blob: e748a3f2f2b36ddda2bcb22c32ee18caaf08f87a [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
public class TransliterationRule$Latin$Greek extends ListResourceBundle {
* Overrides ListResourceBundle
public Object[][] getContents() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "Rule", ""
// ==============================================
// Modern Greek Transliteration Rules
// This transliterates modern Greek characters, but using rules
// that are traditional for Ancient Greek, and
// thus more resemble Greek words that have become part
// of English. It differs from the official Greek
// transliteration, which is more phonetic (since
// most modern Greek vowels, for example, have
// degenerated simply to sound like "ee").
// There are only a few tricky parts.
// 1. eta and omega don't map directly to Latin vowels,
// so we use a macron on e and o, and some
// other combinations if they are accented.
// 2. The accented, diaeresis i and y are substituted too.
// 3. Some letters use digraphs, like "ph". While typical,
// they need some special handling.
// 4. A gamma before a gamma or a few other letters is
// transliterated as an "n", as in "Anglo"
// 5. An ypsilon after a vowel is a "u", as in
// "Mouseio". Otherwise it is a "y" as in "Physikon"
// 6. The construction of the rules is made simpler by making sure
// that most rules for lowercase letters exactly correspond to the
// rules for uppercase letters, *except* for the case of the letters
// in the rule itself. That way, after modifying the uppercase rules,
// you can just copy, paste, and "set to lowercase" to get
// the rules for lowercase letters!
// ==============================================
// ==============================================
// Variables, used to make the rules more comprehensible
// and for conditionals.
// ==============================================
// Latin Letters
+ "E-MACRON=\u0112;"
+ "e-macron=\u0113;"
+ "O-MACRON=\u014C;"
+ "o-macron=\u014D;"
+ "Y-UMLAUT=\u0178;"
+ "y-umlaut=\u00FF;"
// with real accents.
+ "E-MACRON-ACUTE=\u0112\u0301;"
+ "e-macron-acute=\u0113\u0301;"
+ "O-MACRON-ACUTE=\u014C\u0301;"
+ "o-macron-acute=\u014D\u0301;"
+ "y-umlaut-acute=\u00FF\u0301;"
+ "\u00ef-acute=\u00ef\u0301;"
+ "\u00fc-acute=\u00fc\u0301;"
// single letter equivalents
+ "e-macron-acute=\u00EA;"
+ "O-MACRON-ACUTE=\u00D4;"
+ "o-macron-acute=\u00F4;"
+ "y-umlaut-acute=\u0177;"
+ "\u00ef-acute=\u00EE;"
+ "\u00fc-acute=\u00FB;"
// Greek Letters
+ "ALPHA=\u0391;"
+ "BETA=\u0392;"
+ "GAMMA=\u0393;"
+ "DELTA=\u0394;"
+ "EPSILON=\u0395;"
+ "ZETA=\u0396;"
+ "ETA=\u0397;"
+ "THETA=\u0398;"
+ "IOTA=\u0399;"
+ "KAPPA=\u039A;"
+ "LAMBDA=\u039B;"
+ "MU=\u039C;"
+ "NU=\u039D;"
+ "XI=\u039E;"
+ "OMICRON=\u039F;"
+ "PI=\u03A0;"
+ "RHO=\u03A1;"
+ "SIGMA=\u03A3;"
+ "TAU=\u03A4;"
+ "YPSILON=\u03A5;"
+ "PHI=\u03A6;"
+ "CHI=\u03A7;"
+ "PSI=\u03A8;"
+ "OMEGA=\u03A9;"
+ "ALPHA+=\u0386;"
+ "EPSILON+=\u0388;"
+ "ETA+=\u0389;"
+ "IOTA+=\u038A;"
+ "OMICRON+=\u038C;"
+ "YPSILON+=\u038E;"
+ "OMEGA+=\u038F;"
+ "IOTA\u00a8=\u03AA;"
+ "YPSILON\u00a8=\u03AB;"
+ "alpha=\u03B1;"
+ "beta=\u03B2;"
+ "gamma=\u03B3;"
+ "delta=\u03B4;"
+ "epsilon=\u03B5;"
+ "zeta=\u03B6;"
+ "eta=\u03B7;"
+ "theta=\u03B8;"
+ "iota=\u03B9;"
+ "kappa=\u03BA;"
+ "lambda=\u03BB;"
+ "mu=\u03BC;"
+ "nu=\u03BD;"
+ "xi=\u03BE;"
+ "omicron=\u03BF;"
+ "pi=\u03C0;"
+ "rho=\u03C1;"
+ "sigma=\u03C3;"
+ "tau=\u03C4;"
+ "ypsilon=\u03C5;"
+ "phi=\u03C6;"
+ "chi=\u03C7;"
+ "psi=\u03C8;"
+ "omega=\u03C9;"
+ "alpha+=\u03AC;"
+ "epsilon+=\u03AD;"
+ "eta+=\u03AE;"
+ "iota+=\u03AF;"
+ "omicron+=\u03CC;"
+ "ypsilon+=\u03CD;"
+ "omega+=\u03CE;"
+ "iota\u00a8=\u03CA;"
+ "ypsilon\u00a8=\u03CB;"
+ "iota\u00a8+=\u0390;"
+ "ypsilon\u00a8+=\u03B0;"
+ "sigma+=\u03C2;"
// Variables for conditional mappings
// Use lowercase for all variable names, to allow cut/paste below.
