blob: 0ccd49b0c7bb0f547d73c9ada4c5242ba829f2c9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
final class UConverterStaticData { /* +offset: size */
int structSize; /* +0: 4 Size of this structure */
String name; /* +4: 60 internal name of the converter- invariant chars */
int codepage; /* +64: 4 codepage # (now IBM-$codepage) */
byte platform; /* +68: 1 platform of the converter (only IBM now) */
byte conversionType; /* +69: 1 conversion type */
byte minBytesPerChar; /* +70: 1 Minimum # bytes per char in this codepage */
byte maxBytesPerChar; /* +71: 1 Maximum # bytes output per UChar in this codepage */
byte subChar[/*UCNV_MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN*/]; /* +72: 4 [note: 4 and 8 byte boundary] */
byte subCharLen; /* +76: 1 */
byte hasToUnicodeFallback; /* +77: 1 UBool needs to be changed to UBool to be consistent across platform */
byte hasFromUnicodeFallback; /* +78: 1 */
short unicodeMask; /* +79: 1 bit 0: has supplementary bit 1: has single surrogates */
byte subChar1; /* +80: 1 single-byte substitution character for IBM MBCS (0 if none) */
byte reserved[/*19*/]; /* +81: 19 to round out the structure */
/* total size: 100 */
public UConverterStaticData()
subChar = new byte[UConverterConstants.MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN];
reserved = new byte[19];
/* public UConverterStaticData(int structSize_, String name_, int codepage_, byte platform_, byte conversionType_, byte minBytesPerChar_, byte maxBytesPerChar_, byte[] subChar_, byte subCharLen_, byte hasToUnicodeFallback_, byte hasFromUnicodeFallback_, short unicodeMask_, byte subChar1_, byte[] reserved_)
structSize = structSize_;
name = name_;
codepage = codepage_;
platform = platform_;
conversionType = conversionType_;
minBytesPerChar = minBytesPerChar_;
maxBytesPerChar = maxBytesPerChar_;
subChar = new byte[UConverterConstants.MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN];
System.arraycopy(subChar_, 0, subChar, 0, (subChar.length < subChar_.length? subChar.length : subChar_.length));
subCharLen = subCharLen_;
hasToUnicodeFallback = hasToUnicodeFallback_;
hasFromUnicodeFallback = hasFromUnicodeFallback_;
unicodeMask = unicodeMask_;
subChar1 = subChar1_;
reserved = new byte[19];
System.arraycopy(reserved_, 0, reserved, 0, (reserved.length < reserved_.length? reserved.length : reserved_.length));
public static final int SIZE_OF_UCONVERTER_STATIC_DATA = 100;