blob: 6f3b30653e5d9973bd0de0f5719dc7b5b6df9632 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Google, Inc.; International Business Machines Corporation *
* and others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Provides a way to match the languages (locales) supported by a product to the
* languages (locales) acceptable to a user, and get the best match. For
* example:
* <pre>
* LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("fr, en-GB, en");
* // afterwards:
* matcher.getBestMatch("en-US").toLanguageTag() => "en"
* </pre>
* It takes into account when languages are close to one another, such as fil
* and tl, and when language regional variants are close, like en-GB and en-AU.
* It also handles scripts, like zh-Hant vs zh-TW. For examples, see the test
* file.
* <p>All classes implementing this interface should be immutable. Often a
* product will just need one static instance, built with the languages
* that it supports. However, it may want multiple instances with different
* default languages based on additional information, such as the domain.
* @author
* @stable ICU 4.4
public class LocaleMatcher {
private static boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final ULocale UNKNOWN_LOCALE = new ULocale("und");
* Threshold for falling back to the default (first) language. May make this
* a parameter in the future.
private static final double DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
* The default language, in case the threshold is not met.
private final ULocale defaultLanguage;
* The default language, in case the threshold is not met.
private final double threshold;
* Create a new language matcher. The highest-weighted language is the
* default. That means that if no other language is matches closer than a given
* threshold, that default language is chosen. Typically the default is English,
* but it could be different based on additional information, such as the domain
* of the page.
* @param languagePriorityList weighted list
* @stable ICU 4.4
public LocaleMatcher(LocalePriorityList languagePriorityList) {
this(languagePriorityList, defaultWritten);
* Create a new language matcher from a String form. The highest-weighted
* language is the default.
* @param languagePriorityListString String form of LanguagePriorityList
* @stable ICU 4.4
public LocaleMatcher(String languagePriorityListString) {
* Internal testing function; may expose API later.
* @param languagePriorityList LocalePriorityList to match
* @param matcherData Internal matching data
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LocaleMatcher(LocalePriorityList languagePriorityList, LanguageMatcherData matcherData) {
this(languagePriorityList, matcherData, DEFAULT_THRESHOLD);
* Internal testing function; may expose API later.
* @param languagePriorityList LocalePriorityList to match
* @param matcherData Internal matching data
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LocaleMatcher(LocalePriorityList languagePriorityList, LanguageMatcherData matcherData, double threshold) {
this.matcherData = matcherData == null ? defaultWritten : matcherData;
for (final ULocale language : languagePriorityList) {
add(language, languagePriorityList.getWeight(language));
Iterator<ULocale> it = languagePriorityList.iterator();
defaultLanguage = it.hasNext() ? : null;
this.threshold = threshold;
* Returns a fraction between 0 and 1, where 1 means that the languages are a
* perfect match, and 0 means that they are completely different. Note that
* the precise values may change over time; no code should be made dependent
* on the values remaining constant.
* @param desired Desired locale
* @param desiredMax Maximized locale (using likely subtags)
* @param supported Supported locale
* @param supportedMax Maximized locale (using likely subtags)
* @return value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
* @stable ICU 4.4
public double match(ULocale desired, ULocale desiredMax, ULocale supported, ULocale supportedMax) {
return matcherData.match(desired, desiredMax, supported, supportedMax);
* Canonicalize a locale (language). Note that for now, it is canonicalizing
* according to CLDR conventions (he vs iw, etc), since that is what is needed
* for likelySubtags.
* @param ulocale language/locale code
* @return ULocale with remapped subtags.
* @stable ICU 4.4
public ULocale canonicalize(ULocale ulocale) {
// TODO Get the data from CLDR, use Java conventions.