+ "letter=[[:Lu:][:Ll:]];"
+ "lower=[[:Ll:]];"
+ "vowel=[aeiouAEIOU"
+ "{IOTA\u00a8}{YPSILON\u00a8}"
+ "{alpha}{epsilon}{eta}{iota}{omicron}{ypsilon}{omega}"
+ "{alpha+}{epsilon+}{eta+}{iota+}{omicron+}{ypsilon+}{omega+}"
+ "{iota\u00a8}{ypsilon\u00a8}"
+ "{iota\u00a8+}{ypsilon\u00a8+}"
+ "];"
+ "n-gamma=[GKXCgkxc];"
+ "gamma-n=[{GAMMA}{KAPPA}{CHI}{XI}{gamma}{kappa}{chi}{xi}];"
+ "pp=[Pp];"
// ==============================================
// Rules
// ==============================================
// The following are special titlecases, and should
// not be copied when duplicating the lowercase
// ==============================================
+ "Th<{THETA}({lower};"
+ "Ph<{PHI}({lower};"
+ "Ch<{CHI}({lower};"
//masked: + "Ps<{PHI}({lower};"
// Because there is no uppercase forms for final sigma,
// we had to move all the sigma rules up here.
// insert ' to preserve round trip, for double letters
// don't need to do this for the digraphs with h,
// since it is not created when mapping back from greek
+ "''S<{pp}){SIGMA};" // for PS
+ "''s<{pp}){sigma};" // for ps
+ "''s<{pp}){sigma+};" // for ps
+ "S({letter}>{SIGMA};" + "S<{SIGMA};"
+ "s({letter}>{sigma};" + "s<{sigma};"
+ "s<>{sigma+};"
// because there are no uppercase forms, had to move these up too.
+ "i\"`>{iota\u00a8+};"
+ "y\"`>{ypsilon\u00a8+};"
+ "{\u00ef-acute}<>{iota\u00a8+};"
+ "{vowel}){\u00fc-acute}>{ypsilon\u00a8+};" + "{\u00fc-acute}<{vowel}){ypsilon\u00a8+};"
+ "{y-umlaut-acute}<>{ypsilon\u00a8+};"
// ==============================================
// Uppercase Forms.
