blob: 26d5585e6f244c0043a10a5965825cad5514b5d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* ICU's currency meta info data.
public class ICUCurrencyMetaInfo extends CurrencyMetaInfo {
private ICUResourceBundle regionInfo;
private ICUResourceBundle digitInfo;
public ICUCurrencyMetaInfo() {
ICUResourceBundle bundle = (ICUResourceBundle) ICUResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(
ICUResourceBundle.ICU_CURR_BASE_NAME, "supplementalData",
regionInfo = bundle.findTopLevel("CurrencyMap");
digitInfo = bundle.findTopLevel("CurrencyMeta");
public List<CurrencyInfo> currencyInfo(CurrencyFilter filter) {
return collect(new InfoCollector(), filter);
public List<String> currencies(CurrencyFilter filter) {
return collect(new CurrencyCollector(), filter);
public List<String> regions(CurrencyFilter filter) {
return collect(new RegionCollector(), filter);
public CurrencyDigits currencyDigits(String isoCode) {
ICUResourceBundle b = digitInfo.findWithFallback(isoCode);
if (b == null) {
b = digitInfo.findWithFallback("DEFAULT");
int[] data = b.getIntVector();
return new CurrencyDigits(data[0], data[1]);
private <T> List<T> collect(Collector<T> collector, CurrencyFilter filter) {
// We rely on the fact that the data lists the regions in order, and the
// priorities in order within region. This means we don't need
// to sort the results to ensure the ordering matches the spec.
if (filter == null) {
filter = CurrencyFilter.all();
int needed = collector.collects();
if (filter.region != null) {
needed |= Region;
if (filter.currency != null) {
needed |= Currency;
if (filter.from != Long.MIN_VALUE || != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
needed |= Date;
if (needed != 0) {
if (filter.region != null) {
ICUResourceBundle b = regionInfo.findWithFallback(filter.region);
if (b != null) {
collectRegion(collector, filter, needed, b);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < regionInfo.getSize(); i++) {
collectRegion(collector, filter, needed,;
return collector.getList();
private <T> void collectRegion(Collector<T> collector, CurrencyFilter filter,
int needed, ICUResourceBundle b) {
String region = b.getKey();
if ((needed & nonRegion) == 0) {
collector.collect(b.getKey(), null, 0, 0, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < b.getSize(); i++) {
ICUResourceBundle r =;
if (r.getSize() == 0) {
// AQ[0] is an empty array instead of a table, so the bundle is null.
// There's no data here, so we skip this entirely.
// We'd do a type test, but the ResourceArray type is private.
String currency = null;
long from = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long to = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if ((needed & Currency) != 0) {
ICUResourceBundle currBundle ="id");
currency = currBundle.getString();
if (filter.currency != null && !filter.currency.equals(currency)) {
if ((needed & Date) != 0) {
from = getDate("from"), Long.MIN_VALUE);
to = getDate("to"), Long.MAX_VALUE);
// In the data, to is always > from. This means that when we have a range
// from == to, the comparisons below will always do the right thing, despite
// the range being technically empty. It really should be [from, from+1) but
// this way we don't need to fiddle with it.
if (filter.from >= to) {
if ( <= from) {
// data lists elements in priority order, so 'i' suffices
collector.collect(region, currency, from, to, i);
private static final long MASK = 4294967295L;
private long getDate(ICUResourceBundle b, long defaultValue) {
if (b == null) {
return defaultValue;
int[] values = b.getIntVector();
return ((long) values[0] << 32) | ((long) values[1] & MASK);
// Utility, just because I don't like the n^2 behavior of using list.contains to build a
// list of unique items. If we used java 6 we could use their class for this.
private static class UniqueList<T> {
private Set<T> seen = new HashSet<T>();
private List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
private static <T> UniqueList<T> create() {
return new UniqueList<T>();
void add(T value) {
if (!seen.contains(value)) {
List<T> list() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
private static class InfoCollector implements Collector<CurrencyInfo> {
// Data is already unique by region/priority, so we don't need to be concerned
// about duplicates.
private List<CurrencyInfo> result = new ArrayList<CurrencyInfo>();
public void collect(String region, String currency, long from, long to, int priority) {
result.add(new CurrencyInfo(region, currency, from, to, priority));
public List<CurrencyInfo> getList() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
public int collects() {
return Region | Currency | Date;
private static class RegionCollector implements Collector<String> {
private final UniqueList<String> result = UniqueList.create();
public void collect(String region, String currency, long from, long to, int priority) {
public int collects() {
return Region;
public List<String> getList() {
return result.list();
private static class CurrencyCollector implements Collector<String> {
private final UniqueList<String> result = UniqueList.create();
public void collect(String region, String currency, long from, long to, int priority) {
public int collects() {
return Currency;
public List<String> getList() {
return result.list();
private static final int Region = 1;
private static final int Currency = 2;
private static final int Date = 4;
private static final int nonRegion = Currency | Date;
private static interface Collector<T> {
* A bitmask of Region/Currency/Date indicating which features we collect.
* @return the bitmask
int collects();
* Called with data passed by filter. Values not collected by filter should be ignored.
* @param region the region code (null if ignored)
* @param currency the currency code (null if ignored)
* @param from start time (0 if ignored)
* @param to end time (0 if ignored)
* @param priority priority (-1 if ignored)
void collect(String region, String currency, long from, long to, int priority);
* Return the list of unique items in the order in which we encountered them for the
* first time. The returned list is unmodifiable.
* @return the list
List<T> getList();