String lang = ulocale.getLanguage();
String lang2 = canonicalMap.get(lang);
String script = ulocale.getScript();
String script2 = canonicalMap.get(script);
String region = ulocale.getCountry();
String region2 = canonicalMap.get(region);
if (lang2 != null || script2 != null || region2 != null) {
return new ULocale(
lang2 == null ? lang : lang2,
script2 == null ? script : script2,
region2 == null ? region : region2
return ulocale;
* Get the best match for a LanguagePriorityList
* @param languageList list to match
* @return best matching language code
* @stable ICU 4.4
public ULocale getBestMatch(LocalePriorityList languageList) {
double bestWeight = 0;
ULocale bestTableMatch = null;
for (final ULocale language : languageList) {
final Row.R2<ULocale, Double> matchRow = getBestMatchInternal(language);
final double weight = matchRow.get1() * languageList.getWeight(language);
if (weight > bestWeight) {
bestWeight = weight;
bestTableMatch = matchRow.get0();
if (bestWeight < threshold) {
bestTableMatch = defaultLanguage;
return bestTableMatch;
* Convenience method: Get the best match for a LanguagePriorityList
* @param languageList String form of language priority list
* @return best matching language code
* @stable ICU 4.4
public ULocale getBestMatch(String languageList) {
return getBestMatch(LocalePriorityList.add(languageList).build());
* Get the best match for an individual language code.
* @param ulocale locale/language code to match
* @return best matching language code
* @stable ICU 4.4
public ULocale getBestMatch(ULocale ulocale) {
return getBestMatchInternal(ulocale).get0();
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public ULocale getBestMatch(ULocale... ulocales) {
return getBestMatch(LocalePriorityList.add(ulocales).build());
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 4.4
public String toString() {
return "{" + defaultLanguage + ", "
+ maximizedLanguageToWeight + "}";
// ================= Privates =====================
* Get the best match for an individual language code.
* @param languageCode
* @return best matching language code and weight (as per
* {@link #match(ULocale, ULocale)})
private Row.R2<ULocale, Double> getBestMatchInternal(ULocale languageCode) {
languageCode = canonicalize(languageCode);
final ULocale maximized = addLikelySubtags(languageCode);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\n" + languageCode + ";\t" + maximized);
double bestWeight = 0;
ULocale bestTableMatch = null;
for (final ULocale tableKey : maximizedLanguageToWeight.keySet()) {
R2<ULocale, Double> row = maximizedLanguageToWeight.get(tableKey);
final double match = match(languageCode, maximized, tableKey, row.get0());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\t" + tableKey + ";\t" + row.toString() + ";\t" + match + "\n");
final double weight = match * row.get1();
if (weight > bestWeight) {
bestWeight = weight;
bestTableMatch = tableKey;
if (bestWeight < threshold) {
bestTableMatch = defaultLanguage;
return Row.R2.of(bestTableMatch, bestWeight);
private void add(ULocale language, Double weight) {
language = canonicalize(language);
R2<ULocale, Double> row = Row.of(addLikelySubtags(language), weight);
maximizedLanguageToWeight.put(language, row);
Map<ULocale,Row.R2<ULocale, Double>> maximizedLanguageToWeight = new LinkedHashMap<ULocale, R2<ULocale, Double>>();
// =============== Special Mapping Information ==============
* We need to add another method to addLikelySubtags that doesn't return
* null, but instead substitutes Zzzz and ZZ if unknown. There are also
* a few cases where addLikelySubtags needs to have expanded data, to handle
* all deprecated codes, and to update to CLDR 1.6.
* @param languageCode
* @return "fixed" addLikelySubtags
// TODO(markdavis): update the above when CLDR 1.6 is final.
private ULocale addLikelySubtags(ULocale languageCode) {
// max("und") = "en_Latn_US", and since matching is based on maximized tags, the undefined
// language would normally match English. But that would produce the counterintuitive results
// that getBestMatch("und", LocaleMatcher("it,en")) would be "en", and
// getBestMatch("en", LocaleMatcher("it,und")) would be "und".
