blob: 8927d74b54bfe12e5abef9820498792c7dc154f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Regression test for Bidi class override.
* @author Lina Kemmel, Matitiahu Allouche
public class TestBidi extends BidiTest {
private static final int MAXLEN = 256;
private static final String levelString = "............................";
public void testBidi() {
Bidi bidi;
Bidi bidiLine;
logln("\nEntering TestBidi");
bidi = new Bidi(MAXLEN, 0);
bidiLine = new Bidi();
doTests(bidi, bidiLine, false);
doTests(bidi, bidiLine, true);
logln("\nExiting TestBidi");
private void doTests(Bidi bidi, Bidi bidiLine, boolean countRunsFirst) {
int testNumber;
String string;
int lineStart;
byte paraLevel;
int bidiTestCount = TestData.testCount();
for (testNumber = 0; testNumber < bidiTestCount; ++testNumber) {
TestData test = TestData.getTestData(testNumber);
string = getStringFromDirProps(test.dirProps);
paraLevel = test.paraLevel;
try {
bidi.setPara(string, paraLevel, null);
logln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "] OK, direction "
+ bidi.getDirection() + " paraLevel "
+ paraLevel);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "] failed, direction "
+ bidi.getDirection() + " paraLevel "
+ paraLevel);
lineStart = test.lineStart;
if (lineStart == -1) {
doTest(bidi, testNumber, test, 0, countRunsFirst);
} else {
try {
bidiLine = bidi.setLine(lineStart, test.lineLimit);
logln("Bidi.setLine(" + lineStart + ", " + test.lineLimit
+ "), in tests[" + testNumber + "] OK, direction "
+ bidiLine.getDirection() + " paraLevel "
+ bidiLine.getBaseLevel());
doTest(bidiLine, testNumber, test, lineStart, countRunsFirst);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Bidi.setLine(" + lineStart + ", " + test.lineLimit
+ "), in runAll test[" + testNumber + "] failed");
private void doTest(Bidi bidi, int testNumber, TestData test,
int lineStart, boolean countRunsFirst) {
short[] dirProps = test.dirProps;
byte[] levels = test.levels;
int[] visualMap = test.visualMap;
int i, len = bidi.getLength(), logicalIndex = -1, runCount = 0;
byte level, level2;
if (countRunsFirst) {
logln("Calling Bidi.countRuns() first.");
try {
runCount = bidi.countRuns();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
errln("Bidi.countRuns(test[" + testNumber + "]) failed");
} else {
logln("Calling Bidi.getLogicalMap() first.");
_testReordering(bidi, testNumber);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
logln(i + " " + bidi.getLevelAt(i) + " " + levelString
+ TestData.dirPropNames[dirProps[lineStart + i]] + " "
+ bidi.getVisualIndex(i));
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
log(" " + bidi.getLevelAt(i));
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
log(" " + bidi.getVisualIndex(i));
assertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getDirection(test[" + testNumber + "])",
test.direction, bidi.getDirection());
assertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getParaLevel(test[" + testNumber + "])",
test.resultLevel, bidi.getParaLevel());
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
assertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getLevelAt(" + i +
") in test[" + testNumber + "]",
levels[i], bidi.getLevelAt(i));
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
try {
logicalIndex = bidi.getVisualIndex(i);
} catch (Throwable th) {
errln("Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") in test[" + testNumber
+ "] failed");
if(visualMap[i] != logicalIndex) {
assertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i +
") in test[" + testNumber + "])",
visualMap[i], logicalIndex);
if (!countRunsFirst) {
try {
runCount = bidi.countRuns();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
errln("Bidi.countRuns(test[" + testNumber + "]) failed");
BidiRun run;
for (logicalIndex = 0; logicalIndex < len; ) {
level = bidi.getLevelAt(logicalIndex);
run = bidi.getLogicalRun(logicalIndex);
logicalIndex = run.getLimit();
level2 = run.getEmbeddingLevel();
if (level != level2) {
assertEquals("Logical run ending at index " + logicalIndex +
" in test[" + testNumber + "]: wrong level",
level, level2);
if (--runCount < 0) {
errln("Bidi.getLogicalRun(test[" + testNumber +
"]): wrong number of runs compared to " +
if (runCount != 0) {
errln("Bidi.getLogicalRun(test[" + testNumber
+ "]): wrong number of runs compared to Bidi.countRuns() = "
+ bidi.countRuns());
private void _testReordering(Bidi bidi, int testNumber) {
int[] logicalMap1;
int[] logicalMap2;
int[] logicalMap3;
int[] visualMap1;
int[] visualMap2;
int[] visualMap3;
int[] visualMap4 = new int[MAXLEN];
