blob: 8532d4ad55a7dff1a358a66f37600b8e5d59918c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Google, Inc.; International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Test the LanguageMatcher.
* @author markdavis
public class LocaleMatcherTest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new LocaleMatcherTest().run(args);
public void testChinese() {
LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw");
ULocale taiwanChinese = new ULocale("zh_TW");
ULocale chinaChinese = new ULocale("zh_CN");
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", taiwanChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant_TW"));
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", taiwanChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant"));
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", taiwanChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh_TW"));
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", chinaChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hans_CN"));
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", chinaChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh_CN"));
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", chinaChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh"));
assertEquals("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw;", taiwanChinese, matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant_HK"));
public void testenGB() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, en, en_GB, es_MX, es_419, es");
assertEquals("en_GB", matcher.getBestMatch("en_NZ").toString());
assertEquals("es", matcher.getBestMatch("es_ES").toString());
assertEquals("es_419", matcher.getBestMatch("es_AR").toString());
assertEquals("es_MX", matcher.getBestMatch("es_MX").toString());
public void testFallbacks() {
LocalePriorityList lpl = LocalePriorityList.add("en, hi").build();
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(lpl, null, 0.09);
assertEquals("hi", matcher.getBestMatch("sa").toString());
public void testOverrideData() {
double threshold = 0.05;
LanguageMatcherData localeMatcherData = new LanguageMatcherData()
.addDistance("br", "fr", 10, true)
.addDistance("es", "cy", 10, true)
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(
.build(), localeMatcherData , threshold);
assertEquals(ULocale.FRENCH, matcher.getBestMatch(new ULocale("br")));
assertEquals(ULocale.ENGLISH, matcher.getBestMatch(new ULocale("es"))); // one way
public void testBasics() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(LocalePriorityList.add(ULocale.FRENCH).add(ULocale.UK)
assertEquals(ULocale.UK, matcher.getBestMatch(ULocale.UK));
assertEquals(ULocale.ENGLISH, matcher.getBestMatch(ULocale.US));
assertEquals(ULocale.FRENCH, matcher.getBestMatch(ULocale.FRANCE));
assertEquals(ULocale.FRENCH, matcher.getBestMatch(ULocale.JAPAN));
public void testFallback() {
// check that script fallbacks are handled right
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("zh_CN, zh_TW, iw");
assertEquals(new ULocale("zh_TW"), matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant"));
assertEquals(new ULocale("zh_CN"), matcher.getBestMatch("zh"));
assertEquals(new ULocale("zh_CN"), matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hans_CN"));
assertEquals(new ULocale("zh_TW"), matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant_HK"));
assertEquals(new ULocale("he"), matcher.getBestMatch("iw_IT"));
public void testSpecials() {
// check that nearby languages are handled
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("en, fil, ro, nn");
assertEquals(new ULocale("fil"), matcher.getBestMatch("tl"));
assertEquals(new ULocale("ro"), matcher.getBestMatch("mo"));
assertEquals(new ULocale("nn"), matcher.getBestMatch("nb"));
// make sure default works
assertEquals(new ULocale("en"), matcher.getBestMatch("ja"));
public void testRegionalSpecials() {
// verify that en_AU is closer to en_GB than to en (which is en_US)
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("en, en_GB, es, es_419");
assertEquals("en_AU in {en, en_GB, es, es_419}", new ULocale("en_GB"), matcher.getBestMatch("en_AU"));
assertEquals("es_MX in {en, en_GB, es, es_419}", new ULocale("es_419"), matcher.getBestMatch("es_MX"));
assertEquals("es_ES in {en, en_GB, es, es_419}", new ULocale("es"), matcher.getBestMatch("es_ES"));
public void TestLocaleMatcherCoverage() {
// Add tests for better code coverage
LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(LocalePriorityList.add(null, 0).build(), null);
LanguageMatcherData data = new LanguageMatcherData();
LanguageMatcherData clone = data.cloneAsThawed();
if (clone.equals(data)) {
errln("Error cloneAsThawed() is equal.");
if (data.isFrozen()) {
errln("Error LanguageMatcherData is frozen!");
private void assertEquals(Object expected, Object string) {
assertEquals("", expected, string);
private void assertNull(Object bestMatch) {
assertNull("", bestMatch);
public void testEmpty() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("");
static final ULocale ENGLISH_CANADA = new ULocale("en_CA");
public void testMatch_exact() {
public void testMatch_none() {
double match = LocaleMatcher.match(
new ULocale("ar_MK"),
assertTrue("Actual < 0: " + match, 0 <= match);
assertTrue("Actual > 0.15 (~ language + script distance): " + match, 0.2 > match);
public void testMatch_matchOnMazimized() {
ULocale undTw = new ULocale("und_TW");
ULocale zhHant = new ULocale("zh_Hant");
double matchZh = LocaleMatcher.match(undTw, new ULocale("zh"));
double matchZhHant = LocaleMatcher.match(undTw, zhHant);
assertTrue("und_TW should be closer to zh_Hant (" + matchZhHant +
") than to zh (" + matchZh + ")",
matchZh < matchZhHant);
double matchEnHantTw = LocaleMatcher.match(new ULocale("en_Hant_TW"),
assertTrue("zh_Hant should be closer to und_TW (" + matchZhHant +
") than to en_Hant_TW (" + matchEnHantTw + ")",
matchEnHantTw < matchZhHant);
assertTrue("zh should be closer to und_TW (" + matchZh +
") than to en_Hant_TW (" + matchEnHantTw + ")",
matchEnHantTw < matchZh);
public void testMatchGrandfatheredCode() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, i_klingon, en_Latn_US");
assertEquals("en_Latn_US", matcher.getBestMatch("en_GB_oed").toString());
//assertEquals("tlh", matcher.getBestMatch("i_klingon").toString());
public void testGetBestMatchForList_exactMatch() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, en_GB, ja, es_ES, es_MX");
assertEquals("ja", matcher.getBestMatch("ja, de").toString());
public void testGetBestMatchForList_simpleVariantMatch() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, en_GB, ja, es_ES, es_MX");
// Intentionally avoiding a perfect_match or two candidates for variant matches.
assertEquals("en_GB", matcher.getBestMatch("de, en_US").toString());
// Fall back.
assertEquals("fr", matcher.getBestMatch("de, zh").toString());
public void testGetBestMatchForList_matchOnMaximized() {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("en, ja");
//final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, en, ja, es_ES, es_MX");
// Check that if the preference is maximized already, it works as well.
assertEquals("Match for ja_Jpan_JP (maximized already)",
"ja", matcher.getBestMatch("ja_Jpan_JP, en-AU").toString());
if (true) return;
// ja_JP matches ja on likely subtags, and it's listed first, thus it wins over
// thus it wins over the second preference en_GB.
assertEquals("Match for ja_JP, with likely region subtag",
"ja", matcher.getBestMatch("ja_JP, en_US").toString());
// Check that if the preference is maximized already, it works as well.
assertEquals("Match for ja_Jpan_JP (maximized already)",
"ja", matcher.getBestMatch("ja_Jpan_JP, en_US").toString());
public void testGetBestMatchForList_noMatchOnMaximized() {
// Regression test for http://b/5714572 .
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("en, de, fr, ja");
// de maximizes to de_DE. Pick the exact match for the secondary language instead.
assertEquals("fr", matcher.getBestMatch("de_CH, fr").toString());
public void testBestMatchForTraditionalChinese() {
// Scenario: An application that only supports Simplified Chinese (and some other languages),
// but does not support Traditional Chinese. zh_Hans_CN could be replaced with zh_CN, zh, or
// zh_Hans, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, zh_Hans_CN, en_US");
// The script distance (simplified vs. traditional Han) is considered small enough
// to be an acceptable match. The regional difference is considered almost insignificant.
assertEquals("zh_Hans_CN", matcher.getBestMatch("zh_TW").toString());
assertEquals("zh_Hans_CN", matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant").toString());
// For geo_political reasons, you might want to avoid a zh_Hant -> zh_Hans match.
// In this case, if zh_TW, zh_HK or a tag starting with zh_Hant is requested, you can
// change your call to getBestMatch to include a 2nd language preference.