// To avoid that, we change the matcher's definitions of max (AddLikelySubtagsWithDefaults)
// so that max("und")="und". That produces the following, more desirable results:
if (languageCode.equals(UNKNOWN_LOCALE)) {
final ULocale result = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(languageCode);
// should have method on getLikelySubtags for this
if (result == null || result.equals(languageCode)) {
final String language = languageCode.getLanguage();
final String script = languageCode.getScript();
final String region = languageCode.getCountry();
return new ULocale((language.length()==0 ? "und"
: language)
+ "_"
+ (script.length()==0 ? "Zzzz" : script)
+ "_"
+ (region.length()==0 ? "ZZ" : region));
return result;
private static class LocalePatternMatcher {
// a value of null means a wildcard; matches any.
private String lang;
private String script;
private String region;
private Level level;
static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
+ "(?:[_-]([A-Z][a-z]{3}|\\*))?"
+ "(?:[_-]([A-Z]{2}|[0-9]{3}|\\*))?");
public LocalePatternMatcher(String toMatch) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(toMatch);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad pattern: " + toMatch);
lang =;
script =;
region =;
level = region != null ? Level.region : script != null ? Level.script : Level.language;
if (lang.equals("*")) {
lang = null;
if (script != null && script.equals("*")) {
script = null;
if (region != null && region.equals("*")) {
region = null;
boolean matches(ULocale ulocale) {
if (lang != null && !lang.equals(ulocale.getLanguage())) {
return false;
if (script != null && !script.equals(ulocale.getScript())) {
return false;
if (region != null && !region.equals(ulocale.getCountry())) {
return false;
return true;
public Level getLevel() {
return level;
public String getLanguage() {
return (lang == null ? "*" : lang);
public String getScript() {
return (script == null ? "*" : script);
public String getRegion() {
return (region == null ? "*" : region);
public String toString() {
String result = getLanguage();
if (level != Level.language) {
result += "-" + getScript();
if (level != Level.script) {
result += "-" + getRegion();
return result;
enum Level {
final double worst;
Level(double d) {
worst = d;
private static class ScoreData implements Freezable<ScoreData> {
private static final double maxUnequal_changeD_sameS = 0.5;
private static final double maxUnequal_changeEqual = 0.75;
LinkedHashSet<Row.R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double>> scores = new LinkedHashSet<R3<LocalePatternMatcher, LocalePatternMatcher, Double>>();
final Level level;
public ScoreData(Level level) {
this.level = level;
void addDataToScores(String desired, String supported, R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double> data) {
// Map<String, Set<R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double>>> lang_result = scores.get(desired);
// if (lang_result == null) {
// scores.put(desired, lang_result = new HashMap());
// }
// Set<R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double>> result = lang_result.get(supported);
// if (result == null) {
// lang_result.put(supported, result = new LinkedHashSet());
// }
// result.add(data);
double getScore(ULocale desiredLocale, ULocale dMax, String desiredRaw, String desiredMax,
ULocale supportedLocale, ULocale sMax, String supportedRaw, String supportedMax) {
* d, dm, s, sm
* dc = d != dm
* sc = s != sm
* if dm != sm
* rd = rd(dm,sm) // line 4
* if dc != sc
* rd *= 0.75 // lines 3,8
* ef dc
* rd *= 0.5 // lines 7
* end
* ef dc == sc
* rd = 0 // line 6
* else
* rd = 0.25*StdRDiff // lines 2,5
// example: input en-GB, supported en en-GB
// we want to have a closer match with
// boolean desiredChange = desiredRaw.equals(desiredMax);
// boolean supportedChange = supportedRaw.equals(supportedMax);
double distance = 0;
if (!desiredMax.equals(supportedMax)) {
// Map<String, Set<R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double>>> lang_result = scores.get(desiredMax);
// if (lang_result == null) {
// distance = worst;
// } else {