byte[] levels;
int i, length = bidi.getLength(),
destLength = bidi.getResultLength();
int runCount, visualIndex, logicalIndex = -1, logicalStart, runLength;
boolean odd;
if(length <= 0) {
/* get the logical and visual maps from the object */
logicalMap1 = bidi.getLogicalMap();
if (logicalMap1 == null) {
errln("getLogicalMap in test " + testNumber + " is null");
logicalMap1 = new int[0];
visualMap1 = bidi.getVisualMap();
if (visualMap1 == null) {
errln("getVisualMap() in test " + testNumber + " is null");
visualMap1 = new int[0];
/* invert them both */
visualMap2 = Bidi.invertMap(logicalMap1);
logicalMap2 = Bidi.invertMap(visualMap1);
/* get them from the levels array, too */
levels = bidi.getLevels();
if (levels == null || levels.length != length) {
errln("getLevels() in test " + testNumber + " failed");
logicalMap3 = Bidi.reorderLogical(levels);
visualMap3 = Bidi.reorderVisual(levels);
/* get the visual map from the runs, too */
try {
runCount = bidi.countRuns();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
errln("countRuns() in test " + testNumber + " failed");
runCount = 0;
logln("\n---- " + runCount + " runs");
visualIndex = 0;
BidiRun run;
for (i = 0; i < runCount; ++i) {
run = bidi.getVisualRun(i);
if (run == null) {
errln("null visual run encountered at index " + i +
", in test " + testNumber);
odd = run.isOddRun();
logicalStart = run.getStart();
runLength = run.getLength();
log("(" + (run.isOddRun() ? "R" : "L"));
log(" @" + run.getStart() + '[' + run.getLength() + "])\n");
if (!odd) {
do { /* LTR */
visualMap4[visualIndex++] = logicalStart++;
} while (--runLength > 0);
} else {
logicalStart += runLength; /* logicalLimit */
do { /* RTL */
visualMap4[visualIndex++] = --logicalStart;
} while (--runLength > 0);
/* print all the maps */
logln("logical maps:");
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
log(logicalMap1[i] + " ");
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
log(logicalMap2[i] + " ");
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
log(logicalMap3[i] + " ");
log("\nvisual maps:\n");
for (i = 0; i < destLength; ++i) {
log(visualMap1[i] + " ");
for (i = 0; i < destLength; ++i) {
log(visualMap2[i] + " ");
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
log(visualMap3[i] + " ");
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
log(visualMap4[i] + " ");
/* check that the indexes are the same between these and Bidi.getLogical/VisualIndex() */
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (logicalMap1[i] != logicalMap2[i]) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i +
"] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (logicalMap2[" + i +
"] == " + logicalMap2[i] + ")");
if (logicalMap1[i] != logicalMap3[i]) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i +
"] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (logicalMap3[" + i +
"] == " + logicalMap3[i] + ")");
if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap2[i]) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap2[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap2[i] + ")");
if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap3[i]) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap3[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap3[i] + ")");
if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap4[i]) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap4[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap4[i] + ")");
try {
visualIndex = bidi.getVisualIndex(i);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") failed in tests[" +
testNumber + "]");
if (logicalMap1[i] != visualIndex) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i +
"] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i +
") == " + visualIndex + ")");
try {
logicalIndex = bidi.getLogicalIndex(i);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Bidi.getLogicalIndex(" + i + ") failed in tests[" +
testNumber + "]");
if (visualMap1[i] != logicalIndex) {
errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i +
"] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (Bidi.getLogicalIndex(" + i +
") == " + logicalIndex + ")");
private String getStringFromDirProps(short[] dirProps) {
int i;
if (dirProps == null) {
return null;
int length = dirProps.length;
char[] buffer = new char[length];
/* this part would have to be modified for UTF-x */
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
buffer[i] = charFromDirProp[dirProps[i]];
return new String(buffer);
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new TestBidi().run(args);
catch (Exception e) {