// "en" is a better match since its distance to "en_US" is closer than the distance
// from "zh_TW" to "zh_CN" (script distance).
assertEquals("en_US", matcher.getBestMatch("zh_TW, en").toString());
assertEquals("en_US", matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hant_CN, en").toString());
assertEquals("zh_Hans_CN", matcher.getBestMatch("zh_Hans, en").toString());
public void testUndefined() {
// When the undefined language doesn't match anything in the list, getBestMatch returns
// the default, as usual.
LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("it,fr");
assertEquals("it", matcher.getBestMatch("und").toString());
// When it *does* occur in the list, BestMatch returns it, as expected.
matcher = new LocaleMatcher("it,und");
assertEquals("und", matcher.getBestMatch("und").toString());
// The unusual part:
// max("und") = "en_Latn_US", and since matching is based on maximized tags, the undefined
// language would normally match English. But that would produce the counterintuitive results
// that getBestMatch("und", LocaleMatcher("it,en")) would be "en", and
// getBestMatch("en", LocaleMatcher("it,und")) would be "und".
// To avoid that, we change the matcher's definitions of max (AddLikelySubtagsWithDefaults)
// so that max("und")="und". That produces the following, more desirable results:
matcher = new LocaleMatcher("it,en");
assertEquals("it", matcher.getBestMatch("und").toString());
matcher = new LocaleMatcher("it,und");
assertEquals("it", matcher.getBestMatch("en").toString());
// public void testGetBestMatch_emptyList() {
// final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(
// new LocalePriorityList(new HashMap()));
// assertNull(matcher.getBestMatch(ULocale.ENGLISH));
// }
public void testGetBestMatch_googlePseudoLocales() {
// Google pseudo locales are primarily based on variant subtags.
// See http://sites/intl_eng/pseudo_locales.
// (See below for the region code based fall back options.)
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(
"fr, pt");
assertEquals("fr", matcher.getBestMatch("de").toString());
assertEquals("fr", matcher.getBestMatch("en_US").toString());
assertEquals("fr", matcher.getBestMatch("en").toString());
assertEquals("pt", matcher.getBestMatch("pt_BR").toString());
public void testGetBestMatch_regionDistance() {
LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("es_AR, es");
assertEquals("es_AR", matcher.getBestMatch("es_MX").toString());
matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, en, en_CA");
assertEquals("en_CA", matcher.getBestMatch("en_GB").toString());
matcher = new LocaleMatcher("de_AT, de_DE, de_CH");
assertEquals("de_DE", matcher.getBestMatch("de").toString());
* If all the base languages are the same, then each sublocale matches itself most closely
public void testExactMatches() {
String lastBase = "";
TreeSet<ULocale> sorted = new TreeSet();
for (ULocale loc : ULocale.getAvailableLocales()) {
String language = loc.getLanguage();
if (!lastBase.equals(language)) {
lastBase = language;
private void check(Set<ULocale> sorted) {
if (sorted.isEmpty()) {
ULocale first = sorted.iterator().next();
ULocale max = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(first);
* @param sorted
private void check2(Set<ULocale> sorted) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
logln("Checking: " + sorted);
LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher(
sorted.toArray(new ULocale[sorted.size()]))
for (ULocale loc : sorted) {
String stringLoc = loc.toString();
assertEquals(stringLoc, matcher.getBestMatch(stringLoc).toString());
// public void testComputeDistance_monkeyTest() {
// RegionCode[] codes = RegionCode.values();
// Random random = new Random();
// for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
// RegionCode x = codes[random.nextInt(codes.length)];
// RegionCode y = codes[random.nextInt(codes.length)];
// double d = LocaleMatcher.getRegionDistance(x, y, null, null);
// if (x == RegionCode.ZZ || y == RegionCode.ZZ) {
// assertEquals(LocaleMatcher.REGION_DISTANCE, d);
// } else if (x == y) {
// assertEquals(0.0, d);
// } else {
// assertTrue(d > 0);
// assertTrue(d <= LocaleMatcher.REGION_DISTANCE);
// }
// }
// }