blob: 18f83b8e07089a23c224872ae487fe4be911fbd9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ********************************************************************
# * Copyright (c) 2005-2007, International Business Machines Corporation and
# * others. All Rights Reserved.
# ********************************************************************
use strict;
use lib '../perldriver';
use PerfFramework;
my $options = {
"title"=>"UnicodeSet span()/contains() performance",
"headers"=>"Bv Bv0",
"operationIs"=>"tested Unicode code point",
# programs
# tests will be done for all the programs. Results will be stored and connected
my $p = "Release/unisetperf.exe -e UTF-8";
my $pc = "$p Contains";
my $p16 = "$p SpanUTF16";
my $p8 = "$p SpanUTF8";
my $tests = {
"Contains", ["$pc --type Bv",
"$pc --type Bv0"
"SpanUTF16", ["$p16 --type Bv",
"$p16 --type Bv0"
my $dataFiles = {
runTests($options, $tests, $dataFiles);
$options = {
"title"=>"UnicodeSet span()/contains() performance",
"headers"=>"Bv BvF Bvp BvpF L Bvl",
"operationIs"=>"tested Unicode code point",
$tests = {
"SpanUTF8", ["$p8 --type Bv",
"$p8 --type BvF",
"$p8 --type Bvp",
"$p8 --type BvpF",
"$p8 --type L",
"$p8 --type Bvl"
runTests($options, $tests, $dataFiles);