// Set<R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double>> result = lang_result.get(supportedMax);
// skip:
// if (result == null) {
// distance = worst;
// } else {
distance = getRawScore(dMax, sMax);
// }
// if (desiredChange == supportedChange) {
// distance *= maxUnequal_changeEqual;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\t\t\t" + level + " Distance (maxD≠maxS, changeD=changeS)\t" + distance);
// }
// } else if (desiredChange) {
// distance *= maxUnequal_changeD_sameS;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\t\t\t" + level + " Distance (maxD≠maxS, changeD, !changeS)\t" + distance);
// }
// } else {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\t\t\t" + level + " Distance (maxD≠maxS, !changeD, changeS)\t" + distance);
// }
// }
} else if (!desiredRaw.equals(supportedRaw)) { // maxes are equal, changes are equal
distance += 0.001;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\t\t\t" + level + " Distance (maxD=maxS, changeD=changeS)\t" + distance);
// }
} else { // maxes are equal, changes are different
// distance = 0.25*level.worst;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\t\t\t" + level + " Distance (maxD=maxS, changeD≠changeS)\t" + distance);
// }
return distance;
private double getRawScore(ULocale desiredLocale, ULocale supportedLocale) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\t\t\t" + level + " Raw Score:\t" + desiredLocale + ";\t" + supportedLocale);
for (R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double> datum : scores) { // : result
if (datum.get0().matches(desiredLocale)
&& datum.get1().matches(supportedLocale)) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\t\t\t\tFOUND\t" + datum);
return datum.get2();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\t\t\t\tNOTFOUND\t" + level.worst);
return level.worst;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder().append(level);
for (R3<LocalePatternMatcher, LocalePatternMatcher, Double> score : scores) {
return result.toString();
public ScoreData cloneAsThawed() {
try {
ScoreData result = (ScoreData) clone();
result.scores = (LinkedHashSet<R3<LocalePatternMatcher, LocalePatternMatcher, Double>>) result.scores.clone();
result.frozen = false;
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new ICUCloneNotSupportedException(e); // will never happen
private volatile boolean frozen = false;
public ScoreData freeze() {
return this;
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
* Only for testing and use by tools. Interface may change!!
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public static class LanguageMatcherData implements Freezable<LanguageMatcherData> {
ScoreData languageScores = new ScoreData(Level.language);
ScoreData scriptScores = new ScoreData(Level.script);
ScoreData regionScores = new ScoreData(Level.region);
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LanguageMatcherData() {
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public String toString() {
return languageScores + "\n\t" + scriptScores + "\n\t" + regionScores;
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public double match(ULocale a, ULocale aMax, ULocale b, ULocale bMax) {
double diff = 0;
diff += languageScores.getScore(a, aMax, a.getLanguage(), aMax.getLanguage(), b, bMax, b.getLanguage(), bMax.getLanguage());
diff += scriptScores.getScore(a, aMax, a.getScript(), aMax.getScript(), b, bMax, b.getScript(), bMax.getScript());
diff += regionScores.getScore(a, aMax, a.getCountry(), aMax.getCountry(), b, bMax, b.getCountry(), bMax.getCountry());
if (!a.getVariant().equals(b.getVariant())) {
diff += 0.01;
if (diff < 0.0d) {
diff = 0.0d;
} else if (diff > 1.0d) {
diff = 1.0d;
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\t\t\tTotal Distance\t" + diff);
return 1.0 - diff;
* Add an exceptional distance between languages, typically because regional
* dialects were given their own language codes. At this point the code is
* symmetric. We don't bother producing an equivalence class because there are
* so few cases; this function depends on the other permutations being
* added specifically.