// To make lowercase forms, just copy and lowercase below
// ==============================================
// Typing variants, in case the keyboard doesn't have accents
+ "A`>{ALPHA+};"
+ "E`>{EPSILON+};"
+ "EE`>{ETA+};"
+ "EE>{ETA};"
+ "I`>{IOTA+};"
+ "O`>{OMICRON+};"
+ "OO`>{OMEGA+};"
+ "OO>{OMEGA};"
+ "I\">{IOTA\u00a8};"
+ "Y\">{YPSILON\u00a8};"
// Basic Letters
+ "A<>{ALPHA};"
+ "\u00c1<>{ALPHA+};"
+ "B<>{BETA};"
+ "N){n-gamma}>{GAMMA};" + "N<{GAMMA}({gamma-n};"
+ "G<>{GAMMA};"
+ "D<>{DELTA};"
+ "E<>{EPSILON};"
+ "\u00c9<>{EPSILON+};"
+ "Z<>{ZETA};"
+ "{E-MACRON}<>{ETA};"
+ "TH<>{THETA};"
+ "I<>{IOTA};"
+ "\u00cd<>{IOTA+};"
+ "\u00cf<>{IOTA\u00a8};"
+ "K<>{KAPPA};"
+ "L<>{LAMBDA};"
+ "M<>{MU};"
+ "N<>{NU};"
+ "X<>{XI};"
+ "O<>{OMICRON};"
+ "\u00d3>{OMICRON+};" + "\u00d3<{OMEGA+};"
+ "PH<>{PHI};" // needs ordering before P
+ "PS<>{PSI};" // needs ordering before P
+ "P<>{PI};"
+ "R<>{RHO};"
+ "T<>{TAU};"
+ "{vowel})U>{YPSILON};" + "U<{vowel}){YPSILON};"
+ "{vowel})\u00da>{YPSILON+};" + "\u00da<{vowel}){YPSILON+};"
+ "{vowel})\u00dc>{YPSILON\u00a8};" + "\u00dc<{vowel}){YPSILON\u00a8};"
+ "Y<>{YPSILON};"
+ "\u00dd<>{YPSILON+};"
+ "{Y-UMLAUT}<>{YPSILON\u00a8};"
+ "CH<>{CHI};"
+ "{O-MACRON}<>{OMEGA};"
// Extra English Letters. Mapped for completeness
+ "C(I>{SIGMA};"
+ "C(E>{SIGMA};"
+ "C(Y>{SIGMA};"
+ "C>{KAPPA};"
+ "F>{PHI};"
+ "H>{CHI};"
+ "J>{IOTA};"
+ "Q>{KAPPA};"
+ "V>{YPSILON};"
+ "W>{YPSILON};"
// ==============================================
// Lowercase Forms. Just copy above and lowercase
// ==============================================
// typing variants, in case the keyboard doesn't have accents
+ "a`>{alpha+};"
+ "e`>{epsilon+};"
+ "ee`>{eta+};"
+ "ee>{eta};"
+ "i`>{iota+};"
+ "o`>{omicron+};"
+ "oo`>{omega+};"
+ "oo>{omega};"
+ "i\">{iota\u00a8};"
+ "y\">{ypsilon\u00a8};"
// basic letters
+ "a<>{alpha};"
+ "\u00e1<>{alpha+};"
+ "b<>{beta};"
+ "n){n-gamma}>{gamma};" + "n<{gamma}({gamma-n};"
+ "g<>{gamma};"
+ "d<>{delta};"
+ "e<>{epsilon};"
+ "\u00e9<>{epsilon+};"
+ "z<>{zeta};"
+ "{e-macron-acute}<>{eta+};"
+ "{e-macron}<>{eta};"
+ "th<>{theta};"
+ "i<>{iota};"
+ "\u00ed<>{iota+};"
+ "\u00ef<>{iota\u00a8};"
+ "k<>{kappa};"
+ "l<>{lambda};"
+ "m<>{mu};"
+ "n<>{nu};"
+ "x<>{xi};"
+ "o<>{omicron};"
+ "\u00f3>{omicron+};" + "\u00f3<{omega+};"
+ "ph<>{phi};" // needs ordering before p
+ "ps<>{psi};" // needs ordering before p
+ "p<>{pi};"
+ "r<>{rho};"
+ "t<>{tau};"
+ "{vowel})u>{ypsilon};" + "u<{vowel}){ypsilon};"
+ "{vowel})\u00fa>{ypsilon+};" + "\u00fa<{vowel}){ypsilon+};"
+ "{vowel})\u00fc>{ypsilon\u00a8};" + "\u00fc<{vowel}){ypsilon\u00a8};"
+ "y<>{ypsilon};"
+ "\u00fd<>{ypsilon+};"
+ "{y-umlaut}<>{ypsilon\u00a8};"
+ "ch<>{chi};"
+ "{o-macron-acute}>{omega+};" + "{o-macron-acute}<{omicron+};"
+ "{o-macron}<>{omega};"
// extra english letters. mapped for completeness
+ "c(i>{sigma};"
+ "c(e>{sigma};"
+ "c(y>{sigma};"
+ "c>{kappa};"
+ "f>{phi};"
+ "h>{chi};"
+ "j>{iota};"
+ "q>{kappa};"
+ "v>{ypsilon};"
+ "w>{ypsilon};"
// ====================================
// Normal final rule: remove '
// ====================================
+ "''>;"