryTestICU(){
return new GetBinaryIcu("binarytest", 15);
PerfTest.Function TestGetBinaryTestJava(){
return new PerfTest.Function(){
public void call(){
byte[] t = (byte[]) javaRes.getObject("binarytest");
if (t.length!=15 ) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyBinaryICU(){
return new GetBinaryIcu("emptybin", 0);
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyBinaryJava(){
return new PerfTest.Function(){
public void call(){
byte[] t = (byte[]) javaRes.getObject("emptybin");
if (t.length!=0 ) throw new Error("not equal");
class GetMenuJava extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
String[] expected;
GetMenuJava(String key, String[] expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
int p = 0;
Object[][] menus = (Object[][]) javaRes.getObject(key);
int sizei = menus.length;
for (int i=0; i<sizei; i++){
String menu_name = (String) menus[i][0];
Object[][] menu_items = (Object[][]) menus[i][1];
if (!expected[p++].equals(menu_name)) throw new Error("not equal");
int sizej = menu_items.length;
for (int j=0; j< sizej; j++){
String itemKey = (String) menu_items[j][0];
String value = (String) menu_items[j][1];
if(!expected[p++].equals(itemKey)) throw new Error("not equal");
if(!expected[p++].equals(value)) throw new Error("not equal");
class GetMenuIcu extends PerfTest.Function {
String key;
String[] expected;
GetMenuIcu(String key, String[] expected) {
this.key = key;
this.expected = expected;
public void call() {
int p = 0;
UResourceBundle menus = icuRes.get(key);
int sizei = menus.getSize();
for (int i=0; i<sizei; i++){
UResourceBundle menu = menus.get(i);
String menu_name = menu.getKey();
if (!expected[p++].equals(menu_name)) throw new Error("not equal");
int sizej = menu.getSize();
for (int j=0; j< sizej; j++){
UResourceBundle menu_item = menu.get(j);
String itemKey = menu_item.getKey();
String value = menu_item.getString();
if(!expected[p++].equals(itemKey)) throw new Error("not equal");
if(!expected[p++].equals(value)) throw new Error("not equal");
PerfTest.Function TestGetMenuJava(){
String[] expected = new String[]{"file", "exit", "Exit", "open", "Open", "save", "Save"};
return new GetMenuJava("menu", expected);
PerfTest.Function TestGetMenuICU(){
String[] expected = new String[]{"file", "exit", "Exit", "open", "Open", "save", "Save"};
return new GetMenuIcu("menu", expected);
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyMenuJava(){
return new GetMenuJava("emptytable", new String[]{});
PerfTest.Function TestGetEmptyMenuICU(){
return new GetMenuIcu("emptytable", new String[]{});