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
private LanguageMatcherData addDistance(String desired, String supported, int percent) {
return addDistance(desired, supported, percent, false, null);
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LanguageMatcherData addDistance(String desired, String supported, int percent, String comment) {
return addDistance(desired, supported, percent, false, comment);
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LanguageMatcherData addDistance(String desired, String supported, int percent, boolean oneway) {
return addDistance(desired, supported, percent, oneway, null);
private LanguageMatcherData addDistance(String desired, String supported, int percent, boolean oneway, String comment) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\t<languageMatch desired=\"" + desired + "\"" +
" supported=\"" + supported + "\"" +
" percent=\"" + percent + "\""
+ (oneway ? " oneway=\"true\"" : "")
+ "/>"
+ (comment == null ? "" : "\t<!-- " + comment + " -->"));
// // .addDistance("nn", "nb", 4, true)
// System.out.println(".addDistance(\"" + desired + "\"" +
// ", \"" + supported + "\"" +
// ", " + percent + ""
// + (oneway ? "" : ", true")
// + (comment == null ? "" : ", \"" + comment + "\"")
// + ")"
// );
double score = 1-percent/100.0; // convert from percentage
LocalePatternMatcher desiredMatcher = new LocalePatternMatcher(desired);
Level desiredLen = desiredMatcher.getLevel();
LocalePatternMatcher supportedMatcher = new LocalePatternMatcher(supported);
Level supportedLen = supportedMatcher.getLevel();
if (desiredLen != supportedLen) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lengths unequal: " + desired + ", " + supported);
R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double> data = Row.of(desiredMatcher, supportedMatcher, score);
R3<LocalePatternMatcher,LocalePatternMatcher,Double> data2 = oneway ? null : Row.of(supportedMatcher, desiredMatcher, score);
switch (desiredLen) {
case language:
String dlanguage = desiredMatcher.getLanguage();
String slanguage = supportedMatcher.getLanguage();
languageScores.addDataToScores(dlanguage, slanguage, data);
if (!oneway) {
languageScores.addDataToScores(slanguage, dlanguage, data2);
case script:
String dscript = desiredMatcher.getScript();
String sscript = supportedMatcher.getScript();
scriptScores.addDataToScores(dscript, sscript, data);
if (!oneway) {
scriptScores.addDataToScores(sscript, dscript, data2);
case region:
String dregion = desiredMatcher.getRegion();
String sregion = supportedMatcher.getRegion();
regionScores.addDataToScores(dregion, sregion, data);
if (!oneway) {
regionScores.addDataToScores(sregion, dregion, data2);
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LanguageMatcherData cloneAsThawed() {
LanguageMatcherData result;
try {
result = (LanguageMatcherData) clone();
result.languageScores = languageScores.cloneAsThawed();
result.scriptScores = scriptScores.cloneAsThawed();
result.regionScores = regionScores.cloneAsThawed();
result.frozen = false;
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new ICUCloneNotSupportedException(e); // will never happen
private volatile boolean frozen = false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public LanguageMatcherData freeze() {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
LanguageMatcherData matcherData;
private static final LanguageMatcherData defaultWritten;
// = new LanguageMatcherData()
// // TODO get data from CLDR
// .addDistance("no", "nb", 100, "The language no is normally taken as nb in content; we might alias this for lookup.")
// .addDistance("nn", "nb", 96)
// .addDistance("nn", "no", 96)
// .addDistance("da", "no", 90, "Danish and norwegian are reasonably close.")
// .addDistance("da", "nb", 90)
// .addDistance("hr", "br", 96, "Serbo-croatian variants are all very close.")
// .addDistance("sh", "br", 96)
// .addDistance("sr", "br", 96)
// .addDistance("sh", "hr", 96)
// .addDistance("sr", "hr", 96)
// .addDistance("sh", "sr", 96)
// .addDistance("sr-Latn", "sr-Cyrl", 90, "Most serbs can read either script.")
// .addDistance("*-Hans", "*-Hant", 85, true, "Readers of simplified can read traditional much better than reverse.")
// .addDistance("*-Hant", "*-Hans", 75, true)
// .addDistance("en-*-US", "en-*-*", 97, "Non-US English variants are closer to each other (written). Make en-US be further from everything else.")
// .addDistance("en-*-*", "en-*-*", 99)
// .addDistance("es-*-ES", "es-*-*", 97, "Latin American Spanishes are closer to each other. Make es-ES be further from everything else.")
// .addDistance("es-*-419", "es-*-*", 99, "Have es-MX, es-AR, etc be closer to es-419 than to each other")
// .addDistance("es-*-*", "es-*-*", 97)
// .addDistance("*", "*", 1, "[Default value -- must be at end!] Normally there is no comprehension of different languages.")
// .addDistance("*-*", "*-*", 20, "[Default value -- must be at end!] Normally there is little comprehension of different scripts.")
// .addDistance("*-*-*", "*-*-*", 96, "[Default value -- must be at end!] Normally there are small differences across regions.")
// .freeze();
private static HashMap<String,String> canonicalMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
static class DataHack implements Comparable<DataHack>{
final String source;
final String target;
int percent;
public DataHack(String source, String target, int percent) {
this.source = source; = target.equals("de_CH") ? "de" : target; // hack to fix bad data
this.percent = percent;
static final Pattern STAR_KEEP = Pattern.compile("([^_]+)(?:_[^_]+(?:_[^_]+)?)?");
public int compareTo(DataHack other) {
// this is just a one-time hack so we don't need to optimize
int diff = getUnderbars(source) - getUnderbars(other.source);
if (0 != diff) {
return diff;
String thisSource = source.replace('*', 'þ'); // just something after Z
String otherSource = other.source.replace('*', 'þ'); // just something after Z
diff = thisSource.compareTo(otherSource);
if (0 != diff) {
return diff;
String thisTarget = target.replace('*', 'þ'); // just something after Z
String otherTarget ='*', 'þ'); // just something after Z
diff = thisTarget.compareTo(otherTarget);
// Matcher matcher = STAR_KEEP.matcher(source);
// matcher.matches();
// String first =;
// String second =;
// String third =;
// Matcher matcherB = STAR_KEEP.matcher(source);
// String firstB =;
// String secondB =;
// String thirdB =;
// int diff = onlyStars.length() - onlyStarsOther.length();
if (0 != diff) {
return diff;
diff = source.compareTo(other.source);
if (0 != diff) {
return diff;
return target.compareTo(;
* @param source2
private int getUnderbars(String source2) {
int pos = source2.indexOf('_');
if (pos < 0) {
return 0;
pos = source2.indexOf('_',pos+1);
return pos < 0 ? 1 : 2;
public String toString() {
return source + ", " + target + " => " + percent;
static {
// TODO get data from CLDR
canonicalMap.put("iw", "he");
canonicalMap.put("mo", "ro");
canonicalMap.put("tl", "fil");
ICUResourceBundle suppData = getICUSupplementalData();
ICUResourceBundle languageMatching = suppData.findTopLevel("languageMatching");
ICUResourceBundle written = (ICUResourceBundle) languageMatching.get("written");
defaultWritten = new LanguageMatcherData();
// The data coming from ICU may be old, and badly ordered.
TreeSet<DataHack> hack = new TreeSet<DataHack>();
defaultWritten.addDistance("en_*_US", "en_*_*", 97);
defaultWritten.addDistance("en_*_GB", "en_*_*", 98);
defaultWritten.addDistance("es_*_ES", "es_*_*", 97);
defaultWritten.addDistance("es_*_419", "es_*_*", 99);
defaultWritten.addDistance("es_*_*", "es_*_*", 98);
for(UResourceBundleIterator iter = written.getIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ICUResourceBundle item = (ICUResourceBundle);
hack.add(new DataHack(item.getString(0), item.getString(1), Integer.parseInt(item.getString(2))));
for (DataHack dataHack : hack) {
defaultWritten.addDistance(dataHack.source,, dataHack.percent);
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public static ICUResourceBundle getICUSupplementalData() {
ICUResourceBundle suppData = (ICUResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(
return suppData;
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public static double match(ULocale a, ULocale b) {
final LocaleMatcher matcher = new LocaleMatcher("");
return matcher.match(a, matcher.addLikelySubtags(a), b, matcher.addLikelySubtags(b));